Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article INDIA. Page 1 of 1 Article INDIA. Page 1 of 1 Article SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 →
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KENT . CANTERBURY . —St . Augustine Lodge ( No . 972 ) . —This lodgo held its monthly meeting at its now home , the Guildhall Tavern , on the 9 th instant . Bro . Joshua W . Green occupied the chair , supported by his officers , and there was a goodly muster of the brethren . Two brethren were raised to the third degree , and Messrs . Weare and Miskin ( two old citizens ) duly initiatedthe
, charge being rendered by Bro . J . Pilcher , S . W . The election for Master for the ensuing year subsequently took place . Bro . Pearce , S . W , was chosen for the office without a single dissentient voice . There being no other business the lodge was closed . The brethren than adjourned to refreshment , and separated rather earlier than usual .
SUFFOLK . STOTVJIARKET . —Phcenix Lodge ( No . 516 ) . —At the monthly meeting on Friday , the 20 th instant , there were present : —Bros . J . W . Sheridan , P . G . R ., I . P . M ., as acting W . M . ; G . S . Golding , P . G . S . B ., W . M . 225 , S . W . ; E . Warner , J . W . ; G . Ransom , P . M . ; S- H . Wright , P . Prov . G . D ., P . M ., & c . Visitors : Bros . Emra Holmes , P . M . 531 , and 114 ; D . Schuleii , P . Prov . G . Dir . of
Cers ., P . M . 114 ; aud Philip Curnell , P . G . J . D ., W . M . 114 . After the usual formal business was concluded , the Acting W . JI . called upon Bro . Emra Holmes to deliver his lecture , as announced in the summons , entitled , ''' Random Notes on Freemasonry ; " * and , as was to be expected from so erudite a brother , it proved , as the W . M . in proposing a vote of thanks for Bro . Holmes ' s , instructive and interesting lecture , justly remarkedthere was not one word iu it the brethren ivould not
, endorse , or one point at which they were at issue—and at the same time he believed it would lead many of tho younger and less advanced brothers to believe there was more in Freemasonry to be understood and learned than many now supposed . He also particularly approved of the remarks made as to appointments in Grand Lodge , and it was only at a recent Mark Master's Lodge , the Provincial Grand Secretary of Suffolk was complaining of the very thing to which Bro . Holmes alluded—the
great difficulty experienced by Provincial Masons in gaining appointments in Grand Lodge . Bro . G . S . Golding seconded the proposition , and spoke of Bro . Holmes as the most enthusiastic Mason he had ever met with—an opinion cordially endorsed by all brethren who knew him . A vote of thanks was unanimously accorded to Bro . Holmes , and ordered to be recorded in the minutes . The lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to refreshmentwhenafter the usual Masonic
, , toasts had been honoured , they separated , highly delighted at having spent so enjoyable an evening , combining , as all lodges ought to do , valuable information and instruction with pleasure . During the evening the W . M . of the . British Union Lodge , No . Ill , Ipswich , announced that Bro . Holmes had kindly consented to repeat his lecture at that lodge at an early opportunity .
BOMBAY . LODGE " EMULATION - , " ( NO . 1100 ) ( E . C . )—The regular meeting of the above Lodge was held at the Freemason ' s Hall , Mazngon , on the 17 th August , 1871 : present : W . Bros . G . L . D'Emden , W . M . ; C . Beard , P . M . ; Bros . T . A . Hopewell , S . W . ; E . Ewett , J . W . ; E . Gleave , Treas . ; J . F . Pen nock , Sec ; H . Ainsworth , S . D . ; J . Hartley , J . D . ; J . G . Smith , I . G . ; G .
Yardley and C . R . Raymond , Stewards ; T . Orsfall , Organist ; and J . W . Seagcr , Tyler . —Members : W . I-I . Hoare , J . Thomson , T . Counsel ! , J . Imies , F . Stretch , E . Coole , G . Smith , F . Biers , G . C . Robinson , W . H . McCann , R . Cooper , J . Moon , H . Black ; and several visitors . The Lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of last regular meeting were read and confirmed . A donation of Rs . 100 was voted to Mrs . Broad . The ballot was taken for Mr . W . Richardson , a candidate for
initiation , which proved clear . Bro . II . Black was culled before the pedestal , and having passed a very satisfactory examination , -was entrusted and passed out . Tlie Lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bro . Black was re-admitted and passed to the
second or F . C . degree . W . Bro . C . Beard , P . M ., gave the lecture in this degree . It was resolvedthat Wor . Bro . C . Beard , P . M ., be asked to sit for his portrait , and that it be hung up in the Lodgo . 0 _ ie candidate was proposed for initiation , and one Brother as a joining member . There being no other business before the Lodge , it was closed with prayer at 8 P . M . KAMPTEE .
