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Freemasonry And The Pope.
" We are told that the application of Masonic emblems in your p laces of worship , at a late funeral , has chiefly called forward your wrath . Did you never think that were you to expel these emblems from your temples , you would have to
demolish down to their very foundations the great works of the middle ages , the cathedrals that Catholicism is justl y proud of ? If you doubt this , look round you everywhere on the flag-stones and p illars , on the mouldings and key-stones ; everywhere workmen , masons , stone cutters , architects .
have engraved those abhorred signals . For they all belonged to us , and perbaj > s all of them are indebted to our association for the intelligence and the ideas that enlightened their work . " Why 'do you find fault with the privacy of our
meetings , knowing as you do that the day when we shall enjoy the same libert y of meetino- as relig ious assemblies , our doors will be thrown open , never to be closed again . " Holiest Father , —The Freemasons , enemies of
noisy manifestations , were calm and almost ignored , when all of a sudden an unheard-of aggression was directed against them . But violence does
not succeed in out * country . Your allocution of the 25 th of September will be to us a source of esteem and benevolence on the part of those who did not know us before . And notwithstanding your anathemas , not one of ours will desert the
work of justice and peace to which he has voluntarily devoted the energies of his life . " In g iving you the assurance of this , we lay to your feet our respectful homage . " THE FKEE - UASONS OF THE EAST OP LYONS . "Lyons , Oct . 5 , 1865 /'
The following- is a translation of the circular addressed to the Freemasons of Ital y by the Grand Master di Luca : — Brethren , —The general comitioa of the Italian people are assembled . Ifc is obligatory upon every citizen fco go to the electoral urnin order that the new Legislature
, may meet the necessities of the nation . These cannot be expressed in a sense contrary to the civilisation of the age and the progress of humanity . Tho true M . M . aro essentially good citizens . "In my opinion , " recently said tho Emir Abd-el-Kader , " every man not professing Masonry is incomplete . " Man is perfected in the citizen , following the difficult path of duty , and even undergoing '
martyrdom for its sake . Freemasonry , as yon arewell aware , brethren , is alien , ancl should . be so to political and reli gious questions so far as they may clash with each other , and may give rise to divers measures . Therefore is ifc that the Masonic brethren , in polifcital elections , far from regarding fche political and religious candidate , as a political and religious candidate , looks to the moral and intellectual character , and seeks in fche candidate rectitude or heart , probity , self-denial , mind , and practical good sense in the management of affairs . And they remem-
Freemasonry And The Pope.
ber that Masonry , representing tho progress of humanity cannot deviate from its path , even when ocenpied to a certain extent wifch the affairs of the mother country . Let us be Italians , and working for the prosperity and welfare of Italy , wo work for the progress of humanity ,, so that , progressing aud perfecting each part we contribute to the advancement and harmonious perfection of
the whole . In the elections , therefore , it is essential that titer candidates should be men of sense and virtue ,, and that the programme of progress should remain unchanged . " No Mason , without belying his proper character , can bait partisan of retrogression , or the limitation of the-moral mtd intellectual development of the people . Tastrive for
the prosperity and fulfilment of fche destinies of Italy is a work of progress one ! development , and , therefore , proper to the Masonic mission . In times past the glory of Italy was in fche greatness and power of her cities . Now and for the future her * greatness and power will proceed from her unity . The parabola of the glory of the Italian cities has been de ^ scribed and completed ; thafc of fche glory of Italian unity has scarcely commenced its movement . Every Italian
assists and advances it , and the greater the obstacles that may arise , the more are there found fco meet them . Tho Masonic brethren , who cannot but have faith i-a human progress , must necessarily labour for the fulfilmauli of the destinies of Italy . Ifc is ti-ue there are nofc wanting some who wear the cloak of hypocrasy , and those who , using square and compass as instruments Ifor "
thoir own private ends , calnminato the Order and attribute to ifc objects aud designs contrary to the truth , and altogether opposed to those inspired by the Masonic- - faifch . Those you will disregard , and you will despisetho idle tales whispered abroad and covertly circulated . It ' , however , somo malignant insinuation be openly made ,. the laws will be mute against him who defames and
calumniates . Therefore is ifc thafc none of the Masonic family will abstain from attendance at the electoral urn , ancl from promoting amongst the greater number of electors theadoption of the humanising programme comprised in th & words , " virtue , sense , progress , " which should constitutethe qualifications of tho elect of the people . Dated from the 0 . of Naples the X . day of the TIL moon of tho year of V . L . 000855 . THE GRAND MASTER B . DI LUCA 33-
Genesis And Geology Hand In Hand.
LIGHT IN CONNECTION WITH THE DARKNESS . ( GENESIS 1 , 2 . ) What is light ? How old is light ? When was the sun created ? are questions which at first thought any child mi ght be supposed to he abk to answeras well as to ask .
, Y " et the wisdom of man , illumined by inspiration or taught b y reason , has never been able to givo demonstrative replies to these questions , simply because the Creator has never seen fit to reveal such sublime and profound truths to his creatures , or to permit them to be discovered by
the deductions of reason . To -what is Li ght ? we may reply , that welcn & vr it b y its effects or relations and illustrations ,, but perhaps not in the sli g htest degree as to its very nature . All p hilosophers have freely acknowledged tha impossibility of explaining the analysis of li g ht , i £ indeed it has any .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry And The Pope.
