Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 4 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 2 of 4 →
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314 ; C . J . Yates , P . M . 314 ; AVilson , 333 . The loelge was opened at a quarter past seven , and the minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bros . Hall and Elton being candidates for the second degree , were examined and entrusted , anel retired for preparation . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Bros . Hall and Elton , being again admitted , were passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . The lo Ige was then
resumed to tho first degree , and Messrs . Pom Ice and Nettlefolel , who bad been balloted for and unanimously accepted , were introduced and initiated hite the mysteries of the first tlagi-ee The lodge was closed with solemn prayer at a quarter to ten , when the brethren adjourned to refreshment . Tlie W . AI . and his officers received the hearty congratulations of all the brethren present on the very admirable m inner in which they hail conducted the ceremonies of installation and passing . Bros . P . M .
Yates anel Hall officiated alternately at the harmonium . KIRKDALE . — Walton Lodge ( No . 1 , 080 ) . —The brethren of this loelge met on Wednesday , the 19 th inst ., at 180 , Waltonroad . There were present , Bros . A . C . Mott , P . S . G . D ., W . M . ; J . Goodacre , W . Archer , J . Monton , and J . Last , P . M . 's , and a large number of visiting brethren . The business of the lodre was conducteel iu the first , second , and thirel elegreca . A Past Master's gold jewel was presented by the loelge to Bro . James ¦ Goodacre , for his energy and zeal during his year of office , for which Bro . Goodacre returned thanks in a feeling manner .
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER . —Jo / jit of daunt Lodge ( No . 523 ) . —A monthly meeting of this helel at the Freemasons' Hall on Thursday , the 20 th inst ., and was numerously attended , nearly thirty members and visitors being present . The W . M . B : 'o . Toller presided , supporteel by Bro . Kelly , Prov . G . M . ( nominate ) Ihe Senior P . M ., anel Bro . Duff the I . P . M . of the lodge . The Rev . W . Targett
Fry , after passing a satisfactory examination , had the degree ot Fellow Craft conferred upon him , after which Bro . J . F . Smith was duly raised to the sublime degree of a Master Master in a most impressive manner by the W . M ., the musical chants being conducted by Bro . Charles Johnson , P . M ., Organist . A gentleman having been proposed as a candidate for Masonry , the lodge was finally closeel , anel the brethren aeljourned to refreshment . LOUGHBOROUGH . —Some and Charnwood Lodge ( No . 1 , 007 ) .
—An emergency meeting of this loelge was held at the Bull ' s Head Hotel , on Tueselay , the 18 th Instant , at which , by request , the newly nominated Prov . G . M . Bro . Kelly , kinelly attended to raise two brethren to the third degree , one of them being the son of a very old P . M . anel P . G . O . officer of the Province , Bro . AV . Grimes , Palmer , M . R . O . S . The lodge having been opened by the W . M . In the first and second degrees , the W . M . Bro . Kelly took the chair , and after Bros . AV . Grimes Palmer , jun .,
and Arthur Geo . Chamberliu hael passed an examination , he proceedeel to raise them to the sublime degree of a Master Mason . Tlie lodge having been lowered to the first degree , the W . AI . Bro . Wilson , P . Prov . G . P ., tendered the thanks of the brethren to Bro . Kelly for bis performance of the ceremony , and the brethren afterwards adjourned to refreshment . The ollicers present were Bros . AVilson , AV . M . ; W . G . Palmer , P . M . ; Deane , P . Prov . G . Reg . as S . W . ; Capp , J . W . ; Goode , Sec ; Burrows , S . D . ; Pratt , J . D . ; Dougherty , I . G ., and others .
MIDDLESEX . CONSECRATION OF BURDETT LODGE ( N O . 1 . 203 ) , AND INAUGURA . TION OF PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . Saturday , tho 22 nd Inst ., as wo previously announced , was fixed for the consecration of Burdett Lodgo , and tho inauguration of tho Grand Lodgo of Middlesex , which took p laco at tho
Clarence Hotel , Toddiugton . The following brethren wore present : Bros . Colonel Francis Burdett , tho AV . M .-dosignato ; George Kenning , S . W .-elosignato : Robert Kenyon , J . W .-dosignato ; R . AV . Little , P . M . ; AV . H . Hubbard , P . M . ; MajorH . W . Palmer ; II . G . Buss , P . M . ; F . Walters , P . M . ; F . Binekos , P . M . ; being tho founders of tho lodgo . Tho visitors comprised : —Bros . John Hervey , P . G . S . D ., G . Sec ; Thos . Fonu , Assist . G . Dir . of Cers . ; James BrettA . G . P F . DavisonP . Prov . G . Rog .
