Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 2 →
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re-elected Treas ., and Bro . Daly , Tyler . The auditors wero appointed , and is was resolved that , the audit meeting should "be hold at Bro . Bryan ' s , tho Swan , Great Dover-street , on August 1 , at 7 p . m . On the motion of Bro . J . Avery , I . P . M ., ¦ seconded by the S . W ., a P . M . ' s jewel was voted to Bro . Leonard , to bo presented to him at tho close of his year of offices in August . The bye-laws were read , and tho lodge was
closed , after which an admirable banquet was served , and a delightful evening spent . The lodge was honoured with the presence of Bros . L . Alexander ( 188 ) , J . Bavin ( 147 ) , F . AValters ( 73 ) , AV . B . Roberts ( 181 ) , J . Barrett ( S 71 ) , and T . B . Johnson ( 111 ) as visitors . NEW COXCOHD LODGE ( NO . 813 ) . —On Thursday , tho 19 th inst ., the annual summer festival of this lodge was held at the Crystal Palace , Bro . Main , W . M ., presiding . No fewer than
seventy-six gentlemen took their places at an elegantly-appointed table in the dining room of the Grand Saloon , to partake of a sumptuous dinner excellently served by Bro . Bertram , of tho Crystal Palace . A second dinner was provided in the room
above for thirteen ladies , the friends of a few of tho members present . Among the company we noticed the following brethren from tho Old Concord Lodge : —Bros . Dixon , W . M . ; Gin-ton , Jackson , Nicholson , Emmens , P . M . 's ; Sallust , S . W . ; Manger , Taylor , and Master-man . There were also present Bro . Matthews , P . M . 11 ; Honey , 11 ; Bird , 20 ; Leah , 193 ; and Muggeiidge . The cloth having been removed and the ladies admitted , the customary loyal toasts were drunk with the usual honours
, after which " The Army , Navy , and Volunteers , " ably responded to by Bro . Matthews ; "The Visitors who are not Masons , " to which Mr . Hows replied ; "The Visitors wdio are Masons , " replied to by Bros . Muggeridge and Leah ; and " Success to the New Concord Lodge , " were given and heartily received . A few other toasts were druuk . " The Health of the Ladies -who had graced the dessert by their presence" being tho
, ¦ appropriate conclusion of a very pleasant evening . Bro . II . Parker presided at the pianoforte , and the vocal performances of Miss Alice \ A oolams , Bro . Woolams , and Mr . II . Thomas -were all that could be desired . Tho toasts were given by Bro . Speight , the Tyler of the lodge , who , hy reason of his powerful voice , made an admirable toastmaster .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . LIYEHPOOI . —Si . John's Lodge ( No . 673 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday afternoon , the 4 th lust ., at 90 , Duke-street , and was opened in due form by Bro . R . Pearson , A \ . M . The minutes of former meeting were read and passed in the usual way . The ballot was then taken for two candidates for initiation , viz . Mr . XV . Litt-Iefield and Mr . XV "Gallagher , which proved unanimous in their favour . The
installation of the Master elect was then proceeded with , by Bro . Ralph Robinson , P . M . of the Merchants' Lodge , No . 2-11 , assisted by Bros . Pearson , Wadlnm , Thornton , Pepper , and Hamer , Prov . G . Treas . The AV . M ., Bro . G . Ladmore , having heen proclaimed in the usual way , appointed his officers , Bros . R . Pearson , as P . M . and Treas . ; J . B . Bunting , S . \ A . ; Stephen Johnson , J . AV . ; Ilockon , Sec . ; II . Thornton , S . D . ; Milson , J . D . ; ClarkeI . G . Messrs . Littlefield and Gallagherwho were
pre-, , viously ballotted for , being in attendance , were duly initiated by the installed \\ . M . Then tho brethren , numbering about sixty , adjourned to dinner in the dining room . Grace having been said by the W . AI ., lie gave several usual Masonic toasts , viz .: "The Queen , Prince of A \ ales , and the rest of the Royal Family , " "The Most AA'orshipful Grand Master of England , "the Deputy Grand Master , and the rest of the Grand Officers , " " The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of West
Lancashire , " & c . Several brethren contributed to tho enjoyment of the evening . The brethren -then resumed labour . Several propositions were proposed nud seconded in regard to candidates for initiation . Business being over , the lodge was closed in iieace and harmony .
