Article THE WEEK. ← Page 3 of 3 Article THE WEEK. Page 3 of 3 Article SPECIAL NOTICE. Page 1 of 1 Article TO CORRESPONDENTS. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
Porte and several other powers for the conclusion of treaties of commerce in conformity with those which have been signed between it and England , France , and Italy , not yet having been terminated , ' the Ottoman Government has demanded that tho application of the treaties of commerce with the latter powers , which had been fixed for the 1 st of October next , should be postponed until the 13 th of March , 1862 . This application is made with the view of avoiding the confusion which would arise to commerce ancl to revenue from
the sudden substitution of an irregular ancl varying tariff for one of a fixed and equal character . The French Government has acceded to the demand so far as it is concerned . -Telegraphic accounts from Ragusa state that the vanguard of the Turkish army , which ' had pushed on towards Grahovo , had fallen back on Trebigue and Klobuck , in consequence of some bold move of theMontenegrins . The Morning Post makes the important announcement that the BritishFrenchand Spanish Cabinets are engaged in settling tho
, , terms of a joint and immediate intervention in Mexican affairs . No troops will be marched into the interior ; but a combined squadron will be sent into the Gulf of Mexico , with orders to blockade in case of need , and perhaps to occupy for a time A era Cruz and the other principal Mexican ports . Tho allied powers will require the Mexican Government to assent to a sequestration of the customs duties , which will be collected by the British , French , and Spanish Consuls . Half of the produce of the duties will be applied to
satisfy the claims of subjects of the allies , and the other half will be paid to the Mexican Government . If Mexico should refuse to accept these conditions , the ports will be blockaded , or perhaps the duties will be collected by the allies without any Mexican authorization ; and in that case tho whole produce will be devoted to the payment of the amounts that may be justly due to British , French , and Spanish subjects .
AMERICA . —The intelligence brought by the North American steamer , which left New York on the 13 th inst ., represents the position of the contending forces on the Potomac as in the main unchanged , though the continued advance of the Confedvates on the Federal lines led to the belief of an early engagement . In AVestern Virginia an action was fought on the 10 th , near Summerville , between 5 , 000 Confedeiates , under General Floyd , and a body of Northern troops , under General Rosencrantz . Though the
former are admitted to have helcl their ground during the contest , yet , according to the Northern accounts , they retreated at night , abandoning a portion of their- baggage and ammunition . There was a rumour that General Fremont had been superseded on account of his Missouri proclamation emancipating the slaves . Such a proceeding would lead to important consequences , but the truth of the report was doubted . The Kentucky Legislature had come to the conclusion of ordering the Confederate troops out of the statebut
, had refused to adopt a similar course with respect to the Northern troops . The Confederates , however , so far from obeying the mandate , had strengthened their position at Columbus ancl Hickman . Late intelligence also brings a narrative of a dreadful affair . The supports of a railway bridge over a river in the state of Missouri were nearly burned through by some diabolical miscreants , and a railway train coming upon the trap thus set for them was
precipitated some 100 feet into the river . Seventeen persons were killed outright , and of about 100 passengers only three escaped unhurt . The ruffians had placed other obstructions along the line as soon as the train had passed , to prevent assistance being sent to them . The New York papers attribute this piece of fiendish cruelty to the rebels ; but we are unwilling to believe that men who have once had arms in their hands would perpetrate such cowardly cruelty , and , besides , they must have expected the train to contain friends as well as foes .
