Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 5 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . We have pleasure in informing our readers in West Yorkshire it the Right . Hon . Earl De Grey and Ripon has appointed ednesday next , the 2 nd of October , for holding the Provincial rand Lodge of West Yorkshire . Wakefield being the central place
iosen at last meeting , although there is little business , it is ipeefced that a very large number will avail themselves of the > portunity of meeting their Right Worshipful the Prov . G . M ., id we hope that tlie Brethren of the old Lodge 179 will give their . most exertions to make everything complete , and that the not icommon serious loss of time between the closing of the meeting
¦ id the bancpiet will be avoided . The Corn Exchange Buildings i-e very suitable for all purposes . The D . Prov . Grand Master for West Lancashire , Sir Thos . Geo . lesketh Bart , P . G . W ., has convened a Proy . Grand Lodge to be ield in Liverpool on the Sth Oct , at ten o ' clock a . m . Tne Anniversary Meeting ancl installation of the W . M . of the St . John's Lodge ( No . 190 ) will take place at the Holly Bush Tavern , Hampstead , on Tuesday next .
ESSEX . CUIGWEEC— Chigioell Lodge ( No . 663 ) , —This lodge met at the King ' s Head Inn , on Saturday , the 14 ' mst ., Bro . Raynliam Stewart , WM ., presiding , when Bro . George Motion was mstaUfid W . M . for she ensuing year by Bro . Henry Muggeridge , P . M ., 227 . Amongst those present were Bro . Arthur Stone , Dr . Dunce , J " . F . Toole , E . G . Motion , Rev . Hampton Lomas , Jagers , ancl several other hrethren . Visitors : Bro . S . E . Nutt , P . G . Steward ; Bro . Dickie , P . M ., 53 ; Hooper , W . M ., Lodge of Good Report , 158 ; Gole , P . M . ( No . 18 ); and several other brethren .
GLOUCESTERSHIRE . PBOUINCIAII GBAND LODGE . —THE MEMOEIAI , BISHOB HOOSEE AT GLOUCESTER . The ceremony of laying the foundation stone of the memorial to the martyred Bishop Hooper , which it is intended to erect on the site of his martyrdom , in St . Mary ' s-square , took place on
Wednesday , the 18 th September . The monument , which is from a design of Messrs . Medland and Maberly , will be in the early decorative style of English architecture , some peculiarly beautiful specimens of which exist in tho ¦ crosses erected to the memory of Queen Ella by her husband , King Edward . The area to be occupied by the bottom step is 18 ft . 6 in ., and the total height is to he 45 ft . The monument is divided into three stagesthe base or pedestalwhich is laced on three large
, , p and handsome steps , a gable and crocketed canopy supported on three pinnacled buttresses , ancl clustered columns ancl a crocketed spire pierced with ornamental lights and terminated with a gilded vane , ancl on the upper part of the pedestal is an arcade filled in with diaper work and a shield , on which it is proposed to carve •the arms of the martyr . Immediately above tlie plinth is an ornamental recess to contain a suitable inscription . The gables of the ¦ canopy are filled with carving , ancl all the pinnacles are pannelled .
It is intended , as soon as funds are procured , to place a figure of the martyred bishop in the canopy , and to surround the monument with handsome and appropriate railing . During the morning the Masonic brethren continued to arrive , aud towards mid-day , they mustered at the lodges , the Royal Lebanon Lodge and the Royal Gloucester Lodge , ancl other craft lodges assembling at the Booth Hall Hotel ; the Provincial Grand Lodge of Gloucestershire being opened at Beaufort House , College and
Green , having transacted their business , were marshalled to the Booth Hab \ headed by the City Rifle Band playing the "March of the Israelites . " The congregation ofthe brethren here was large , . and the Grand Lodge was receiveci in duo form by the Craft lodges ,
and the R . W . the D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . G . P . Newmareh , delivered an address , and directed the dispensation sanctioning the proceedings to be reacl and recorded . Among the members of the Grand Lodge present were Bros . G . P . New-march , D . Prov . G . M . ; B . E . Bloxsome , Prov . S . G . W . ; J . G . Palmer , Treas . ; Trinder , See . ; Wallace and A . Shirer , Dirs . of Civs . ; J . Cornwall , Sword Bearer ; and the following Prov . Grand Officers : —J . Burrup , D . M . Walker , W . H . Gwinnet , Colonel Brandon , T . Williams , Rev . H . Baily , T .