Tno HEAVESIY TEJIPIE . —The stones appointed for the glorious temple above , are hewn , and polished , and prepared for it here ; as the stone 3 were wrought and prepared in the mountains , for building the temple of Jerusalem .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . MOUNT LEBANON CHAPTER ( NO . 73 ) . —The regular convocation of this chapter was held on the 12 th inst ., at the Green Man Tavern , Tooley-street . Comps . F . AValters , M . E . Z . ; C . A . Cottebrune , P . Z . ; and H . A . Avery , J ., opened the chapter , assisted by Comps . II . Mugo-eridgo , P . Z . ; J . AA . HalseyJ . 507 and A . 1 ) . LoewensSvrkJ 1 S 5 SNand
, , , . , .. Treas . of the chapter . The companions were then admitted , and the M E . Z . invested Comps . A . P . Leonard as P . S ., and T . J . Sabine as 1 st A . S . There were also present Comps . A . P . Steadman , M . A . Loewenstark , and many others . The minutes of tho former convocation wero read and confirmed . A ballot was taken for Bro . J . Green . Letters of apology were received from several candidatesexpressing their regret
, at not being able to attend . The ceremony of exaltation was then worked for practice . Comp . XV . Y . Laing was elected Janitor of this chapter . The chapter was then duly closed till October . Visitors : Comps . J . W . Halsey , J . 507 ; Rev . W . Taylor , Joues , Barnett . aud others .
Mark Masonry.
CORNWALL . FALMOUTH . —Lodge of Love and Honour ( No . 94 ) .- The members of this Mark lodge met at the Royal Hotel on Monday , the lGth inst ., for the first time since the granting of the warrant on tho 18 th of June of this year . At 3 p . m . a Board of Installed Masters was formed , and afterwards the brethren wore admitted . The lodge was then opened by Bro . XV . J . HughanP . M . 7 SJ . G . Overseerassisted bBros . Thomas
, , , y Chirgwin , AV . M . 73 , as S . W . ; XV . J . Johns , J . W . 78 , as J . AV .,-Fran-k Harvey , AV . M . 87 , as P . M . ; Capt . H . Barber , G . Steward ; Captain Sleeman , D . AV . Tremewen , T . Webber , F . AV . Newman , and others . The warrant having been read , and the lodge duly opened for the purposes of Mark Masonry , several Master Masons were balloted for and accepted , and , three being in attendance , were advanced according to ancient custom by the
acting \ v . M ., who was ably supported by the members of the new lodge and the visiting brethren . Bro . Reginald Rogers ( D . Prov . G . M . in the Craft ) , the W . M . designate , was then presented for the benefit of installation , whereupon Bro . Thos . Chirgwin , AA . M . 78 , took the chair , and , after having put the usual questions , requested all hretlnen to retire who were below the degree of I . M . A Board of Installed Masters was then formedconsisting of fourand the Installing Master
, , proceeded to deliver the addresses , charges , & c , in a most masterly manner , and to the great satisfaction of the Board . The XV . Xi . of 91 was then formally placed in the chair , and saluted accordingly . Bro . Reginald Rogers then appointed Bro . XV . J . Hughan as I . P . M , 94 , and thanked the members of
the Board for their kind attendance and assistance . The degree having been closed , the brethren were readmitted , and Bro . Chirgwin , the Installing Master , very impressively delivered the charges to the Wardens , Overseers , and the members generally . Tho following brethren were then presented , appointed , and invested as the remaining officers of the Love and Honour Mark Lodge , and were conducted to their several stations by one of the Past Mastersamid the laudits of the members ;—Bros .
