Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 2 →
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United Grand Lodge.
of tho well tried institutions of England . The toast was received with all honours . The Deputy Grand Master then proposed the health of the "Prince of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family , " which was cordially received . The Deputy Grand Master then proposed "The Health of the
Earlde Grey and Ripon , GrandMaster . " The mention of the name wasreceived with loud cheers . The pro-Grand Master said there was a proverb which warned us not to talk about the absent , and another proverb said the absent were always in tho wrong . As to the first proverb , the Freemasons of England must talk about their absent Grand Master , and as for the second , all who knew
the noble carl would agree that he was the right man where he was . If the Grand Master could return to England , having , with his very able colleagues , achieved satisfactorily tho object of their important mission , it would be a matter of congratulation to men of all views and of all parties in the country . He felt that his noble friend should have been present on that occasion
and have been proclaimed Grand Master , for without him the gathering seemed like the play of Hamlet without the character of Hamlet . The good wishes of all would be with the Grand Master , wherever he was , and though he was absent , the Freemasons ol England had accepted him as their Grand Master This was a fitting occasion to mention that the Grand Master
while absent in America on State Affairs , had received at the hands of his American Masonic brethren a recognition worthy of him , worthy of America , and worthy of England . * For himself he had seen few things which had been so gratifying to him as the cordial , hearty , and fraternal greeting given to the Earl de Grey in Washington by the American Freemason . " * . The
pro-Grand Master concluded by observing that the Grand Master knew well the use of the trowel , and that he would cement the friendship formed across the ocean in a masterly manner , and this " work " would be done in a way to accord with the feelings of all .
Lhe toast was dul y honoured , and tho other toasts were , " The Deputy Grand Master , " " The Past Grand Masters of England , " with the name of the Earl of Zetland , "The Grand Lodges of Scotland and Ireland , " "The Provincial Lodges , " "The Charities , " and "The Stewards . " Among the speakers to these toasts were Bros . Lord Lindsay , Patten , W . Sutton Gover , and many other brethren . The chairman , in tho course
of the speeches , drew attention to the forthcoming festival ( on the 8 th of May ) of the Girls' School , to be presided over by tho Prince of Wales , and he urged that this noble charity should receive the kindly support of the brethren . After the banquet the brethren retired to the grand hall , where the remainder of the musical programme was given as follows : —
Glee— "Hark ! the Lark" ... . Cooke . Song— " Come hack to Erin " Clarihel . Ballad— "The Rose of Erin" Benedict . Trio— " Ti Progo , " Curschimmn . Flute Solo— "Black-cyed-Susan , " and the "Keel Row" ... R . Carte . Song— " Why are yon wand ' ring 1 " ¦¦¦ Nathan . Glee— "When Winds breathe soft" ... Webbe .
Song— " The Woodpecker" Michael Kelly . Old Song— " Jockey to the Fair " Song— "Within a Mile of Edinburgh Town" Hook . Glee—From " Oberon " Stevens . Song— "The Message" Blumenthal . Song— "Travellers all" Balfe . Madrigal— " 0 by Rivers" Ford & SaviUe .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
ENGLISH CONSTITUTION . METEOPOLITAK . ST . PAUL ' S LODGE ( No . 194 ) . —The brethren of this lodge held their regular meeting' at the Cannon Street Hotel , on Tuesday , the 18 th inst . There were present Bros . E . S . Eves ,
W . M . ; W . Aldridge S . W . ; Stanley Fowler , J . W . ; Robert Fowler , P . M ., and Sec . ; J . Watson , P . M . ; C . J . Weston , S . D . ; Wm . G . Temple . I . G . ; F . Renshaw , P . M . ; E . Raudoll , P . M . ; R . M . Veale , P . M . and Treas . ; H . Renshaw , P . M . ; Chas . Wilson , P . M . ; John Harper , P . M . The Visitors were Bros . H . J . Salisbury , 435 ; Beihell , J . D ., 30 ; J . G . Wood , Prov . G .. Chap ., Oxou ., P . M ., 470 ; Hy . Garrod , P . M ., 177 , 720 , 749 ; P .. P . Middlemist , W . M ., 5 ; Alexander Silver , 54 , Scotland . Bro .