J . Cottle , J . Pierce , T . 0 . Smith , & c . The following brethren were the Officers of the Royal Lebanon : —James Nicholson , W . M . ; S . H . Hayward , S . W . ; James G . Wilson , J . W . ; C . G . Ladkin , Treas . ; W . B . Stoker , Hon . Sec . ; J . G . Ping , S . D . ; E . East , J . D . ; W . P . Brown , I . G . ; W . Curtis , Steward ; B . Doyle , Tyler ; and of the Royal Gloucestershire : —Amos Sleed , W . M . ; Gwinnet , S . W . ; Palmer , J . W . ; Edward Trimmer , jun ., Treas . ; W . Matthews , Sec ; R . HendewerkI . G . ; W . A . WattSteward .
, , Among the brethren present were the following : —Thomas Williams , P . M . No . 307 , Royal Union ; W . Slade , P . M . 307 ; John Cook , P . M . 307 ; Capt . P . C . Trower , P . P . G . Sword Bearer , Devonshire , and P . M . of No . 123 , Exmouth ; Richard Pomeroy , P . M . P . G . S . of Lodge Fortitude , 122 , Devonshire ; Thomas Meyler , S . W . Unanimity ancl Sincerity , 327 , P . P . G . Sword Beaier , Somerset ; C . H . Low , P . M . 221 , P . G . Director of Ceremonies , Bristol ; S . Bryant , P . P . G . S . W . Bristol , ancl P . M . 81 ; John S . Strange , W . M . No .
1 , 157 ; Thomas James Cottle , W . M . Foundation Loelge , 97 ; R . Tovey , W . M . 307 ; George B . Smith , W . M . Sherborne Lodge , 1 , 004 ; Charles Partridge , W . M . Sfc . John ' s Lodge , Dursley , No . 1 , 063 ; W . Champion , St . John's Lodge , Dursley ; Henry D . Martin , Palladium Lodge , Hereford ; James Knight Smith , Vitruvian Lodge 423 ; H . J . Ingram , 307 ; T . Potter , 307 ; Llew . White , Lodge of Sympathy , Wootfcon-uiuler-Edge ; C . P . Quintin , No . 67 , Cheltenham ; J . A . Metcalfe , M . D ., 97 , 'Royal Foundation Lodge ; Win .
Jaynes , 307 ; Arthur Jack , J . D . 307 ; C . P . Langston , No . 91 , Lodge of Freedom , Gravesend ; W . T . Dix , 307 ; T . W . Swinburne , 307 ; Geo . Hodge , 307 ; John Humphreys , I . G . 307 ; W . P . Want , St . John's Dursley , 1063 ; E . G . P . Brammer , Faith and Friendship , Berkeley , 337 ; W . H . Green , Royal Gloucestershire Lodge ; H . Wright , Royal Gloucester Lodge ; Amos Williams , Royal Lebanon , 724 ; Thomas Saunders , Royal Lebanon , 724 ; Ramphill , Roman Eagle , 160 ; George Wells , l . G . protem . Royal Sussex , Bristol , 221 ; William Hooper , Royal Gloucestershire Lodge ; B . Gambain ; Ed . Kendall , R . G . ; John Taylor , Faith and Friendship , 337 ; A . W .
Gabb , Royal Foundation Lodge , 97 ; Octavius Long , Faith and lYienclsliip , Berkeley , 449 ; Gwinnett , 97 ancl 1 , 141 ; C . A . Jacobs , Royal Union , 307 ; William Cowle , S . W . No . 1 , 004 ; James Chew , 1 , 004 ; James Wadley , Jordan Lodge , 237 ; Giles Hothrow , J . W . 337 ; Francis Niblett , Royal Sussex , Bristol , 221 ; Hendewerk , 1 , 141 ; Frederick Vizard , St . John's , Dursley , 1 , 063 ; E . J . Thomas , S . W . Glamorgan Lodge , 43 ; Joseph J . Hadley , Royal Union , 307 ; J . A . GardnerP . S . W . Royal SussexBristol 221 Henri Vim Lawn
, , , ; , 97 ; Royal Foundation Lodge ; J . P . Smith , 724 , Lebanon , Gloucester ; W . O . Watts , Royal Gloucester , 1 , 141 ; E . G . Woodard , Foundation , Cheltenham ; J . Burrup , late 473 , Royal Gloucester ; A . W . Wheelan ; J . Davies , 724 ; Lodge , Gloucestershire ; W . J . Brown , Lebanon , 724 ; P . B . Eassie ( No . 1141 ) ; T . Skinner , Lebanon , 724 ; J . C . Gregg , J . D ., 1053 , Eastnor Lodge , Ledbury ; J . Nicholson , Royal Lebanon , 724 ; East , do . ; John Mullings , J . D ., Cotteswold Lodge , 162 ; C .
