Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Craft Masonry. Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 2 →
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Craft Masonry.
J . G . Vohmnn , T . Spencer , B . J . Cole , and other ... Visitors .-Bros . G . Mallet , 141 ; aud John Thomas , I . G . 1326 . Messrs . Thomas Speueer and Benjamin James Cole were initiated ; and Bro . John George Volmian was raised . A Past Master's Jewel was given to Bro . J . Truelovo , I . P . M . Some notices of motion were given , and several candidates for initiation were proposed . A banquet brought the proceedings to a close .
GREAT NORTHERN LODGE , ( No . 1287 ) . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held at the Great Northern Hotel , Kings Cross , on Thursday the 19 th inst ., Present : Bros . E . Moody , W . M . ; H . T . Reed , S . W .,- T . H , Staton , J . W . ; S . Webb , P . M ., and Treas . ; S . B . Headon , Sec . ; Geo . Hooper , S . D ., pro tem ; E . Lancaster , J . D ., pro tem , and D . C . ; Jas . Forbes , I . G . ; aud also Bros . Freeman , Catchpole , Wilkie , Stanway , Elliott , EdmistonJupeMargetsonVerdonGuytonBowenMarshKitchie ,
, , , , , , , Lay , Bull . Arkell , Wrightson , Roberts , Quail , and Alexander . The following visitors were present .- Bros . John Hervey , Grand Sec ; Fredk . Binckes , Grand Stewd ., and S . W . ; T . A . Adams , P . M ., P . G . P . ; R . H . Marsh , P . M ., 1196 , Urban Lodge ; Wolfsky , S . W ., Jordan 201 ; J . Frost Creswick , P . M ., Leigh , 957 ; W . T . Macqueen , St . John ' .- -, 45 ; J . Brady , W . M ., 360 ; Edgar Bowver , 65 ; Win . Francis , 34 ; Henry Carvill , P . M ., 201 . ;
The Lodge was opened in the first and second degrees in due form , and with solemn prayer . Messrs . Tomkins , Christie , Portway , and Taylor , were then ballotted for and unanimously approved ; and Bros . Stanway and Guyton were examined and eiitiusted . The Lodge was opened in the third degree , Bros . Stanway and Guyton were successively raised to the sublime degree , in a most impressive manner . The Lodge was resumed to the first degreewhen Messrs . Taylor and Portwayand Messrs .
, , Tompkins and Christie were duly initiated . The minutes of the last regular Lodge meeting , in April , and the emergency meeting in July , were read and confirmed . Bros . W . Bruce and F . Baron , of the Montefiore Lodge , No . 1017 , were unanimously elected joining members , and suitably returned thanks . All masonic business being ended , the Lodge was closed in due form and with solemn prayerand adjourned to the third Thursday in
, November . The brethren then returned to banquet , and spent a most agreeable evening . In replying to the usual toasts , the visiting brethren vied with each other in extolling the excellent working they had witnessed , and in expressing the gratification it afforded them to fund so young a lodge in such a flourishing and sound condition .
SPHINX LODGE , ( NO . 1 , 329 . )—An emergency meeting of this lodge was held on the 14 th inst . at the Stirling Castle Tavern , Church Street , Camberwell . The W . M ., Bro . E . Clark , being unavoidably absent , the Master ' s chair was occupied by Bro . George Hyde , P . M ., 141 aud 765 , who performed his duties in a perfectlv unexceptionable manner throughout the evening . Bro . Major H . W . Palmer , W . M . elect , was S . W . ; Bro . E . J . Bailey , J . W . ; Bro . H . AllmanP . M . Secretary . The rest of the officers
, , were at thkir proper posts , aud there were also present : —Bros . Andrews , Nairne , and Blanch , and Bros . II . and C . E . Thomson , of the Domatic and Southern Star Lodges , & c . The lodge having been opened in due form , and with solemn prayer , a ballot was taken for two gentlemen , Messrs . Jas . Brinton and Bainbridge Lyon , who were candidates for admission into the order . Tho ballot was unanimous in their favor , and both being
in attendance , they were in due form and according to ancient custom regularly initiated into the order . A ballot then took place for thh admission of Bro . G . R . Butten , of the Lodge of Unity , No . 18 . 3 . as a joining member of the Sphinx Lodge . Being found unanimous iu his favor , he was at once admitted as a member . Bro . Hyde theu moved : — " That a jewel , of the value of seven guineas , be presented to Bro . Edward Clark , First Masteraud oue of the founders of the Sphinx Lodgefor Use
, , very efficient services rendered by him tt tlie lodge since its foundation . The W . M . elect , Bro . Major Palmer , had much pleasure in seconding the motion , which was put to the brethren , and carried unanimously . No further business being offered , the lodge was closed in due form and with solemn prayer , until the next regular night of meeting . The regular meeting of the Shinx Lod was held on
Saturp ge , day , 21 st inst . Present : Bros . Major Palmer , S . W . and W . M . elect ; E . J . Bailey , J . W . ; W . V . Bedolfe , J . D . ; J . II . Vochin .., I . G . ; J . L , Reynolds , Treas . ; H . Allman , W . M ., 1194 , Sec ; John Thorns , P . M ., D . C ; J . Sugden , Stewd . ; P . A . Nairne , P . M . ; Geo . Hyde , P . M . ; G . I . Becherton , E . Piuder , W . Andrews
Craft Masonry.