J . G . Turnbull was passed ; and Bro . G . N . Watts , raised . The ballot was taken fur Bro . Geo . W . Wigner , of the Southampton Lodge , No . 691 , and late of the Grand Masters'Lodge , No . 1 , as a joining member .
ST . MAKYLEBONE LODGE ( NO . 1 , 30 G—The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Eyre Arms , St . John's Wood , on Wednesday , the 11 th inst . Bro . A . J . Coduer , P . M ., was appointed S . W . ; Stringer , J . W . ; W . B . Bothing , Treas . ; W . Watson , Sec . Five guineas were voted from the lodge funds for the Girls' School , to be placed on the list of Bro . Foxall , who will represent the lodge as Steward at the next festival . Four brethren were raised to the third degree . Bro . James John
Pope was installed as W . M . bv the outgoing W . M ., Bro . S . G . Foxall , who was the first W . M . The lodge was consecrated on the 13 th of April , 1870 . The auditors reported that after paying for the lodge furniture , and all other bills , that there was a balance in hand of £ 5 lis . 4 d . Mr . G . W . T . Gntteridge was initiated by the WML , Bro . J . J . Pope . A Past Master's jewel was presented by the W . M . to Bro . S . G . Foxall , and a marble time-piece and a charity jewel of the value of ; £ 30 was then
presented to him iu the name of the lodge by Bro . A . J . Codner , P . M ., who spoke iu very high terms of Bro . Foxall for his exertions in the cause of tile lodge , and for his excellent management in securing a balance in band at the end of the first yeai of the lodge ' s existence .
STOCKWEIX LODGE ( No . 1339 ) . — -The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Duke of Edinburgh , Shepherd ' s Lane , Brixton , on Thursday , the 20 th inst . Present : Bros . Hammerton , P . M . ; W . Wor ' rei , S . W . ; J . Pain , J . W . ; Brigston , S . D . ; Klirck , J . D . ; Francis , Sec ; Tiineivell , Williams , and Webbe . The lodge was opened , and the minutes of the last meeting confirmed . Mr . W . W . Webbe was initiated , aud Bro . Williams was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft .
CONSECRATION OP " THE FEME ' S LODGE , " NO . 1349 . This new lodge was consecrated at the Cheshire CIICESO Tavern , Crntched Friars , Citv , on Wednesday , the 19 th inst . Bro . James Terry , P . Prov . G- ' s . IS . for Herts , P . M . 22 S , 119 G , aud P . Z . 975 , was the officer appointed by the G . Master to perforin the ceremony . Ac 4 o ' clock precisely , the time fixed , he took the chair as W . M .., and was supported bv Bros . S . G . Foxall , P . M . 742 aud 1305 , as S . W . ; J . Nunn , " P . M . 72 , as J . W . ; John
Wright , P . M . 781 and 1250 , as I . G . ; E . T . Head , P . M . 781 , as acting Secretary ; T . J . Barnes , P . M . 554 and 933 , as Dir . of Cers . ; and F . Dawson , 211 , as Organist . The ceremony of Consecration was then most ably given , and Bro . T . J . Barnes presented Bro . Thomas Foxall , W . M . designate for installation , and Bro . J . Terry in a most faultless and impressive manner installed him the first W . M ., in the presence of a Board of Installed Masters , composed of 21 brethren . The lodgebeing closed down
to the 1 st degree , Bro . T . Foxall , W . M ., appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bros . W . Musto , S . W . ; W . Hogg , J . W . ; E . Wilden , Treas . ; E . T . Read , P . M ., Hon . Sec . ; W . T . Stephens , S . D . ; W . Stevens , J . D . ; W . J . Johnston , I . G . ; and J . Verry , Tyler . Tho usual addresses were then most ably delivered , and the hearty applause that greeted Bro . Terry at the conclusion , evinced the appreciation of the vast assemblage of his able working . It was then proposed by the W . M ., and seconded by the S . W ., that a vote of thanks be recorded in the minutes of the lodge to-Bro . J . Terry , for his kindness in performing the ceremony of
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United Grand Lodge.