" We are told that the application of Masonic emblems in your p laces of worship , at a late funeral , has chiefly called forward your wrath . Did you never think that were you to expel these emblems from your temples , you would have to
demolish down to their very foundations the great works of the middle ages , the cathedrals that Catholicism is justl y proud of ? If you doubt this , look round you everywhere on the flag-stones and p illars , on the mouldings and key-stones ; everywhere workmen , masons , stone cutters , architects .
have engraved those abhorred signals . For they all belonged to us , and perbaj > s all of them are indebted to our association for the intelligence and the ideas that enlightened their work . " Why 'do you find fault with the privacy of our
meetings , knowing as you do that the day when we shall enjoy the same libert y of meetino- as relig ious assemblies , our doors will be thrown open , never to be closed again . " Holiest Father , —The Freemasons , enemies of
noisy manifestations , were calm and almost ignored , when all of a sudden an unheard-of aggression was directed against them . But violence does
not succeed in out * country . Your allocution of the 25 th of September will be to us a source of esteem and benevolence on the part of those who did not know us before . And notwithstanding your anathemas , not one of ours will desert the
work of justice and peace to which he has voluntarily devoted the energies of his life . " In g iving you the assurance of this , we lay to your feet our respectful homage . " THE FKEE - UASONS OF THE EAST OP LYONS . "Lyons , Oct . 5 , 1865 /'
The following- is a translation of the circular addressed to the Freemasons of Ital y by the Grand Master di Luca : — Brethren , —The general comitioa of the Italian people are assembled . Ifc is obligatory upon every citizen fco go to the electoral urnin order that the new Legislature
, may meet the necessities of the nation . These cannot be expressed in a sense contrary to the civilisation of the age and the progress of humanity . Tho true M . M . aro essentially good citizens . "In my opinion , " recently said tho Emir Abd-el-Kader , " every man not professing Masonry is incomplete . " Man is perfected in the citizen , following the difficult path of duty , and even undergoing '
martyrdom for its sake . Freemasonry , as yon arewell aware , brethren , is alien , ancl should . be so to political and reli gious questions so far as they may clash with each other , and may give rise to divers measures . Therefore is ifc that the Masonic brethren , in polifcital elections , far from regarding fche political and religious candidate , as a political and religious candidate , looks to the moral and intellectual character , and seeks in fche candidate rectitude or heart , probity , self-denial , mind , and practical good sense in the management of affairs . And they remem-
Freemasonry And The Pope.
ber that Masonry , representing tho progress of humanity cannot deviate from its path , even when ocenpied to a certain extent wifch the affairs of the mother country . Let us be Italians , and working for the prosperity and welfare of Italy , wo work for the progress of humanity ,, so that , progressing aud perfecting each part we contribute to the advancement and harmonious perfection of
the whole . In the elections , therefore , it is essential that titer candidates should be men of sense and virtue ,, and that the programme of progress should remain unchanged . " No Mason , without belying his proper character , can bait partisan of retrogression , or the limitation of the-moral mtd intellectual development of the people . Tastrive for
the prosperity and fulfilment of fche destinies of Italy is a work of progress one ! development , and , therefore , proper to the Masonic mission . In times past the glory of Italy was in fche greatness and power of her cities . Now and for the future her * greatness and power will proceed from her unity . The parabola of the glory of the Italian cities has been de ^ scribed and completed ; thafc of fche glory of Italian unity has scarcely commenced its movement . Every Italian
assists and advances it , and the greater the obstacles that may arise , the more are there found fco meet them . Tho Masonic brethren , who cannot but have faith i-a human progress , must necessarily labour for the fulfilmauli of the destinies of Italy . Ifc is ti-ue there are nofc wanting some who wear the cloak of hypocrasy , and those who , using square and compass as instruments Ifor "
thoir own private ends , calnminato the Order and attribute to ifc objects aud designs contrary to the truth , and altogether opposed to those inspired by the Masonic- - faifch . Those you will disregard , and you will despisetho idle tales whispered abroad and covertly circulated . It ' , however , somo malignant insinuation be openly made ,. the laws will be mute against him who defames and
calumniates . Therefore is ifc thafc none of the Masonic family will abstain from attendance at the electoral urn , ancl from promoting amongst the greater number of electors theadoption of the humanising programme comprised in th & words , " virtue , sense , progress , " which should constitutethe qualifications of tho elect of the people . Dated from the 0 . of Naples the X . day of the TIL moon of tho year of V . L . 000855 . THE GRAND MASTER B . DI LUCA 33-
Genesis And Geology Hand In Hand.
LIGHT IN CONNECTION WITH THE DARKNESS . ( GENESIS 1 , 2 . ) What is light ? How old is light ? When was the sun created ? are questions which at first thought any child mi ght be supposed to he abk to answeras well as to ask .
, Y " et the wisdom of man , illumined by inspiration or taught b y reason , has never been able to givo demonstrative replies to these questions , simply because the Creator has never seen fit to reveal such sublime and profound truths to his creatures , or to permit them to be discovered by
the deductions of reason . To -what is Li ght ? we may reply , that welcn & vr it b y its effects or relations and illustrations ,, but perhaps not in the sli g htest degree as to its very nature . All p hilosophers have freely acknowledged tha impossibility of explaining the analysis of li g ht , i £ indeed it has any .