Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Mems.
THE MASONIC MIMOR . * .. ( . * All communications to be addressed to the EDITOR , at No . 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
The Right Hon . Earl of Talbot and Shrewsbury , Provincial Grand Master for Staffordshire , will preside at the Anniversary Festival of the Boys' School , in March , 1872 . The half-yearly meeting of Prov . G . Chapter , of West Yorkshire , will be held on AVednesday , November 1 st , 1871 , at
Masonic Hall , South Parade , Huddersfield . The METROPOLITAN MAKE LODGE OP INSTRUCTION ( the only one of the Degree in London ) , resumed its meetings on Monday , October 2 nd , and meets every Monday , at half-past Seven o ' clock p . m .. at the Lyceum Tavern , No . 364 , Strand . Bro . Thos . Meggy , P . G . M . 0 . will preside as W . M . Meyer A .
Loewenstark , P . M . 86 , W . M . elect , 22 , P . G . Steward , Hon . Sec . Neptune Lodge , 22 , and Mount Sinai Chapter , 22 , having removed from Radley ' s Hotel , will , in future , hold their meetings at the Guildhall Tavern , City . WEST KENT MASONIC CnAUiTABi-E INSTITUTION . —A
number of brethren in the Greenwich district have started an Association under this name , the object of which is to enable any member of the Craft to gain , by easy subscriptions , a Life Governship or Life Subscribership in one of the Masonic Charities . The Association has arisen in connection with tlie Pythagorean Lodge of Instruction ( No . 73 ) .
The British Oak Lodge ( No . 831 ) , will in future hold its meetings at the Beaumont Hall , Beaumont Square , Mile End , the last Monday in the month .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
ENGLISH CONSTITUTION . METROPOLITAN . VITEUVIAN LODGE , ( NO . 87 . )—The member . , of this lodge
met at the White Hart Tavern , College Street , Lambeth , on the 11 th inst . Tlie W . M ., Bro . Robert Banham , initiated a gentleman into the craft . A brother was afterwards raised to the sublime degree , the ceremony being rendered by Bro . Morris , P . M . The lodge having been closed in the usual manner , the brethren retired . There was no banquet . PRUDENT BRETHREN LODGE , ( No . 145 . )—This lodge held its
first meeting for the season , on Tuesday 24 th , at tho Freemason ' s Hall , Gt . Queen Street . There were present : Bro . Walter , W . M . j John Boyd , P . M ., Treas ., and father of the lodge ; Bros . Moore , LP . Af . ; and States , Secretary . The brethren appeared in deep mourning as a mark of respect to the memory of Bro . William Carter , P . M ., this being the first Lodge meeting since his decease . The business of the evening consisted of one initiation , one Passing and one Raising , each ceremony being
performed by the W . M . in an admirable manner . A brother was proposed as a joining member , and one gentleman for initiation at the next meeting . It was proprosed by the W . M . and unanimously resolved that the deep regret of the members should
be recorded on the minutes , for the great loss sustained by tho Lodge in consequence of the lamented death of Past Master William Carter . All business being ended , the Lodgo was closed in ample form , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . On the usual toasts being proposed , Bro . John Boyd returned thanks for the Deputy Grand Master , and the rest of the Grand Officers , and said how deeply he regretted appearing for the first time as a Grand Officerthat his bad should have the sombre
-, ge appear ance of those present , more particularly when he could not help remembering that the covering of crape was put on for his oldest and most valued friend , for a man with whom he had been associated for a long number of years , and for whom he ( Mr . Boyd ) like all others who had the pleasure of Mr . Carter ' s acquaintance or friendship , the greatest possible respect , and after some further remarks very feelingly expressed , the brethren
drunk in solemn silence to the Memory of their late Past Master . The W . M . in proposing the healths of the visitors , ( of whom there were several ) particularly alluded to Bro . Dr . Ward , who , though Master of his own Lodge , kindly undertook the Senior Warden ' s chair in the absence of the proper officers , and to Bro . Long , P . M ., of 2 S , who also very kindly assisted him in the ceremonies by undertaking the duties of Deacon . The visitors having replied , the other toasts followed in quick succession , and the meeting was brought to a close much earlier than might have been anticipated from the business on tho summons and of the late hour at which the brethren were called together .