LODGE " SAINT ANDREW , " ( No . 500 ) ( E . C . )—A regular meeting of this Lodge was held on the 23 rd August , 1871 Present : W . Bros . II . Haynes , W . M . j F . Wilson , P . M ., Sec . and Organist ; Bros . Dadabhoy Sorabjee Jail , as S . W . ; Lewis as J . W . ; McKeown , as S . D . ; Draper , as J . D . ; Harris , I . G . ; Vine , Tyler ; Bros . W . Thomas , H . Masson , A . Bain , D . Hemsworth , and A Scott . The Lodge was opened iu the first degreeand the
min-, utes of last meeting were read ancl confirmed . The brethren proceeded to ballot for Mr . George Taylor , a candidate for initiation , ivhich proved clear , the candidate was admitted properly prepared and duly initiated into the mysteries of our order . There bening no further busines , the Lodge was closed in peace and harmony .
South Australia.
DISTRICT GRAND LODGE . A quarterly communication of the District Grand Lodge of South Australia , was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Flinders Street , Adelaide , on Wednesday , 5 th July , 1871 , present : Bro . Arthur Hardy , J . P ., District Grand Master , in the Chair ; Bros . Macauly , P . M ., as Deputy District Grand Master ; W . Dist . G ., Treas . as D . G . S . W . ; W . M . 423 , as Dist . G . J . W . ; W . Wicksteedas Dist . G . Sec . ; W . M . 583 , as Dist . G . S . D . ; W . M . 505
, , as Dist . G . J . D . ; Dist . G . Supt . of Works ; Dist . G . Organist ; Dist . G . Pursuivant ; Lethcfbrd , P . M ., Dist . G . Stew . ; Galley , P . M ., 423 ; S . W ., 505 ; J . W ., 842 . ; Bros . Jacoby , 842 ; Wilson , 842 ; Wicksteed , 649 , were present as Visitors . The minutes of the last meeting , and of the Emergency meeting , May 9 th , were read and confirmed . The report of General Committee as follows was received and adopted . " To the Rt . W . D . G . Master and District Grand Lodge . —The General Committee have little
to report . They recommend that rent at the rate of £ 20 per annum be paid to the Trustees of Freemasons' Hall , for use of the Lodge-room from the 1 st January , 1871 . They regret to state that Bros . Ey , Hender , and Cowen have been struck oil ' the books of Union Lodge , No . 947 , for non-payment of arrears . The Secretary has received a supply of Books of Constitution from England , which he is prepared to distribute at 2 s . each . The D . D . G . M . reports having visited the Union Lodge , at
Kadina , and the Duke of Edinburgh , at Moonta , and being much gratified with the attendance of Brethren at those Lodges , and efficiency of the working ; that he had also visited the Lodge of St . John , Strathalbyn , and installed the W . M . Henry E . Downer , D . D . G . M .. Chairman , Fredk . Wicksteed , P . D . G . S . W ., Sec . " P . D . G . S . W . Wicksteed proposed and W . M . Roberts seconded—Thai , in compliance with the recommendation of the General Committee the Trustees of Freemasons' Hall be paid rent for
year 1871 at the rate of £ 20 per annum , whicli was carried . Bro . Salom reported that the Committee appointed to arrange with the Trustees of Freemasons' Hall had not arrived at a conclusion that would warrant their reporting to Lodge ; he obtained leave to extend the time for reporting to next meeting . There being no further business before the Lodge , it was closed in due form .
Royal Arch.
