Article SOUTHERN INDIA. ← Page 2 of 2 Article SOUTHERN INDIA. Page 2 of 2 Article LITERARY EXTRACTS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Southern India.
those of Bros . Macdonald , Coleman , and Toiputt ) , and that tbe signatures of all three were necessary on every draft , so that if any happened , as in the present instance , to be absent from Madras , even the smallest sum was not available to defray ordinary expenses . It was accordingly proposed hy lh-o . MACDONALD -RITCHIE , seconded by liro . JOYES , and carried unanimously , thafc in future all moneys ami bonds belonging to the Provincial Grand Lodgo , or to tho Charity fund ,
stand in the names of two brethren only—at present those , of Bros . Macdonald and Coleman—and that the Prov . G . Sec . be directed to write to Bro . Toiputt , desiring him to resign his trust , as he had loft the country permanently . A ballot ivas taken for tbe office of Prov . G . Treas ., during the course of which the PROV . G . MASTER expressed himself in high terms at the efficiency with which Bro . Coleman had conducted his duties for several years pastthe economical manner
, in which he had husbanded the resources of the Provincial Grand Lodge and the Grand Masonic Charity Fund , and tbe care and accuracy with which his accounts were kept . On the conclusion of the election , the votes were found to be unanimously in favour of Bro . Coleman , who was accordingly declared to be re-elected Prov . G . Treas . Bro . J . R . Maddox was at the
same time re-elected Prov . G . Tyler . Bro . COLE . UAN tendered his acknowledgments fov the high compliment paid him hy the Prov . G . Master , and for the continued confidence reposed in h ' uu hy the Provincial Grand Lodge . The PROV . G . MASTER next proceeded to appoint tbe undermentioned brethren officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge for the ensuing year : —
Bro . J . T . Greatorex Prov . S . G . AV . „ Surgeon J . E . Dickinson ... „ J . G . W . „ Rev . AV . Hickey „ G . Chap . „ J . G . Coleman „ G . Tyler ( elected ) . „ C . N . Alldrit „ G . Reg . „ AA . F . G . Irvine „ G . Sec . ,, Charles Scott „ D . G . Sec .
„ Captain A . Saunders „ S . G . D . „ Assist . Surgeon II . T . Shaw „ J . G . I ) . „ AV . Fniser , " Ci : „ G . Supt . of AVorks . „ Captain B . L . Gordon „ G . Dir . of Cers . „ Lieut . II . B . Pusey , . 1 / . ^ .... „ G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . „ Walter . Toyes „ G . S . B . Clement Tate G . Org .
„ „ „ AV . H . Hnchan „ G . Purst . , ;< J . R . Maddox , G . Tyler ( elected ) . The undermentioned brethren , elected by the Presidencylodges , were at the same time nominated Provincial Grand Stewards : —Bros . T . Sumner and P . Stevens , Perfect Unanimity Lodge ( No . 150 ) : Bros . John C . Beriie and J . T .
Philpot , Universal Charity Lodgo . ( No . 273 ); Bros . Lieutenants H . AV . Hastings and C . W . Brereton , Mount Lodgo ( No . 926 ) . Iu appointing Bvo . Greatorex to the office of Prov . S . G . W ., the PROV . G . MASTER said he had selected a brother of very great merit for that post . Next to himself and the D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Greatorex was the oldest member of the Provincial Grand Lodge , and had officiated for several years as Prov . G . Sec . He had three times been elected Master of his lod in
ge , connection with which he had also , for some time , very efficiently conducted a lodge of instruction . His popularity , moreover , was not confined to his own lodge , as was evidenced by the fact that three other lodges had enlisted him on their rolls as au honorary member . In conferring on Pro . Dickinson the rank of Prov . J . G . AV ., the PROV . G . MASTER further state / I he had simply recognised
iu a suitable manner the distinguished services of that most zealous Mason . Bro . Dickinson had assisted , he believed , to establish Lodge A'ietoria in Hurmah at Rangoon , of which he subsequently became Master ; and be was also the founder of the new lodge at Cannanore , The Western Star , several members of which , including Bro . Dickinson , had recently paid a visit to Madras , as already mentioned , for the laudable purpose
of making improvement in Masonry . The PROV . G . MASTER also spoke with commendation of the exertions of Bro . Captain Aubrey Saunders iu the cause of the Craft . This brother , immediately on the arrival of liis corps at Bellary , took active steps to revive the old Lodge Good Will ( No . ' 165 ) , at that station , which , under his judicious and able Mastership , now numbered no less than thirty-seven brethren on its list of members . The Prov . G . Master hud accordingly thought fit to nominate him Prov . S . G . D .