, . ; , , Hereford ; E . Bonham , P . Prov . S . AV ., Wilts ; F . Atlhu-d , P . Prov . A . Dir . of Cers ., Essex ; Rev . D . Sliaboo . P . G ., Chaplain , Suffolk ; AV . Roebuck . P . G . S . B ., Surrey ; II . F . C . Finch . P . G . Reg .. Herts ; Rayniiam W . Stewart , P . Prov . G . S . D ., Essex ; R . D . Odell , P . M . 3 : G . Murton , P . M . 7 ; J . II . Edwards , 8 ; J . Taylor ,
IS ; AY . M . Bvwator . P . M . 19 ; AV . Piatt , P . M . 23 ; 0 . Payuo , P , M . 27 .- Magnus Ohron , 33 : J . Button , 73 : J . H . H . Douglas , P . M . 7 'J ; R , Bouoay . P . AI . 79 ; J . II . Doughnov , P . M . 79 ; AV . Lure , P . M . 1-12 : E . lwarels . Ill : Theodore Distin , 175 ; W . Battyo . PAL , W . M . 181 . ; II . W . Williams , 193 ; \ V . M . Cameron , P . AL 201 : R . J . Mlsam , 201 ; AV . Coombos , P . AI . aud Sec . 382 ; C . E . Woodward , Treas . 382 : James Glaishor , P . AI 382 ; II .
Parker , 435 : W . B . Heath , 504 : II . 0 . Finch , P . M . aud Soo . 708 ; J . Hester , P . M . 788 ; J . D . MoDougall , P . AI . 7 SS ; A . Frickonhaus , 802 ; T . Morris , P . AI . 865 ; A . A . Richards , P . M 805 : A . B . D . iv , P . AI . 8 ( 15 : Smith , AV . AI . 890 ; T . Wiscombo , P . M . 905 : W . Coward , 995 : W . Smood , P . AI . 946 ; G . J . Noyco , AV . AI . 975 : F . Clarko . P . AI . 1 , 191 : J . G . Marsh , P . M . 1 , 191 ; A . Avorv . P . AI . 1 . 194 : HAllman , 1 . 194 : J . Stovons , P . AI . aud S . AV . 1 , 210 : J . J . Wilson , P . M . aud W . M . 1 , 237 : C . Tyo , 1 , 237 ; G . King . Jim ., J . W . 1 , 23 , 8 , W . AI . 1 260 ; W . Ough , P . AI . 1 , 273 .
The lodge being formed at 1 . 30 , the V . W . Bro . John Hervey presiding , and having been opened in the proper degrees . The petition and wan-ant were read , anel the founders of the new lodu-e phiceel before the piesiding officer , and the lidge No . 1293 , was dulv constituted , liro . James Brett , ilelivoroel an oration ou trie nature and principles of Masonry . Bro . the Rev . F . C ele Orespl ^ ny , as Chaplain , solemnly consecrated the lodge , the Impressive ceremony being carrie 1 outmost effectively . The
lodge was then dedicated with prayer . The lodge was then resumed to the second degree . Bro . Col . Francis Burdett , Representative ofthe Grand Lodge of Ireland , and Provincial Grand Master ( nominate ) of Middlesex , was presented to receive installation as AV . M . of the Burdett Lodge , ( Xo . 1293 ) . Tiiis ceremony was performed in au able and impressive maimer , anel tho newly-installed Master received
the cordial congratulations anel hearty good wishes from the brethren present . The W . AI . having been placed in the chair of K . S . then procecdeel to install his officers as follows : Bros . George Kenning , S . W .: Robert Kenyon , J . AV . ; R . Wentworth , Little , P . AI ., See . ; Wm . Henry Hubbard , P . M ., Treas . ; Alajor 11 . W . Palmer , S . D . ; It . G . Buss , P . AI ., Dir . of Cers . ; and John Gilbert , Tyler . Some routine business incident to the establishment of a new lodge having been transacted , several candiilates for initiation and joining were annouueeel , and the lodge ivas resumed to the first degree .
