Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. ← Page 2 of 2
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
In the mysteries of the British Druids these three pillars represented the great emblematical Triad of the Deity : their Adytum or lodge was actually supported by three stones or pillars , which were supposed to convey a regenerating purity to the aspirant , after having endured the ceremony of initiation in all its accustomed formalities . The delivery from between
them was termed a new birth , the paliagenesia . The corresponding pillars of Hindoo mythology were also known by the names of Wisdom , Strength and Beauty , and placed in the east , west , and south , crowned with three human heads . They jointly refer to the Creator , who was said to have planned the
great work by his infinite wisdom ,, executed it by his strength , and to have adorned it with all its beauty and usefulness for the benefit of man . These united powers were not overlooked in the mysteries , for we find them represented in the solemn service of initiation , by the three presiding Brahmins or Hierophants . The chief Brahmin sat in the east highly exalted on a brilliant throne , clad in a flowing
robe of azure , thicky sparkled with golden stars , and bearing in his hands a magical rod : thus symbolising Brahma , the creator of the world . His two compeers , clad in robes of equal magnificence , occupied corresponding situations of distinction . The representative of Vishnu , the setting sun , was laced on the exalted throne in the Westand he who
p , represented Siva , the meridian sun , occupied a splendid throne in the South . Brahma , Vishnu , and Siva , were considered as a tvi-uue-god , distinguished by the significant appellation of Ti-i-iiiin-ti or tri-form . Brahma was said to be the creator , Vishnu the
preserver , and Siva , the judge or destroyer . In the east , as the pillar of wisdom , this deity was called Brahma , in te west as the pillar of strength , Vishnu , and in the south as the pillar of beauty , Siva : and hence in the Indian initiations , as just observed , the representatiue of Brahma was seated in the east , tbat of Vishnu in the west , and that of Siva in the smith .
A very remarkable coincidence exists with the practice of Masonry . In like manner the Persians , who termed their emblematical Mithratic cave or lodge , tho Empyrean , feigned it supported by three intelligences , Ormisda , Mithra , aud Mithras , who were usually denominated from certain characteristics which they were supposed
individually to possess , viz .: eternity , fecundity , and authority . Similar to those were the forms of the Egyptian Deity , designated by the attributes of wisdom , power , and goodness ; and the sovereign good , intellect , and energy of the Platonists , which were also regarded as the respective properties of the divine Triad . —B HO . OTTO KIOTZ .
ROME . The following remarks are made by Bro . J . W . C . Bailey , editor of " The Voice of Masonry , "—one of the America u Knights Templar , who recently visited Europe : — Here we are at Rome , after crossing the Alps !
Steaming it over the Lake of Oomo , passing through Milan , then to Venice ( beautiful Venice , more about you by and by ) , then to Florence , from there to this ,
the so-called , Eternal city , but to us looks more like the Cily of Decay . In the midst of all this decay—or rather near to it —are to be found , in churches and galleries , the most sublime works of the old painters and sculptors , which are marvels of beauty , and , with almost the
single exception of St . Peter ' s , they are in common looking buildings as to the exterior , more particularly that of St . Paul , which looks more like an old barrack outside , but internall y is the most gorgeous of any we have visited , and we have seen almost a hundred that are magnificent in the extreme as to the interior .
We did not commence this article , however , with any intention to illustrate these churches , but simply to make a few reflections upon the aspect of popery in this stronghold , and the waning power of the Pope . His dominions are limited at Eome to the Vatican , St . Peter ' s , and his private property . As you enter the Vatican , by permission , his guards , dressed in scarlet and yellow , confront you . Just outside is the
barrack of Victor Emanuel ' s soldiers , who look a fine race of men , and everywhere you meet them , officers and men , they are numerous , and have complete concontrol of the city . We tried to find the Grand East , which is said to he here , hut could learn nothing . The only Mason we found there is an Englishman and a sculptor .
Now having seen with our own eyes the condition of things , may we not say what a grand farce Pio Nono enacted when he declared himself infallible , and yet within six months , and in defiance of his infallibility , he is deposed from his kingly power , and is reduced to being the First , or Chief Catholic Priest
of the Roman Catholic community . The world moves , superstition is crumbling before the advancing strides of knowledge and science . Yet religion and piety before God , manifested by good works , is right and excellent . The simplicity and purity of the Gospel is its greatest power , and it will reign when priestcraft has tumbled to ashes .
THE SEVEN" STARS . During the ceremony of initiation into the Mysteries of Eleusis , the Hierophant sat on a throne brilliant with gold , over which arched a rainbow , in the centre of which were the moon and seven stars . Now if we remember that the temples of the
ancients were a representation of the universe , and take into consideration that the ancients only knew seven planets belonging to our solar system , the enigma of the seven stars will he readily explained-We also learn that the astronomical idea of Pythagoras that heaven denotes either the spheres of the
fixed stars , or the whole space between the fixed stars and the moon , or the whole world , including both tho heavenly spheres and the earth . Agreeable to the arithmetical hypothesis , there are ten heavenly spheres , of which nine are visible to us , viz ., the sphere of the fixed stars ; the seven spheres of the
seven planets , including the sun and the moon , and the sphere of the earth . The tenth , earth , called by Pythagoras antic-thon-anti-earth , is invisible , hut necessary to the perfection of the harmony of nature , since the decade is the perfection of the numerical harmony . — BRO . OTTO KLOTZ .