Hancock , A . Campbell , II . Martin , B . Lyon , J . J . Benton , E . H . Beamley , G . P . Brillen , G . S . Mansell . The Visitors present were Bros . E . Worthinton , P . M . 507 ; Jas . Stevens , P . M ., 25 , 720 , 1216 ; G . H . R . Bridges , W . M ., 772 ; W . Worrell , S . W ., 1339 ; M . S . Larlham , . IG ., 1216 ; Fredk . P . Walters , I . G ., 752 . Bro . J . Thomas , as Installing Master performed the Ceremony in a manner that afforded tlie brethren present the utmost pleasure and gratification , placing Bro . Palmer in the Chair of the
Lodge , who appointed as his Officers Bro . E . J . Bailey , S . W . ; W . V . Bedolfe , J . W . ; II . Allman . Sec ; J . H . Vockins , S . D . ; J . Sugden , J . D . ; Dr . Pender and Alfred Campbell , Stewards The only business before the Lodge this evening was the reading the minutes of the regular Lodge , held loth July , to confirm the election of Bro . Major Palmer as W . Master , aud the Lodge of emergency on the 14 th ; and the presentation of the report of the Audit Committee , whicli was received and adopted .
INSTRUCTION . FINSBUIIY PARK LODGE , ( No . 1 , 288 . )—Ou Thursday evening , the opening of this lodge of instruction was celebrated by a banquet at the lodge room , Finsbury Park Tavern , Seven Sisters Road , Holloway . At half-past seven the lodge was opened by Bro . Higgens , in the W . M's chair , supported by Bros . A . Welch , S . W . ; J . T . SmithJ . W . ; J . HarmanS . D . ; j . T . SweetJ . D . ;
, , , and D . Parker , I . G . ; Bro . Thos . Meekham , P . M ., 619 , President and Secretary was also present the whole of the evening , as were also many members of the parent lodge , and Bro . C . E . Thompson , S . W ., No . 1 , 158 . The lodge having been formed according to usage , it was opened in the three established degrees , but being the first night of meeting very little business was done , and the meeting was adjourned until Wednesday
next at the same hour . Afterwards the brethren sat down to a substantial supper provided in admirable style by the worthy host , Bro . J . Pigot , and his estimable partner , to which ample justice was done . When the cloth was drawn and the glasses properly charged with right good Clicquot , Bro . Meekhain said he had one toast to propose , and must be excused if ho trespassed upon the time of thc brethren present , but as it was the first time of their meeting for the present season he was sure that he ivould be excused if he asked them to drink "Success
and Prosperity to the Finsbury Park Lodge of Instiuction . " As their President he was highly pleased to see so influential a body of masons present . AVhen the club was formed , some twelve months ago , he had no idea that it would have assumed such proportions , and he was confident that at no very distant period of time it would be second to none in tbe metropolis .. In Bro . Higgens the lodgo possessed a very admirable Preceptor , ever able and v . illing to render every assistance in bis power to every
masonic aspirant in search of instruction . In conjunction with this toast Bro . Meekham coupled the name of Bro . Welch , W . M . of the Finsbury Park Lodge . Tlie toast was heartily received and responded to by Bro . Welch , who promised to do all in his power to promote the success of the lodge of instruction ; he , too , like Bro . Meekham , believed that very shortly it would have no superior in London . The pleasures of the evening were very agreeably enhanced by the singing of Bros . Welch , Harman , and others , and tho company separated highly satisfied with all the arrangements made for their comfort by the worthy host and hostess , and others concerned .
DURHAM . PEOVINCIAT - GRAND LODGE . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Durham met on Tuesday , the 24 th instant , at the Borough Hall , Stockton-on-Tees . The R . W . Provincial Grand Master , Bro . J . Fawcett , presided , liro . J . Dobbs , Prov . G . Registrar acting as Prov . S . G . W . ; and Bro . T . ns Prov . J . G . W . There was also a large attendance of Brethren of the Lodge of this and the adjoining provinces . A full report of the proceedings will be given next week .
