Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 4 of 4 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
Bro . the Rev . AV . K . R . B __ DT . OI _ D . AA " . M ., of the AA'arden Lodge , Suttou Coldfield , No 109 G , expressed the satisfaction he felt in being present on that day , ancl felt assured there was nothing which promoted tho happiness and well-being of mankind so much as an interchange of visits between those belonging to distant , or moderately distant , lodges , and hoped that they ivould always endeavour to foster a kindly feeling between this province and that of others . He hacl that morning placed before him a practical
illustration of the beauties of Freemasonry in going through the Cathedral . He saw on the one hand the energy which prompted their predecessors to rear such a fabric , and on the . other the spirit and mind of the present generation in restoring such an enduring monument of their spirit and science . ( Cheers ) . Brother H . C . BEDDOE , gave the health of Brother liigginson , W . M ., of tho Abergavenny Lodge .
Brother II . J . HIGG-INSON , in responding , remarked upon the progress Freemasonry was making in the district which he represented ; ancl the unanimity wliich attended their meetings upon every occasion . He invited the brethren to pay them a visit , assuring them that they should meet a most welcome reception . Several other toasts were given , and the proceedings , which had been enlivened by some excellent singing , terminated at an early hour .
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER . —The John of Gaunt Lodge ( No . VGG . )—This lodge assembled , after the summer recess , at the Freemason ' s Hall , on Thursday last , when Bro . Captain Brewin presided for the first time since his installation , and performed the duties of the chair in a highly efficient manner . There were also present , Bros . Kelly , D . Prov . G . 1 AL ; Clepham , AA' . B . Smith , AA'illey , ancl Bankart , Past 1
Masters ; Sheppard , S . AA " . ; Johnson , J . AA " . ; Davis , Sec ; Spencer mid Garnar , S . ancl J . D . ; Bithrey , J . G . pro tern ; Lloyd , & c . The Lodge having been opened , and the minutes of the last meeting duly read and confirmed , Bro . AA . Foster was called to the pedestal and examined as to his proficiency as an E . A ., after which the Lodge was opened in the second degree , and he was passed as a Fellow Craft , the lecture on the tracing boarcl being delivered by
Bro . Bithrey . . A proposed addition to the by-laws for the appointment of a committee of scrutiny into the character of candidates , which was brought forward by Bro . Clepham , P . M ., in June last , was discussed ; after which the motion was withdrawn , the existing by-laws being thought sufficient . An old work on "The Principles ancl Practice of Masonry , " was presented to thc library of the hall by Bro . Clepham , and the intended presentation of several Masonic works , the property of an old P . M ., of St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 318 ) , lately deceased , announced . The lodge was then closed in harmony .
NORFOLK . Nonwicn . —Lodge of Perseverance ( No . 25 S ) . —Atameetingof this lodge , on Monday Evening , Bro . E . Hyams , AV . M ., in the chair , the following resolution was proposed by Bro . J . Lallan Hanly , J . D .: — "That the brethren of Lodge Perseverance , being fully sensible of the many inconveniences attaching to the meeting of lodges in tavernsare prepared to co-operate cordially iu the movement for
, obtaining a Masonic Hall in Norwich , and tender their warmest thanks to the Right AVorsliipful the Grand Master of tne Province , Bro . B . Bond Cabbell , for hailing called attention to the subject , and for his liberal promise of assistance in carrying out so laudable and important a project . " Bro . Hanly mentioned that it seemed to be generally agreed that the most feasible way of raising the funds for the proposed Hall would be by £ 1 shares under the limited
liability act , and expressed a hope that the brethren present would start the list in a way which would do credit to the lodge . —Bro . F . Colsey , J . AA' " ., seconded the resolution , ivhieh was carried unanimously ; the AV . M ., Pro . Hyams , observing that he was sure the brethren of No . 258 , would on this , as on previous occasions , give an exemplary proof of their zeal for the Craft . A list wa . s at once openedand all the brethren present agreed to take shares in the
, undertaking . A great proportion putting down their names for ten shares each . It was arranged that steps should be taken to ascertain the number of shares which the other members of the lodge would he disposed to take , so that thc W . M . may bo in a position , when he meets the other Masters , in October , to confer on the subject , to say that the brethren of No . 258 , have guaranteed a certain amount towards the proposed Hall . AA ' e hear that a
number of thc brethren belonging to the other lodges have also signified their intention to take shares , and , as far as can be augured , it does not appear that much difficulty will be experienced in raising a sufficient fund to procure a building which will not only serve as a place of meeting for the lodce , but can be used also as a Masonic club-house .
Royal Arch.