Southern India.
Bro . GREATOREX tendered his thanks to the Prov . G . Master for his flattering notice of him , and for the high honour that had been conferred on him . Bro . SHAW also offered his acknowledgments for the office bestowed on him . Bro . MACDONALD RITCHIE suggested thafc as the Provincial Grand Lodge had not as yet come to any final decision on the case of liro . Chekc , which was submitted three meetings ago ,
the latter should , in common justice , be pronounced free from censure . Bro . FRASER was opposed to this course , on the ground that no communication having been received from Lodge Rock on the subject , the Provincial Grand Lodge could not judge whether tbe conduct of Bro . Choke , which was complained of , was culpable and deserving the severe notice of the Provincial Grand Lodge or not .
After some discussion , it was ultimately proposed by Bro . M ACDONAID-KITCIIIE , ancl seconded by Bro . FRASER , and unan imously carried , that , as Lodge Hock had forwarded no repor t on tlio matter , as ordered by the Provincial Grand Lodo-e , the complaint against Bro . Choke be dismissed . Bro . SHAW wished to know why the Mount Lodge was singled out for censure at the last communication of the Pro . in de
vincial Grand Lodge , when other lodges were equally - fault . The D . PROV . G . SECRETARY explained that ifc was in contemplation to report Lodges Rock ancl Emulation also ( the only other lodges in arrears ) at that , meeting for a similar dereliction of duty , but that just before it took place a communication was received from their W . M . apologising for his neglect , forwarding tho returns of Lodge Rock , and promising
to send those of Lodge Emulation as soon as possible . It was not considered necessary , therefore , to make public mention of their remissness on that occasion . The Mount Lodge , how . ever , made no reply to the application of the Prov . G . Secretary for its quarterages aud returns , and the D . Prov . G . Maste ? was compelled , in consequence , to notice its want of regu . l . irity . Bro . SHAW further inquired if it was not the duty of the
Prov . G . Secretary to point out to subordinate lodges any delay on their part iu sending in their periodical reports . Tho Pnov . G . MASTER replied that it was a matter of opinion only , but that m answer to the question he should say that it mis the duty of the Prov . G . Secretary to point out such omissions on the part of subordinate lodges . There being no further business , and no brother having
anything to propose for the good of Masonry in general , or of this Provincial Grand Lodge ' iu particular , the Provincial Grand Lodge was closed in due form and ivith solemn prayer . The Provincial Grand Treasurer ' s statement shows tho balance in favour of Provincial Grand Lodge per account last rendered , lind the receipt for the quarter ending July 27 to amount to 1 , 177 rupees 13 annas i pie , tho expenditure amountof
ing to 212 rupees 0 annas 11 pie , leaving a balance in favour Provincial Grand Lodge of 935 rupees 6 annas 5 pie . The Grand Masonic Charity Fund of Southern India in account with the Provincial Grand Treasurer shows the balance in favour of the Fund , per account last rendered , plus receipts , for the quarter ending July 27 , and interest on Government security , to be—pensions " remitted , 1 , 605 rupees 5 annas ; payments to pensioners , and other items of expenditure , 263 rupees 5 annas 9 pie ; balance , 1 , 335 rupees 15 annas 3 pie .
Literary Extracts.