Bro . John Hervey , G . Sec , having taken the chair , and the Provincial Grand officers present acting as AVardens , eleelared the Provincial Grand Loelge of Aliddlesex duly constituted . Bro . Col . Francis Burdett was announced as being in attendance for the purpose of being installed as a Provincial Grand Master The charter or warrant for the Grand Lodge of Middlesex , and also tlie patent authorising Bro . Col . Francis Burdctt to govern the same were read . The Grand Secretary then deputed
the Acting Wardens anel Stewards te attend on the R . W . Prov . G . AI ., anel conduct him to the Provincial Grand Lodge . On the entrance of Col . Burdett , that R . W . brother win received by the brethren with the greatest enthusiasm . Having taken the obligation of Prov . G . M ., he was invested with the insignia of his bis exalted office , and conducted to the throne . The R . W . Prov . G . AI . then addressed the brethren , thanking thorn for their cordial welcome . After proposing the election of B o . Hervey as
an honorary member of the Burdett Loelge , the R . W . Prov . G . AI . proceeded to Invest his officers as fillows : — -Bros . Frederic Davison , P . AI . 10 , 70 S , Prov . G . S . W . ; John AI . Stodwcll , P . AI . 71 S and 916 , Prov . J . G . W . ; Rev . Frederick Chiininion de Crespigny , 70 S , Prov . G . Chap . ; Henry Gustavus Buss , P . M . 27 , 1293 , Prov . G . Treas . ; George Coi-elwell , P . M ., 788 , Prov . G . Reg . ; Robert Wentworth Little , P . M . 975 , 1194 and 1293 , G . Sec ; Albert B . Day , M . D ., 1 ' . M ., S >! 5 , Prov . S . G . D . ; John
Josiah AVilson , W . M . 1237 , Prov . G .. I . D . ; Edward Clarke , P . M ., 1194 , Prov . G . Supt . of AVorles ; John Trickett , C . E ., W . M ., 1194 , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; James Green , W . M ., 788 , Assist . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers .: William Coombes , P . M ., 382 , Prov . G . Sword Bearer ; Thomas R . Mclllwham , W . M . 9-10 , Prov . G . Org . ; William Smeed , P . M ., 916 , Prov . G . Purst . ; John George Marsh , 1194 , Prov . Assist . G . Purst . ; Antonio John Oodner 382 , Arthur A . Richards 865 , Thm-is Cubittll 94 , Alfred Avery 1191 , Joseph Taylor , 1238 , and Gorge Kenning 1293 , Prov . G . Stewards ; Joiin Gilbert , Tyler .
Thc by-laws of ( he Provincial Grand Lodge were then read and approved , and the business ef inauguration having terminated , the Provincial Grand Lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
314 ; C . J . Yates , P . M . 314 ; AVilson , 333 . The loelge was opened at a quarter past seven , and the minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bros . Hall and Elton being candidates for the second degree , were examined and entrusted , anel retired for preparation . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Bros . Hall and Elton , being again admitted , were passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . The lo Ige was then
resumed to tho first degree , and Messrs . Pom Ice and Nettlefolel , who bad been balloted for and unanimously accepted , were introduced and initiated hite the mysteries of the first tlagi-ee The lodge was closed with solemn prayer at a quarter to ten , when the brethren adjourned to refreshment . Tlie W . AI . and his officers received the hearty congratulations of all the brethren present on the very admirable m inner in which they hail conducted the ceremonies of installation and passing . Bros . P . M .
Yates anel Hall officiated alternately at the harmonium . KIRKDALE . — Walton Lodge ( No . 1 , 080 ) . —The brethren of this loelge met on Wednesday , the 19 th inst ., at 180 , Waltonroad . There were present , Bros . A . C . Mott , P . S . G . D ., W . M . ; J . Goodacre , W . Archer , J . Monton , and J . Last , P . M . 's , and a large number of visiting brethren . The business of the lodre was conducteel iu the first , second , and thirel elegreca . A Past Master's gold jewel was presented by the loelge to Bro . James ¦ Goodacre , for his energy and zeal during his year of office , for which Bro . Goodacre returned thanks in a feeling manner .
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER . —Jo / jit of daunt Lodge ( No . 523 ) . —A monthly meeting of this helel at the Freemasons' Hall on Thursday , the 20 th inst ., and was numerously attended , nearly thirty members and visitors being present . The W . M . B : 'o . Toller presided , supporteel by Bro . Kelly , Prov . G . M . ( nominate ) Ihe Senior P . M ., anel Bro . Duff the I . P . M . of the lodge . The Rev . W . Targett
Fry , after passing a satisfactory examination , had the degree ot Fellow Craft conferred upon him , after which Bro . J . F . Smith was duly raised to the sublime degree of a Master Master in a most impressive manner by the W . M ., the musical chants being conducted by Bro . Charles Johnson , P . M ., Organist . A gentleman having been proposed as a candidate for Masonry , the lodge was finally closeel , anel the brethren aeljourned to refreshment . LOUGHBOROUGH . —Some and Charnwood Lodge ( No . 1 , 007 ) .