, p Francis W . Newman , S . \ A . ; Captain 1-1 . Barber , G . S ., J . W . ; Captain H . A . Sleeman , M . O . ; D . William Tremewen , S . O . ; J . Frederick Trull , J . O . ; Thomas AA ebber , Sec ; AA . Henry Dnnstan , S . D . ; Dr . Harris , J . D . ; John Stills , I . G . ; Giffin , Tyler . The AA . M . then proposed that Bros . XV . J . Hughan , T . Chirgwin , and F . Harvey be elected honorary members of the lodge , and that the thanks of this lodge be expressed to
them for their assistance , and also for the attendance of the visiting brethren who contributed towards the success of the opening of the lodge . This being unanimously approved of , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet , at which Bro . F . AV . Newman , S . W ., presided , in the unavoidable absence cf the W . M . It is quite impossible for us to speak too highly of the most effective arrangements made by the members of the Love and Honour Mark Lodge for the comfort of the visiting brethren . Their efforts culminated in the banquet , at which Bro . Middleton , of the Royal Hotel , almost surpassed himself . Everything gave complete satis-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
re-elected Treas ., and Bro . Daly , Tyler . The auditors wero appointed , and is was resolved that , the audit meeting should "be hold at Bro . Bryan ' s , tho Swan , Great Dover-street , on August 1 , at 7 p . m . On the motion of Bro . J . Avery , I . P . M ., ¦ seconded by the S . W ., a P . M . ' s jewel was voted to Bro . Leonard , to bo presented to him at tho close of his year of offices in August . The bye-laws were read , and tho lodge was
closed , after which an admirable banquet was served , and a delightful evening spent . The lodge was honoured with the presence of Bros . L . Alexander ( 188 ) , J . Bavin ( 147 ) , F . AValters ( 73 ) , AV . B . Roberts ( 181 ) , J . Barrett ( S 71 ) , and T . B . Johnson ( 111 ) as visitors . NEW COXCOHD LODGE ( NO . 813 ) . —On Thursday , tho 19 th inst ., the annual summer festival of this lodge was held at the Crystal Palace , Bro . Main , W . M ., presiding . No fewer than
seventy-six gentlemen took their places at an elegantly-appointed table in the dining room of the Grand Saloon , to partake of a sumptuous dinner excellently served by Bro . Bertram , of tho Crystal Palace . A second dinner was provided in the room
above for thirteen ladies , the friends of a few of tho members present . Among the company we noticed the following brethren from tho Old Concord Lodge : —Bros . Dixon , W . M . ; Gin-ton , Jackson , Nicholson , Emmens , P . M . 's ; Sallust , S . W . ; Manger , Taylor , and Master-man . There were also present Bro . Matthews , P . M . 11 ; Honey , 11 ; Bird , 20 ; Leah , 193 ; and Muggeiidge . The cloth having been removed and the ladies admitted , the customary loyal toasts were drunk with the usual honours
, after which " The Army , Navy , and Volunteers , " ably responded to by Bro . Matthews ; "The Visitors who are not Masons , " to which Mr . Hows replied ; "The Visitors wdio are Masons , " replied to by Bros . Muggeridge and Leah ; and " Success to the New Concord Lodge , " were given and heartily received . A few other toasts were druuk . " The Health of the Ladies -who had graced the dessert by their presence" being tho
, ¦ appropriate conclusion of a very pleasant evening . Bro . II . Parker presided at the pianoforte , and the vocal performances of Miss Alice \ A oolams , Bro . Woolams , and Mr . II . Thomas -were all that could be desired . Tho toasts were given by Bro . Speight , the Tyler of the lodge , who , hy reason of his powerful voice , made an admirable toastmaster .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . LIYEHPOOI . —Si . John's Lodge ( No . 673 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday afternoon , the 4 th lust ., at 90 , Duke-street , and was opened in due form by Bro . R . Pearson , A \ . M . The minutes of former meeting were read and passed in the usual way . The ballot was then taken for two candidates for initiation , viz . Mr . XV . Litt-Iefield and Mr . XV "Gallagher , which proved unanimous in their favour . The
installation of the Master elect was then proceeded with , by Bro . Ralph Robinson , P . M . of the Merchants' Lodge , No . 2-11 , assisted by Bros . Pearson , Wadlnm , Thornton , Pepper , and Hamer , Prov . G . Treas . The AV . M ., Bro . G . Ladmore , having heen proclaimed in the usual way , appointed his officers , Bros . R . Pearson , as P . M . and Treas . ; J . B . Bunting , S . \ A . ; Stephen Johnson , J . AV . ; Ilockon , Sec . ; II . Thornton , S . D . ; Milson , J . D . ; ClarkeI . G . Messrs . Littlefield and Gallagherwho were
pre-, , viously ballotted for , being in attendance , were duly initiated by the installed \\ . M . Then tho brethren , numbering about sixty , adjourned to dinner in the dining room . Grace having been said by the W . AI ., lie gave several usual Masonic toasts , viz .: "The Queen , Prince of A \ ales , and the rest of the Royal Family , " "The Most AA'orshipful Grand Master of England , "the Deputy Grand Master , and the rest of the Grand Officers , " " The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of West
Lancashire , " & c . Several brethren contributed to tho enjoyment of the evening . The brethren -then resumed labour . Several propositions were proposed nud seconded in regard to candidates for initiation . Business being over , the lodge was closed in iieace and harmony .