Cozens , S . D ., do . ; George J . Pring , Lebanon Lodge ; W . Charles , 53 , St . Paul's Lodge , Birmingham ; T . Taynton , Royal Gloucester , 1141 ; W . Eassie , Royal Gloucester , 1141 ; Theophilus Trotter , Royal Monmouth Lodge , 671 ; Charles G . Ladkin , Royal Lebanon ; Frederick Bisid , Lebanon , 724 ; John Jones , Royal Gloucester ; J . G . Wilson , J . W . Lebanon ; W . Cousins , Lebanon ; W . Stocker , Lebanon , 724 and Confidence 228 ; Joseph Lovegrove , Royal Gloucestershire ; William WingateLod 316 and LebanonS .
, ge , ; H . Hayward , S . W . Lebanon ; Edward Trimmer , Treas ., P . G . S ., 1141 ; G . Robertson , Lebanon ; Henry Sheen , St . John ' s Lodge , Dursley , 1063 ; Henry Lovegrove , P . G . S ., 1141 ; James Stafford ,. Sfc . John ' s Lodge , 95 ; John Laing , 47 , Derwent Lodge , Hastings ; George Maiden , Royal Gloucester Lodge , 152 ; Peter Turning 127 , Kentucky , America ; A . Haycroft , 1004 , & c . The procession wended its way up Westgate-street , each side of whieh was blocked binterested spectatorswhile the windows
up y , of nearly every house along the route were occupied by ladies , in whom the novelty and beauty of the Masonic profession excited the liveliest interest . The "band now played the Old Hundredth Psalm , which gave an appropriate air of solemnity to the proceedings . Turning- at the Cross , the cortege proceeded along Southgate-street , and returned , a detachment of the Gloucester and Newnham Artillery , tho Gloucester Engineers , and the Dock Rifle Company falling in . On reaching the Tolsey the procession was joined by
the Blue Coat Boys , the Mayor , and the several members of the Corporation , with the Town Clerk , the Clerk of the Peace , the City Chamberlain , Sword Bearer , & c . ; next came the Hooper Memorial Committee , and the clergy .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . We have pleasure in informing our readers in West Yorkshire it the Right . Hon . Earl De Grey and Ripon has appointed ednesday next , the 2 nd of October , for holding the Provincial rand Lodge of West Yorkshire . Wakefield being the central place
iosen at last meeting , although there is little business , it is ipeefced that a very large number will avail themselves of the > portunity of meeting their Right Worshipful the Prov . G . M ., id we hope that tlie Brethren of the old Lodge 179 will give their . most exertions to make everything complete , and that the not icommon serious loss of time between the closing of the meeting
¦ id the bancpiet will be avoided . The Corn Exchange Buildings i-e very suitable for all purposes . The D . Prov . Grand Master for West Lancashire , Sir Thos . Geo . lesketh Bart , P . G . W ., has convened a Proy . Grand Lodge to be ield in Liverpool on the Sth Oct , at ten o ' clock a . m . Tne Anniversary Meeting ancl installation of the W . M . of the St . John's Lodge ( No . 190 ) will take place at the Holly Bush Tavern , Hampstead , on Tuesday next .
ESSEX . CUIGWEEC— Chigioell Lodge ( No . 663 ) , —This lodge met at the King ' s Head Inn , on Saturday , the 14 ' mst ., Bro . Raynliam Stewart , WM ., presiding , when Bro . George Motion was mstaUfid W . M . for she ensuing year by Bro . Henry Muggeridge , P . M ., 227 . Amongst those present were Bro . Arthur Stone , Dr . Dunce , J " . F . Toole , E . G . Motion , Rev . Hampton Lomas , Jagers , ancl several other hrethren . Visitors : Bro . S . E . Nutt , P . G . Steward ; Bro . Dickie , P . M ., 53 ; Hooper , W . M ., Lodge of Good Report , 158 ; Gole , P . M . ( No . 18 ); and several other brethren .
