Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article THE GRAND ORIENT OF FRANCE AND "THE LANDMARK." Page 1 of 1 Article THE GRAND ORIENT OF FRANCE AND "THE LANDMARK." Page 1 of 1 Article MASONRY AND THE ASIATICS. Page 1 of 2 →
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( Contents . PAGE FEEEMASONS' MAGAZINE : — The Grand Orient of France and the Landmark 321 Masonry and tne Asiatics 321 Revile not Masonry for its Secresy 322 Masonic JottingsNo 67 324
, . Masonic Notes and Queries 325 Light from the East 326 Correspondence 328 Masonic Sayings and Doings Abroad 32 J The Canonbury Prize of the Royal Masonic Institution for - Boys 330 MASONIC M IIIEOK .: — Masonic Mems 331
Grand Lodge 331 CKAET L ODGE M EETINGS : — Metropolitan 332 Provincial 332 Knights Templar _ 336 Masonic Demonstration at Washington , United States 337 Obituary 339 week 340
List of Lodge , & c , Meetings for ensuing LONDON ; SATURDAY , APRIL 29 , 1871 ,
The Grand Orient Of France And "The Landmark."
The " Landmark , " ( New York , ) copies the circular of Bro . Thevennt , recently published in our columns , and appends the following remarks : — " We are glad to learn that the letter of Bro .
Thevenot explains away the alleged complicity of the Grand Orient , in the ' circular' affair , and we willingly give it a place in our columns . " This , of course , settles all allusion to the subject of his letter , which explains the whole thing .
"If Bro . Thevenot had ended there , we should have thought no more of it , but he does not like our remarks , and thinks they are ' but little fraternal towards t , he Grand Orient of Prance . '
" Perhaps they are , but if the Brother will take into consideration the course which has been deliberately pursued by the Grand Orient in sustaining a clandestine Grand Body in one of the Masonic Jurisdictions of the United States , he will not blame us .
"We learn from the proceedings of the Supreme Council of the Northern Jurisdiction , that in the year 1839 , a clandestine body was unlawfully established at New Orleans , and continued to exist until the 17 th February , 1853 , when it submitted to the supreme authority in that jurisdiction , and became members of the Grand
Consistory . "After the surrender of its powers , one Jaques Poulhouze , once a member of that body , associated with himself two or three others , and set up a
The Grand Orient Of France And "The Landmark."
body , which he styled the ' Supreme Council of the 33 rd degree for the Free and Independent State of Louisiana . This action was condemned by the Grand Orient , and for this and other irregularities , it decided that his name should be erased
from the Book Gf Gold , and a decree was so published by that body . " Notwithstanding his expulsion , he persisted in maintaining the organization , under his presidency and that of M . Eugene Chassaignac , for ten
years , without being recognized by a single Masonic power in the word . " In the face of all this , and without restoring M . Foulhouse , the Grand Orient recognized this
spurious organization , which has been established in the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Louisiana , and has chartered Master Mason Lodges , which are using material not in accordance with Masonic law . For this act the Grand Orient has
no fraternal communication with us , and its members are not admitted into Lodges in any jurisdiction in the United States . Why ? Because that Body still insists in sustaining and recognizing that spurious organization within the boundary
of another Grand Body . "If our remarks were 'but little fraternal / they were elicited by the premeditated and persistent course of the Grand Orient , in sustaining the acts of that spurious concern . "
Masonry And The Asiatics.
