Article THE CHIEF CORNER STONE. ← Page 5 of 7 →
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The Chief Corner Stone.
these are very expressive , and full of instruction , or founded on or taken , most of them , from Scripture . There is the " All-seeing Eye . " By this you are reminded that Avherever you are , or however you may be assembled , the all-seeing eye
of God is in the midst of you , overseeing all your actions , and observing the secret intents and movements of . your hearts . This emblem , if rightly considered , is of infinite importance to your present and future welfare . The all-seeing
eye of God is everywhere present . He is equally in the lodge-room and in the closet ; in the broad expanse of heaven , and in the secret recesses of caverns , vaults , and dungeons . He observes every action , whether of sacred prayer , or of impious
blasphemy . The Cherubim is another beautiful emblem ; much importance is attached to that great symbol of the glory of God . It is a subject Avhich adds much to the dignity and authority of your science , inasmuch as its illustrations had
formed an important part of speculative Masonry , from the moment it flamed into aAvful grandeur on the eastern portal of the garden of Eden to the present time . The Cherubim had their faces placed towards each other , thereby affording an emblem of unity and concord . These are the
distinguishing characteristics of Masonry ; in that science there is neither " first nor last , " " strongest nor " weakest , " " highest nor loAvest ; " there are only brethren , all equal , all wishing the Avelfare of one another , all united and promoting harmony
among themselves , and in the world at large . Another very expressive emblem is "the point within a compass . " This circle is supported on the sides by two perpendicular parallel lines , Avhich represent the two St . John ' s ; on the
periphery of Avhich rests the Holy Bible . In going round this circle Ave necessarily touch upon these two lines , as well as on the Holy Scriptures , and whilst a Mason keeps himself thus circumscribed , it is impossible that he should materially err . The
Masonic apron , a handsome , becoming , and very ancient appendage , is a badge of innocence and a bond of friendship ; while your body , then , is girded with the Masonic apron , let your soul be clothed Avith innocence , let your thoughts be pure ,
your desires holy , your wishes sanctified . I cannot omit noticing the square , the compasses , and the twenty-four inch rule . When I hold up the square , Avhat virtues are presented to your vieAv ! As an appendage to an operative Mason , it is , indeed , used merely to try and adjust
irregular angles , and to assist m bringing rude matter into due form . But as a speculative Mason ' s jeAvel , it teaches morality and justice ; it shows the beauty of order and sobriety , and displays the advantages arising from a mutual
communication of benefit . In a word Ave are instructed by this instrument to act upon the square with all mankind , by doing to others , as in similar circumstances we would have them do to us . The obvious use of the
compass is for the formation of plans and designs from Avhich all noble works of art are completed in their just and elegant proportions . In Masonry , hoAvever , they have a reference to something more than this . They admonish us to walk righteously
and soberly amongst our brethren ; to avoid every degree of intemperance which may degrade the man into the brute , and to render to every one his due—tribute to whom tribute is due , fear to whom fear , honour to whom honour . Lastly , the
24-inch rule , whose apparent use is merely to measure lines and distances : amongst Masons , refers more particularly to the 24 hours of the day , and pioints out the necessity of a regular distribution of time , one portion of which must be applied to labour , another to rest and refreshment , and a third to prayer and meditation .
There is another thing connected Avith Freemasonry which I must not pass by ; I refer to the Masonic Schools for maintaining , clothing , and educating the female children [ orphans ] of reduced brethren . There are other great public
Charities of the Institution Avhich I need not mention . Then withhold not your contributions lest the Masonic Charities should suffer want . Remember that the fatherless , the widow , and the orphans of departed brethren demand your care and attention , as well as your distressed brethren . There is not a true Mason in the world who would
publicly withhold his approval or deny his support in some Avay or other from these great Masonic Charities . All Masons , I have before said , are not Operative Masons ; there is a great and influential body numbering thousands , who are
Speculative or Free and Accepted Masons ; to those Avho are this day assembled I would address a feAV words . Freemasonry requires you by the ancient charges to obey the moral laAV as contained in the Holy Bible ; that , of all men , Masons should
best understand , that God seeth not as man seeth , for man looketh at the outward appearance , but God looketh at the heart . A Mason is , therefore ,
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The Chief Corner Stone.