3 to m : . 'or Bovs . —I wonder somefcimesif they can possibly bo of the same genus as the boys with whom I associated when I myself was a boy . I paid a visit lately to a gentleman in tho country , and on going over the house to view- its lions I was shown into a , room where my host ' s boys printed a weekly newspaper for their own amusementThere were all the liances of a
printing-office—. app cases , galleys , rules , imposing stones , and presses ; and two youiifi gentlemen , whoso united ages , probably , did not u ' monnt ' to twenty-five , were so far familiar with their use as to be able , unaided , to compose and print a weekly sheet containing news and articles of their own writing ! I thought of my play-room and what it contained . I had
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Southern India.
those of Bros . Macdonald , Coleman , and Toiputt ) , and that tbe signatures of all three were necessary on every draft , so that if any happened , as in the present instance , to be absent from Madras , even the smallest sum was not available to defray ordinary expenses . It was accordingly proposed hy lh-o . MACDONALD -RITCHIE , seconded by liro . JOYES , and carried unanimously , thafc in future all moneys ami bonds belonging to the Provincial Grand Lodgo , or to tho Charity fund ,
stand in the names of two brethren only—at present those , of Bros . Macdonald and Coleman—and that the Prov . G . Sec . be directed to write to Bro . Toiputt , desiring him to resign his trust , as he had loft the country permanently . A ballot ivas taken for tbe office of Prov . G . Treas ., during the course of which the PROV . G . MASTER expressed himself in high terms at the efficiency with which Bro . Coleman had conducted his duties for several years pastthe economical manner
, in which he had husbanded the resources of the Provincial Grand Lodge and the Grand Masonic Charity Fund , and tbe care and accuracy with which his accounts were kept . On the conclusion of the election , the votes were found to be unanimously in favour of Bro . Coleman , who was accordingly declared to be re-elected Prov . G . Treas . Bro . J . R . Maddox was at the
same time re-elected Prov . G . Tyler . Bro . COLE . UAN tendered his acknowledgments fov the high compliment paid him hy the Prov . G . Master , and for the continued confidence reposed in h ' uu hy the Provincial Grand Lodge . The PROV . G . MASTER next proceeded to appoint tbe undermentioned brethren officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge for the ensuing year : —
Bro . J . T . Greatorex Prov . S . G . AV . „ Surgeon J . E . Dickinson ... „ J . G . W . „ Rev . AV . Hickey „ G . Chap . „ J . G . Coleman „ G . Tyler ( elected ) . „ C . N . Alldrit „ G . Reg . „ AA . F . G . Irvine „ G . Sec . ,, Charles Scott „ D . G . Sec .
„ Captain A . Saunders „ S . G . D . „ Assist . Surgeon II . T . Shaw „ J . G . I ) . „ AV . Fniser , " Ci : „ G . Supt . of AVorks . „ Captain B . L . Gordon „ G . Dir . of Cers . „ Lieut . II . B . Pusey , . 1 / . ^ .... „ G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . „ Walter . Toyes „ G . S . B . Clement Tate G . Org .
„ „ „ AV . H . Hnchan „ G . Purst . , ;< J . R . Maddox , G . Tyler ( elected ) . The undermentioned brethren , elected by the Presidencylodges , were at the same time nominated Provincial Grand Stewards : —Bros . T . Sumner and P . Stevens , Perfect Unanimity Lodge ( No . 150 ) : Bros . John C . Beriie and J . T .
Philpot , Universal Charity Lodgo . ( No . 273 ); Bros . Lieutenants H . AV . Hastings and C . W . Brereton , Mount Lodgo ( No . 926 ) . Iu appointing Bvo . Greatorex to the office of Prov . S . G . W ., the PROV . G . MASTER said he had selected a brother of very great merit for that post . Next to himself and the D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Greatorex was the oldest member of the Provincial Grand Lodge , and had officiated for several years as Prov . G . Sec . He had three times been elected Master of his lod in
ge , connection with which he had also , for some time , very efficiently conducted a lodge of instruction . His popularity , moreover , was not confined to his own lodge , as was evidenced by the fact that three other lodges had enlisted him on their rolls as au honorary member . In conferring on Pro . Dickinson the rank of Prov . J . G . AV ., the PROV . G . MASTER further state / I he had simply recognised
iu a suitable manner the distinguished services of that most zealous Mason . Bro . Dickinson had assisted , he believed , to establish Lodge A'ietoria in Hurmah at Rangoon , of which he subsequently became Master ; and be was also the founder of the new lodge at Cannanore , The Western Star , several members of which , including Bro . Dickinson , had recently paid a visit to Madras , as already mentioned , for the laudable purpose
of making improvement in Masonry . The PROV . G . MASTER also spoke with commendation of the exertions of Bro . Captain Aubrey Saunders iu the cause of the Craft . This brother , immediately on the arrival of liis corps at Bellary , took active steps to revive the old Lodge Good Will ( No . ' 165 ) , at that station , which , under his judicious and able Mastership , now numbered no less than thirty-seven brethren on its list of members . The Prov . G . Master hud accordingly thought fit to nominate him Prov . S . G . D .
