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Channel Islands.
" AYhen , with the deepest regret , but in accordance with what I deemed the path of duty , I resigned membership of your body , I expressed my willingness still to render you all the service in my power , and to respond to any call which you might think it desirable to make upon me . In thus acting , I then believed that for some considerable time at least , I should he in a position to fulfil my pledge . Circumstances have since transpired which put this out of my power , since before your
next meeting I shall be removed from this island . Wherever I go I trust that I shall feel an interest in your proceedings , as I still do in those of the lodge in which I first saw the light , and of which , as an honorary member , I continue to receive all the circulars of summons . I have now to express my gratitude to those who at the formation of this lodge , contributed to its early success by their kind co-operation , and without whose aid , generously and efficiently given , any little efforts on my part
must have failed . You know how completely I have made it a pet project , how desirous I have been that it should be well worked according to tho authorised form of ritual . ' Earnestly do I beg you to adhere rigidly to it , the means of which I leave in your hands , and to permit no innovations . " Many of you I have learned to respect for your virtues , to esteem for your consistent conduct both in and out of the lodge , to love for your disinterested personal kindness towards myself
, to admire for all those traits of character which tend to make a good Mason . I am not one who easily forget attachments once formed , and as you will long live in my memory , I trust that I shall still occupy a place in your hearts , and keep up epistolary communication with you . One channel which I have opened will continue to be available , namely , the pages of the FK . EEMASOH ' S MAGAZINE , in which I shall look for accounts under the now common heading of " Channel Isles , Jersey . " Pray
appoint some brother to take my place as a contributor . " Iu conclusion , brethren , if I have given offence to any , either present or former members of the lodge , I beg forgiveness , when I assure them that it has been unintentional . Occasionally opinions must differ , and when such is the case , mutual forbearance is required ; while each one endeavours to act according to his conscience , he should be willing to yield where no important principle is involved . In this spirit it has been my desire and my aim to act , not always perhaps , with success , but still with the best intentions .
" Brethren , may you continue to prosper under your future "Worshipful Masters , and , with them as your guides , remember to do justly , love mercy , practise charity , maintain harmony , and live in unity and brotherly love . AVith this exhortation allow me to preface what must now fall from my lips—the solemn word Farewell ; and if not permitted to meet again in the earthly lodge , may we , by the preparation wo have made Avithin itbe found together as brethren in that house not
, made with hands , eternal in tho heavens , where the world ' s Great Architect lives and reigns for ever . Again , brethren , farewell . " The AV . M . ' s chair was taken by Bro . Long , who made some remarks on the address hist concluded , as did also Bro . Dr . Smith . On the proposition of Bro . C . Le Sueur , it was determined that Bro . Dr . Hopkins he requested to furnish a copy , that the
Secretary might outer it on the minutes of the proceedings of tho evening . The AA . M . expressed his regret that he had not been able to procure the documents in a complete form which the lodge had ordered for presentation to the two Past Masters . Ho also presented the report of the last quarterly communication of the Grand Lodge . The lodge was closed at nine o ' clock , tho brethren adjourned for light refreshment , and , after the usual routine of toasts had been dul y honoured , several special ones were given , which called forth some interesting addresses . Tho party broke up at a later hour than usual .