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Craft Masonry.
J . G . Vohmnn , T . Spencer , B . J . Cole , and other ... Visitors .-Bros . G . Mallet , 141 ; aud John Thomas , I . G . 1326 . Messrs . Thomas Speueer and Benjamin James Cole were initiated ; and Bro . John George Volmian was raised . A Past Master's Jewel was given to Bro . J . Truelovo , I . P . M . Some notices of motion were given , and several candidates for initiation were proposed . A banquet brought the proceedings to a close .
GREAT NORTHERN LODGE , ( No . 1287 ) . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held at the Great Northern Hotel , Kings Cross , on Thursday the 19 th inst ., Present : Bros . E . Moody , W . M . ; H . T . Reed , S . W .,- T . H , Staton , J . W . ; S . Webb , P . M ., and Treas . ; S . B . Headon , Sec . ; Geo . Hooper , S . D ., pro tem ; E . Lancaster , J . D ., pro tem , and D . C . ; Jas . Forbes , I . G . ; aud also Bros . Freeman , Catchpole , Wilkie , Stanway , Elliott , EdmistonJupeMargetsonVerdonGuytonBowenMarshKitchie ,
, , , , , , , Lay , Bull . Arkell , Wrightson , Roberts , Quail , and Alexander . The following visitors were present .- Bros . John Hervey , Grand Sec ; Fredk . Binckes , Grand Stewd ., and S . W . ; T . A . Adams , P . M ., P . G . P . ; R . H . Marsh , P . M ., 1196 , Urban Lodge ; Wolfsky , S . W ., Jordan 201 ; J . Frost Creswick , P . M ., Leigh , 957 ; W . T . Macqueen , St . John ' .- -, 45 ; J . Brady , W . M ., 360 ; Edgar Bowver , 65 ; Win . Francis , 34 ; Henry Carvill , P . M ., 201 . ;
The Lodge was opened in the first and second degrees in due form , and with solemn prayer . Messrs . Tomkins , Christie , Portway , and Taylor , were then ballotted for and unanimously approved ; and Bros . Stanway and Guyton were examined and eiitiusted . The Lodge was opened in the third degree , Bros . Stanway and Guyton were successively raised to the sublime degree , in a most impressive manner . The Lodge was resumed to the first degreewhen Messrs . Taylor and Portwayand Messrs .
, , Tompkins and Christie were duly initiated . The minutes of the last regular Lodge meeting , in April , and the emergency meeting in July , were read and confirmed . Bros . W . Bruce and F . Baron , of the Montefiore Lodge , No . 1017 , were unanimously elected joining members , and suitably returned thanks . All masonic business being ended , the Lodge was closed in due form and with solemn prayerand adjourned to the third Thursday in
, November . The brethren then returned to banquet , and spent a most agreeable evening . In replying to the usual toasts , the visiting brethren vied with each other in extolling the excellent working they had witnessed , and in expressing the gratification it afforded them to fund so young a lodge in such a flourishing and sound condition .
SPHINX LODGE , ( NO . 1 , 329 . )—An emergency meeting of this lodge was held on the 14 th inst . at the Stirling Castle Tavern , Church Street , Camberwell . The W . M ., Bro . E . Clark , being unavoidably absent , the Master ' s chair was occupied by Bro . George Hyde , P . M ., 141 aud 765 , who performed his duties in a perfectlv unexceptionable manner throughout the evening . Bro . Major H . W . Palmer , W . M . elect , was S . W . ; Bro . E . J . Bailey , J . W . ; Bro . H . AllmanP . M . Secretary . The rest of the officers
, , were at thkir proper posts , aud there were also present : —Bros . Andrews , Nairne , and Blanch , and Bros . II . and C . E . Thomson , of the Domatic and Southern Star Lodges , & c . The lodge having been opened in due form , and with solemn prayer , a ballot was taken for two gentlemen , Messrs . Jas . Brinton and Bainbridge Lyon , who were candidates for admission into the order . Tho ballot was unanimous in their favor , and both being
in attendance , they were in due form and according to ancient custom regularly initiated into the order . A ballot then took place for thh admission of Bro . G . R . Butten , of the Lodge of Unity , No . 18 . 3 . as a joining member of the Sphinx Lodge . Being found unanimous iu his favor , he was at once admitted as a member . Bro . Hyde theu moved : — " That a jewel , of the value of seven guineas , be presented to Bro . Edward Clark , First Masteraud oue of the founders of the Sphinx Lodgefor Use
, , very efficient services rendered by him tt tlie lodge since its foundation . The W . M . elect , Bro . Major Palmer , had much pleasure in seconding the motion , which was put to the brethren , and carried unanimously . No further business being offered , the lodge was closed in due form and with solemn prayer , until the next regular night of meeting . The regular meeting of the Shinx Lod was held on
Saturp ge , day , 21 st inst . Present : Bros . Major Palmer , S . W . and W . M . elect ; E . J . Bailey , J . W . ; W . V . Bedolfe , J . D . ; J . II . Vochin .., I . G . ; J . L , Reynolds , Treas . ; H . Allman , W . M ., 1194 , Sec ; John Thorns , P . M ., D . C ; J . Sugden , Stewd . ; P . A . Nairne , P . M . ; Geo . Hyde , P . M . ; G . I . Becherton , E . Piuder , W . Andrews
Craft Masonry.