High Cross Chapter ( No . 1 , 05 G ) . — This new Chapter was held at the Railway Hotel , Tottenham Park , on the lith instant by Comp . D . S . Potts , P . Z . of the Hope Chapter ( No . 218 ) , ancl the First J . of the High Cross Chapter , assisted by the Rev . Comp . Woodward , in the presence of many P . Z . ' s and Comps , among whom were Comps . Sigrist , Hewlett , Ramsey , Archbell , Bowler , AVynne , Turner , A ' asey , Piatt , AVilson , & c . The companions assembled at two o ' clockwhen the Chapter
, ivas opened , and after prayers had been offered up by Comp . AA ' oodward , tho warrant read , and the companions assembled forming the Chapter presented , Comp . Potts proceeded with the ceremony of consecration in an impressive and admirable manner . Comp . E . Guest , M . D ., of Robert Burns' Chapter , and installed as the first Z . and II . of the High Cross Chapter , Comp . AA . P . Smith was then exalted in solemn form . The business of the day
being ended the Companions adjourned to an elegant repast . After the usual toasts , Comp . Potts proposed the healths of the Guest and Frampton , and congratulated the Chapter on bavin " two medical men of such high reputation and standing in society as their two first two principals . Comp . Hewlet then proposed the the Health of Comp . Potts , and expressed on behalf of tho companions the gratification they had derived from witnessing the
interesting ceremonies that day , all of which had been performed by Comj ) . Potts in a most impressive manner . The healths of Companions Hewlett , Ramsey , Archbell , Piatt , Sigrist , ancl the rest of the visitors , was then given , and responded to by Comp . Hewlett . He wished them every prosperity , and begged to thank them for thc kind manner the visitors hacl been received . Thc healths of the newly-exalted companions , and other toasts , were also iven
g . Walford Chapter , A o . 580 . The annual convocation of this chapter was held on Monday , September 21-th , in the Freemason ' s Hall , AVatford ,, Herts ; there being present E . Comp . AA'illiam Stuart , Prov . G . Superintendent of Hertfordshire ; E . Comp . George Francis as Z ; William Tootell , II ., and II . II . Burchell HemeJ . & c . This being the installation meetingthe three
, , , principals elect , viz ., AVilliam Tootell , Z ., Burchell Herne , IL , and H . C . Finch , J ., were placed in their respective chairs . The other elected officers , Comp . John Goodyear , JE ., C . Humbert , N ., T . Rogers , Treas ., ancl C . Davy , P . Sec , were also invited . After the transaction of some other routine business , the chapter was
closed and the companions adjourned to the banquet . The dinner ended ancl the cloth removed , the accustomed loyal and Masonic toasts wero given by Comp . Tootell , who presided ; Comp . AA ' ard rose , and said as it was his privilege to propose a toast , ivhieh he was sure would bo greeted with enthusiasm . In Comp . Stuart the province hacl a presiding officer whose heart and soul were devoted to the furthereiice of the cause of Masonry . To him the best thanks of the brethren were clue for the support he to
gave every degree of Masonry by his presence at the various meetings . In proposing the health of thc Grand Superintendent ofthe Province , he would offer an earnest prayer that he might long he preserved to preside over them . Comp . Stuart , in acknowledging the compliment , said they all knew he was not gifted with eloquence meet for the kind way in which their good wishes were tendered . Ho referred to the time he was received into the order by his friend '
Comp . AA'ard , thirty years back , in the AA ' atfbrd Lodge , since which period a continued friendship had existed between them ; there was none he so highly esteemed , none he so valued ; ancl in response to his prayer that he might live many more years , he would say , long may I remain to enjoy your society . Comp . Francis then proposed the health of the First Principal , and said , he was satisfied there was none so worthy the position as Com ]) Tootell
. . The M . E . Z . hoped they would find him deserving the encomiums Comp . Francis had bestowed on him . He referred to their having started in Masonry together , but his friend having more leisure than himself had won the race . lie feared he should never rival the attainments of his friend Francis , but still he hoped he should bo able to conduct the proceedings of the chapter with credit and honour . Comp . Francis then proposed the health of the other
Principals who that clay entered olfiee . He regretted that claims of his domestic circle prevented the second officer being present , as there were none of whom they had more cause to be proud than Com ]) . Herne , and there were none amongst them who had so much pleasure in being present at their meetings . In the Third Principal they possessed a worthy Mason , Com ]) . Finch ' s attainments were most promising for the well-being of the Orderancl as Master of
, the AA ' atfbrd Lodge they would have , a most efficient officer to preside over them . Comp . Finch acknowledged the high compliment the Chapter paid him in allowing him the honour of filliii" one of the chairs , and although his legal studies had some claims ' upon his time , yet , as briefs did not come in so rapidly as to ciignso every
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
Bro . the Rev . AV . K . R . B __ DT . OI _ D . AA " . M ., of the AA'arden Lodge , Suttou Coldfield , No 109 G , expressed the satisfaction he felt in being present on that day , ancl felt assured there was nothing which promoted tho happiness and well-being of mankind so much as an interchange of visits between those belonging to distant , or moderately distant , lodges , and hoped that they ivould always endeavour to foster a kindly feeling between this province and that of others . He hacl that morning placed before him a practical
illustration of the beauties of Freemasonry in going through the Cathedral . He saw on the one hand the energy which prompted their predecessors to rear such a fabric , and on the . other the spirit and mind of the present generation in restoring such an enduring monument of their spirit and science . ( Cheers ) . Brother H . C . BEDDOE , gave the health of Brother liigginson , W . M ., of tho Abergavenny Lodge .