INDIA , CHINA , & e . — -The Bombay mail has arrived , butthe advices are destitute of political or general interest . The cholera has made great ravages at Delhi , Meerut , and many other places in the North-west Provinces , but its virulence was abating . The amalgamation of the Indian and Queen's armies was progressing , great numbers of Indian officers having joined the Staff Corps . The Governor General had declined to sanction the establishment of a line of steamers between Kurrachee ancl Bushire . The Governor
General in Council has just passed a resolution which must prove of interest to those interested in cotton cultivation . His Excellency , though earnestly desirous to encourage the cultivation of products of trade , ancl especially of cotton in India , laid down as a fundamental rule for the guidance of the executive , that every measure which places government in the position of a private capitalist or cultivator must be injurious , ancl that all attempts by authority to stimulate cultivation are out of the question . But consistentl
y with the observance of this rule , Lord Canning is desirous to clo all hi his power to increase the growth of cotton , and especially to encourage the cultivation of the finer sorts . AVith this view , prizes will be given for the production of cotton in each of the three Presidencies for the largest quantity combined with the best quality .
The Week.
Each prize will be in value about £ 1 , 000 , and the prizes are offered for each of the two next seasons . AVe have sinister news from Japan . On the Sth July an attack was made on the British Legation at Je & do , ancl Mr . Morrison and Mr . Oliphant were seriously wounded . The rest of the Embassy were fortunate enough to escape . The telegram conveys no information respecting the origin of the outrage , or tbe parties who were concerned in it . From
China we learn that the merchants were dissatisfied with the working of the treaty , and were about to call a meeting to consider it . The rebels were approaching Shanghae with 100 , 000 men , ancl Nanking is still invested by the Imperial troops .
Special Notice.
On Saturday , Nov . 2 , a beautiful Steel Engraving of the Ri ght Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie , K . G ., P . D . G . M ., in full Masonic costume , will be presented gratuitously to every subscriber to the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AUD MASONIC MIEROB . The Engraving has been executed in the hi ghest style of art , by
Posselwhite , from a photograph by Mayall . Specimens will be ready next week ; and Country Booksellers ancl others desirous of receiving them are requested to inform us how they shall be forwarded . A few copies for framing ( suitable for lod ge ancl other presents )
may be had as follows ;—India Proofs , before letters ( which must be ordered immediatel y 7 6 India Proofs ( after letters ) 5 0 Large Plate Paper .. ; 30
To Correspondents.
To STTBSCEIBEE ' S AND OTHEES—All remittances by cheque , postoffice orders , & e ., are to bemade payable to the Proprietor , Mr . AVilliam Smith , C . E ., 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , AV . C . COMMUNICATIONS for the EDITOR to he addressed to H . G . Warren , Esq ., 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , AV . C . ALL ORDERS or Communications with respect to the
publishinodepartments to be addressed to the Publisher , 19 , Salisburvstreet , Strand , AV . C . OXON ET CANTAB . —The answer to the question of the above correspondent by A . Z . is unintelligible . Will he try again . JUSTICE . —A Master of a lodge being unable to perform the ceremonies , or wishing for assistance , may request a P . M . or AVarden to act for him . It is the custom in many lod for the Master
ges to leave the chair and resign ifc to a P . M . during the performance of those duties , but it is not correct . The AV . M . should , so lon ° - as he remains in the lodge , retain the chair , ancl the P . M . oi-AVarden officiating should occupy a seat immediatel y to his left . In Grand Lodge the D . G . M . always sits to the ri ght of the G . M ., but he has no duties to perforin in the G . M ' s . presence . J . R . D . —A AV . M . lias now power over the hall of his lod beyond
ge those deputed to him by the lodge . He cannot lend it to any person for any purpose he likes in opposition to the wishes of the lodge , but tho best way of preventing his doing so is to vest the hall iu trustees ancl declare in the bye-laws to what uses it may be put . If the Master lends the hail for immoral purposes he should be immediately cited to the Prov . Grand Master or the Board of General Purposes . AA'hat are immoral purposes , however
may be matter of opinion . Some people consider dancinoimmoral . AVe do not . Others again object to the favourite ballad of Solly in our Alley , and the trustees of Exeter Hall would not allow it to be sung in their establishment until they had expunged the lines . " Of . ill tho days that ' s in tho week , T dearly lovo but one day Ancl that ' s tho day thai comes betwixt the Saturday ancl Monday-For then I ' m drcss'd all in my best , and walk abroad with Sally •' For she's the darling of my heart , aud lives in our alley . " '
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
