Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. Page 2 of 2 Article THE ORIGINAL FREEMASONS. Page 1 of 3 →
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
of one M . E . and G . M ., and general chapter , tho present head of each country having the title of Master , Grand Commander , or Grand Prior . P . E . C . appears to forget that we claim to be the "Order of the Temple , and refuse to acknowledge the French Order as genuine . Thafc Order is undoubtedly legitimate , but if we acknowledge the legitimacy of their list of Grand Masters , we cannot refuse to recognise their authority . —J
KNIGHT TEMPLAR BALDRICK OR SLING . " One of the old school" will find at page 45 of the Statutes , " that the sword when worn by Knights is to be suspended by the sash or baldrick . "—J TURKISH MASONRY . Was nofc the School of Wisdom , or House of Solomon , establishedbyHakem ( venerated by the Druses ) a speculative
, branch of our Order ? And may not tho traces of Freemasonry found in Turkey have sprung from thence , as well as the mysteries ofthe Assassins , Druses , Dervishes , & o . ?—¦ the scientific part being rejected by them as has been the case here . —J THE BLIND , HALT , OR MAIMED . Does the law which used to exclude blindhaltor maimed
, , jiersons joining the Craft mean thafc such individuals were to be excluded only if born so ; or were they also debarred , if any of those afflictions was the result of accident ?—P . P . CARPENTERS SAW . Is the carpenters' saw a Masonic symbol ?—ELTON .
LODGES IN POLAND . W . E . would be glad if any one will favour him with a list of lodges that meet in Poland ?—[ We are doubtful if you will get the information asked for , because Masonry in Poland is carried on in secret , and even here , by publishing what you want , we might be endangering some of our brethren . The following extract from an old periodical will
explain more fully than any words of ours can do , and shew how trie Order was regarded , on the one side as an object of fear , and , on the other , perverted from , its - true ends by being made a political engine : — "Major Lukasinsld , of noble family , served in the army since 1806 with great merit . Ke distinguished himself in several battles in 1813 . He founded a patriotic society to which lie gave the
name of National Freemasonry . The true meaning of that society was the restoration of Poland . The emblems were the same as those of Freemasonry in general . He applied the principal ideas of Freemasonry to the re-edification of Solomon's Temple—that is , the regeneration of human kind to the restoration of Poland . That Freemasonry was established in 1819 . It propagated so rapidly through all the country that Alexander of Russia , full of anxietygave orders to shut up all the lodges ; but ifc onlmade
, y its ties more sacred ancl more fervent , and their cable-tow longer and stronger . At the head of Masonry of the Dukedom of Posen was General Tlminski , a man full of courage and great talents . His presence in Warsaw redoubled the ardour of all its members . A traitor gained admission into the Order , and gave the names of its leaders . Immediately Major Lukasinsld was arrested . He was tormented during two years with questions in relation to his "brothers : nothing coulcl make him fail to his obligations . He was
sentenced to nine years of hard labour ; his brothers ( Masons ) to six years . Their epaulets were publicly torn away from them ; they were chained and sent to the fortress of Zamosc . It is ascertained that the Grand Duke Constantine , when he left Warsaw , had takan Lukasinsld away with him covered with rags , chained to gun and dragging heavy irons at his feet . " ]
BRO . THE KING OP HANOVER . Is the present King of Hanover a brother ?—f * f —[ He is . He was initiated in January , 1857 . ] THE GRAND STEWARDS * LODGE VISITING IRELAND . I am informed thafc the English Grand Steward ' s Lodge once visited Ireland . When , and what for?—A PG
STEWARD . —[ On the 9 th of January , 1849 , which was the centenary of the Irish Grand Master ' s Lodge . The Duke of Leinster , G-. M ., presided , attended by his Grand Officers , the representatives of the Grand Lodges of England and Scotland , and the Grand Stewards' Lodge of England . Medals were struck in honour ofthe occasion , and presented to the various Grand Lod ges through their representatives . ]
Masonic Notes And Queries.
MASONIC BAPTISM . I find by li'Illustration newspaper that on the 17 th August last , the Brethren of the lodge La Perseverante-Amifcie , celebrated their Sfc . John , in Temple No . 1 , of the Grand Orient , at Paris , by a " Masonic Baptism" of thirty children of tho brethren . The ceremony is described as imposing and " Patriarchal" and as having for its object
, the adoption of the children by the brethren of the lodge to a paternal protectorate under all circumstances . Girls are admitted to fche baptism , and the mothers are present . Is there anything analogous in any degree of English Ereemasonry ?—S ' . P . E . tJ < . —[ There is not . —ED . ]
ORTHOGRAPHY OP FREEMASON . Wbieh is the proper way to write Ereemason ? Sometimes ifc appears Eree-Mason , at others Ereemason . —H . A . G . TUE CARDINAL VIRTUES . Is there any work published on the Cardinal Virtues . Of course I know the illustrations of them iu the lectures , bufc I want a treatise or full exposition of them , and examples
of their value to individuals by name . —X . E . SO MOTE IT BE . Where does the word " mote" come from in the jmrase " So mote ifc be ? " —EIDGWAY . —[ Ifc is an Anglo-Saxon word , signifying , as a noun , a spot , a meeting , or might ; as a verb , must . ] COUNCIL OF PRINCES OP JERUSALEM .
