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attend those in my own neighbourhood . I am very much mistaken if my statement he not correct as regards an antecedent period . Still , a perfect uniformity is most desirable , especially as so many spurious rituals are in use , differing from the correct form and from each other . It is a fact within my own knowledge , that persons have studied and got them
up with a view to attempt , fraudulently , to gain access to lodges , and thus it requires skill and accuracy on the part of the examiner of a visitor to detect imposition . A demand for , and measures to secure , perfect uniformity would obviate this difficulty , and also prevent incompetent brethren from assuming the responsibilities of W . M . ' Yours fraternally , P . M .
The Case Of Charlotte Jackson.
TO THE EDITOR OE THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC 3 IIREOE . Dear Sir and Brother , —Will you allow me to draw the attention of the Craft to the case of " Charlotte Jackson , " a candidate for the benefits of the Eoyal Masonic Benevolent Institution . This is the Fourth Application , and from want of
influential Masonic friends she is likely to have to make four more before she is successful , unless more support is given than she has hitherto received . I have personally investigated the case , and can assure you that she is utterly without the means of support ; in all human probability she will not require our aid very
long , hut if she could obtain the annuity it would enable her to pass her few remaining days in comin comfort , and as she is the only one on the list who has had to make four applications , I do earnestly hope the Craft will vote in sufficient numbers to eneure her success .
I shall be very happy to receive proxies on her behalf . I am , Sir and Brother , Yours fraternally , JESSE OWEMS . 40 Vorlev Road , Junction Eoad , IN " .
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
The following suggestion from over the water would he very applicable in this country in cases of snpposed Masonic imposture .: — " While Master of a Lodge , it was my custom to inform all applicants for assistance that I would
telegraph the Worshipful Master of the Lodge to which they claimed to belong , and if they were properly endorsed by him , I would render all the assistance required . In the majority of instances , the substance of their reply has been , " I had rather go to the poorhouse than suffer such a mortification . " Thus far , the poor-house of my county has never had the honour of entertaining one of these individuals ; on the
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
contrary , they have usually managed to get out of town on their own resources , and I have always noticed they didn't go on foot . " The Paris Correspondent of a daily contemporary
says : —A Masonic delegation was received by M . Ihiers , who said that , without consenting to a regular armistice according to the laws of war , he would order General Ladmirault to accord a truce of a sufficient length to allow of the evacuation of the bombarded villages . To the demand of the
Ereemasons for peace , M- Thiers would not listen . The Mot cV Ordre states that one of the Masonic delegation declares that the Chief of the Executive power could not understand the anger of the Parisians
against the Government . He complained of the pillage of his house , and said if they had taken his papers it was infamous , and the members of the Commune may be certain qu'ils jouent leur tele . He had sacrificed his old age to save the country , and was astonished to find that the municipal vote of
the Assembly at Verseilles had created no enthusiasm in Paris . It was the most Liberal measure ever voted on organization . " The municipalities and the municipal law of ' 91 ? " replied a member of delegation . " Do you wish , then , " cried Thiers , " to
take us back to the follies of our ancestors ? " He then intimated his intention , as soon as the Forts were given up to him , to bombard Paris .
The Freemasons of Paris publish an account of the failure of their mission of conciliation at Versailles , and conclude by announcing that they will employ every means to induce the Versailles Government to accept the demand of municipal franchises for Paris .
Arkansas is a star State , if we may judge from the names she gives her lodges . She has Bright Star , Evening Star , Eastern Star , Morning Star , Polar Star , Rising Star , Southern Star , Blazing Star , Star of the West , and Western Star .
A convention has been held by delegates from the Commanderies K . 1 \ , of Massachusetts , to revise the ritual . All the Commanderies in the jurisdiction were represented . The report will he presented at the next Grand Encampment for confirmation .
Eeed Commandery , at Dayton , Ohio , has always held its banquets on the principal of total abstinence as to intoxicating drinks , and many Masonic bodies throughout the country are adopting the same principle .