CONSTANTINOPLE . BUVUKDEEE . Leinster Lodge , JVo . 1 G 6 , of Grand Lodge of Ireland . The festival of St . John ' s was celebrated by this flourishing lodge on the 23 rd Juno , when the installation of the A \ . M . and officers for the half year was held . The attendance of brethren was numerous on the occasion . After the lodge had been duly
opened , passed , and raised , a lodge of Installed Masters was formed when the ceremony was ably performed by Bro . Charles Green , AV . M . of the Deutsche ! ' Bund Lodge , and Bro . G . R . AVarren , duly placed in the chair of K . S . The brethren of the third degree having been admitted , the \\ . M . was saluted according to ancient custom and subsequently in the second and first degree . The following brethren were then invested as officers : J . Harris , S . W . ; J . Ovonden , J . W . ; M . Calijevovioh ,
Treas . ; G . Milleneri , Sec ; AY . Costelio , S . D . ; N . Amancich , J . D . ; J . Smorfitt , Dir . of Cers . ; T . Nunn , I . G . ; and M . Abella , Tyler . The AV . M . delivered the charges of the Ahiman Rezon with great effectiveness and then proceeded to initiate AV . J . Hocking wdio had been duly ballotted for into the mysteries of Freemasonry . After the usual business had been transacted and several candidates proposed the brethren adjourned to a splendid banquet
at Bro . Lapierre ' s Hotel . The AV . M . in tho chair . Every delicacy of tho season was supplied on the occasion , and the Bro . host , a member of the Order of many years standing , spared no pains to contribute to the comfort of the brethren present . A first class band was in attendance , stationed in the beautiful garden of the hotel , one of the most celebrated in the vicinity of Constantinople ; during the dinner the band played selections of operatic music
, and after the cloth was removed appropriate airs to the different ; toasts . After ample justice had been done to tho . good things provided , the M . AV . said it was unnecessary for him to mkea any observations in proposing the first toast of the evening , as Masons their loyalty was proverbial , he therefore , gave them , " The Queen , " drank with all the honours , the band playing " God save the Queen , " The W . M . in
proposing the next toast , said , it was hut right that they should do duo honour to the sovereign of the country iu which they resided and under whose liberal sway they were allowed the freedom of meeting , not merely around that board , but for the discharge of their Masonic duties , he had therefore much pleasure in proposing the health of H . I . M . the Sultan Abd-H-Aziz-Khan , the toast was drunk with three times three , the band playing the Sultan ' s hymn . The AV . M . said it is now our duty to do honour to the beloved M . W . Q . M .
of Ireland , His Grace the Duke of Leinster , whose long and eminent services had endeared him to every member of the Craft , he need not make any further preface than to call upon them to drink in a bumper " The Health of the Most AVorshipful the Grand Master , " which was duly honoured with full Masonic honours . The next toast was "The Deputy Grand Master and Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , " drank with Masonic honours . The AV . M .
said he had much pleasure in proposing conjointly " The Most AVorshipful the Grand Masters and all the Grand Lodges , " which received full Masonic honours . The AV . M ., in calling upon the brethren to receive heartily the next toast on the list , said he felt much pleasure at seeing some representatives of . other lodges present , although ho regretted that , from unavoidable causes , several brethren deputed by lodges were unablo to be present . It was a source of leasure to the
p Leinster Lodge to have amongst them members of other lodges , and he could only say they should always bo welcome . The toast he would now ask them to drink w : \ s " The Sister Lodges of Constantinople , " which was drank with Masonic honours . Bro . R . A . Carleton , on behalf of the Oriental Lodge ( No . G 87 ) , Bro . C . Green , for tho Deutscher Bund ( No . S 19 ) and Biiliver ( No . S 9 ) Lodges , Bro . Rodoconachi for the Arete Lodge for the
( No . 1041 ) , and Bro . II . Kras ^ iopolski Italia Lodge , severally returned thanks . Bro . C . Green said that he had now the pleasure to propose a toast which might bo said to be , to a certain extent , that of the evening . Ha would not occupy their time in dilating upon the merits and qualifications of their worthy W . M ., Bro . G . R . AVarrenwhose zeal for Masonrythorough knowledge of its
, , principles , and working were known to all present . He felt happy to see the chair so well occupied , and he could only say that the lodge under such guidance must go on not merely satisfactorily but flourishingly . As a Mason of experience he ( Bro . Green ) could hear testimony to the ability which the W . M . bad displayed that evening in the discharge of the duties devolving upon him , aud he augured that , during the
period he would retain office , his demeanour would serve as a bright example to those who would have to follow him . A more painstaking , and , he might add , better-adapted brother for the difficult post of W . M . he had seldom met with ; and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Channel Islands.