Who has ever attended a council of Princes of Jerusalem , and where are they held ?—PETER . —[ Peter is inquisitive . If he will send us his Masonic rank , we will either give him the information he asks , if entitled to ifc , or decline to do so if he is not'in jiossession of certain degrees . ]
THE IAU CROSS . [ Tho note containing this question arrived late , but is our brother serious in expecting a reply , involving a month's hard reading , in two days . ] ATWOOD ' S MASTER WORKMAN . I see extracts taken from Atwood ' s Master Workman ,
which appears to be a Masonic publication . Of what does it treat , and where is it sold ?—E . C . —[ We have never seen it ; but you may gather from its title-page , subjoined , what ifc professes to show . It is called " The Master Workman , or True Masonic Guide , containing Elucidations of the Fundamental Principles of Ereemasonry , Operative ancl Speculative , Morally , ancl Beneficially . With embellishments and
explanations of all the degrees—fche Blue , or Symbolic Lodge , Chapter , Council , Encampment , Consistory , and Supreme Grand Council ; designed ancl properly ai-ranged agreeably to the mode of work ancl lecturing . Also a complete classification of fche various Eites : to wit , the Egyptian , Scottish , Erench , Ancient ancl Modern York . Compiled by Henry 0 . Atwood , from the most Authentic Writers ; with Emendations , Additions , Notes , Charges , Songs , & c , & o . " 12 mo ., 360 pp . New York , 1851 . ]
The Original Freemasons.
( From the " Gloucestershire Chronicle . " ) Between the years 568 and 774 the Longobards , a German race , overrun the whole of Italy , and at last settled themselves in its northern plains , which have since been called after them—Lombardy . They became Chi'isfciaus ; and until this day the kings of Lombardy are crowned with an
iron crown , so called from a nail which is said to have been taken from the cross ou which fche Saviour was crucified being rivetfced into ifc . The Lombards grew into a clever and great nation after the fall of Eome . The round-headed characters used in writing afc the present clay were invented by the Lombards . Bookkeeping , banks , bills of exchange , commercial and maritime laws , public loans , ancl many other things useful to industry and commerce , all originated in Lombardy . The kings , lords , aud municipal bodies of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
of one M . E . and G . M ., and general chapter , tho present head of each country having the title of Master , Grand Commander , or Grand Prior . P . E . C . appears to forget that we claim to be the "Order of the Temple , and refuse to acknowledge the French Order as genuine . Thafc Order is undoubtedly legitimate , but if we acknowledge the legitimacy of their list of Grand Masters , we cannot refuse to recognise their authority . —J
KNIGHT TEMPLAR BALDRICK OR SLING . " One of the old school" will find at page 45 of the Statutes , " that the sword when worn by Knights is to be suspended by the sash or baldrick . "—J TURKISH MASONRY . Was nofc the School of Wisdom , or House of Solomon , establishedbyHakem ( venerated by the Druses ) a speculative
, branch of our Order ? And may not tho traces of Freemasonry found in Turkey have sprung from thence , as well as the mysteries ofthe Assassins , Druses , Dervishes , & o . ?—¦ the scientific part being rejected by them as has been the case here . —J THE BLIND , HALT , OR MAIMED . Does the law which used to exclude blindhaltor maimed
, , jiersons joining the Craft mean thafc such individuals were to be excluded only if born so ; or were they also debarred , if any of those afflictions was the result of accident ?—P . P . CARPENTERS SAW . Is the carpenters' saw a Masonic symbol ?—ELTON .
