Article THE WEEK. ← Page 2 of 2 Article TO CORRESPONDENTS. Page 1 of 1
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The Week.
18 G 0 . He attributed the unproductive character of the session to the talkativeness of members , and to the obstructions thus thrown in the way of public business , forgetting it ivould appear that he used to be one of the greatest talkers in the House or in the country . Late on Monday night , the metropolis was visited by a rather severe storm of wind , accompanied by torrents of rain , which' extended along the coast with equal severity , and
unhappily led to several distressing shipwrecks and loss of life . Two fatal accidents occured on Monday of a rather peculiar nature . One at Manchester occurred hy the breaking of an iron foot bridge , which crosses the Rochdale Canal . AVakes were being held at New-Islington , and in order to arrive thither it is necessary to cross this bridge , which is only wide enough to permit the passage of about three persons abreast . At one moment , when about twenty persons in all were on the bridgethe steps of cither end gave wayand the
, , bridge with its occupants fell into the canal . So far as is known _ : t present , only one person , a girl about twelve years of age , has been drowned . —The other accident was at Stockport , on the - . uiiiiversai'y ' . of the opening of the Public Park . There had been : i grand display of fireworks , and the crush on leaving was so great that several children were trampled to death . Sameul Owenwho has recentlbeen making himself notorious by his
, y Sunday speeches in Hyde Park , has been charged at Marlboroughstreet , with begging . It appears that , at tho conclusion of his address , lie had solicited and received several pieces of copper ancl some silver , and was then taken into custody on the above charge . The defendant argued tht question with the magistrate , and was finally discharged , after having been warned that if he trailgsressed againhe would he committed . An inquest was heldon Saturday
, , , on the body of Sir Francis Desagncs , who died last week in the Queen ' s Prison . He had lain there for not less than four years , and was seventy-five years of age . The jury returned a ve . dict—Died from Natural Causes .- Mullhis charged with murder of Mrs . Elmsly at Stepney has been again remanded . The news of the harvest in Scotland is satisfactory . A large quantity of wheat hacl been cut and stacked . The vield of oats in the neighbourhood of
Hreenoek promised to be heavy , and scarcely any disease hacl appeared among the potatoes . FOUEIGX IXTELT . IGEXTT ; . —The Sultan of Turkey has ordered the 'Jrauil A'izier to continue his journey in the provinces , in order to calm the agitation which prevails in Bosnia and the Herzegowina . The Journal de Constantinople denies that there is any agitation in Seryia , ancl states that Syria is now tranquil , but as the Greek Consul at Beyrout had asserted that massacres were threatened at
St . Jean d'Acre , two war vessels had been dispatched thither , the commanders of which had declared that they would open tire on the town upon the slightest attempt being made to create disturbances . Letters received from Athens state that a demonstration on the part of the students had taken place before tho King's palace , amid shouts of "Down with King Otho 1 " "Down with Austria 1 " Some cries of " Napoleon for ever " were also heard . ' The long looked-for report on the condition of the
Austrian finances has been presented to the Reichsrath , and is said to be " most unfavourable . " It could not have been otherwise than unfavourable , and the Minister of Finance himself was compelled to acknowledge the necessity of a change in the system . Tho report was ultimately adopted . A very important discussion has taken place in the Austrian Reichsrath . It can scarcely be called M discussion , for there was a complete unanimity of opinion on thc subject before it—viz ., the importance of granting the greatest
possible autonomy to the different provinces of the empire . Baron de Boude , Secretary of the French embassy at St . Petersburgh , arrived in Paris a few days ago with dispatches stating that Prince Gortschakoli had had a long conference with the French Ambassador , the Duke of Montehello , in reference to the general state of things in Europe and the affairs in Italy . The Prince , after having expressed the sincere desire of Russia to maintain friendl y rclations with France , said that the alliance between France and
Sardinia encouraged the propagation of doctrines constituting a permanent danger to the political equilibrium and the stability of thrones . Russia , he said , would entirely fail in her mission ivere she not , in common with other states threatened to raise her voice in defence of social order and monarchical interests . It is announced that the Emperors of Russia ancl Austria ancl the Prince Regent of Prussia will be accompanied to the AVarsaw meeting by MinistersThe universal
their respective Foreign . impression in Paris is that the French Emperor laid really expressed a wish to be present at this interview between the three Sovereigns . A difficulty has arisen in the Italian question by Garibaldi having declared that he cannot consent to act with a minister ( Count favour ) who consented to the cession of an Italian Province to France . Immediately the letter of Garibaldi , containing the expression , was published , the Neapolitan ministers held a council , and reported that the letter was " a defiance to Count Cavour , to the Deputies ,
to the King , and to the Emperor Napoleon , and that they would not become accomplices in such a policy , " and they accordingly resigned . Garibaldi resolutely opiioses himself to any idea of annexation until all Italy , including Rome and A'enice , shall have been delivered from the yoke of the stranger . On the 17 tli inst ., Garibaldi hacl visited Palermo , ancl hacl strongly condemned the party who were clamouring for annexation . A dispatch from Gaeta
, dated the 22 nd inst ., ancl published in Rome , asserts that the Neapolitans had beaten the Garibaldians at Capua on the 19 th and 21 st instant . Further advices received from Gaeta state that thc official journal of that place had published decrees , constituting a ministry under the presidency of Signor L'lloa , and ordering a state of siege to be proclaimed in all provinces where the revolutionary struggle exists . Another decree cashiered all the officers of the marine
as guilty of high treason , with the exception of those belonging to the Parthenope , who had come to Gaeta . The same journal also published proclamations adjuring the garrisons of Capua ancl Messina to remain firm against the order of things established , by Garibaldi . A decree had been issued hy the King exiling three bishops . In the meantime , in the Papal dominions , after some hours' firing , the garrison ofthe fortress of Santo Leo surrendered at discretion .