of tho well tried institutions of England . The toast was received with all honours . The Deputy Grand Master then proposed the health of the "Prince of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family , " which was cordially received . The Deputy Grand Master then proposed "The Health of the
Earlde Grey and Ripon , GrandMaster . " The mention of the name wasreceived with loud cheers . The pro-Grand Master said there was a proverb which warned us not to talk about the absent , and another proverb said the absent were always in tho wrong . As to the first proverb , the Freemasons of England must talk about their absent Grand Master , and as for the second , all who knew
the noble carl would agree that he was the right man where he was . If the Grand Master could return to England , having , with his very able colleagues , achieved satisfactorily tho object of their important mission , it would be a matter of congratulation to men of all views and of all parties in the country . He felt that his noble friend should have been present on that occasion
and have been proclaimed Grand Master , for without him the gathering seemed like the play of Hamlet without the character of Hamlet . The good wishes of all would be with the Grand Master , wherever he was , and though he was absent , the Freemasons ol England had accepted him as their Grand Master This was a fitting occasion to mention that the Grand Master
while absent in America on State Affairs , had received at the hands of his American Masonic brethren a recognition worthy of him , worthy of America , and worthy of England . * For himself he had seen few things which had been so gratifying to him as the cordial , hearty , and fraternal greeting given to the Earl de Grey in Washington by the American Freemason . " * . The
pro-Grand Master concluded by observing that the Grand Master knew well the use of the trowel , and that he would cement the friendship formed across the ocean in a masterly manner , and this " work " would be done in a way to accord with the feelings of all .
Lhe toast was dul y honoured , and tho other toasts were , " The Deputy Grand Master , " " The Past Grand Masters of England , " with the name of the Earl of Zetland , "The Grand Lodges of Scotland and Ireland , " "The Provincial Lodges , " "The Charities , " and "The Stewards . " Among the speakers to these toasts were Bros . Lord Lindsay , Patten , W . Sutton Gover , and many other brethren . The chairman , in tho course
of the speeches , drew attention to the forthcoming festival ( on the 8 th of May ) of the Girls' School , to be presided over by tho Prince of Wales , and he urged that this noble charity should receive the kindly support of the brethren . After the banquet the brethren retired to the grand hall , where the remainder of the musical programme was given as follows : —
Glee— "Hark ! the Lark" ... . Cooke . Song— " Come hack to Erin " Clarihel . Ballad— "The Rose of Erin" Benedict . Trio— " Ti Progo , " Curschimmn . Flute Solo— "Black-cyed-Susan , " and the "Keel Row" ... R . Carte . Song— " Why are yon wand ' ring 1 " ¦¦¦ Nathan . Glee— "When Winds breathe soft" ... Webbe .
Song— " The Woodpecker" Michael Kelly . Old Song— " Jockey to the Fair " Song— "Within a Mile of Edinburgh Town" Hook . Glee—From " Oberon " Stevens . Song— "The Message" Blumenthal . Song— "Travellers all" Balfe . Madrigal— " 0 by Rivers" Ford & SaviUe .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
ENGLISH CONSTITUTION . METEOPOLITAK . ST . PAUL ' S LODGE ( No . 194 ) . —The brethren of this lodge held their regular meeting' at the Cannon Street Hotel , on Tuesday , the 18 th inst . There were present Bros . E . S . Eves ,
W . M . ; W . Aldridge S . W . ; Stanley Fowler , J . W . ; Robert Fowler , P . M ., and Sec . ; J . Watson , P . M . ; C . J . Weston , S . D . ; Wm . G . Temple . I . G . ; F . Renshaw , P . M . ; E . Raudoll , P . M . ; R . M . Veale , P . M . and Treas . ; H . Renshaw , P . M . ; Chas . Wilson , P . M . ; John Harper , P . M . The Visitors were Bros . H . J . Salisbury , 435 ; Beihell , J . D ., 30 ; J . G . Wood , Prov . G .. Chap ., Oxou ., P . M ., 470 ; Hy . Garrod , P . M ., 177 , 720 , 749 ; P .. P . Middlemist , W . M ., 5 ; Alexander Silver , 54 , Scotland . Bro .