GLOUCESTERSHIRE . PBOUINCIAII GBAND LODGE . —THE MEMOEIAI , BISHOB HOOSEE AT GLOUCESTER . The ceremony of laying the foundation stone of the memorial to the martyred Bishop Hooper , which it is intended to erect on the site of his martyrdom , in St . Mary ' s-square , took place on
Wednesday , the 18 th September . The monument , which is from a design of Messrs . Medland and Maberly , will be in the early decorative style of English architecture , some peculiarly beautiful specimens of which exist in tho ¦ crosses erected to the memory of Queen Ella by her husband , King Edward . The area to be occupied by the bottom step is 18 ft . 6 in ., and the total height is to he 45 ft . The monument is divided into three stagesthe base or pedestalwhich is laced on three large
, , p and handsome steps , a gable and crocketed canopy supported on three pinnacled buttresses , ancl clustered columns ancl a crocketed spire pierced with ornamental lights and terminated with a gilded vane , ancl on the upper part of the pedestal is an arcade filled in with diaper work and a shield , on which it is proposed to carve •the arms of the martyr . Immediately above tlie plinth is an ornamental recess to contain a suitable inscription . The gables of the ¦ canopy are filled with carving , ancl all the pinnacles are pannelled .
It is intended , as soon as funds are procured , to place a figure of the martyred bishop in the canopy , and to surround the monument with handsome and appropriate railing . During the morning the Masonic brethren continued to arrive , aud towards mid-day , they mustered at the lodges , the Royal Lebanon Lodge and the Royal Gloucester Lodge , ancl other craft lodges assembling at the Booth Hall Hotel ; the Provincial Grand Lodge of Gloucestershire being opened at Beaufort House , College and
Green , having transacted their business , were marshalled to the Booth Hab \ headed by the City Rifle Band playing the "March of the Israelites . " The congregation ofthe brethren here was large , . and the Grand Lodge was receiveci in duo form by the Craft lodges ,
and the R . W . the D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . G . P . Newmareh , delivered an address , and directed the dispensation sanctioning the proceedings to be reacl and recorded . Among the members of the Grand Lodge present were Bros . G . P . New-march , D . Prov . G . M . ; B . E . Bloxsome , Prov . S . G . W . ; J . G . Palmer , Treas . ; Trinder , See . ; Wallace and A . Shirer , Dirs . of Civs . ; J . Cornwall , Sword Bearer ; and the following Prov . Grand Officers : —J . Burrup , D . M . Walker , W . H . Gwinnet , Colonel Brandon , T . Williams , Rev . H . Baily , T .
J . Cottle , J . Pierce , T . 0 . Smith , & c . The following brethren were the Officers of the Royal Lebanon : —James Nicholson , W . M . ; S . H . Hayward , S . W . ; James G . Wilson , J . W . ; C . G . Ladkin , Treas . ; W . B . Stoker , Hon . Sec . ; J . G . Ping , S . D . ; E . East , J . D . ; W . P . Brown , I . G . ; W . Curtis , Steward ; B . Doyle , Tyler ; and of the Royal Gloucestershire : —Amos Sleed , W . M . ; Gwinnet , S . W . ; Palmer , J . W . ; Edward Trimmer , jun ., Treas . ; W . Matthews , Sec ; R . HendewerkI . G . ; W . A . WattSteward .
, , Among the brethren present were the following : —Thomas Williams , P . M . No . 307 , Royal Union ; W . Slade , P . M . 307 ; John Cook , P . M . 307 ; Capt . P . C . Trower , P . P . G . Sword Bearer , Devonshire , and P . M . of No . 123 , Exmouth ; Richard Pomeroy , P . M . P . G . S . of Lodge Fortitude , 122 , Devonshire ; Thomas Meyler , S . W . Unanimity ancl Sincerity , 327 , P . P . G . Sword Beaier , Somerset ; C . H . Low , P . M . 221 , P . G . Director of Ceremonies , Bristol ; S . Bryant , P . P . G . S . W . Bristol , ancl P . M . 81 ; John S . Strange , W . M . No .
1 , 157 ; Thomas James Cottle , W . M . Foundation Loelge , 97 ; R . Tovey , W . M . 307 ; George B . Smith , W . M . Sherborne Lodge , 1 , 004 ; Charles Partridge , W . M . Sfc . John ' s Lodge , Dursley , No . 1 , 063 ; W . Champion , St . John's Lodge , Dursley ; Henry D . Martin , Palladium Lodge , Hereford ; James Knight Smith , Vitruvian Lodge 423 ; H . J . Ingram , 307 ; T . Potter , 307 ; Llew . White , Lodge of Sympathy , Wootfcon-uiuler-Edge ; C . P . Quintin , No . 67 , Cheltenham ; J . A . Metcalfe , M . D ., 97 , 'Royal Foundation Lodge ; Win .