Several officers and soldiers of the Sardinian army distinguished themselves in the attack . The flying columns commanded by Brignonc have made 500 other prisoners . The seige of Ancona hacl commenced , and the latest accounts state that the brigade of Bologna , and the battalions of the 23 rd and . 25 tli regiments of the Bersaglieri hacl taken by- assault two of the forts of Ancona , namely , forts Pelago and Pulito . The troops displayed admirable courage .
An attack on fort Gardetto was imminent . General Brignone had made four more officers ancl seventy-eight soldiers of the Papal army prisoners . It is stated the Pope had sent to inquire the intentions of the Emperor Napoleon in reference to the Roman States . The purport of the Emperor's reply was not known , but his Majesty was said to have mentioned that France had not allowed Spain to interfere in favour of the Pope . Cardinal Antonelli had
published a note claiming the protection of all the Catholic Poivers . AMERICA . —AA'e have most disastrous intelligence in the loss ofthe Lady Elgin by being run into by a schooner . The steamer had left Chicago on the 7 th , bound for Lake Superior , on a pleasure excursion , with three or four hundred persons on boarcl . The collision took place about two a . m ., and nearly all on boarcl were drowned . Only seventeen are known to have been saved . The schooner wliich struck the steamer got separated from it in about
half a minute after the collision . The Lady Elgin was built in Canada some nine years ago . Amongst these lost are Bro . Herbert Ingrain , M . P ., the proprietor of the Illustrated London lYeics , and his son , a yout of about 11 years of age . COHMEIICIAT .. —It has been decided to establish a joint-stock company , limited , of which the object is to buy ancl promote the growth of cotton in India of an improved quality , ancl to ship it to
this country . It is also proposed to make experiments in Australia , ivhere all cottons of the Brazil , Egyptian , and Sea Island qualities could be produced . At a meeting held last week , at the Manchester Town Hall , Mr . Bazley stated that last year ' s consumption of cotton was 1 , 000 , 000 lb . weight , of which 800 , 000 came from the United States , and only 80 , 000 from the British colonies . A prospectus has been issued of a company to be entitled tho Darrens East
Mining Company , ivhieh is to bo constituted for the purpose of acquiring and developing the mineral properties known as the Old Darren , Darren East , and C ' win Darren silver lead mines , situated about six miles from the port of Aberystwyth , in Cardiganshire . The Old Darren mine is one of those formerly worked so successfully by Sir Hugh Middleton , the projector ofthe New River Companywhoit is well knoivnwas enabled to out his great
, , , carry undertaking successfully from the profits derived by him from his lead mines . The leases , with the machinery and plant , are to bo made over to the company , who have agreed to purchase them for the sum of £ 5 , 000 , only £ 3 , 000 of which sum is to be paid in cash . The capital of the company ( which is constituted with a hh'hly respectable directory ) is to consist of £ ' 20 , 000 , in shares of £ 2 each , only one-fourth of which is to be called up in the first instance .
To Correspondents.