BY PBOJ ? . J . T . DOYEN , P . R . A . S . Some years ago , when a colony of Jews was discovered in China , in nowise distinguishable from other Chinese , except in their religious rites and belief , the question was started , " Did the
Chinese know anything of Ancient Masonrv ?" As no atheist can become a Mason , theory excluded Chinese , Hindoos , Parsees , etc ., from the Masonic order ; while the fact remained , that the Chinese possess a secret society of the highest antiquity ;
and that , moreover , many travelling brethren have sat in Masonic Lodges in the Orient , where Chinese , Hindoos , Parsees , and Black Jews of Malabar have all participated , either as functionaries , or visitors , in the mystic rites of
Freemasonry . The truth is , the Chinese people know nothing of Masonry , though a secret , society called by
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
( Contents . PAGE FEEEMASONS' MAGAZINE : — The Grand Orient of France and the Landmark 321 Masonry and tne Asiatics 321 Revile not Masonry for its Secresy 322 Masonic JottingsNo 67 324
, . Masonic Notes and Queries 325 Light from the East 326 Correspondence 328 Masonic Sayings and Doings Abroad 32 J The Canonbury Prize of the Royal Masonic Institution for - Boys 330 MASONIC M IIIEOK .: — Masonic Mems 331
Grand Lodge 331 CKAET L ODGE M EETINGS : — Metropolitan 332 Provincial 332 Knights Templar _ 336 Masonic Demonstration at Washington , United States 337 Obituary 339 week 340
List of Lodge , & c , Meetings for ensuing LONDON ; SATURDAY , APRIL 29 , 1871 ,
The Grand Orient Of France And "The Landmark."
The " Landmark , " ( New York , ) copies the circular of Bro . Thevennt , recently published in our columns , and appends the following remarks : — " We are glad to learn that the letter of Bro .
Thevenot explains away the alleged complicity of the Grand Orient , in the ' circular' affair , and we willingly give it a place in our columns . " This , of course , settles all allusion to the subject of his letter , which explains the whole thing .
"If Bro . Thevenot had ended there , we should have thought no more of it , but he does not like our remarks , and thinks they are ' but little fraternal towards t , he Grand Orient of Prance . '
" Perhaps they are , but if the Brother will take into consideration the course which has been deliberately pursued by the Grand Orient in sustaining a clandestine Grand Body in one of the Masonic Jurisdictions of the United States , he will not blame us .
"We learn from the proceedings of the Supreme Council of the Northern Jurisdiction , that in the year 1839 , a clandestine body was unlawfully established at New Orleans , and continued to exist until the 17 th February , 1853 , when it submitted to the supreme authority in that jurisdiction , and became members of the Grand
Consistory . "After the surrender of its powers , one Jaques Poulhouze , once a member of that body , associated with himself two or three others , and set up a
The Grand Orient Of France And "The Landmark."
body , which he styled the ' Supreme Council of the 33 rd degree for the Free and Independent State of Louisiana . This action was condemned by the Grand Orient , and for this and other irregularities , it decided that his name should be erased
from the Book Gf Gold , and a decree was so published by that body . " Notwithstanding his expulsion , he persisted in maintaining the organization , under his presidency and that of M . Eugene Chassaignac , for ten
years , without being recognized by a single Masonic power in the word . " In the face of all this , and without restoring M . Foulhouse , the Grand Orient recognized this
spurious organization , which has been established in the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Louisiana , and has chartered Master Mason Lodges , which are using material not in accordance with Masonic law . For this act the Grand Orient has
no fraternal communication with us , and its members are not admitted into Lodges in any jurisdiction in the United States . Why ? Because that Body still insists in sustaining and recognizing that spurious organization within the boundary
of another Grand Body . "If our remarks were 'but little fraternal / they were elicited by the premeditated and persistent course of the Grand Orient , in sustaining the acts of that spurious concern . "
Masonry And The Asiatics.
BY PBOJ ? . J . T . DOYEN , P . R . A . S . Some years ago , when a colony of Jews was discovered in China , in nowise distinguishable from other Chinese , except in their religious rites and belief , the question was started , " Did the
Chinese know anything of Ancient Masonrv ?" As no atheist can become a Mason , theory excluded Chinese , Hindoos , Parsees , etc ., from the Masonic order ; while the fact remained , that the Chinese possess a secret society of the highest antiquity ;
and that , moreover , many travelling brethren have sat in Masonic Lodges in the Orient , where Chinese , Hindoos , Parsees , and Black Jews of Malabar have all participated , either as functionaries , or visitors , in the mystic rites of
Freemasonry . The truth is , the Chinese people know nothing of Masonry , though a secret , society called by