Porte and several other powers for the conclusion of treaties of commerce in conformity with those which have been signed between it and England , France , and Italy , not yet having been terminated , ' the Ottoman Government has demanded that tho application of the treaties of commerce with the latter powers , which had been fixed for the 1 st of October next , should be postponed until the 13 th of March , 1862 . This application is made with the view of avoiding the confusion which would arise to commerce ancl to revenue from
the sudden substitution of an irregular ancl varying tariff for one of a fixed and equal character . The French Government has acceded to the demand so far as it is concerned . -Telegraphic accounts from Ragusa state that the vanguard of the Turkish army , which ' had pushed on towards Grahovo , had fallen back on Trebigue and Klobuck , in consequence of some bold move of theMontenegrins . The Morning Post makes the important announcement that the BritishFrenchand Spanish Cabinets are engaged in settling tho
, , terms of a joint and immediate intervention in Mexican affairs . No troops will be marched into the interior ; but a combined squadron will be sent into the Gulf of Mexico , with orders to blockade in case of need , and perhaps to occupy for a time A era Cruz and the other principal Mexican ports . Tho allied powers will require the Mexican Government to assent to a sequestration of the customs duties , which will be collected by the British , French , and Spanish Consuls . Half of the produce of the duties will be applied to
satisfy the claims of subjects of the allies , and the other half will be paid to the Mexican Government . If Mexico should refuse to accept these conditions , the ports will be blockaded , or perhaps the duties will be collected by the allies without any Mexican authorization ; and in that case tho whole produce will be devoted to the payment of the amounts that may be justly due to British , French , and Spanish subjects .
AMERICA . —The intelligence brought by the North American steamer , which left New York on the 13 th inst ., represents the position of the contending forces on the Potomac as in the main unchanged , though the continued advance of the Confedvates on the Federal lines led to the belief of an early engagement . In AVestern Virginia an action was fought on the 10 th , near Summerville , between 5 , 000 Confedeiates , under General Floyd , and a body of Northern troops , under General Rosencrantz . Though the
former are admitted to have helcl their ground during the contest , yet , according to the Northern accounts , they retreated at night , abandoning a portion of their- baggage and ammunition . There was a rumour that General Fremont had been superseded on account of his Missouri proclamation emancipating the slaves . Such a proceeding would lead to important consequences , but the truth of the report was doubted . The Kentucky Legislature had come to the conclusion of ordering the Confederate troops out of the statebut
, had refused to adopt a similar course with respect to the Northern troops . The Confederates , however , so far from obeying the mandate , had strengthened their position at Columbus ancl Hickman . Late intelligence also brings a narrative of a dreadful affair . The supports of a railway bridge over a river in the state of Missouri were nearly burned through by some diabolical miscreants , and a railway train coming upon the trap thus set for them was
precipitated some 100 feet into the river . Seventeen persons were killed outright , and of about 100 passengers only three escaped unhurt . The ruffians had placed other obstructions along the line as soon as the train had passed , to prevent assistance being sent to them . The New York papers attribute this piece of fiendish cruelty to the rebels ; but we are unwilling to believe that men who have once had arms in their hands would perpetrate such cowardly cruelty , and , besides , they must have expected the train to contain friends as well as foes .
INDIA , CHINA , & e . — -The Bombay mail has arrived , butthe advices are destitute of political or general interest . The cholera has made great ravages at Delhi , Meerut , and many other places in the North-west Provinces , but its virulence was abating . The amalgamation of the Indian and Queen's armies was progressing , great numbers of Indian officers having joined the Staff Corps . The Governor General had declined to sanction the establishment of a line of steamers between Kurrachee ancl Bushire . The Governor
General in Council has just passed a resolution which must prove of interest to those interested in cotton cultivation . His Excellency , though earnestly desirous to encourage the cultivation of products of trade , ancl especially of cotton in India , laid down as a fundamental rule for the guidance of the executive , that every measure which places government in the position of a private capitalist or cultivator must be injurious , ancl that all attempts by authority to stimulate cultivation are out of the question . But consistentl
y with the observance of this rule , Lord Canning is desirous to clo all hi his power to increase the growth of cotton , and especially to encourage the cultivation of the finer sorts . AVith this view , prizes will be given for the production of cotton in each of the three Presidencies for the largest quantity combined with the best quality .