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
In the mysteries of the British Druids these three pillars represented the great emblematical Triad of the Deity : their Adytum or lodge was actually supported by three stones or pillars , which were supposed to convey a regenerating purity to the aspirant , after having endured the ceremony of initiation in all its accustomed formalities . The delivery from between
them was termed a new birth , the paliagenesia . The corresponding pillars of Hindoo mythology were also known by the names of Wisdom , Strength and Beauty , and placed in the east , west , and south , crowned with three human heads . They jointly refer to the Creator , who was said to have planned the
great work by his infinite wisdom ,, executed it by his strength , and to have adorned it with all its beauty and usefulness for the benefit of man . These united powers were not overlooked in the mysteries , for we find them represented in the solemn service of initiation , by the three presiding Brahmins or Hierophants . The chief Brahmin sat in the east highly exalted on a brilliant throne , clad in a flowing
robe of azure , thicky sparkled with golden stars , and bearing in his hands a magical rod : thus symbolising Brahma , the creator of the world . His two compeers , clad in robes of equal magnificence , occupied corresponding situations of distinction . The representative of Vishnu , the setting sun , was laced on the exalted throne in the Westand he who
p , represented Siva , the meridian sun , occupied a splendid throne in the South . Brahma , Vishnu , and Siva , were considered as a tvi-uue-god , distinguished by the significant appellation of Ti-i-iiiin-ti or tri-form . Brahma was said to be the creator , Vishnu the
preserver , and Siva , the judge or destroyer . In the east , as the pillar of wisdom , this deity was called Brahma , in te west as the pillar of strength , Vishnu , and in the south as the pillar of beauty , Siva : and hence in the Indian initiations , as just observed , the representatiue of Brahma was seated in the east , tbat of Vishnu in the west , and that of Siva in the smith .
A very remarkable coincidence exists with the practice of Masonry . In like manner the Persians , who termed their emblematical Mithratic cave or lodge , tho Empyrean , feigned it supported by three intelligences , Ormisda , Mithra , aud Mithras , who were usually denominated from certain characteristics which they were supposed
individually to possess , viz .: eternity , fecundity , and authority . Similar to those were the forms of the Egyptian Deity , designated by the attributes of wisdom , power , and goodness ; and the sovereign good , intellect , and energy of the Platonists , which were also regarded as the respective properties of the divine Triad . —B HO . OTTO KIOTZ .
ROME . The following remarks are made by Bro . J . W . C . Bailey , editor of " The Voice of Masonry , "—one of the America u Knights Templar , who recently visited Europe : — Here we are at Rome , after crossing the Alps !
Steaming it over the Lake of Oomo , passing through Milan , then to Venice ( beautiful Venice , more about you by and by ) , then to Florence , from there to this ,
the so-called , Eternal city , but to us looks more like the Cily of Decay . In the midst of all this decay—or rather near to it —are to be found , in churches and galleries , the most sublime works of the old painters and sculptors , which are marvels of beauty , and , with almost the
single exception of St . Peter ' s , they are in common looking buildings as to the exterior , more particularly that of St . Paul , which looks more like an old barrack outside , but internall y is the most gorgeous of any we have visited , and we have seen almost a hundred that are magnificent in the extreme as to the interior .
We did not commence this article , however , with any intention to illustrate these churches , but simply to make a few reflections upon the aspect of popery in this stronghold , and the waning power of the Pope . His dominions are limited at Eome to the Vatican , St . Peter ' s , and his private property . As you enter the Vatican , by permission , his guards , dressed in scarlet and yellow , confront you . Just outside is the
barrack of Victor Emanuel ' s soldiers , who look a fine race of men , and everywhere you meet them , officers and men , they are numerous , and have complete concontrol of the city . We tried to find the Grand East , which is said to he here , hut could learn nothing . The only Mason we found there is an Englishman and a sculptor .
Now having seen with our own eyes the condition of things , may we not say what a grand farce Pio Nono enacted when he declared himself infallible , and yet within six months , and in defiance of his infallibility , he is deposed from his kingly power , and is reduced to being the First , or Chief Catholic Priest
of the Roman Catholic community . The world moves , superstition is crumbling before the advancing strides of knowledge and science . Yet religion and piety before God , manifested by good works , is right and excellent . The simplicity and purity of the Gospel is its greatest power , and it will reign when priestcraft has tumbled to ashes .
THE SEVEN" STARS . During the ceremony of initiation into the Mysteries of Eleusis , the Hierophant sat on a throne brilliant with gold , over which arched a rainbow , in the centre of which were the moon and seven stars . Now if we remember that the temples of the
ancients were a representation of the universe , and take into consideration that the ancients only knew seven planets belonging to our solar system , the enigma of the seven stars will he readily explained-We also learn that the astronomical idea of Pythagoras that heaven denotes either the spheres of the
fixed stars , or the whole space between the fixed stars and the moon , or the whole world , including both tho heavenly spheres and the earth . Agreeable to the arithmetical hypothesis , there are ten heavenly spheres , of which nine are visible to us , viz ., the sphere of the fixed stars ; the seven spheres of the
seven planets , including the sun and the moon , and the sphere of the earth . The tenth , earth , called by Pythagoras antic-thon-anti-earth , is invisible , hut necessary to the perfection of the harmony of nature , since the decade is the perfection of the numerical harmony . — BRO . OTTO KLOTZ .