LODGES IN POLAND . W . E . would be glad if any one will favour him with a list of lodges that meet in Poland ?—[ We are doubtful if you will get the information asked for , because Masonry in Poland is carried on in secret , and even here , by publishing what you want , we might be endangering some of our brethren . The following extract from an old periodical will
explain more fully than any words of ours can do , and shew how trie Order was regarded , on the one side as an object of fear , and , on the other , perverted from , its - true ends by being made a political engine : — "Major Lukasinsld , of noble family , served in the army since 1806 with great merit . Ke distinguished himself in several battles in 1813 . He founded a patriotic society to which lie gave the
name of National Freemasonry . The true meaning of that society was the restoration of Poland . The emblems were the same as those of Freemasonry in general . He applied the principal ideas of Freemasonry to the re-edification of Solomon's Temple—that is , the regeneration of human kind to the restoration of Poland . That Freemasonry was established in 1819 . It propagated so rapidly through all the country that Alexander of Russia , full of anxietygave orders to shut up all the lodges ; but ifc onlmade
, y its ties more sacred ancl more fervent , and their cable-tow longer and stronger . At the head of Masonry of the Dukedom of Posen was General Tlminski , a man full of courage and great talents . His presence in Warsaw redoubled the ardour of all its members . A traitor gained admission into the Order , and gave the names of its leaders . Immediately Major Lukasinsld was arrested . He was tormented during two years with questions in relation to his "brothers : nothing coulcl make him fail to his obligations . He was
sentenced to nine years of hard labour ; his brothers ( Masons ) to six years . Their epaulets were publicly torn away from them ; they were chained and sent to the fortress of Zamosc . It is ascertained that the Grand Duke Constantine , when he left Warsaw , had takan Lukasinsld away with him covered with rags , chained to gun and dragging heavy irons at his feet . " ]
BRO . THE KING OP HANOVER . Is the present King of Hanover a brother ?—f * f —[ He is . He was initiated in January , 1857 . ] THE GRAND STEWARDS * LODGE VISITING IRELAND . I am informed thafc the English Grand Steward ' s Lodge once visited Ireland . When , and what for?—A PG
STEWARD . —[ On the 9 th of January , 1849 , which was the centenary of the Irish Grand Master ' s Lodge . The Duke of Leinster , G-. M ., presided , attended by his Grand Officers , the representatives of the Grand Lodges of England and Scotland , and the Grand Stewards' Lodge of England . Medals were struck in honour ofthe occasion , and presented to the various Grand Lod ges through their representatives . ]
Masonic Notes And Queries.
MASONIC BAPTISM . I find by li'Illustration newspaper that on the 17 th August last , the Brethren of the lodge La Perseverante-Amifcie , celebrated their Sfc . John , in Temple No . 1 , of the Grand Orient , at Paris , by a " Masonic Baptism" of thirty children of tho brethren . The ceremony is described as imposing and " Patriarchal" and as having for its object
, the adoption of the children by the brethren of the lodge to a paternal protectorate under all circumstances . Girls are admitted to fche baptism , and the mothers are present . Is there anything analogous in any degree of English Ereemasonry ?—S ' . P . E . tJ < . —[ There is not . —ED . ]
ORTHOGRAPHY OP FREEMASON . Wbieh is the proper way to write Ereemason ? Sometimes ifc appears Eree-Mason , at others Ereemason . —H . A . G . TUE CARDINAL VIRTUES . Is there any work published on the Cardinal Virtues . Of course I know the illustrations of them iu the lectures , bufc I want a treatise or full exposition of them , and examples
of their value to individuals by name . —X . E . SO MOTE IT BE . Where does the word " mote" come from in the jmrase " So mote ifc be ? " —EIDGWAY . —[ Ifc is an Anglo-Saxon word , signifying , as a noun , a spot , a meeting , or might ; as a verb , must . ] COUNCIL OF PRINCES OP JERUSALEM .
Who has ever attended a council of Princes of Jerusalem , and where are they held ?—PETER . —[ Peter is inquisitive . If he will send us his Masonic rank , we will either give him the information he asks , if entitled to ifc , or decline to do so if he is not'in jiossession of certain degrees . ]
THE IAU CROSS . [ Tho note containing this question arrived late , but is our brother serious in expecting a reply , involving a month's hard reading , in two days . ] ATWOOD ' S MASTER WORKMAN . I see extracts taken from Atwood ' s Master Workman ,
which appears to be a Masonic publication . Of what does it treat , and where is it sold ?—E . C . —[ We have never seen it ; but you may gather from its title-page , subjoined , what ifc professes to show . It is called " The Master Workman , or True Masonic Guide , containing Elucidations of the Fundamental Principles of Ereemasonry , Operative ancl Speculative , Morally , ancl Beneficially . With embellishments and
explanations of all the degrees—fche Blue , or Symbolic Lodge , Chapter , Council , Encampment , Consistory , and Supreme Grand Council ; designed ancl properly ai-ranged agreeably to the mode of work ancl lecturing . Also a complete classification of fche various Eites : to wit , the Egyptian , Scottish , Erench , Ancient ancl Modern York . Compiled by Henry 0 . Atwood , from the most Authentic Writers ; with Emendations , Additions , Notes , Charges , Songs , & c , & o . " 12 mo ., 360 pp . New York , 1851 . ]
The Original Freemasons.
( From the " Gloucestershire Chronicle . " ) Between the years 568 and 774 the Longobards , a German race , overrun the whole of Italy , and at last settled themselves in its northern plains , which have since been called after them—Lombardy . They became Chi'isfciaus ; and until this day the kings of Lombardy are crowned with an
iron crown , so called from a nail which is said to have been taken from the cross ou which fche Saviour was crucified being rivetfced into ifc . The Lombards grew into a clever and great nation after the fall of Eome . The round-headed characters used in writing afc the present clay were invented by the Lombards . Bookkeeping , banks , bills of exchange , commercial and maritime laws , public loans , ancl many other things useful to industry and commerce , all originated in Lombardy . The kings , lords , aud municipal bodies of