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General Masonic Benevolent Fund For Bombay.
Bombay , will give a fair dividend to these charities to continue their relief to suffering humanity . We have much pleasure in giving publicity to the following letter from R . W . Bro . the Honourable J . Gibbs , District Grand Master under the
English Constitution , on the subject of the General Benevolent Fund proposed to be established at Bombay , whicli we have no doubt will meet with the unanimous approval of every brother in the
province . " Having been more than once consulted regarding the best means of relieving distressed Europeans and others in Bombay , it has conie to my knowledge that owing to the want of proper
organization , the charitable funds in Bombay are too often misapplied . " About three or four years ago I brought this to the notice of some of the lodges in Bombay , with a view to arrangements being made for a
systematic administration of the various charity funds ; but from circumstances which theu existed , my proposition did not meet with acceptance ; but as I believe these circumstances exist no longer , and as the number of Masonic bodies has
considerably increased , I , ab the request of several leading-Masons , have been induced again to pub forward my scheme . " I will now mention the particular case which first led me to consider this matter . A brother
died , leaving a widow ; his income had been 75 Rs . a month ; on his death several of his friends and brethren subscribed about a thousand rupees ( Rs . 1 , 000 ) for the widow to furnish her rooms and set herself up . Application was made to different
Masonic bodies , and I found that the joint monthly allowance made by them , added to grants of the clergy at the Cathedral and Bycnlla , amounted to between 80 and 90 Rs . a month , a sum in excess of her husband ' s income when living , aud
one which would never have been granted had the various bodies known what the others were givin . " This case is au example of the misuse to which charitable funds are put when each body makes a grant without the knowledge of what the recipient receives from other sources , ancl although this was an extreme , I am convinced it is not au exceptional
case . " The proposition that I would put forward for the consideration of the Masonic community is as follows : —
General Masonic Benevolent Fund For Bombay.
"Let every Masonic body , lodge , chapter ,, or encampment , join iu forming a Common Fund of Benevolence , to be managed by a Committee consisting of a delegate chosen by each body . " The Committee so formed to choose one of
their body to be Chairman for 12 months ; that each Masonic body pay over to the Benevolent Fund the balance of its charitable funds , and to arrange for the transfer of future receipts and incomes which by their Bye-laws accrue for that
purpose . " That every claimant for charitable relief should make his application through a lodge , chapter or encampment , who will , on being satisfied that- the case is oue . requiring relief , forward it
with their recommendation to the Committee of the Benevolent Fund , who will finally decide as to what grant , if any , should be made . " Further details may be settled hereafter ; the above will form a sufficient outline to enable the
brethren generally to form an opinion on the scheme . "As it would be necessary , ' in order to make the scheme as comprehensive as possible , that every Masonic body should be invited to join , I
beg , in tho first instance , to circulate it to my Right Worshipful brethren , the heads of other Orders and Jurisdictions in Bombay . " Should they agree that a scheme of this kind is desirable , it could then be circulated to the various Masonic Bodies for their consideration and
opinion . J . GIBBS , 33 ° District Grand Master , Bombay . District Grand Supt . R . A ., Bombay . Representative of Supreme Council , A . & A . Rite . July 24 th , 1871 .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
THE THREE PILLARS . It is remarkable that every mysterious system practised on tbe habitable globe contains a Triad of Deity . The oracle in Damascus asserts that throughout the world a Triad shines forthwhich resolves itself into
, a Monad , and the uniform symbol of this three-fold Deity was an equilateral triangle , the precise form occupied by the pillars of Wisdom , Strength and Beaut .
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General Masonic Benevolent Fund For Bombay.
Bombay , will give a fair dividend to these charities to continue their relief to suffering humanity . We have much pleasure in giving publicity to the following letter from R . W . Bro . the Honourable J . Gibbs , District Grand Master under the
English Constitution , on the subject of the General Benevolent Fund proposed to be established at Bombay , whicli we have no doubt will meet with the unanimous approval of every brother in the
province . " Having been more than once consulted regarding the best means of relieving distressed Europeans and others in Bombay , it has conie to my knowledge that owing to the want of proper
organization , the charitable funds in Bombay are too often misapplied . " About three or four years ago I brought this to the notice of some of the lodges in Bombay , with a view to arrangements being made for a
systematic administration of the various charity funds ; but from circumstances which theu existed , my proposition did not meet with acceptance ; but as I believe these circumstances exist no longer , and as the number of Masonic bodies has
considerably increased , I , ab the request of several leading-Masons , have been induced again to pub forward my scheme . " I will now mention the particular case which first led me to consider this matter . A brother
died , leaving a widow ; his income had been 75 Rs . a month ; on his death several of his friends and brethren subscribed about a thousand rupees ( Rs . 1 , 000 ) for the widow to furnish her rooms and set herself up . Application was made to different
Masonic bodies , and I found that the joint monthly allowance made by them , added to grants of the clergy at the Cathedral and Bycnlla , amounted to between 80 and 90 Rs . a month , a sum in excess of her husband ' s income when living , aud
one which would never have been granted had the various bodies known what the others were givin . " This case is au example of the misuse to which charitable funds are put when each body makes a grant without the knowledge of what the recipient receives from other sources , ancl although this was an extreme , I am convinced it is not au exceptional
case . " The proposition that I would put forward for the consideration of the Masonic community is as follows : —
General Masonic Benevolent Fund For Bombay.
"Let every Masonic body , lodge , chapter ,, or encampment , join iu forming a Common Fund of Benevolence , to be managed by a Committee consisting of a delegate chosen by each body . " The Committee so formed to choose one of
their body to be Chairman for 12 months ; that each Masonic body pay over to the Benevolent Fund the balance of its charitable funds , and to arrange for the transfer of future receipts and incomes which by their Bye-laws accrue for that
purpose . " That every claimant for charitable relief should make his application through a lodge , chapter or encampment , who will , on being satisfied that- the case is oue . requiring relief , forward it
with their recommendation to the Committee of the Benevolent Fund , who will finally decide as to what grant , if any , should be made . " Further details may be settled hereafter ; the above will form a sufficient outline to enable the
brethren generally to form an opinion on the scheme . "As it would be necessary , ' in order to make the scheme as comprehensive as possible , that every Masonic body should be invited to join , I
beg , in tho first instance , to circulate it to my Right Worshipful brethren , the heads of other Orders and Jurisdictions in Bombay . " Should they agree that a scheme of this kind is desirable , it could then be circulated to the various Masonic Bodies for their consideration and
opinion . J . GIBBS , 33 ° District Grand Master , Bombay . District Grand Supt . R . A ., Bombay . Representative of Supreme Council , A . & A . Rite . July 24 th , 1871 .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
THE THREE PILLARS . It is remarkable that every mysterious system practised on tbe habitable globe contains a Triad of Deity . The oracle in Damascus asserts that throughout the world a Triad shines forthwhich resolves itself into
, a Monad , and the uniform symbol of this three-fold Deity was an equilateral triangle , the precise form occupied by the pillars of Wisdom , Strength and Beaut .