DOMATIC LODGK , ( NO . 177 . )—On Friday , 13 th inst ., the members of this numerous and influential lod ^ e held the first meeting of the season at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street . Three Past Grand Officers graced the meeting with their presence , who are all members of the Domatic Lodge , viz ., Bros . T . A . Adams , J . Brett , and J . Smith , Past Grand Pursuivants . The W . M ., Bro . Walford , presided , who was very ably supported by his two Wardens , Bros . Ferguson and Tims , Bros . Kent , Treadwell and
other officers . Past Masters Carpenter , Foulger , Tanner , ( Secretary ) , Elmes , and about seventy other brethren were present , with several visitors . The lodge was opened in the usual form , and the masonic business , which comprised two initiations and sevaral passings , & c , was ably performed by the W . M . Bro . R . Tanner , P . M . and Secretary , to the great regret of the whole assembly , announced that since the last meeting of the lodge a few short months ago , death had removed from amongst
them no fewer than six members , viz ., Bros . Past Masters B . Russeu and T . Pvyor , Bros . Chubb , Cheek , Heath , and Price , Bro . Heath having only entered freemasonry a short time ago , and gone no further than his first degree . Several brethren had announced , from various causes , to the Secretary , their resignation as subscribing members , aud there was , consequently , owing to . these melancholy announcements , a noticeable absence of the buoyant hilarity which usually characterises the meetings
of the Domatic Lodge . The W . M ., in referring to the great loss the lodge had sustained through the deaths of so many brethren in so short a period of time , reminded the brethren in a few well chosen words of the lesson it taught them all with regard to the uncertainty and frailty of this mortal life . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down to a banquet , provided in a stylo of great excellence by Bro . Clemoiv . The usual loyal and masonic toasts were given and responded to , aud the brethren of the Domatic Lodge separated at their usual early bony .
LODGE INDUSTRY ( NO . 186 ) . —The brethren of this lodge met at the Freemasons' Hall , ou Tuesday , the 25 th instant . There were present : — Bros . TallenI , W . M . ; Mortloek , P . M . ; Mann , P . M . Sec ; Carpenter , P . M . ; Gale , P . M . ; Price , P . M ., and others . The work done comprised raisings and passing . It was proposed and carried , by twenty to one , to move the lodge to Bro Gardder ' s , Masons' Arms Tavern . Bros . Blight , P . M . 39 ; F . Walters , M . 73 ; Beck , 1306 ,- and Hopkins , J . W . 87 , were present as visitors . A banquet closed the proceedings .
ROYAL OAK LODGE ( NO . 871 ) . —The meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 25 th instant , at the White Swan Tavern . High Street , Deptford . Pro . ent : —Bro _ . W . Andrews W . M . ; T . Killner , S . W . ; J . W . Reed , J . W . ; II . A . Collington , P . M . Treas . ; F . Walters , P . M . Sec ; W . Myatt , S . D . ; G . Andrews , J . D . ; S . 0 . Lewin , I . G . ; J . Truelove , P . M . ; J . Bavin , P . M . Tyler ; C . Letton , R . West , R . Deal , J . T . Funge , H . J . Tuson , W . Shaw , J . II . Wilson , G . Harvey , [ R . Harmau
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mems.
THE MASONIC MIMOR . * .. ( . * All communications to be addressed to the EDITOR , at No . 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
The Right Hon . Earl of Talbot and Shrewsbury , Provincial Grand Master for Staffordshire , will preside at the Anniversary Festival of the Boys' School , in March , 1872 . The half-yearly meeting of Prov . G . Chapter , of West Yorkshire , will be held on AVednesday , November 1 st , 1871 , at
Masonic Hall , South Parade , Huddersfield . The METROPOLITAN MAKE LODGE OP INSTRUCTION ( the only one of the Degree in London ) , resumed its meetings on Monday , October 2 nd , and meets every Monday , at half-past Seven o ' clock p . m .. at the Lyceum Tavern , No . 364 , Strand . Bro . Thos . Meggy , P . G . M . 0 . will preside as W . M . Meyer A .
Loewenstark , P . M . 86 , W . M . elect , 22 , P . G . Steward , Hon . Sec . Neptune Lodge , 22 , and Mount Sinai Chapter , 22 , having removed from Radley ' s Hotel , will , in future , hold their meetings at the Guildhall Tavern , City . WEST KENT MASONIC CnAUiTABi-E INSTITUTION . —A
number of brethren in the Greenwich district have started an Association under this name , the object of which is to enable any member of the Craft to gain , by easy subscriptions , a Life Governship or Life Subscribership in one of the Masonic Charities . The Association has arisen in connection with tlie Pythagorean Lodge of Instruction ( No . 73 ) .