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attend those in my own neighbourhood . I am very much mistaken if my statement he not correct as regards an antecedent period . Still , a perfect uniformity is most desirable , especially as so many spurious rituals are in use , differing from the correct form and from each other . It is a fact within my own knowledge , that persons have studied and got them
up with a view to attempt , fraudulently , to gain access to lodges , and thus it requires skill and accuracy on the part of the examiner of a visitor to detect imposition . A demand for , and measures to secure , perfect uniformity would obviate this difficulty , and also prevent incompetent brethren from assuming the responsibilities of W . M . ' Yours fraternally , P . M .
The Case Of Charlotte Jackson.
TO THE EDITOR OE THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC 3 IIREOE . Dear Sir and Brother , —Will you allow me to draw the attention of the Craft to the case of " Charlotte Jackson , " a candidate for the benefits of the Eoyal Masonic Benevolent Institution . This is the Fourth Application , and from want of
influential Masonic friends she is likely to have to make four more before she is successful , unless more support is given than she has hitherto received . I have personally investigated the case , and can assure you that she is utterly without the means of support ; in all human probability she will not require our aid very
long , hut if she could obtain the annuity it would enable her to pass her few remaining days in comin comfort , and as she is the only one on the list who has had to make four applications , I do earnestly hope the Craft will vote in sufficient numbers to eneure her success .
I shall be very happy to receive proxies on her behalf . I am , Sir and Brother , Yours fraternally , JESSE OWEMS . 40 Vorlev Road , Junction Eoad , IN " .
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
The following suggestion from over the water would he very applicable in this country in cases of snpposed Masonic imposture .: — " While Master of a Lodge , it was my custom to inform all applicants for assistance that I would
telegraph the Worshipful Master of the Lodge to which they claimed to belong , and if they were properly endorsed by him , I would render all the assistance required . In the majority of instances , the substance of their reply has been , " I had rather go to the poorhouse than suffer such a mortification . " Thus far , the poor-house of my county has never had the honour of entertaining one of these individuals ; on the
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
contrary , they have usually managed to get out of town on their own resources , and I have always noticed they didn't go on foot . " The Paris Correspondent of a daily contemporary
says : —A Masonic delegation was received by M . Ihiers , who said that , without consenting to a regular armistice according to the laws of war , he would order General Ladmirault to accord a truce of a sufficient length to allow of the evacuation of the bombarded villages . To the demand of the
Ereemasons for peace , M- Thiers would not listen . The Mot cV Ordre states that one of the Masonic delegation declares that the Chief of the Executive power could not understand the anger of the Parisians
against the Government . He complained of the pillage of his house , and said if they had taken his papers it was infamous , and the members of the Commune may be certain qu'ils jouent leur tele . He had sacrificed his old age to save the country , and was astonished to find that the municipal vote of
the Assembly at Verseilles had created no enthusiasm in Paris . It was the most Liberal measure ever voted on organization . " The municipalities and the municipal law of ' 91 ? " replied a member of delegation . " Do you wish , then , " cried Thiers , " to
take us back to the follies of our ancestors ? " He then intimated his intention , as soon as the Forts were given up to him , to bombard Paris .
The Freemasons of Paris publish an account of the failure of their mission of conciliation at Versailles , and conclude by announcing that they will employ every means to induce the Versailles Government to accept the demand of municipal franchises for Paris .
Arkansas is a star State , if we may judge from the names she gives her lodges . She has Bright Star , Evening Star , Eastern Star , Morning Star , Polar Star , Rising Star , Southern Star , Blazing Star , Star of the West , and Western Star .
A convention has been held by delegates from the Commanderies K . 1 \ , of Massachusetts , to revise the ritual . All the Commanderies in the jurisdiction were represented . The report will he presented at the next Grand Encampment for confirmation .
Eeed Commandery , at Dayton , Ohio , has always held its banquets on the principal of total abstinence as to intoxicating drinks , and many Masonic bodies throughout the country are adopting the same principle .