Hancock , A . Campbell , II . Martin , B . Lyon , J . J . Benton , E . H . Beamley , G . P . Brillen , G . S . Mansell . The Visitors present were Bros . E . Worthinton , P . M . 507 ; Jas . Stevens , P . M ., 25 , 720 , 1216 ; G . H . R . Bridges , W . M ., 772 ; W . Worrell , S . W ., 1339 ; M . S . Larlham , . IG ., 1216 ; Fredk . P . Walters , I . G ., 752 . Bro . J . Thomas , as Installing Master performed the Ceremony in a manner that afforded tlie brethren present the utmost pleasure and gratification , placing Bro . Palmer in the Chair of the
Lodge , who appointed as his Officers Bro . E . J . Bailey , S . W . ; W . V . Bedolfe , J . W . ; II . Allman . Sec ; J . H . Vockins , S . D . ; J . Sugden , J . D . ; Dr . Pender and Alfred Campbell , Stewards The only business before the Lodge this evening was the reading the minutes of the regular Lodge , held loth July , to confirm the election of Bro . Major Palmer as W . Master , aud the Lodge of emergency on the 14 th ; and the presentation of the report of the Audit Committee , whicli was received and adopted .
INSTRUCTION . FINSBUIIY PARK LODGE , ( No . 1 , 288 . )—Ou Thursday evening , the opening of this lodge of instruction was celebrated by a banquet at the lodge room , Finsbury Park Tavern , Seven Sisters Road , Holloway . At half-past seven the lodge was opened by Bro . Higgens , in the W . M's chair , supported by Bros . A . Welch , S . W . ; J . T . SmithJ . W . ; J . HarmanS . D . ; j . T . SweetJ . D . ;
, , , and D . Parker , I . G . ; Bro . Thos . Meekham , P . M ., 619 , President and Secretary was also present the whole of the evening , as were also many members of the parent lodge , and Bro . C . E . Thompson , S . W ., No . 1 , 158 . The lodge having been formed according to usage , it was opened in the three established degrees , but being the first night of meeting very little business was done , and the meeting was adjourned until Wednesday
next at the same hour . Afterwards the brethren sat down to a substantial supper provided in admirable style by the worthy host , Bro . J . Pigot , and his estimable partner , to which ample justice was done . When the cloth was drawn and the glasses properly charged with right good Clicquot , Bro . Meekhain said he had one toast to propose , and must be excused if ho trespassed upon the time of thc brethren present , but as it was the first time of their meeting for the present season he was sure that he ivould be excused if he asked them to drink "Success
and Prosperity to the Finsbury Park Lodge of Instiuction . " As their President he was highly pleased to see so influential a body of masons present . AVhen the club was formed , some twelve months ago , he had no idea that it would have assumed such proportions , and he was confident that at no very distant period of time it would be second to none in tbe metropolis .. In Bro . Higgens the lodgo possessed a very admirable Preceptor , ever able and v . illing to render every assistance in bis power to every
masonic aspirant in search of instruction . In conjunction with this toast Bro . Meekham coupled the name of Bro . Welch , W . M . of the Finsbury Park Lodge . Tlie toast was heartily received and responded to by Bro . Welch , who promised to do all in his power to promote the success of the lodge of instruction ; he , too , like Bro . Meekham , believed that very shortly it would have no superior in London . The pleasures of the evening were very agreeably enhanced by the singing of Bros . Welch , Harman , and others , and tho company separated highly satisfied with all the arrangements made for their comfort by the worthy host and hostess , and others concerned .
DURHAM . PEOVINCIAT - GRAND LODGE . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Durham met on Tuesday , the 24 th instant , at the Borough Hall , Stockton-on-Tees . The R . W . Provincial Grand Master , Bro . J . Fawcett , presided , liro . J . Dobbs , Prov . G . Registrar acting as Prov . S . G . W . ; and Bro . T . ns Prov . J . G . W . There was also a large attendance of Brethren of the Lodge of this and the adjoining provinces . A full report of the proceedings will be given next week .