J . G . Turnbull was passed ; and Bro . G . N . Watts , raised . The ballot was taken fur Bro . Geo . W . Wigner , of the Southampton Lodge , No . 691 , and late of the Grand Masters'Lodge , No . 1 , as a joining member .
ST . MAKYLEBONE LODGE ( NO . 1 , 30 G—The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Eyre Arms , St . John's Wood , on Wednesday , the 11 th inst . Bro . A . J . Coduer , P . M ., was appointed S . W . ; Stringer , J . W . ; W . B . Bothing , Treas . ; W . Watson , Sec . Five guineas were voted from the lodge funds for the Girls' School , to be placed on the list of Bro . Foxall , who will represent the lodge as Steward at the next festival . Four brethren were raised to the third degree . Bro . James John
Pope was installed as W . M . bv the outgoing W . M ., Bro . S . G . Foxall , who was the first W . M . The lodge was consecrated on the 13 th of April , 1870 . The auditors reported that after paying for the lodge furniture , and all other bills , that there was a balance in hand of £ 5 lis . 4 d . Mr . G . W . T . Gntteridge was initiated by the WML , Bro . J . J . Pope . A Past Master's jewel was presented by the W . M . to Bro . S . G . Foxall , and a marble time-piece and a charity jewel of the value of ; £ 30 was then
presented to him iu the name of the lodge by Bro . A . J . Codner , P . M ., who spoke iu very high terms of Bro . Foxall for his exertions in the cause of tile lodge , and for his excellent management in securing a balance in band at the end of the first yeai of the lodge ' s existence .
STOCKWEIX LODGE ( No . 1339 ) . — -The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Duke of Edinburgh , Shepherd ' s Lane , Brixton , on Thursday , the 20 th inst . Present : Bros . Hammerton , P . M . ; W . Wor ' rei , S . W . ; J . Pain , J . W . ; Brigston , S . D . ; Klirck , J . D . ; Francis , Sec ; Tiineivell , Williams , and Webbe . The lodge was opened , and the minutes of the last meeting confirmed . Mr . W . W . Webbe was initiated , aud Bro . Williams was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft .
CONSECRATION OP " THE FEME ' S LODGE , " NO . 1349 . This new lodge was consecrated at the Cheshire CIICESO Tavern , Crntched Friars , Citv , on Wednesday , the 19 th inst . Bro . James Terry , P . Prov . G- ' s . IS . for Herts , P . M . 22 S , 119 G , aud P . Z . 975 , was the officer appointed by the G . Master to perforin the ceremony . Ac 4 o ' clock precisely , the time fixed , he took the chair as W . M .., and was supported bv Bros . S . G . Foxall , P . M . 742 aud 1305 , as S . W . ; J . Nunn , " P . M . 72 , as J . W . ; John
Wright , P . M . 781 and 1250 , as I . G . ; E . T . Head , P . M . 781 , as acting Secretary ; T . J . Barnes , P . M . 554 and 933 , as Dir . of Cers . ; and F . Dawson , 211 , as Organist . The ceremony of Consecration was then most ably given , and Bro . T . J . Barnes presented Bro . Thomas Foxall , W . M . designate for installation , and Bro . J . Terry in a most faultless and impressive manner installed him the first W . M ., in the presence of a Board of Installed Masters , composed of 21 brethren . The lodgebeing closed down
to the 1 st degree , Bro . T . Foxall , W . M ., appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bros . W . Musto , S . W . ; W . Hogg , J . W . ; E . Wilden , Treas . ; E . T . Read , P . M ., Hon . Sec . ; W . T . Stephens , S . D . ; W . Stevens , J . D . ; W . J . Johnston , I . G . ; and J . Verry , Tyler . Tho usual addresses were then most ably delivered , and the hearty applause that greeted Bro . Terry at the conclusion , evinced the appreciation of the vast assemblage of his able working . It was then proposed by the W . M ., and seconded by the S . W ., that a vote of thanks be recorded in the minutes of the lodge to-Bro . J . Terry , for his kindness in performing the ceremony of