Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 4 of 4 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 2 →
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Woodhouse , Treas . ; N . Joyce , Sec . ; Henry Fnirhcad , I . G . ; F . Greatrex and John T . Cox , Stewards ; and \ Vm . Dibb , Tyler ; after which the lodge was closed . The customary banquet took place at five o ' clock , the W . M . presiding . Amongst those present were Bros . C . Marsh , P . M ., W . M ., 460 ; John Bodenham , P . M . ; Geo . S pilshury , P . M . ; Geo . Gordon Warren , P . M . ; John Storer , P . M ., and the following brethren : —W . Clarke , J . T . Cox , W , Dibb , H . Fail-head , A . Gee , F . Greatrex , G . W . Hodgkinson , J .
It . Jones , J . C . Mavs . on , and Jas . Senior . The dinner was sumptuous and well served . The toast of " The Queen and the Craft , " followed b y others , were given , aud drunk with Masonic honours . The health of the W . M . was proposed by Bro . Bodenham , P . M ., who observed that amongst the many pleasurable duties which his official year had brought about , none had afl ' ordedhiin greater pleasure than that day engaging in the installation of Bro . Pilling as the W . M . of their lodge . His regular and admirable
discharge of all previous appointments , and the very hearty manner in which ho had taken an interest in Masonry , pointed him out as a brother every way worthy of the honour which bad been conferred on him ; and he believed that the gavel of the lodge would pass from him with tho hearty good feeling of Masonry kept up , and its interests in every way promoted . —The W . M . assured the brethren that no duty should be neglected by him , and he hoped , with the assistance of his officers aud the
Past Masters of the lodge , to maintain the honour of Masonry , and the prosperity of the lodge . In the course of theeveuing , Bro . Bodenham , P . M ., called attention to the various Masonic charities , suggesting a plan by which a more certain aud regular revenue could be secured . Bro . Bodenham ' s idea is , that by the payment of a guinea per year by twenty brethren , four life memberships could be obtained the first year , and the continuation of the payment for five years would securein a
compara-, tively easy way , a life membership for each of the twenty brethren iu either the Aged Freemasons' and Widows' Institution , or the Boys' and Girls' Schools , and at the same time ensure a more permanent source of revenue to the charities . The suggestion was most favourably received , aud will be likely to meet with general adoption . The " Tyler ' s toast" brought the proceedings of a very pleasurable evening to a close .
Knights Templar.
BENGAL—PROVINCIAL GRAND CONCLAVE . A meeting of the Provincial Grand Conclave of the Royal , Exalted , Religious , and Military Order of Grand Elected Masonic Knights Templar , in the Province of Bengal , was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Colcutta , on Thursday , the 2 nd March , 1871 , at 3 o ' clock , p . m . There were present : —V . E . Sir Knight Hugh Snndeman , Provincial Grand Commander ; E . Sir Knights H . H . Locke 1 st
, P . G . Cnpt . ; G . H . Daly , M . D ., 2 nd P . G . Capt . ; I . L . Taylor , P . G . Chan . ; W . Adlard , P . G . Expert ; Capt . W . G . Murray , 1 st P . G . S . B . ; John Mackintosh , 2 nd P . G . S . B . ; W . B . Collins , as P . G . Almoner ; I . J . Whitty , as P . G . Capt of the Lines ; Col . B . Ford , P . G . S . B . ; D . Maegregor , as 1 st P . G . Herald ; Capt . G . G . Nelson , as 2 nd P . G . Herald ; C . H . Compton , as P . G . Org . ; Aloxander , P . G . Equerry . Visitors : —Sir Knights W . Clark ; W . BournC . E . ; W .
, M Gowan , and Capt . A . J . Filgate . The Provincial Grand Conclave was opened in duo form . Apologies were read from Sir Knights W . 0 . Allender , F . Powell , and J . II . Linton . The Provincial Grand Commander in addressing the Sir Knights , stated that there were , as before , three Encampments of the Order of Knights Templar in the Province , which were working satisfactorily , although the progress of the Order was
not so great as he could wish to see . An examination of the muster-rolls for the present and two preceding years would show that the numbers of Sir Kni ghts varied but little from venr to year , being G 3 in 1 S 09 , 61 in 1870 . and 64 iu 1871 , of " which number twelve were either Honorary Members or Equerries , so that the actual number of subscribing members was 55 only , against 54 in 1870 . Referring to the appointments for the ensuing year , the Provincial Grand Commander stated that it had beeti his studious endeavour to distribute offices impartially among those members of the , several Encampments who had given proofs during
the year of their interest in tho welfare of the Order . He bad been compelled to pass over the names of some deserving Sir Knights , and he would specially mention Sir Knights Adlard and Allender , but in doing this , he bad in no way lost sight of their valuable services , and hoped to be in a position at the next annual meeting again to recognise their claims iu a suitable nmnnnv .