—An emergency meeting of this loelge was held at the Bull ' s Head Hotel , on Tueselay , the 18 th Instant , at which , by request , the newly nominated Prov . G . M . Bro . Kelly , kinelly attended to raise two brethren to the third degree , one of them being the son of a very old P . M . anel P . G . O . officer of the Province , Bro . AV . Grimes , Palmer , M . R . O . S . The lodge having been opened by the W . M . In the first and second degrees , the W . M . Bro . Kelly took the chair , and after Bros . AV . Grimes Palmer , jun .,
and Arthur Geo . Chamberliu hael passed an examination , he proceedeel to raise them to the sublime degree of a Master Mason . Tlie lodge having been lowered to the first degree , the W . AI . Bro . Wilson , P . Prov . G . P ., tendered the thanks of the brethren to Bro . Kelly for bis performance of the ceremony , and the brethren afterwards adjourned to refreshment . The ollicers present were Bros . AVilson , AV . M . ; W . G . Palmer , P . M . ; Deane , P . Prov . G . Reg . as S . W . ; Capp , J . W . ; Goode , Sec ; Burrows , S . D . ; Pratt , J . D . ; Dougherty , I . G ., and others .
MIDDLESEX . CONSECRATION OF BURDETT LODGE ( N O . 1 . 203 ) , AND INAUGURA . TION OF PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . Saturday , tho 22 nd Inst ., as wo previously announced , was fixed for the consecration of Burdett Lodgo , and tho inauguration of tho Grand Lodgo of Middlesex , which took p laco at tho
Clarence Hotel , Toddiugton . The following brethren wore present : Bros . Colonel Francis Burdett , tho AV . M .-dosignato ; George Kenning , S . W .-elosignato : Robert Kenyon , J . W .-dosignato ; R . AV . Little , P . M . ; AV . H . Hubbard , P . M . ; MajorH . W . Palmer ; II . G . Buss , P . M . ; F . Walters , P . M . ; F . Binekos , P . M . ; being tho founders of tho lodgo . Tho visitors comprised : —Bros . John Hervey , P . G . S . D ., G . Sec ; Thos . Fonu , Assist . G . Dir . of Cers . ; James BrettA . G . P F . DavisonP . Prov . G . Rog .
, . ; , , Hereford ; E . Bonham , P . Prov . S . AV ., Wilts ; F . Atlhu-d , P . Prov . A . Dir . of Cers ., Essex ; Rev . D . Sliaboo . P . G ., Chaplain , Suffolk ; AV . Roebuck . P . G . S . B ., Surrey ; II . F . C . Finch . P . G . Reg .. Herts ; Rayniiam W . Stewart , P . Prov . G . S . D ., Essex ; R . D . Odell , P . M . 3 : G . Murton , P . M . 7 ; J . II . Edwards , 8 ; J . Taylor ,
IS ; AY . M . Bvwator . P . M . 19 ; AV . Piatt , P . M . 23 ; 0 . Payuo , P , M . 27 .- Magnus Ohron , 33 : J . Button , 73 : J . H . H . Douglas , P . M . 7 'J ; R , Bouoay . P . AI . 79 ; J . II . Doughnov , P . M . 79 ; AV . Lure , P . M . 1-12 : E . lwarels . Ill : Theodore Distin , 175 ; W . Battyo . PAL , W . M . 181 . ; II . W . Williams , 193 ; \ V . M . Cameron , P . AL 201 : R . J . Mlsam , 201 ; AV . Coombos , P . AI . aud Sec . 382 ; C . E . Woodward , Treas . 382 : James Glaishor , P . AI 382 ; II .
Parker , 435 : W . B . Heath , 504 : II . 0 . Finch , P . M . aud Soo . 708 ; J . Hester , P . M . 788 ; J . D . MoDougall , P . AI . 7 SS ; A . Frickonhaus , 802 ; T . Morris , P . AI . 865 ; A . A . Richards , P . M 805 : A . B . D . iv , P . AI . 8 ( 15 : Smith , AV . AI . 890 ; T . Wiscombo , P . M . 905 : W . Coward , 995 : W . Smood , P . AI . 946 ; G . J . Noyco , AV . AI . 975 : F . Clarko . P . AI . 1 , 191 : J . G . Marsh , P . M . 1 , 191 ; A . Avorv . P . AI . 1 . 194 : HAllman , 1 . 194 : J . Stovons , P . AI . aud S . AV . 1 , 210 : J . J . Wilson , P . M . aud W . M . 1 , 237 : C . Tyo , 1 , 237 ; G . King . Jim ., J . W . 1 , 23 , 8 , W . AI . 1 260 ; W . Ough , P . AI . 1 , 273 .