" AYhen , with the deepest regret , but in accordance with what I deemed the path of duty , I resigned membership of your body , I expressed my willingness still to render you all the service in my power , and to respond to any call which you might think it desirable to make upon me . In thus acting , I then believed that for some considerable time at least , I should he in a position to fulfil my pledge . Circumstances have since transpired which put this out of my power , since before your
next meeting I shall be removed from this island . Wherever I go I trust that I shall feel an interest in your proceedings , as I still do in those of the lodge in which I first saw the light , and of which , as an honorary member , I continue to receive all the circulars of summons . I have now to express my gratitude to those who at the formation of this lodge , contributed to its early success by their kind co-operation , and without whose aid , generously and efficiently given , any little efforts on my part
must have failed . You know how completely I have made it a pet project , how desirous I have been that it should be well worked according to tho authorised form of ritual . ' Earnestly do I beg you to adhere rigidly to it , the means of which I leave in your hands , and to permit no innovations . " Many of you I have learned to respect for your virtues , to esteem for your consistent conduct both in and out of the lodge , to love for your disinterested personal kindness towards myself
, to admire for all those traits of character which tend to make a good Mason . I am not one who easily forget attachments once formed , and as you will long live in my memory , I trust that I shall still occupy a place in your hearts , and keep up epistolary communication with you . One channel which I have opened will continue to be available , namely , the pages of the FK . EEMASOH ' S MAGAZINE , in which I shall look for accounts under the now common heading of " Channel Isles , Jersey . " Pray
appoint some brother to take my place as a contributor . " Iu conclusion , brethren , if I have given offence to any , either present or former members of the lodge , I beg forgiveness , when I assure them that it has been unintentional . Occasionally opinions must differ , and when such is the case , mutual forbearance is required ; while each one endeavours to act according to his conscience , he should be willing to yield where no important principle is involved . In this spirit it has been my desire and my aim to act , not always perhaps , with success , but still with the best intentions .
" Brethren , may you continue to prosper under your future "Worshipful Masters , and , with them as your guides , remember to do justly , love mercy , practise charity , maintain harmony , and live in unity and brotherly love . AVith this exhortation allow me to preface what must now fall from my lips—the solemn word Farewell ; and if not permitted to meet again in the earthly lodge , may we , by the preparation wo have made Avithin itbe found together as brethren in that house not
, made with hands , eternal in tho heavens , where the world ' s Great Architect lives and reigns for ever . Again , brethren , farewell . " The AV . M . ' s chair was taken by Bro . Long , who made some remarks on the address hist concluded , as did also Bro . Dr . Smith . On the proposition of Bro . C . Le Sueur , it was determined that Bro . Dr . Hopkins he requested to furnish a copy , that the
Secretary might outer it on the minutes of the proceedings of tho evening . The AA . M . expressed his regret that he had not been able to procure the documents in a complete form which the lodge had ordered for presentation to the two Past Masters . Ho also presented the report of the last quarterly communication of the Grand Lodge . The lodge was closed at nine o ' clock , tho brethren adjourned for light refreshment , and , after the usual routine of toasts had been dul y honoured , several special ones were given , which called forth some interesting addresses . Tho party broke up at a later hour than usual .