Southern India.
Bro . GREATOREX tendered his thanks to the Prov . G . Master for his flattering notice of him , and for the high honour that had been conferred on him . Bro . SHAW also offered his acknowledgments for the office bestowed on him . Bro . MACDONALD RITCHIE suggested thafc as the Provincial Grand Lodge had not as yet come to any final decision on the case of liro . Chekc , which was submitted three meetings ago ,
the latter should , in common justice , be pronounced free from censure . Bro . FRASER was opposed to this course , on the ground that no communication having been received from Lodge Rock on the subject , the Provincial Grand Lodge could not judge whether tbe conduct of Bro . Choke , which was complained of , was culpable and deserving the severe notice of the Provincial Grand Lodge or not .
After some discussion , it was ultimately proposed by Bro . M ACDONAID-KITCIIIE , ancl seconded by Bro . FRASER , and unan imously carried , that , as Lodge Hock had forwarded no repor t on tlio matter , as ordered by the Provincial Grand Lodo-e , the complaint against Bro . Choke be dismissed . Bro . SHAW wished to know why the Mount Lodge was singled out for censure at the last communication of the Pro . in de
vincial Grand Lodge , when other lodges were equally - fault . The D . PROV . G . SECRETARY explained that ifc was in contemplation to report Lodges Rock ancl Emulation also ( the only other lodges in arrears ) at that , meeting for a similar dereliction of duty , but that just before it took place a communication was received from their W . M . apologising for his neglect , forwarding tho returns of Lodge Rock , and promising
to send those of Lodge Emulation as soon as possible . It was not considered necessary , therefore , to make public mention of their remissness on that occasion . The Mount Lodge , how . ever , made no reply to the application of the Prov . G . Secretary for its quarterages aud returns , and the D . Prov . G . Maste ? was compelled , in consequence , to notice its want of regu . l . irity . Bro . SHAW further inquired if it was not the duty of the
Prov . G . Secretary to point out to subordinate lodges any delay on their part iu sending in their periodical reports . Tho Pnov . G . MASTER replied that it was a matter of opinion only , but that m answer to the question he should say that it mis the duty of the Prov . G . Secretary to point out such omissions on the part of subordinate lodges . There being no further business , and no brother having
anything to propose for the good of Masonry in general , or of this Provincial Grand Lodge ' iu particular , the Provincial Grand Lodge was closed in due form and ivith solemn prayer . The Provincial Grand Treasurer ' s statement shows tho balance in favour of Provincial Grand Lodge per account last rendered , lind the receipt for the quarter ending July 27 to amount to 1 , 177 rupees 13 annas i pie , tho expenditure amountof
ing to 212 rupees 0 annas 11 pie , leaving a balance in favour Provincial Grand Lodge of 935 rupees 6 annas 5 pie . The Grand Masonic Charity Fund of Southern India in account with the Provincial Grand Treasurer shows the balance in favour of the Fund , per account last rendered , plus receipts , for the quarter ending July 27 , and interest on Government security , to be—pensions " remitted , 1 , 605 rupees 5 annas ; payments to pensioners , and other items of expenditure , 263 rupees 5 annas 9 pie ; balance , 1 , 335 rupees 15 annas 3 pie .
Literary Extracts.
3 to m : . 'or Bovs . —I wonder somefcimesif they can possibly bo of the same genus as the boys with whom I associated when I myself was a boy . I paid a visit lately to a gentleman in tho country , and on going over the house to view- its lions I was shown into a , room where my host ' s boys printed a weekly newspaper for their own amusementThere were all the liances of a
printing-office—. app cases , galleys , rules , imposing stones , and presses ; and two youiifi gentlemen , whoso united ages , probably , did not u ' monnt ' to twenty-five , were so far familiar with their use as to be able , unaided , to compose and print a weekly sheet containing news and articles of their own writing ! I thought of my play-room and what it contained . I had