Article SCOTLAND. ← Page 3 of 3 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article SOUTHERN INDIA. Page 1 of 2 →
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good traits while he was living , but you have to-day erected a statue which will carry his name down to future generations . ( Loud cheers . ) Sir EDWARD II . BLAIR said : I have the honour to propose a vote of thanks to the Marquis of Ailsa for presiding on this occasion . I am sure it must be most gratifying to his lordship , as well as to all who are assembled here to-day , to have'taken part in the interesting ceremony that we have just now
witnessed . For myself , I can only say that I shall always looj > : back with feelings of the greatest satisfaction that I have been permitted , in however humble a manner , to take part in the proceedings of this day , in paying this our last tribute of respect to the memory of the illustrious dead , in memory of him of whom it was truly said— "he was the most popular patrician of his time . " ( Hearhearand loud cheers . ) In regard to the
, , statue itself I have heard but one opinion—that the likeness and tho attitude are both admirable ; and when wo look to that manly form and those noble lineaments—once so familiar to all of us , and now again restored to us in the enduring bronze—I think the talented sculptor may well be proud of this eflhrt of his genius . ( Loud cheers . ) I shall not detain you any further after tho eloquent addresses have listened
you to , but will simply move a vote of thanks to the Marquis of Ailsa , Lord-Lieutenant of tbe county of Ayr , for presiding on this occasion . ( Loud cheers . ) Colonel ALEXANDER , of llalloclnnyle , having seconded this motion , the proceedings were terminated by the band playing the Rational Anthem .
Channel Islands.
JERSEY . ST . AITBIN ' LODGE ( NO . 958 ) . —On Tuesday , Oct . 17 th , tho brethren assembled for the ordinary monthly meeting , under the presidency of Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . M ., fche W . M . having but just arrived in the island after a long and stormy passage from England . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The acting WM . having explained the circumstances under which it is proposed to hold a bazaar and
fete in the Masonic Temple , Sfc . Holier , for the managing committee of which the brethren of St . Aubin ' s Lodge had been requested to appoint three members . On the proposition of Bro . Hopkins , seconded by Bro . Le Sueur , th . o W . M ., S . W ., and I . G . were selected as the representatives of the lodge on that committee . A grant of £ 1 from the benevolent fund was made , to assist tbe wife of a well known brother during his temporary
absence from Jersey . Bro . Dr . Hopkins , wifch the aid of the brethren , worked the last two sections of fche third lecture . No other business offering , the lodgo was closed at a quarter to nine , and after spending an hour very agreeably in social intercourse over a light repast , the brethren separated at a quarter to ten . MARK MASONRY .
CESAREAN LODGE ( NO . 7-1 ) . —The third quarterly meeting of this new lodge was held at the Masonic Temple , St . Holier , on Monday , October 9 th , under tiie presidency of Bro . Dr . Hopkins , W . M ., assisted by his Wardens , Bros . Dr . Small and P . AA . Bonham , Bro . Dr . Blood acting as P . M . Tbe minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for the admission of Bro . Lent as a joining member ,
which was unanimous in his favour . Bros . Gaudin and Abel , properly prepared , were admitted with tho usual formalities , and advanced hy the AV . M . to the degree of Mark Master . The code of by-laws was signed by all " the members present . Some mutter . * of business v .-ero arranged , and the lodge was closed at a quarter to nine , when the brethren adjourned to the banqueting room . The usual honours wero paid to the authorities in Shirk Masonry , several addresses were delivered , and the proceedings of the evening were brought to a close soon after ten o'clock .
THE hearts of vigorous men must , like a porcelain vase , in the beginning , be turned too large and too wide : in the furnace of the world they will soon enough shrink up to a proper size . AVE require fom- things for woman—that virtue dwell in her heart , that modesty play on her brow , that sweetness How from her lips , and industry occupv her bands .
Southern India.