LINCOLNSHIRE . \ [ G AISSEOROUGH . —All Saints' Chapter ( No . 422 ) . —A convocation of Royal Areh Masons took place tor the first time in the new Masonic Hall , Market Place , iu this town , on Monday , the 16 th instant , under the presidency of the M . E . Comps .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
KENT . CANTERBURY . —St . Augustine Lodge ( No . 972 ) . —This lodgo held its monthly meeting at its now home , the Guildhall Tavern , on the 9 th instant . Bro . Joshua W . Green occupied the chair , supported by his officers , and there was a goodly muster of the brethren . Two brethren were raised to the third degree , and Messrs . Weare and Miskin ( two old citizens ) duly initiatedthe
, charge being rendered by Bro . J . Pilcher , S . W . The election for Master for the ensuing year subsequently took place . Bro . Pearce , S . W , was chosen for the office without a single dissentient voice . There being no other business the lodge was closed . The brethren than adjourned to refreshment , and separated rather earlier than usual .
SUFFOLK . STOTVJIARKET . —Phcenix Lodge ( No . 516 ) . —At the monthly meeting on Friday , the 20 th instant , there were present : —Bros . J . W . Sheridan , P . G . R ., I . P . M ., as acting W . M . ; G . S . Golding , P . G . S . B ., W . M . 225 , S . W . ; E . Warner , J . W . ; G . Ransom , P . M . ; S- H . Wright , P . Prov . G . D ., P . M ., & c . Visitors : Bros . Emra Holmes , P . M . 531 , and 114 ; D . Schuleii , P . Prov . G . Dir . of
Cers ., P . M . 114 ; aud Philip Curnell , P . G . J . D ., W . M . 114 . After the usual formal business was concluded , the Acting W . JI . called upon Bro . Emra Holmes to deliver his lecture , as announced in the summons , entitled , ''' Random Notes on Freemasonry ; " * and , as was to be expected from so erudite a brother , it proved , as the W . M . in proposing a vote of thanks for Bro . Holmes ' s , instructive and interesting lecture , justly remarkedthere was not one word iu it the brethren ivould not
, endorse , or one point at which they were at issue—and at the same time he believed it would lead many of tho younger and less advanced brothers to believe there was more in Freemasonry to be understood and learned than many now supposed . He also particularly approved of the remarks made as to appointments in Grand Lodge , and it was only at a recent Mark Master's Lodge , the Provincial Grand Secretary of Suffolk was complaining of the very thing to which Bro . Holmes alluded—the
great difficulty experienced by Provincial Masons in gaining appointments in Grand Lodge . Bro . G . S . Golding seconded the proposition , and spoke of Bro . Holmes as the most enthusiastic Mason he had ever met with—an opinion cordially endorsed by all brethren who knew him . A vote of thanks was unanimously accorded to Bro . Holmes , and ordered to be recorded in the minutes . The lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to refreshmentwhenafter the usual Masonic
, , toasts had been honoured , they separated , highly delighted at having spent so enjoyable an evening , combining , as all lodges ought to do , valuable information and instruction with pleasure . During the evening the W . M . of the . British Union Lodge , No . Ill , Ipswich , announced that Bro . Holmes had kindly consented to repeat his lecture at that lodge at an early opportunity .
BOMBAY . LODGE " EMULATION - , " ( NO . 1100 ) ( E . C . )—The regular meeting of the above Lodge was held at the Freemason ' s Hall , Mazngon , on the 17 th August , 1871 : present : W . Bros . G . L . D'Emden , W . M . ; C . Beard , P . M . ; Bros . T . A . Hopewell , S . W . ; E . Ewett , J . W . ; E . Gleave , Treas . ; J . F . Pen nock , Sec ; H . Ainsworth , S . D . ; J . Hartley , J . D . ; J . G . Smith , I . G . ; G .
Yardley and C . R . Raymond , Stewards ; T . Orsfall , Organist ; and J . W . Seagcr , Tyler . —Members : W . I-I . Hoare , J . Thomson , T . Counsel ! , J . Imies , F . Stretch , E . Coole , G . Smith , F . Biers , G . C . Robinson , W . H . McCann , R . Cooper , J . Moon , H . Black ; and several visitors . The Lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of last regular meeting were read and confirmed . A donation of Rs . 100 was voted to Mrs . Broad . The ballot was taken for Mr . W . Richardson , a candidate for
initiation , which proved clear . Bro . II . Black was culled before the pedestal , and having passed a very satisfactory examination , -was entrusted and passed out . Tlie Lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bro . Black was re-admitted and passed to the
second or F . C . degree . W . Bro . C . Beard , P . M ., gave the lecture in this degree . It was resolvedthat Wor . Bro . C . Beard , P . M ., be asked to sit for his portrait , and that it be hung up in the Lodgo . 0 _ ie candidate was proposed for initiation , and one Brother as a joining member . There being no other business before the Lodge , it was closed with prayer at 8 P . M . KAMPTEE .