Jaynes , 307 ; Arthur Jack , J . D . 307 ; C . P . Langston , No . 91 , Lodge of Freedom , Gravesend ; W . T . Dix , 307 ; T . W . Swinburne , 307 ; Geo . Hodge , 307 ; John Humphreys , I . G . 307 ; W . P . Want , St . John's Dursley , 1063 ; E . G . P . Brammer , Faith and Friendship , Berkeley , 337 ; W . H . Green , Royal Gloucestershire Lodge ; H . Wright , Royal Gloucester Lodge ; Amos Williams , Royal Lebanon , 724 ; Thomas Saunders , Royal Lebanon , 724 ; Ramphill , Roman Eagle , 160 ; George Wells , l . G . protem . Royal Sussex , Bristol , 221 ; William Hooper , Royal Gloucestershire Lodge ; B . Gambain ; Ed . Kendall , R . G . ; John Taylor , Faith and Friendship , 337 ; A . W .
Gabb , Royal Foundation Lodge , 97 ; Octavius Long , Faith and lYienclsliip , Berkeley , 449 ; Gwinnett , 97 ancl 1 , 141 ; C . A . Jacobs , Royal Union , 307 ; William Cowle , S . W . No . 1 , 004 ; James Chew , 1 , 004 ; James Wadley , Jordan Lodge , 237 ; Giles Hothrow , J . W . 337 ; Francis Niblett , Royal Sussex , Bristol , 221 ; Hendewerk , 1 , 141 ; Frederick Vizard , St . John's , Dursley , 1 , 063 ; E . J . Thomas , S . W . Glamorgan Lodge , 43 ; Joseph J . Hadley , Royal Union , 307 ; J . A . GardnerP . S . W . Royal SussexBristol 221 Henri Vim Lawn
, , , ; , 97 ; Royal Foundation Lodge ; J . P . Smith , 724 , Lebanon , Gloucester ; W . O . Watts , Royal Gloucester , 1 , 141 ; E . G . Woodard , Foundation , Cheltenham ; J . Burrup , late 473 , Royal Gloucester ; A . W . Wheelan ; J . Davies , 724 ; Lodge , Gloucestershire ; W . J . Brown , Lebanon , 724 ; P . B . Eassie ( No . 1141 ) ; T . Skinner , Lebanon , 724 ; J . C . Gregg , J . D ., 1053 , Eastnor Lodge , Ledbury ; J . Nicholson , Royal Lebanon , 724 ; East , do . ; John Mullings , J . D ., Cotteswold Lodge , 162 ; C .
Cozens , S . D ., do . ; George J . Pring , Lebanon Lodge ; W . Charles , 53 , St . Paul's Lodge , Birmingham ; T . Taynton , Royal Gloucester , 1141 ; W . Eassie , Royal Gloucester , 1141 ; Theophilus Trotter , Royal Monmouth Lodge , 671 ; Charles G . Ladkin , Royal Lebanon ; Frederick Bisid , Lebanon , 724 ; John Jones , Royal Gloucester ; J . G . Wilson , J . W . Lebanon ; W . Cousins , Lebanon ; W . Stocker , Lebanon , 724 and Confidence 228 ; Joseph Lovegrove , Royal Gloucestershire ; William WingateLod 316 and LebanonS .
, ge , ; H . Hayward , S . W . Lebanon ; Edward Trimmer , Treas ., P . G . S ., 1141 ; G . Robertson , Lebanon ; Henry Sheen , St . John ' s Lodge , Dursley , 1063 ; Henry Lovegrove , P . G . S ., 1141 ; James Stafford ,. Sfc . John ' s Lodge , 95 ; John Laing , 47 , Derwent Lodge , Hastings ; George Maiden , Royal Gloucester Lodge , 152 ; Peter Turning 127 , Kentucky , America ; A . Haycroft , 1004 , & c . The procession wended its way up Westgate-street , each side of whieh was blocked binterested spectatorswhile the windows
up y , of nearly every house along the route were occupied by ladies , in whom the novelty and beauty of the Masonic profession excited the liveliest interest . The "band now played the Old Hundredth Psalm , which gave an appropriate air of solemnity to the proceedings . Turning- at the Cross , the cortege proceeded along Southgate-street , and returned , a detachment of the Gloucester and Newnham Artillery , tho Gloucester Engineers , and the Dock Rifle Company falling in . On reaching the Tolsey the procession was joined by
the Blue Coat Boys , the Mayor , and the several members of the Corporation , with the Town Clerk , the Clerk of the Peace , the City Chamberlain , Sword Bearer , & c . ; next came the Hooper Memorial Committee , and the clergy .