'the cash account of Grand Conclave opening with a balance of Rs . 107-10-11 and closed with Rs . 13 S-7-5 . Sir Knights would understand that the cause of their apparent shortness of funds was owing to the handsome donation which they had made in the beginning of last year to the "Bengal Masonic Association for the Education of Children . " The Provincial Grand Commander concluded bis address by alluding to a presentation made by the Sir Knig hts of the
' ' Sepulchre " Encampment of a very handsome State Sword to the Provincial Grand Conclave in August last ; aud asked that a vote of thanks should be accorded to the Sir Knights through the Eminent Commander for their valuable gift . He requested the Provincial Grand Chancellor to read and record in their minutes , an extract from the proceedings of the "Sandemau " Priory referring to the presentation and acceptance of the Sword , and instructed the Grand Sword Bearer to hand it round
for the inspection of the assembled Sir Knights . The Provincial Grand Chancellor then read the following extract from the proceeding of the " Sanderoan" Priory of Knights of Malta , held on tlie 20 th August , 1 S 70 : — "The Eminent Prior then addressed the Very Eminent the Provincial Grand Prior , and in the name of the Sepulchre Encampment and the Priory thereto , attached , begged his acceptance , on behalf of the Provincial Grand Conclaveof the State
, Sword which he then laid before him . In venturing to make this presentation to the Provincial Grand Conclave , the'Sepulchre' Encampment and its Priory desired to commemorate , and to mark their gratification at , the event which had taken place that evening within their Priory , as well as to testify their affectionate loyalty towards Very Eminent Sir Knight Sandemau , the Ruler of this Province , whom they held in such sincere esteem and regard .
"The Eminent Prior directed the Captain General Sir Knight Murray to read the inscription upon the scabbard-mounting , which was as follows : — " Presented by the Sepulchre Encampment and Priory to tho
Provincial Grand Conclave of Bengal , on the occasion of the V . E . Sir Knight Hugh David Sandemau assuming his powers and authority as Provincial Grand Prior of Bengal , 20 th August 1870 . " "The Provincial Grand Prior on receiving the sword from the bands of the Eminent Prior , expressed his gratification at the token of regard which the ' Sepulchre ' Encampment and Priory now presented to him for the Provincial Grand Conclave
and said that had any incentive to interest in the Order been wanting it would have been completely furnished in tho proof of their attachment which this very hand-ome present afforded . It would give him sincere gratilicaiion to lay their gilt before the next meeting of the Provincial Grand Conclave , iu whose name he now , with very cordial thanks , accepted it . " The Provincial Grand Sword-Hearer not being present , the Eminent Prior directed Sir Kni ght Whitty , 1 st Standard Bearer
of the Sepulchre Encampment , Past Provincial Grand Herald , K . T . and Knight Comp-. nion of this Priory , to hold himself at toe disposal of the Provincial Grand Prior on this occasion . " The Provincial Grand P . r . or accepted the services of Sir Knight Whitty as Off . ; . Grand Sword-Bearer , and delivered the sword into his care , charging him to produce it before the next meeting of the Provincial Grand Conclave . " B . Sir Knight H . Sandemau proposedand E . Sir Kniht
, g Daly seconded , that the thanks of Provinci il Grand Conclave bo conveyed to the Sir Knights of tho "Sepulchre" Kneampment through their Commander for the very handsome sword they had presented to the Conclave . Carried unanimously . The Provincial Grand Commander directed Sir Kni ght I . J . Whitty , to whom be had entrusted the sword on the night of presentation , to make the same over to Sir Kni ght B . Ford , Provincial Grand Sword Bearerwho , on receivinglt , proceeded
, slowly round the Conclave , iu order that those Sir Knights who had not preuiotisly inspected it might now have the opportunity of doing so . The Provincial Grand Commander stated that ho had received the report of the general meeting of subscribers to the " Ben
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Woodhouse , Treas . ; N . Joyce , Sec . ; Henry Fnirhcad , I . G . ; F . Greatrex and John T . Cox , Stewards ; and \ Vm . Dibb , Tyler ; after which the lodge was closed . The customary banquet took place at five o ' clock , the W . M . presiding . Amongst those present were Bros . C . Marsh , P . M ., W . M ., 460 ; John Bodenham , P . M . ; Geo . S pilshury , P . M . ; Geo . Gordon Warren , P . M . ; John Storer , P . M ., and the following brethren : —W . Clarke , J . T . Cox , W , Dibb , H . Fail-head , A . Gee , F . Greatrex , G . W . Hodgkinson , J .
