Article THE CHIEF CORNER STONE. ← Page 3 of 7 →
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The Chief Corner Stone.
was established by Divine authority , and has been preserved , under the most trying persecutions , by the Almighty Architect of the Universe cannot be questioned . That its doctrines are contained in the Volume of the Sacred Law , all its rites and
ceremonies prove ; and I am sure its secrets are not opposed to the Sacred Volume . As far as I understand , no lodge in these kingdoms can be held unless that blessed book be open before all the brethren , forming their reliance , their joy ,
their hope , and their croAvn of rejoicing . That the Institution was planned for the benefit of mankind cannot be denied . See men of ' every nation , tongue , and people , of every persuasion , joining in adoration and praise of the Almighty Architect of the "Universe . Then look at the
kindness rendered by man to his brother . The din of war has been made to cease—the slaughter of the battle-field has been stopped—by one emblem of Masonry . Those Avho were in deadly conflict have thrown doAvn their Aveapons and
embraced as brothers . HOAV often has the shipwrecked mariner , cast on a foreign shore , found himself and his unfortunate companions , when on the verge of misery and death , rescued and relieved by the kind hand
of a brother ? How often has distress been alleviated , the afflicted comforted , the widow , the orphan , and the distressed supported ; the prisoner freed , and works of charity and mercy quietly and unostentatiously performed ? Surely , an Institution framed for such noble purposes must ever benefit mankind !
How is it then that Pope Pius IX . in his Allocution pronounces Freemasonry to be " monstrous , impious , and criminal ; full of snares and fraudsa dark society ; the enemy of the Church and of God , and dangerous to the security of kingdoms . "
None but a wilful slanderer Avould write a condemnatory philippic on any subject , Avithout preparing for the task by reading all that had been previously Avritten upon it . An honest opponent ought carefully to study the evidences on both
sides of a question before he pronounces a final judgment . The absurdity of saying that Freemasonry is " dangerous to the security of kingdoms" and " subversive of civil governments , " is best answered by the fact that all the sons of
George III ., save one , were active members of this Institution—two of whom succeeded to the throne of these realms , and a third was father to our present sovereign ; and for ages the nobility and
the foremost leaders in religion , arts , and science , have been enrolled amongst its members , and many of our dignified clergy are proud of their connection with Masonry . Another serious charge alleged against the Freemasons in the Allocution
is , " that they are not only kindled with an ardent hatred against the religion of Christ , " but are also " enemies to the Church of God . " It may Avell be asked , how can this be , Avhen all the prayers used by the Freemasons , like those of
every Christian Church , are sealed by an invocation to Jesus Christ , the Redeemer of mankind ? As , for example , the most ancient Masonic prayer used in your lodges in the most early times is as follows : — "The mighty God and Father of Heaven ,
Avith the Avisdom of His glorious Son , through the goodness of the Holy Ghost—three persons in one Godhead—be Avith us at our beginning , give us grace to govern us in our living * here , that we may come to his bliss that shall never have an
end . " The prayer Avhich Avas written and used by one of your own brethren Avas in the following form : — " Most holy and glorious Lord God ,
thou-Architect of heaven and earth , vrfio art the giver of all good gifts and graces , and hast promised that where two or three are gathered together in thy name , Thou wilt be in the midst of them y endue him Avith divine Avisdom ( meaning the
candidate ) that he may , Avith the secrets of Masonry , be able to unfold the mysteries of Godliness and Christianity . This Ave humbly beg in the name and for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour . Amen . " I subjoin the formula whicli
Avas used by the ancient section of the Craft : — - "We beseech Thee , 0 Lord God , to bless this our present undertaking , and grant that our new brother may dedicate his life to thy service . This
we most humbly beg , in the name and for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour . Allien . " The prayer used about the latter end of the last century had this invocation : — " Let grace and peace be multiplied unto him [ the candidate" !
through the knoAvledge of our Lord Jesus Christ , And grant that we may be all united as one , through the same Jesus Christ , our Lord , who liveth and reigneth for ever and ever . Amen . " And the prayer used by Dr . Arnott , Grand
Chaplain of Scotland , in 1858 , contains the folloAving passage : — " Most gracious God , who hast made known to us in thy Son the fulness of all blessing and glory , grant that Ave ever continue grounded and settled in Him . Let us not swerve at any
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Chief Corner Stone.