The British Oak Lodge ( No . 831 ) , will in future hold its meetings at the Beaumont Hall , Beaumont Square , Mile End , the last Monday in the month .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
ENGLISH CONSTITUTION . METROPOLITAN . VITEUVIAN LODGE , ( NO . 87 . )—The member . , of this lodge
met at the White Hart Tavern , College Street , Lambeth , on the 11 th inst . Tlie W . M ., Bro . Robert Banham , initiated a gentleman into the craft . A brother was afterwards raised to the sublime degree , the ceremony being rendered by Bro . Morris , P . M . The lodge having been closed in the usual manner , the brethren retired . There was no banquet . PRUDENT BRETHREN LODGE , ( No . 145 . )—This lodge held its
first meeting for the season , on Tuesday 24 th , at tho Freemason ' s Hall , Gt . Queen Street . There were present : Bro . Walter , W . M . j John Boyd , P . M ., Treas ., and father of the lodge ; Bros . Moore , LP . Af . ; and States , Secretary . The brethren appeared in deep mourning as a mark of respect to the memory of Bro . William Carter , P . M ., this being the first Lodge meeting since his decease . The business of the evening consisted of one initiation , one Passing and one Raising , each ceremony being
performed by the W . M . in an admirable manner . A brother was proposed as a joining member , and one gentleman for initiation at the next meeting . It was proprosed by the W . M . and unanimously resolved that the deep regret of the members should
be recorded on the minutes , for the great loss sustained by tho Lodge in consequence of the lamented death of Past Master William Carter . All business being ended , the Lodgo was closed in ample form , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . On the usual toasts being proposed , Bro . John Boyd returned thanks for the Deputy Grand Master , and the rest of the Grand Officers , and said how deeply he regretted appearing for the first time as a Grand Officerthat his bad should have the sombre
-, ge appear ance of those present , more particularly when he could not help remembering that the covering of crape was put on for his oldest and most valued friend , for a man with whom he had been associated for a long number of years , and for whom he ( Mr . Boyd ) like all others who had the pleasure of Mr . Carter ' s acquaintance or friendship , the greatest possible respect , and after some further remarks very feelingly expressed , the brethren
drunk in solemn silence to the Memory of their late Past Master . The W . M . in proposing the healths of the visitors , ( of whom there were several ) particularly alluded to Bro . Dr . Ward , who , though Master of his own Lodge , kindly undertook the Senior Warden ' s chair in the absence of the proper officers , and to Bro . Long , P . M ., of 2 S , who also very kindly assisted him in the ceremonies by undertaking the duties of Deacon . The visitors having replied , the other toasts followed in quick succession , and the meeting was brought to a close much earlier than might have been anticipated from the business on tho summons and of the late hour at which the brethren were called together .
DOMATIC LODGK , ( NO . 177 . )—On Friday , 13 th inst ., the members of this numerous and influential lod ^ e held the first meeting of the season at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street . Three Past Grand Officers graced the meeting with their presence , who are all members of the Domatic Lodge , viz ., Bros . T . A . Adams , J . Brett , and J . Smith , Past Grand Pursuivants . The W . M ., Bro . Walford , presided , who was very ably supported by his two Wardens , Bros . Ferguson and Tims , Bros . Kent , Treadwell and
other officers . Past Masters Carpenter , Foulger , Tanner , ( Secretary ) , Elmes , and about seventy other brethren were present , with several visitors . The lodge was opened in the usual form , and the masonic business , which comprised two initiations and sevaral passings , & c , was ably performed by the W . M . Bro . R . Tanner , P . M . and Secretary , to the great regret of the whole assembly , announced that since the last meeting of the lodge a few short months ago , death had removed from amongst
them no fewer than six members , viz ., Bros . Past Masters B . Russeu and T . Pvyor , Bros . Chubb , Cheek , Heath , and Price , Bro . Heath having only entered freemasonry a short time ago , and gone no further than his first degree . Several brethren had announced , from various causes , to the Secretary , their resignation as subscribing members , aud there was , consequently , owing to . these melancholy announcements , a noticeable absence of the buoyant hilarity which usually characterises the meetings
of the Domatic Lodge . The W . M ., in referring to the great loss the lodge had sustained through the deaths of so many brethren in so short a period of time , reminded the brethren in a few well chosen words of the lesson it taught them all with regard to the uncertainty and frailty of this mortal life . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down to a banquet , provided in a stylo of great excellence by Bro . Clemoiv . The usual loyal and masonic toasts were given and responded to , aud the brethren of the Domatic Lodge separated at their usual early bony .
LODGE INDUSTRY ( NO . 186 ) . —The brethren of this lodge met at the Freemasons' Hall , ou Tuesday , the 25 th instant . There were present : — Bros . TallenI , W . M . ; Mortloek , P . M . ; Mann , P . M . Sec ; Carpenter , P . M . ; Gale , P . M . ; Price , P . M ., and others . The work done comprised raisings and passing . It was proposed and carried , by twenty to one , to move the lodge to Bro Gardder ' s , Masons' Arms Tavern . Bros . Blight , P . M . 39 ; F . Walters , M . 73 ; Beck , 1306 ,- and Hopkins , J . W . 87 , were present as visitors . A banquet closed the proceedings .
ROYAL OAK LODGE ( NO . 871 ) . —The meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 25 th instant , at the White Swan Tavern . High Street , Deptford . Pro . ent : —Bro _ . W . Andrews W . M . ; T . Killner , S . W . ; J . W . Reed , J . W . ; II . A . Collington , P . M . Treas . ; F . Walters , P . M . Sec ; W . Myatt , S . D . ; G . Andrews , J . D . ; S . 0 . Lewin , I . G . ; J . Truelove , P . M . ; J . Bavin , P . M . Tyler ; C . Letton , R . West , R . Deal , J . T . Funge , H . J . Tuson , W . Shaw , J . II . Wilson , G . Harvey , [ R . Harmau