The lodge being formed at 1 . 30 , the V . W . Bro . John Hervey presiding , and having been opened in the proper degrees . The petition and wan-ant were read , anel the founders of the new lodu-e phiceel before the piesiding officer , and the lidge No . 1293 , was dulv constituted , liro . James Brett , ilelivoroel an oration ou trie nature and principles of Masonry . Bro . the Rev . F . C ele Orespl ^ ny , as Chaplain , solemnly consecrated the lodge , the Impressive ceremony being carrie 1 outmost effectively . The
lodge was then dedicated with prayer . The lodge was then resumed to the second degree . Bro . Col . Francis Burdett , Representative ofthe Grand Lodge of Ireland , and Provincial Grand Master ( nominate ) of Middlesex , was presented to receive installation as AV . M . of the Burdett Lodge , ( Xo . 1293 ) . Tiiis ceremony was performed in au able and impressive maimer , anel tho newly-installed Master received
the cordial congratulations anel hearty good wishes from the brethren present . The W . AI . having been placed in the chair of K . S . then procecdeel to install his officers as follows : Bros . George Kenning , S . W .: Robert Kenyon , J . AV . ; R . Wentworth , Little , P . AI ., See . ; Wm . Henry Hubbard , P . M ., Treas . ; Alajor 11 . W . Palmer , S . D . ; It . G . Buss , P . AI ., Dir . of Cers . ; and John Gilbert , Tyler . Some routine business incident to the establishment of a new lodge having been transacted , several candiilates for initiation and joining were annouueeel , and the lodge ivas resumed to the first degree .
Bro . John Hervey , G . Sec , having taken the chair , and the Provincial Grand officers present acting as AVardens , eleelared the Provincial Grand Loelge of Aliddlesex duly constituted . Bro . Col . Francis Burdett was announced as being in attendance for the purpose of being installed as a Provincial Grand Master The charter or warrant for the Grand Lodge of Middlesex , and also tlie patent authorising Bro . Col . Francis Burdctt to govern the same were read . The Grand Secretary then deputed
the Acting Wardens anel Stewards te attend on the R . W . Prov . G . AI ., anel conduct him to the Provincial Grand Lodge . On the entrance of Col . Burdett , that R . W . brother win received by the brethren with the greatest enthusiasm . Having taken the obligation of Prov . G . M ., he was invested with the insignia of his bis exalted office , and conducted to the throne . The R . W . Prov . G . AI . then addressed the brethren , thanking thorn for their cordial welcome . After proposing the election of B o . Hervey as
an honorary member of the Burdett Loelge , the R . W . Prov . G . AI . proceeded to Invest his officers as fillows : — -Bros . Frederic Davison , P . AI . 10 , 70 S , Prov . G . S . W . ; John AI . Stodwcll , P . AI . 71 S and 916 , Prov . J . G . W . ; Rev . Frederick Chiininion de Crespigny , 70 S , Prov . G . Chap . ; Henry Gustavus Buss , P . M . 27 , 1293 , Prov . G . Treas . ; George Coi-elwell , P . M ., 788 , Prov . G . Reg . ; Robert Wentworth Little , P . M . 975 , 1194 and 1293 , G . Sec ; Albert B . Day , M . D ., 1 ' . M ., S >! 5 , Prov . S . G . D . ; John
Josiah AVilson , W . M . 1237 , Prov . G .. I . D . ; Edward Clarke , P . M ., 1194 , Prov . G . Supt . of AVorles ; John Trickett , C . E ., W . M ., 1194 , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; James Green , W . M ., 788 , Assist . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers .: William Coombes , P . M ., 382 , Prov . G . Sword Bearer ; Thomas R . Mclllwham , W . M . 9-10 , Prov . G . Org . ; William Smeed , P . M ., 916 , Prov . G . Purst . ; John George Marsh , 1194 , Prov . Assist . G . Purst . ; Antonio John Oodner 382 , Arthur A . Richards 865 , Thm-is Cubittll 94 , Alfred Avery 1191 , Joseph Taylor , 1238 , and Gorge Kenning 1293 , Prov . G . Stewards ; Joiin Gilbert , Tyler .
Thc by-laws of ( he Provincial Grand Lodge were then read and approved , and the business ef inauguration having terminated , the Provincial Grand Lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to the