was established by Divine authority , and has been preserved , under the most trying persecutions , by the Almighty Architect of the Universe cannot be questioned . That its doctrines are contained in the Volume of the Sacred Law , all its rites and
ceremonies prove ; and I am sure its secrets are not opposed to the Sacred Volume . As far as I understand , no lodge in these kingdoms can be held unless that blessed book be open before all the brethren , forming their reliance , their joy ,
their hope , and their croAvn of rejoicing . That the Institution was planned for the benefit of mankind cannot be denied . See men of ' every nation , tongue , and people , of every persuasion , joining in adoration and praise of the Almighty Architect of the "Universe . Then look at the
kindness rendered by man to his brother . The din of war has been made to cease—the slaughter of the battle-field has been stopped—by one emblem of Masonry . Those Avho were in deadly conflict have thrown doAvn their Aveapons and
embraced as brothers . HOAV often has the shipwrecked mariner , cast on a foreign shore , found himself and his unfortunate companions , when on the verge of misery and death , rescued and relieved by the kind hand
of a brother ? How often has distress been alleviated , the afflicted comforted , the widow , the orphan , and the distressed supported ; the prisoner freed , and works of charity and mercy quietly and unostentatiously performed ? Surely , an Institution framed for such noble purposes must ever benefit mankind !
How is it then that Pope Pius IX . in his Allocution pronounces Freemasonry to be " monstrous , impious , and criminal ; full of snares and fraudsa dark society ; the enemy of the Church and of God , and dangerous to the security of kingdoms . "
None but a wilful slanderer Avould write a condemnatory philippic on any subject , Avithout preparing for the task by reading all that had been previously Avritten upon it . An honest opponent ought carefully to study the evidences on both
sides of a question before he pronounces a final judgment . The absurdity of saying that Freemasonry is " dangerous to the security of kingdoms" and " subversive of civil governments , " is best answered by the fact that all the sons of
George III ., save one , were active members of this Institution—two of whom succeeded to the throne of these realms , and a third was father to our present sovereign ; and for ages the nobility and
the foremost leaders in religion , arts , and science , have been enrolled amongst its members , and many of our dignified clergy are proud of their connection with Masonry . Another serious charge alleged against the Freemasons in the Allocution
is , " that they are not only kindled with an ardent hatred against the religion of Christ , " but are also " enemies to the Church of God . " It may Avell be asked , how can this be , Avhen all the prayers used by the Freemasons , like those of
every Christian Church , are sealed by an invocation to Jesus Christ , the Redeemer of mankind ? As , for example , the most ancient Masonic prayer used in your lodges in the most early times is as follows : — "The mighty God and Father of Heaven ,
Avith the Avisdom of His glorious Son , through the goodness of the Holy Ghost—three persons in one Godhead—be Avith us at our beginning , give us grace to govern us in our living * here , that we may come to his bliss that shall never have an
end . " The prayer Avhich Avas written and used by one of your own brethren Avas in the following form : — " Most holy and glorious Lord God ,
thou-Architect of heaven and earth , vrfio art the giver of all good gifts and graces , and hast promised that where two or three are gathered together in thy name , Thou wilt be in the midst of them y endue him Avith divine Avisdom ( meaning the
candidate ) that he may , Avith the secrets of Masonry , be able to unfold the mysteries of Godliness and Christianity . This Ave humbly beg in the name and for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour . Amen . " I subjoin the formula whicli
Avas used by the ancient section of the Craft : — - "We beseech Thee , 0 Lord God , to bless this our present undertaking , and grant that our new brother may dedicate his life to thy service . This
we most humbly beg , in the name and for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour . Allien . " The prayer used about the latter end of the last century had this invocation : — " Let grace and peace be multiplied unto him [ the candidate" !
through the knoAvledge of our Lord Jesus Christ , And grant that we may be all united as one , through the same Jesus Christ , our Lord , who liveth and reigneth for ever and ever . Amen . " And the prayer used by Dr . Arnott , Grand
Chaplain of Scotland , in 1858 , contains the folloAving passage : — " Most gracious God , who hast made known to us in thy Son the fulness of all blessing and glory , grant that Ave ever continue grounded and settled in Him . Let us not swerve at any