It . Jones , J . C . Mavs . on , and Jas . Senior . The dinner was sumptuous and well served . The toast of " The Queen and the Craft , " followed b y others , were given , aud drunk with Masonic honours . The health of the W . M . was proposed by Bro . Bodenham , P . M ., who observed that amongst the many pleasurable duties which his official year had brought about , none had afl ' ordedhiin greater pleasure than that day engaging in the installation of Bro . Pilling as the W . M . of their lodge . His regular and admirable
discharge of all previous appointments , and the very hearty manner in which ho had taken an interest in Masonry , pointed him out as a brother every way worthy of the honour which bad been conferred on him ; and he believed that the gavel of the lodge would pass from him with tho hearty good feeling of Masonry kept up , and its interests in every way promoted . —The W . M . assured the brethren that no duty should be neglected by him , and he hoped , with the assistance of his officers aud the
Past Masters of the lodge , to maintain the honour of Masonry , and the prosperity of the lodge . In the course of theeveuing , Bro . Bodenham , P . M ., called attention to the various Masonic charities , suggesting a plan by which a more certain aud regular revenue could be secured . Bro . Bodenham ' s idea is , that by the payment of a guinea per year by twenty brethren , four life memberships could be obtained the first year , and the continuation of the payment for five years would securein a
compara-, tively easy way , a life membership for each of the twenty brethren iu either the Aged Freemasons' and Widows' Institution , or the Boys' and Girls' Schools , and at the same time ensure a more permanent source of revenue to the charities . The suggestion was most favourably received , aud will be likely to meet with general adoption . The " Tyler ' s toast" brought the proceedings of a very pleasurable evening to a close .
Knights Templar.
BENGAL—PROVINCIAL GRAND CONCLAVE . A meeting of the Provincial Grand Conclave of the Royal , Exalted , Religious , and Military Order of Grand Elected Masonic Knights Templar , in the Province of Bengal , was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Colcutta , on Thursday , the 2 nd March , 1871 , at 3 o ' clock , p . m . There were present : —V . E . Sir Knight Hugh Snndeman , Provincial Grand Commander ; E . Sir Knights H . H . Locke 1 st
, P . G . Cnpt . ; G . H . Daly , M . D ., 2 nd P . G . Capt . ; I . L . Taylor , P . G . Chan . ; W . Adlard , P . G . Expert ; Capt . W . G . Murray , 1 st P . G . S . B . ; John Mackintosh , 2 nd P . G . S . B . ; W . B . Collins , as P . G . Almoner ; I . J . Whitty , as P . G . Capt of the Lines ; Col . B . Ford , P . G . S . B . ; D . Maegregor , as 1 st P . G . Herald ; Capt . G . G . Nelson , as 2 nd P . G . Herald ; C . H . Compton , as P . G . Org . ; Aloxander , P . G . Equerry . Visitors : —Sir Knights W . Clark ; W . BournC . E . ; W .
, M Gowan , and Capt . A . J . Filgate . The Provincial Grand Conclave was opened in duo form . Apologies were read from Sir Knights W . 0 . Allender , F . Powell , and J . II . Linton . The Provincial Grand Commander in addressing the Sir Knights , stated that there were , as before , three Encampments of the Order of Knights Templar in the Province , which were working satisfactorily , although the progress of the Order was
not so great as he could wish to see . An examination of the muster-rolls for the present and two preceding years would show that the numbers of Sir Kni ghts varied but little from venr to year , being G 3 in 1 S 09 , 61 in 1870 . and 64 iu 1871 , of " which number twelve were either Honorary Members or Equerries , so that the actual number of subscribing members was 55 only , against 54 in 1870 . Referring to the appointments for the ensuing year , the Provincial Grand Commander stated that it had beeti his studious endeavour to distribute offices impartially among those members of the , several Encampments who had given proofs during
the year of their interest in tho welfare of the Order . He bad been compelled to pass over the names of some deserving Sir Knights , and he would specially mention Sir Knights Adlard and Allender , but in doing this , he bad in no way lost sight of their valuable services , and hoped to be in a position at the next annual meeting again to recognise their claims iu a suitable nmnnnv .