LODGE " SAINT ANDREW , " ( No . 500 ) ( E . C . )—A regular meeting of this Lodge was held on the 23 rd August , 1871 Present : W . Bros . II . Haynes , W . M . j F . Wilson , P . M ., Sec . and Organist ; Bros . Dadabhoy Sorabjee Jail , as S . W . ; Lewis as J . W . ; McKeown , as S . D . ; Draper , as J . D . ; Harris , I . G . ; Vine , Tyler ; Bros . W . Thomas , H . Masson , A . Bain , D . Hemsworth , and A Scott . The Lodge was opened iu the first degreeand the
min-, utes of last meeting were read ancl confirmed . The brethren proceeded to ballot for Mr . George Taylor , a candidate for initiation , ivhich proved clear , the candidate was admitted properly prepared and duly initiated into the mysteries of our order . There bening no further busines , the Lodge was closed in peace and harmony .
South Australia.
DISTRICT GRAND LODGE . A quarterly communication of the District Grand Lodge of South Australia , was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Flinders Street , Adelaide , on Wednesday , 5 th July , 1871 , present : Bro . Arthur Hardy , J . P ., District Grand Master , in the Chair ; Bros . Macauly , P . M ., as Deputy District Grand Master ; W . Dist . G ., Treas . as D . G . S . W . ; W . M . 423 , as Dist . G . J . W . ; W . Wicksteedas Dist . G . Sec . ; W . M . 583 , as Dist . G . S . D . ; W . M . 505
, , as Dist . G . J . D . ; Dist . G . Supt . of Works ; Dist . G . Organist ; Dist . G . Pursuivant ; Lethcfbrd , P . M ., Dist . G . Stew . ; Galley , P . M ., 423 ; S . W ., 505 ; J . W ., 842 . ; Bros . Jacoby , 842 ; Wilson , 842 ; Wicksteed , 649 , were present as Visitors . The minutes of the last meeting , and of the Emergency meeting , May 9 th , were read and confirmed . The report of General Committee as follows was received and adopted . " To the Rt . W . D . G . Master and District Grand Lodge . —The General Committee have little
to report . They recommend that rent at the rate of £ 20 per annum be paid to the Trustees of Freemasons' Hall , for use of the Lodge-room from the 1 st January , 1871 . They regret to state that Bros . Ey , Hender , and Cowen have been struck oil ' the books of Union Lodge , No . 947 , for non-payment of arrears . The Secretary has received a supply of Books of Constitution from England , which he is prepared to distribute at 2 s . each . The D . D . G . M . reports having visited the Union Lodge , at
Kadina , and the Duke of Edinburgh , at Moonta , and being much gratified with the attendance of Brethren at those Lodges , and efficiency of the working ; that he had also visited the Lodge of St . John , Strathalbyn , and installed the W . M . Henry E . Downer , D . D . G . M .. Chairman , Fredk . Wicksteed , P . D . G . S . W ., Sec . " P . D . G . S . W . Wicksteed proposed and W . M . Roberts seconded—Thai , in compliance with the recommendation of the General Committee the Trustees of Freemasons' Hall be paid rent for
year 1871 at the rate of £ 20 per annum , whicli was carried . Bro . Salom reported that the Committee appointed to arrange with the Trustees of Freemasons' Hall had not arrived at a conclusion that would warrant their reporting to Lodge ; he obtained leave to extend the time for reporting to next meeting . There being no further business before the Lodge , it was closed in due form .
Royal Arch.
LINCOLNSHIRE . \ [ G AISSEOROUGH . —All Saints' Chapter ( No . 422 ) . —A convocation of Royal Areh Masons took place tor the first time in the new Masonic Hall , Market Place , iu this town , on Monday , the 16 th instant , under the presidency of the M . E . Comps .