Brother II . J . HIGG-INSON , in responding , remarked upon the progress Freemasonry was making in the district which he represented ; ancl the unanimity wliich attended their meetings upon every occasion . He invited the brethren to pay them a visit , assuring them that they should meet a most welcome reception . Several other toasts were given , and the proceedings , which had been enlivened by some excellent singing , terminated at an early hour .
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER . —The John of Gaunt Lodge ( No . VGG . )—This lodge assembled , after the summer recess , at the Freemason ' s Hall , on Thursday last , when Bro . Captain Brewin presided for the first time since his installation , and performed the duties of the chair in a highly efficient manner . There were also present , Bros . Kelly , D . Prov . G . 1 AL ; Clepham , AA' . B . Smith , AA'illey , ancl Bankart , Past 1
Masters ; Sheppard , S . AA " . ; Johnson , J . AA " . ; Davis , Sec ; Spencer mid Garnar , S . ancl J . D . ; Bithrey , J . G . pro tern ; Lloyd , & c . The Lodge having been opened , and the minutes of the last meeting duly read and confirmed , Bro . AA . Foster was called to the pedestal and examined as to his proficiency as an E . A ., after which the Lodge was opened in the second degree , and he was passed as a Fellow Craft , the lecture on the tracing boarcl being delivered by
Bro . Bithrey . . A proposed addition to the by-laws for the appointment of a committee of scrutiny into the character of candidates , which was brought forward by Bro . Clepham , P . M ., in June last , was discussed ; after which the motion was withdrawn , the existing by-laws being thought sufficient . An old work on "The Principles ancl Practice of Masonry , " was presented to thc library of the hall by Bro . Clepham , and the intended presentation of several Masonic works , the property of an old P . M ., of St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 318 ) , lately deceased , announced . The lodge was then closed in harmony .
NORFOLK . Nonwicn . —Lodge of Perseverance ( No . 25 S ) . —Atameetingof this lodge , on Monday Evening , Bro . E . Hyams , AV . M ., in the chair , the following resolution was proposed by Bro . J . Lallan Hanly , J . D .: — "That the brethren of Lodge Perseverance , being fully sensible of the many inconveniences attaching to the meeting of lodges in tavernsare prepared to co-operate cordially iu the movement for
, obtaining a Masonic Hall in Norwich , and tender their warmest thanks to the Right AVorsliipful the Grand Master of tne Province , Bro . B . Bond Cabbell , for hailing called attention to the subject , and for his liberal promise of assistance in carrying out so laudable and important a project . " Bro . Hanly mentioned that it seemed to be generally agreed that the most feasible way of raising the funds for the proposed Hall would be by £ 1 shares under the limited
liability act , and expressed a hope that the brethren present would start the list in a way which would do credit to the lodge . —Bro . F . Colsey , J . AA' " ., seconded the resolution , ivhieh was carried unanimously ; the AV . M ., Pro . Hyams , observing that he was sure the brethren of No . 258 , would on this , as on previous occasions , give an exemplary proof of their zeal for the Craft . A list wa . s at once openedand all the brethren present agreed to take shares in the
, undertaking . A great proportion putting down their names for ten shares each . It was arranged that steps should be taken to ascertain the number of shares which the other members of the lodge would he disposed to take , so that thc W . M . may bo in a position , when he meets the other Masters , in October , to confer on the subject , to say that the brethren of No . 258 , have guaranteed a certain amount towards the proposed Hall . AA ' e hear that a
number of thc brethren belonging to the other lodges have also signified their intention to take shares , and , as far as can be augured , it does not appear that much difficulty will be experienced in raising a sufficient fund to procure a building which will not only serve as a place of meeting for the lodce , but can be used also as a Masonic club-house .
Royal Arch.