CONSTANTINOPLE . BUVUKDEEE . Leinster Lodge , JVo . 1 G 6 , of Grand Lodge of Ireland . The festival of St . John ' s was celebrated by this flourishing lodge on the 23 rd Juno , when the installation of the A \ . M . and officers for the half year was held . The attendance of brethren was numerous on the occasion . After the lodge had been duly
opened , passed , and raised , a lodge of Installed Masters was formed when the ceremony was ably performed by Bro . Charles Green , AV . M . of the Deutsche ! ' Bund Lodge , and Bro . G . R . AVarren , duly placed in the chair of K . S . The brethren of the third degree having been admitted , the \\ . M . was saluted according to ancient custom and subsequently in the second and first degree . The following brethren were then invested as officers : J . Harris , S . W . ; J . Ovonden , J . W . ; M . Calijevovioh ,
Treas . ; G . Milleneri , Sec ; AY . Costelio , S . D . ; N . Amancich , J . D . ; J . Smorfitt , Dir . of Cers . ; T . Nunn , I . G . ; and M . Abella , Tyler . The AV . M . delivered the charges of the Ahiman Rezon with great effectiveness and then proceeded to initiate AV . J . Hocking wdio had been duly ballotted for into the mysteries of Freemasonry . After the usual business had been transacted and several candidates proposed the brethren adjourned to a splendid banquet
at Bro . Lapierre ' s Hotel . The AV . M . in tho chair . Every delicacy of tho season was supplied on the occasion , and the Bro . host , a member of the Order of many years standing , spared no pains to contribute to the comfort of the brethren present . A first class band was in attendance , stationed in the beautiful garden of the hotel , one of the most celebrated in the vicinity of Constantinople ; during the dinner the band played selections of operatic music
, and after the cloth was removed appropriate airs to the different ; toasts . After ample justice had been done to tho . good things provided , the M . AV . said it was unnecessary for him to mkea any observations in proposing the first toast of the evening , as Masons their loyalty was proverbial , he therefore , gave them , " The Queen , " drank with all the honours , the band playing " God save the Queen , " The W . M . in
proposing the next toast , said , it was hut right that they should do duo honour to the sovereign of the country iu which they resided and under whose liberal sway they were allowed the freedom of meeting , not merely around that board , but for the discharge of their Masonic duties , he had therefore much pleasure in proposing the health of H . I . M . the Sultan Abd-H-Aziz-Khan , the toast was drunk with three times three , the band playing the Sultan ' s hymn . The AV . M . said it is now our duty to do honour to the beloved M . W . Q . M .
of Ireland , His Grace the Duke of Leinster , whose long and eminent services had endeared him to every member of the Craft , he need not make any further preface than to call upon them to drink in a bumper " The Health of the Most AVorshipful the Grand Master , " which was duly honoured with full Masonic honours . The next toast was "The Deputy Grand Master and Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , " drank with Masonic honours . The AV . M .
said he had much pleasure in proposing conjointly " The Most AVorshipful the Grand Masters and all the Grand Lodges , " which received full Masonic honours . The AV . M ., in calling upon the brethren to receive heartily the next toast on the list , said he felt much pleasure at seeing some representatives of . other lodges present , although ho regretted that , from unavoidable causes , several brethren deputed by lodges were unablo to be present . It was a source of leasure to the
p Leinster Lodge to have amongst them members of other lodges , and he could only say they should always bo welcome . The toast he would now ask them to drink w : \ s " The Sister Lodges of Constantinople , " which was drank with Masonic honours . Bro . R . A . Carleton , on behalf of the Oriental Lodge ( No . G 87 ) , Bro . C . Green , for tho Deutscher Bund ( No . S 19 ) and Biiliver ( No . S 9 ) Lodges , Bro . Rodoconachi for the Arete Lodge for the
( No . 1041 ) , and Bro . II . Kras ^ iopolski Italia Lodge , severally returned thanks . Bro . C . Green said that he had now the pleasure to propose a toast which might bo said to be , to a certain extent , that of the evening . Ha would not occupy their time in dilating upon the merits and qualifications of their worthy W . M ., Bro . G . R . AVarrenwhose zeal for Masonrythorough knowledge of its
, , principles , and working were known to all present . He felt happy to see the chair so well occupied , and he could only say that the lodge under such guidance must go on not merely satisfactorily but flourishingly . As a Mason of experience he ( Bro . Green ) could hear testimony to the ability which the W . M . bad displayed that evening in the discharge of the duties devolving upon him , aud he augured that , during the
period he would retain office , his demeanour would serve as a bright example to those who would have to follow him . A more painstaking , and , he might add , better-adapted brother for the difficult post of W . M . he had seldom met with ; and