MADRAS . " ( From our own Correspondent . ) PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . At a communication holden in the Hall of Lodge Perfect Unanimity- ( No . 150 ) , Madras , on the 27 th July , present , Bros . Colonel AV . Pitt Macdonald , Prov . G . M . ; A . Macdonald Ritchie , D . Prov . G . M . ; J . T . Greatorex , P . Prov . G . S ., as Prov . S . G . AV ., representative of LodVictoria in Burmah ( No . 826 )
Range , goon ; Dr . I-r . T . Shaw , as Prov . J . G . W . ; J . G . Coleman , Prov . G . Tyler ; Charles Seott , D . Prov . G . S ., as Prov . G . S ., representative of Bangalore Lodge ( No . 1043 ); G . Lewis , as Prov . S . G . D . ; Walter Joyes , as Prov . J . G . D . ; AV . Fraser , C . JE ., Prov . S . G . AV ., representative of Lodges Rock ( No . 260 ) , Trichino . poly , and Emulation ( No . 960 ) , Negapatana ; W . H . Buehan , Prov . G . Purst ; T . Sumner , P . Stevens , John C . Berlie , AVill .
AVaddell , Lieut . II . AV . Hastings , Lieut . C . B . Brereton , as Prov . G . Stewards ; J . R . Maddox , Prov . G . Tyler . Representatives of subordinate lodges : Bros . N . Morison , See . Perfect Unanimity Lodge ( No . 150 ) , as S . AV . ; J . Mills , S . AA . ; P . AVright , P . S . W ., as J . AV ., Universal Charity Lodge ( No . 273 ); Lieut .-Colonel H . L . Rundall , P . M ., as AV . M . ; Lieut . H . Bouverie PuseyM . A . as S . W . Mount Lodge
, , , ( No . 926 ) . The Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in due form , and with solemn invocation of God ' s blessing . The minutes of the last communication of the Provincial Grand Lodge were read and confirmed . The PROV . G . MASTER had much gratification in announcing that Masonry was making decided progress in the province ,
though silently and unobtrusively , each successive return from , subordinate lodges showing an accession of numbers . Most of the lodges , moreover , were working steadily . He noticed with special commendation the zeal ancl enthusiasm displayed by several brethren of Lodge The AVestern Star ( No . 1049 ) , Caunamore , who , to gain further instruction in Masonry and to advance to higher degrees , had , at a great sacrifice of convenience and expense , travelled all the way from their remote station to Madras to accomplish these objects . AA'ith reference to quarterly returns and payments , he was glad to observe that
nearly all the lodges had sent in theirs up to date , one or two only being in arrears . It was painful to him , however , to mention that one lodge—Emulation ( No . 968 ) , Negapatam —• had made no communication with the Provincial Grand Lodge since October , 1862 . Tho Mastership of this lodge was held by a brother conjointly with that of another lodge , viz ., Rock ( No . 260 ) , Trichinopoly , ancl , though repeated applications had been made to him by the Prov . G . Sec . for his returns and
quarterages , no satisfactory replies had been received . The Prov . G . M . trusted that this public mention of his irregularity would induce him to show a warmer interest in maintaining his connection with the Provincial Grand Lodge , and stimulate him to greater care in performing ono of the first and most important duties of his office . Tho PROV . G . MASTER further stated that he had received
with pleasure the intimation that u petition had been recently forwarded to the Supreme Grand Chapter of England for the appointment of a Provincial Grand Superintendent of Royal Arch Masonry in Southern India . Ho anticipated the greatest benefits from a . successful issue to this application . Royal Arch Masonry would , he conceived , receive an increased impetus , and subordinate lodges desirous of forming chapters would
have greater facilities ailbriled them than at present for carrying out their object after the establishment of a fully-organised Provincial Grand Chapter . Nothing of importance , the PROV . G . MASTER added , hacl transpired in the affairs of the Grand Masonic Charity Fund since the last communication of the Provincial Grand Lodge , except that Lodge A'ietoria in Burmah ( No . S 32 ) had intimated
its intention of subscribing annually the liberal sum of 50 rupees . Si The Pnov . G . TREASURER road his accounts , exhibiting a balance at the credit of tbe Provincial Grand Lodge of rupees 935-6-5 , and of the Charity Fund , exclusive of investments , of rupees 1 , 335-15-3 . —Bro . COLEJWX complained that in consequence of tbe departure of Bro . Tolputt from Madras ,