High Cross Chapter ( No . 1 , 05 G ) . — This new Chapter was held at the Railway Hotel , Tottenham Park , on the lith instant by Comp . D . S . Potts , P . Z . of the Hope Chapter ( No . 218 ) , ancl the First J . of the High Cross Chapter , assisted by the Rev . Comp . Woodward , in the presence of many P . Z . ' s and Comps , among whom were Comps . Sigrist , Hewlett , Ramsey , Archbell , Bowler , AVynne , Turner , A ' asey , Piatt , AVilson , & c . The companions assembled at two o ' clockwhen the Chapter
, ivas opened , and after prayers had been offered up by Comp . AA ' oodward , tho warrant read , and the companions assembled forming the Chapter presented , Comp . Potts proceeded with the ceremony of consecration in an impressive and admirable manner . Comp . E . Guest , M . D ., of Robert Burns' Chapter , and installed as the first Z . and II . of the High Cross Chapter , Comp . AA . P . Smith was then exalted in solemn form . The business of the day
being ended the Companions adjourned to an elegant repast . After the usual toasts , Comp . Potts proposed the healths of the Guest and Frampton , and congratulated the Chapter on bavin " two medical men of such high reputation and standing in society as their two first two principals . Comp . Hewlet then proposed the the Health of Comp . Potts , and expressed on behalf of tho companions the gratification they had derived from witnessing the
interesting ceremonies that day , all of which had been performed by Comj ) . Potts in a most impressive manner . The healths of Companions Hewlett , Ramsey , Archbell , Piatt , Sigrist , ancl the rest of the visitors , was then given , and responded to by Comp . Hewlett . He wished them every prosperity , and begged to thank them for thc kind manner the visitors hacl been received . Thc healths of the newly-exalted companions , and other toasts , were also iven
g . Walford Chapter , A o . 580 . The annual convocation of this chapter was held on Monday , September 21-th , in the Freemason ' s Hall , AVatford ,, Herts ; there being present E . Comp . AA'illiam Stuart , Prov . G . Superintendent of Hertfordshire ; E . Comp . George Francis as Z ; William Tootell , II ., and II . II . Burchell HemeJ . & c . This being the installation meetingthe three
, , , principals elect , viz ., AVilliam Tootell , Z ., Burchell Herne , IL , and H . C . Finch , J ., were placed in their respective chairs . The other elected officers , Comp . John Goodyear , JE ., C . Humbert , N ., T . Rogers , Treas ., ancl C . Davy , P . Sec , were also invited . After the transaction of some other routine business , the chapter was
closed and the companions adjourned to the banquet . The dinner ended ancl the cloth removed , the accustomed loyal and Masonic toasts wero given by Comp . Tootell , who presided ; Comp . AA ' ard rose , and said as it was his privilege to propose a toast , ivhieh he was sure would bo greeted with enthusiasm . In Comp . Stuart the province hacl a presiding officer whose heart and soul were devoted to the furthereiice of the cause of Masonry . To him the best thanks of the brethren were clue for the support he to
gave every degree of Masonry by his presence at the various meetings . In proposing the health of thc Grand Superintendent ofthe Province , he would offer an earnest prayer that he might long he preserved to preside over them . Comp . Stuart , in acknowledging the compliment , said they all knew he was not gifted with eloquence meet for the kind way in which their good wishes were tendered . Ho referred to the time he was received into the order by his friend '
Comp . AA'ard , thirty years back , in the AA ' atfbrd Lodge , since which period a continued friendship had existed between them ; there was none he so highly esteemed , none he so valued ; ancl in response to his prayer that he might live many more years , he would say , long may I remain to enjoy your society . Comp . Francis then proposed the health of the First Principal , and said , he was satisfied there was none so worthy the position as Com ]) Tootell
. . The M . E . Z . hoped they would find him deserving the encomiums Comp . Francis had bestowed on him . He referred to their having started in Masonry together , but his friend having more leisure than himself had won the race . lie feared he should never rival the attainments of his friend Francis , but still he hoped he should bo able to conduct the proceedings of the chapter with credit and honour . Comp . Francis then proposed the health of the other
Principals who that clay entered olfiee . He regretted that claims of his domestic circle prevented the second officer being present , as there were none of whom they had more cause to be proud than Com ]) . Herne , and there were none amongst them who had so much pleasure in being present at their meetings . In the Third Principal they possessed a worthy Mason , Com ]) . Finch ' s attainments were most promising for the well-being of the Orderancl as Master of
, the AA ' atfbrd Lodge they would have , a most efficient officer to preside over them . Comp . Finch acknowledged the high compliment the Chapter paid him in allowing him the honour of filliii" one of the chairs , and although his legal studies had some claims ' upon his time , yet , as briefs did not come in so rapidly as to ciignso every