'the cash account of Grand Conclave opening with a balance of Rs . 107-10-11 and closed with Rs . 13 S-7-5 . Sir Knights would understand that the cause of their apparent shortness of funds was owing to the handsome donation which they had made in the beginning of last year to the "Bengal Masonic Association for the Education of Children . " The Provincial Grand Commander concluded bis address by alluding to a presentation made by the Sir Knig hts of the
' ' Sepulchre " Encampment of a very handsome State Sword to the Provincial Grand Conclave in August last ; aud asked that a vote of thanks should be accorded to the Sir Knights through the Eminent Commander for their valuable gift . He requested the Provincial Grand Chancellor to read and record in their minutes , an extract from the proceedings of the "Sandemau " Priory referring to the presentation and acceptance of the Sword , and instructed the Grand Sword Bearer to hand it round
for the inspection of the assembled Sir Knights . The Provincial Grand Chancellor then read the following extract from the proceeding of the " Sanderoan" Priory of Knights of Malta , held on tlie 20 th August , 1 S 70 : — "The Eminent Prior then addressed the Very Eminent the Provincial Grand Prior , and in the name of the Sepulchre Encampment and the Priory thereto , attached , begged his acceptance , on behalf of the Provincial Grand Conclaveof the State
, Sword which he then laid before him . In venturing to make this presentation to the Provincial Grand Conclave , the'Sepulchre' Encampment and its Priory desired to commemorate , and to mark their gratification at , the event which had taken place that evening within their Priory , as well as to testify their affectionate loyalty towards Very Eminent Sir Knight Sandemau , the Ruler of this Province , whom they held in such sincere esteem and regard .
"The Eminent Prior directed the Captain General Sir Knight Murray to read the inscription upon the scabbard-mounting , which was as follows : — " Presented by the Sepulchre Encampment and Priory to tho
Provincial Grand Conclave of Bengal , on the occasion of the V . E . Sir Knight Hugh David Sandemau assuming his powers and authority as Provincial Grand Prior of Bengal , 20 th August 1870 . " "The Provincial Grand Prior on receiving the sword from the bands of the Eminent Prior , expressed his gratification at the token of regard which the ' Sepulchre ' Encampment and Priory now presented to him for the Provincial Grand Conclave
and said that had any incentive to interest in the Order been wanting it would have been completely furnished in tho proof of their attachment which this very hand-ome present afforded . It would give him sincere gratilicaiion to lay their gilt before the next meeting of the Provincial Grand Conclave , iu whose name he now , with very cordial thanks , accepted it . " The Provincial Grand Sword-Hearer not being present , the Eminent Prior directed Sir Kni ght Whitty , 1 st Standard Bearer
of the Sepulchre Encampment , Past Provincial Grand Herald , K . T . and Knight Comp-. nion of this Priory , to hold himself at toe disposal of the Provincial Grand Prior on this occasion . " The Provincial Grand P . r . or accepted the services of Sir Knight Whitty as Off . ; . Grand Sword-Bearer , and delivered the sword into his care , charging him to produce it before the next meeting of the Provincial Grand Conclave . " B . Sir Knight H . Sandemau proposedand E . Sir Kniht
, g Daly seconded , that the thanks of Provinci il Grand Conclave bo conveyed to the Sir Knights of tho "Sepulchre" Kneampment through their Commander for the very handsome sword they had presented to the Conclave . Carried unanimously . The Provincial Grand Commander directed Sir Kni ght I . J . Whitty , to whom be had entrusted the sword on the night of presentation , to make the same over to Sir Kni ght B . Ford , Provincial Grand Sword Bearerwho , on receivinglt , proceeded
, slowly round the Conclave , iu order that those Sir Knights who had not preuiotisly inspected it might now have the opportunity of doing so . The Provincial Grand Commander stated that ho had received the report of the general meeting of subscribers to the " Ben