the funds of the Provincial Grand Lodge in deposit at the Madras Bank could not he drawn upon if required , as , according to a long standing arrangement , all moneys lodged in the Bank stood vested in the name of three brethren ( at present in
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
good traits while he was living , but you have to-day erected a statue which will carry his name down to future generations . ( Loud cheers . ) Sir EDWARD II . BLAIR said : I have the honour to propose a vote of thanks to the Marquis of Ailsa for presiding on this occasion . I am sure it must be most gratifying to his lordship , as well as to all who are assembled here to-day , to have'taken part in the interesting ceremony that we have just now
witnessed . For myself , I can only say that I shall always looj > : back with feelings of the greatest satisfaction that I have been permitted , in however humble a manner , to take part in the proceedings of this day , in paying this our last tribute of respect to the memory of the illustrious dead , in memory of him of whom it was truly said— "he was the most popular patrician of his time . " ( Hearhearand loud cheers . ) In regard to the
, , statue itself I have heard but one opinion—that the likeness and tho attitude are both admirable ; and when wo look to that manly form and those noble lineaments—once so familiar to all of us , and now again restored to us in the enduring bronze—I think the talented sculptor may well be proud of this eflhrt of his genius . ( Loud cheers . ) I shall not detain you any further after tho eloquent addresses have listened
you to , but will simply move a vote of thanks to the Marquis of Ailsa , Lord-Lieutenant of tbe county of Ayr , for presiding on this occasion . ( Loud cheers . ) Colonel ALEXANDER , of llalloclnnyle , having seconded this motion , the proceedings were terminated by the band playing the Rational Anthem .
Channel Islands.
JERSEY . ST . AITBIN ' LODGE ( NO . 958 ) . —On Tuesday , Oct . 17 th , tho brethren assembled for the ordinary monthly meeting , under the presidency of Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . M ., fche W . M . having but just arrived in the island after a long and stormy passage from England . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The acting WM . having explained the circumstances under which it is proposed to hold a bazaar and
fete in the Masonic Temple , Sfc . Holier , for the managing committee of which the brethren of St . Aubin ' s Lodge had been requested to appoint three members . On the proposition of Bro . Hopkins , seconded by Bro . Le Sueur , th . o W . M ., S . W ., and I . G . were selected as the representatives of the lodge on that committee . A grant of £ 1 from the benevolent fund was made , to assist tbe wife of a well known brother during his temporary
absence from Jersey . Bro . Dr . Hopkins , wifch the aid of the brethren , worked the last two sections of fche third lecture . No other business offering , the lodgo was closed at a quarter to nine , and after spending an hour very agreeably in social intercourse over a light repast , the brethren separated at a quarter to ten . MARK MASONRY .
CESAREAN LODGE ( NO . 7-1 ) . —The third quarterly meeting of this new lodge was held at the Masonic Temple , St . Holier , on Monday , October 9 th , under tiie presidency of Bro . Dr . Hopkins , W . M ., assisted by his Wardens , Bros . Dr . Small and P . AA . Bonham , Bro . Dr . Blood acting as P . M . Tbe minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for the admission of Bro . Lent as a joining member ,
which was unanimous in his favour . Bros . Gaudin and Abel , properly prepared , were admitted with tho usual formalities , and advanced hy the AV . M . to the degree of Mark Master . The code of by-laws was signed by all " the members present . Some mutter . * of business v .-ero arranged , and the lodge was closed at a quarter to nine , when the brethren adjourned to the banqueting room . The usual honours wero paid to the authorities in Shirk Masonry , several addresses were delivered , and the proceedings of the evening were brought to a close soon after ten o'clock .
THE hearts of vigorous men must , like a porcelain vase , in the beginning , be turned too large and too wide : in the furnace of the world they will soon enough shrink up to a proper size . AVE require fom- things for woman—that virtue dwell in her heart , that modesty play on her brow , that sweetness How from her lips , and industry occupv her bands .
Southern India.