Tno HEAVESIY TEJIPIE . —The stones appointed for the glorious temple above , are hewn , and polished , and prepared for it here ; as the stone 3 were wrought and prepared in the mountains , for building the temple of Jerusalem .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . MOUNT LEBANON CHAPTER ( NO . 73 ) . —The regular convocation of this chapter was held on the 12 th inst ., at the Green Man Tavern , Tooley-street . Comps . F . AValters , M . E . Z . ; C . A . Cottebrune , P . Z . ; and H . A . Avery , J ., opened the chapter , assisted by Comps . II . Mugo-eridgo , P . Z . ; J . AA . HalseyJ . 507 and A . 1 ) . LoewensSvrkJ 1 S 5 SNand
, , , . , .. Treas . of the chapter . The companions were then admitted , and the M E . Z . invested Comps . A . P . Leonard as P . S ., and T . J . Sabine as 1 st A . S . There were also present Comps . A . P . Steadman , M . A . Loewenstark , and many others . The minutes of tho former convocation wero read and confirmed . A ballot was taken for Bro . J . Green . Letters of apology were received from several candidatesexpressing their regret
, at not being able to attend . The ceremony of exaltation was then worked for practice . Comp . XV . Y . Laing was elected Janitor of this chapter . The chapter was then duly closed till October . Visitors : Comps . J . W . Halsey , J . 507 ; Rev . W . Taylor , Joues , Barnett . aud others .
Mark Masonry.
CORNWALL . FALMOUTH . —Lodge of Love and Honour ( No . 94 ) .- The members of this Mark lodge met at the Royal Hotel on Monday , the lGth inst ., for the first time since the granting of the warrant on tho 18 th of June of this year . At 3 p . m . a Board of Installed Masters was formed , and afterwards the brethren wore admitted . The lodge was then opened by Bro . XV . J . HughanP . M . 7 SJ . G . Overseerassisted bBros . Thomas
, , , y Chirgwin , AV . M . 73 , as S . W . ; XV . J . Johns , J . W . 78 , as J . AV .,-Fran-k Harvey , AV . M . 87 , as P . M . ; Capt . H . Barber , G . Steward ; Captain Sleeman , D . AV . Tremewen , T . Webber , F . AV . Newman , and others . The warrant having been read , and the lodge duly opened for the purposes of Mark Masonry , several Master Masons were balloted for and accepted , and , three being in attendance , were advanced according to ancient custom by the
acting \ v . M ., who was ably supported by the members of the new lodge and the visiting brethren . Bro . Reginald Rogers ( D . Prov . G . M . in the Craft ) , the W . M . designate , was then presented for the benefit of installation , whereupon Bro . Thos . Chirgwin , AA . M . 78 , took the chair , and , after having put the usual questions , requested all hretlnen to retire who were below the degree of I . M . A Board of Installed Masters was then formedconsisting of fourand the Installing Master
, , proceeded to deliver the addresses , charges , & c , in a most masterly manner , and to the great satisfaction of the Board . The XV . Xi . of 91 was then formally placed in the chair , and saluted accordingly . Bro . Reginald Rogers then appointed Bro . XV . J . Hughan as I . P . M , 94 , and thanked the members of
the Board for their kind attendance and assistance . The degree having been closed , the brethren were readmitted , and Bro . Chirgwin , the Installing Master , very impressively delivered the charges to the Wardens , Overseers , and the members generally . Tho following brethren were then presented , appointed , and invested as the remaining officers of the Love and Honour Mark Lodge , and were conducted to their several stations by one of the Past Mastersamid the laudits of the members ;—Bros .
, p Francis W . Newman , S . \ A . ; Captain 1-1 . Barber , G . S ., J . W . ; Captain H . A . Sleeman , M . O . ; D . William Tremewen , S . O . ; J . Frederick Trull , J . O . ; Thomas AA ebber , Sec ; AA . Henry Dnnstan , S . D . ; Dr . Harris , J . D . ; John Stills , I . G . ; Giffin , Tyler . The AA . M . then proposed that Bros . XV . J . Hughan , T . Chirgwin , and F . Harvey be elected honorary members of the lodge , and that the thanks of this lodge be expressed to
them for their assistance , and also for the attendance of the visiting brethren who contributed towards the success of the opening of the lodge . This being unanimously approved of , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet , at which Bro . F . AV . Newman , S . W ., presided , in the unavoidable absence cf the W . M . It is quite impossible for us to speak too highly of the most effective arrangements made by the members of the Love and Honour Mark Lodge for the comfort of the visiting brethren . Their efforts culminated in the banquet , at which Bro . Middleton , of the Royal Hotel , almost surpassed himself . Everything gave complete satis-