these are very expressive , and full of instruction , or founded on or taken , most of them , from Scripture . There is the " All-seeing Eye . " By this you are reminded that Avherever you are , or however you may be assembled , the all-seeing eye
of God is in the midst of you , overseeing all your actions , and observing the secret intents and movements of . your hearts . This emblem , if rightly considered , is of infinite importance to your present and future welfare . The all-seeing
eye of God is everywhere present . He is equally in the lodge-room and in the closet ; in the broad expanse of heaven , and in the secret recesses of caverns , vaults , and dungeons . He observes every action , whether of sacred prayer , or of impious
blasphemy . The Cherubim is another beautiful emblem ; much importance is attached to that great symbol of the glory of God . It is a subject Avhich adds much to the dignity and authority of your science , inasmuch as its illustrations had
formed an important part of speculative Masonry , from the moment it flamed into aAvful grandeur on the eastern portal of the garden of Eden to the present time . The Cherubim had their faces placed towards each other , thereby affording an emblem of unity and concord . These are the
distinguishing characteristics of Masonry ; in that science there is neither " first nor last , " " strongest nor " weakest , " " highest nor loAvest ; " there are only brethren , all equal , all wishing the Avelfare of one another , all united and promoting harmony
among themselves , and in the world at large . Another very expressive emblem is "the point within a compass . " This circle is supported on the sides by two perpendicular parallel lines , Avhich represent the two St . John ' s ; on the
periphery of Avhich rests the Holy Bible . In going round this circle Ave necessarily touch upon these two lines , as well as on the Holy Scriptures , and whilst a Mason keeps himself thus circumscribed , it is impossible that he should materially err . The
Masonic apron , a handsome , becoming , and very ancient appendage , is a badge of innocence and a bond of friendship ; while your body , then , is girded with the Masonic apron , let your soul be clothed Avith innocence , let your thoughts be pure ,
your desires holy , your wishes sanctified . I cannot omit noticing the square , the compasses , and the twenty-four inch rule . When I hold up the square , Avhat virtues are presented to your vieAv ! As an appendage to an operative Mason , it is , indeed , used merely to try and adjust
irregular angles , and to assist m bringing rude matter into due form . But as a speculative Mason ' s jeAvel , it teaches morality and justice ; it shows the beauty of order and sobriety , and displays the advantages arising from a mutual
communication of benefit . In a word Ave are instructed by this instrument to act upon the square with all mankind , by doing to others , as in similar circumstances we would have them do to us . The obvious use of the
compass is for the formation of plans and designs from Avhich all noble works of art are completed in their just and elegant proportions . In Masonry , hoAvever , they have a reference to something more than this . They admonish us to walk righteously
and soberly amongst our brethren ; to avoid every degree of intemperance which may degrade the man into the brute , and to render to every one his due—tribute to whom tribute is due , fear to whom fear , honour to whom honour . Lastly , the
24-inch rule , whose apparent use is merely to measure lines and distances : amongst Masons , refers more particularly to the 24 hours of the day , and pioints out the necessity of a regular distribution of time , one portion of which must be applied to labour , another to rest and refreshment , and a third to prayer and meditation .
There is another thing connected Avith Freemasonry which I must not pass by ; I refer to the Masonic Schools for maintaining , clothing , and educating the female children [ orphans ] of reduced brethren . There are other great public
Charities of the Institution Avhich I need not mention . Then withhold not your contributions lest the Masonic Charities should suffer want . Remember that the fatherless , the widow , and the orphans of departed brethren demand your care and attention , as well as your distressed brethren . There is not a true Mason in the world who would
publicly withhold his approval or deny his support in some Avay or other from these great Masonic Charities . All Masons , I have before said , are not Operative Masons ; there is a great and influential body numbering thousands , who are
Speculative or Free and Accepted Masons ; to those Avho are this day assembled I would address a feAV words . Freemasonry requires you by the ancient charges to obey the moral laAV as contained in the Holy Bible ; that , of all men , Masons should
best understand , that God seeth not as man seeth , for man looketh at the outward appearance , but God looketh at the heart . A Mason is , therefore ,