MADRAS . " ( From our own Correspondent . ) PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . At a communication holden in the Hall of Lodge Perfect Unanimity- ( No . 150 ) , Madras , on the 27 th July , present , Bros . Colonel AV . Pitt Macdonald , Prov . G . M . ; A . Macdonald Ritchie , D . Prov . G . M . ; J . T . Greatorex , P . Prov . G . S ., as Prov . S . G . AV ., representative of LodVictoria in Burmah ( No . 826 )
Range , goon ; Dr . I-r . T . Shaw , as Prov . J . G . W . ; J . G . Coleman , Prov . G . Tyler ; Charles Seott , D . Prov . G . S ., as Prov . G . S ., representative of Bangalore Lodge ( No . 1043 ); G . Lewis , as Prov . S . G . D . ; Walter Joyes , as Prov . J . G . D . ; AV . Fraser , C . JE ., Prov . S . G . AV ., representative of Lodges Rock ( No . 260 ) , Trichino . poly , and Emulation ( No . 960 ) , Negapatana ; W . H . Buehan , Prov . G . Purst ; T . Sumner , P . Stevens , John C . Berlie , AVill .
AVaddell , Lieut . II . AV . Hastings , Lieut . C . B . Brereton , as Prov . G . Stewards ; J . R . Maddox , Prov . G . Tyler . Representatives of subordinate lodges : Bros . N . Morison , See . Perfect Unanimity Lodge ( No . 150 ) , as S . AV . ; J . Mills , S . AA . ; P . AVright , P . S . W ., as J . AV ., Universal Charity Lodge ( No . 273 ); Lieut .-Colonel H . L . Rundall , P . M ., as AV . M . ; Lieut . H . Bouverie PuseyM . A . as S . W . Mount Lodge
, , , ( No . 926 ) . The Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in due form , and with solemn invocation of God ' s blessing . The minutes of the last communication of the Provincial Grand Lodge were read and confirmed . The PROV . G . MASTER had much gratification in announcing that Masonry was making decided progress in the province ,
though silently and unobtrusively , each successive return from , subordinate lodges showing an accession of numbers . Most of the lodges , moreover , were working steadily . He noticed with special commendation the zeal ancl enthusiasm displayed by several brethren of Lodge The AVestern Star ( No . 1049 ) , Caunamore , who , to gain further instruction in Masonry and to advance to higher degrees , had , at a great sacrifice of convenience and expense , travelled all the way from their remote station to Madras to accomplish these objects . AA'ith reference to quarterly returns and payments , he was glad to observe that
nearly all the lodges had sent in theirs up to date , one or two only being in arrears . It was painful to him , however , to mention that one lodge—Emulation ( No . 968 ) , Negapatam —• had made no communication with the Provincial Grand Lodge since October , 1862 . Tho Mastership of this lodge was held by a brother conjointly with that of another lodge , viz ., Rock ( No . 260 ) , Trichinopoly , ancl , though repeated applications had been made to him by the Prov . G . Sec . for his returns and
quarterages , no satisfactory replies had been received . The Prov . G . M . trusted that this public mention of his irregularity would induce him to show a warmer interest in maintaining his connection with the Provincial Grand Lodge , and stimulate him to greater care in performing ono of the first and most important duties of his office . Tho PROV . G . MASTER further stated that he had received
with pleasure the intimation that u petition had been recently forwarded to the Supreme Grand Chapter of England for the appointment of a Provincial Grand Superintendent of Royal Arch Masonry in Southern India . Ho anticipated the greatest benefits from a . successful issue to this application . Royal Arch Masonry would , he conceived , receive an increased impetus , and subordinate lodges desirous of forming chapters would
have greater facilities ailbriled them than at present for carrying out their object after the establishment of a fully-organised Provincial Grand Chapter . Nothing of importance , the PROV . G . MASTER added , hacl transpired in the affairs of the Grand Masonic Charity Fund since the last communication of the Provincial Grand Lodge , except that Lodge A'ietoria in Burmah ( No . S 32 ) had intimated
its intention of subscribing annually the liberal sum of 50 rupees . Si The Pnov . G . TREASURER road his accounts , exhibiting a balance at the credit of tbe Provincial Grand Lodge of rupees 935-6-5 , and of the Charity Fund , exclusive of investments , of rupees 1 , 335-15-3 . —Bro . COLEJWX complained that in consequence of tbe departure of Bro . Tolputt from Madras ,
the funds of the Provincial Grand Lodge in deposit at the Madras Bank could not he drawn upon if required , as , according to a long standing arrangement , all moneys lodged in the Bank stood vested in the name of three brethren ( at present in