The Week.
Each prize will be in value about £ 1 , 000 , and the prizes are offered for each of the two next seasons . AVe have sinister news from Japan . On the Sth July an attack was made on the British Legation at Je & do , ancl Mr . Morrison and Mr . Oliphant were seriously wounded . The rest of the Embassy were fortunate enough to escape . The telegram conveys no information respecting the origin of the outrage , or tbe parties who were concerned in it . From
China we learn that the merchants were dissatisfied with the working of the treaty , and were about to call a meeting to consider it . The rebels were approaching Shanghae with 100 , 000 men , ancl Nanking is still invested by the Imperial troops .
Special Notice.
On Saturday , Nov . 2 , a beautiful Steel Engraving of the Ri ght Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie , K . G ., P . D . G . M ., in full Masonic costume , will be presented gratuitously to every subscriber to the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AUD MASONIC MIEROB . The Engraving has been executed in the hi ghest style of art , by
Posselwhite , from a photograph by Mayall . Specimens will be ready next week ; and Country Booksellers ancl others desirous of receiving them are requested to inform us how they shall be forwarded . A few copies for framing ( suitable for lod ge ancl other presents )
may be had as follows ;—India Proofs , before letters ( which must be ordered immediatel y 7 6 India Proofs ( after letters ) 5 0 Large Plate Paper .. ; 30
To Correspondents.
To STTBSCEIBEE ' S AND OTHEES—All remittances by cheque , postoffice orders , & e ., are to bemade payable to the Proprietor , Mr . AVilliam Smith , C . E ., 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , AV . C . COMMUNICATIONS for the EDITOR to he addressed to H . G . Warren , Esq ., 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , AV . C . ALL ORDERS or Communications with respect to the
publishinodepartments to be addressed to the Publisher , 19 , Salisburvstreet , Strand , AV . C . OXON ET CANTAB . —The answer to the question of the above correspondent by A . Z . is unintelligible . Will he try again . JUSTICE . —A Master of a lodge being unable to perform the ceremonies , or wishing for assistance , may request a P . M . or AVarden to act for him . It is the custom in many lod for the Master
ges to leave the chair and resign ifc to a P . M . during the performance of those duties , but it is not correct . The AV . M . should , so lon ° - as he remains in the lodge , retain the chair , ancl the P . M . oi-AVarden officiating should occupy a seat immediatel y to his left . In Grand Lodge the D . G . M . always sits to the ri ght of the G . M ., but he has no duties to perforin in the G . M ' s . presence . J . R . D . —A AV . M . lias now power over the hall of his lod beyond
ge those deputed to him by the lodge . He cannot lend it to any person for any purpose he likes in opposition to the wishes of the lodge , but tho best way of preventing his doing so is to vest the hall iu trustees ancl declare in the bye-laws to what uses it may be put . If the Master lends the hail for immoral purposes he should be immediately cited to the Prov . Grand Master or the Board of General Purposes . AA'hat are immoral purposes , however
may be matter of opinion . Some people consider dancinoimmoral . AVe do not . Others again object to the favourite ballad of Solly in our Alley , and the trustees of Exeter Hall would not allow it to be sung in their establishment until they had expunged the lines . " Of . ill tho days that ' s in tho week , T dearly lovo but one day Ancl that ' s tho day thai comes betwixt the Saturday ancl Monday-For then I ' m drcss'd all in my best , and walk abroad with Sally •' For she's the darling of my heart , aud lives in our alley . " '