Br . o . ELISUA D . COOKE . —Several communications for Bro . Cooke , whose address we have unfortunately mislaid , are now lying for him at our office in Salisbury Street . B . B . —AA ' e never heard of the brother named , and he certainly has not been connected with the Magazine at any period during the last seven years . S . S . is thanked for the suggestion . It shall he attended to .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
18 G 0 . He attributed the unproductive character of the session to the talkativeness of members , and to the obstructions thus thrown in the way of public business , forgetting it ivould appear that he used to be one of the greatest talkers in the House or in the country . Late on Monday night , the metropolis was visited by a rather severe storm of wind , accompanied by torrents of rain , which' extended along the coast with equal severity , and
unhappily led to several distressing shipwrecks and loss of life . Two fatal accidents occured on Monday of a rather peculiar nature . One at Manchester occurred hy the breaking of an iron foot bridge , which crosses the Rochdale Canal . AVakes were being held at New-Islington , and in order to arrive thither it is necessary to cross this bridge , which is only wide enough to permit the passage of about three persons abreast . At one moment , when about twenty persons in all were on the bridgethe steps of cither end gave wayand the
, , bridge with its occupants fell into the canal . So far as is known _ : t present , only one person , a girl about twelve years of age , has been drowned . —The other accident was at Stockport , on the - . uiiiiversai'y ' . of the opening of the Public Park . There had been : i grand display of fireworks , and the crush on leaving was so great that several children were trampled to death . Sameul Owenwho has recentlbeen making himself notorious by his
, y Sunday speeches in Hyde Park , has been charged at Marlboroughstreet , with begging . It appears that , at tho conclusion of his address , lie had solicited and received several pieces of copper ancl some silver , and was then taken into custody on the above charge . The defendant argued tht question with the magistrate , and was finally discharged , after having been warned that if he trailgsressed againhe would he committed . An inquest was heldon Saturday
, , , on the body of Sir Francis Desagncs , who died last week in the Queen ' s Prison . He had lain there for not less than four years , and was seventy-five years of age . The jury returned a ve . dict—Died from Natural Causes .- Mullhis charged with murder of Mrs . Elmsly at Stepney has been again remanded . The news of the harvest in Scotland is satisfactory . A large quantity of wheat hacl been cut and stacked . The vield of oats in the neighbourhood of
Hreenoek promised to be heavy , and scarcely any disease hacl appeared among the potatoes . FOUEIGX IXTELT . IGEXTT ; . —The Sultan of Turkey has ordered the 'Jrauil A'izier to continue his journey in the provinces , in order to calm the agitation which prevails in Bosnia and the Herzegowina . The Journal de Constantinople denies that there is any agitation in Seryia , ancl states that Syria is now tranquil , but as the Greek Consul at Beyrout had asserted that massacres were threatened at
St . Jean d'Acre , two war vessels had been dispatched thither , the commanders of which had declared that they would open tire on the town upon the slightest attempt being made to create disturbances . Letters received from Athens state that a demonstration on the part of the students had taken place before tho King's palace , amid shouts of "Down with King Otho 1 " "Down with Austria 1 " Some cries of " Napoleon for ever " were also heard . ' The long looked-for report on the condition of the
Austrian finances has been presented to the Reichsrath , and is said to be " most unfavourable . " It could not have been otherwise than unfavourable , and the Minister of Finance himself was compelled to acknowledge the necessity of a change in the system . Tho report was ultimately adopted . A very important discussion has taken place in the Austrian Reichsrath . It can scarcely be called M discussion , for there was a complete unanimity of opinion on thc subject before it—viz ., the importance of granting the greatest
possible autonomy to the different provinces of the empire . Baron de Boude , Secretary of the French embassy at St . Petersburgh , arrived in Paris a few days ago with dispatches stating that Prince Gortschakoli had had a long conference with the French Ambassador , the Duke of Montehello , in reference to the general state of things in Europe and the affairs in Italy . The Prince , after having expressed the sincere desire of Russia to maintain friendl y rclations with France , said that the alliance between France and
Sardinia encouraged the propagation of doctrines constituting a permanent danger to the political equilibrium and the stability of thrones . Russia , he said , would entirely fail in her mission ivere she not , in common with other states threatened to raise her voice in defence of social order and monarchical interests . It is announced that the Emperors of Russia ancl Austria ancl the Prince Regent of Prussia will be accompanied to the AVarsaw meeting by MinistersThe universal
their respective Foreign . impression in Paris is that the French Emperor laid really expressed a wish to be present at this interview between the three Sovereigns . A difficulty has arisen in the Italian question by Garibaldi having declared that he cannot consent to act with a minister ( Count favour ) who consented to the cession of an Italian Province to France . Immediately the letter of Garibaldi , containing the expression , was published , the Neapolitan ministers held a council , and reported that the letter was " a defiance to Count Cavour , to the Deputies ,
to the King , and to the Emperor Napoleon , and that they would not become accomplices in such a policy , " and they accordingly resigned . Garibaldi resolutely opiioses himself to any idea of annexation until all Italy , including Rome and A'enice , shall have been delivered from the yoke of the stranger . On the 17 tli inst ., Garibaldi hacl visited Palermo , ancl hacl strongly condemned the party who were clamouring for annexation . A dispatch from Gaeta
, dated the 22 nd inst ., ancl published in Rome , asserts that the Neapolitans had beaten the Garibaldians at Capua on the 19 th and 21 st instant . Further advices received from Gaeta state that thc official journal of that place had published decrees , constituting a ministry under the presidency of Signor L'lloa , and ordering a state of siege to be proclaimed in all provinces where the revolutionary struggle exists . Another decree cashiered all the officers of the marine
as guilty of high treason , with the exception of those belonging to the Parthenope , who had come to Gaeta . The same journal also published proclamations adjuring the garrisons of Capua ancl Messina to remain firm against the order of things established , by Garibaldi . A decree had been issued hy the King exiling three bishops . In the meantime , in the Papal dominions , after some hours' firing , the garrison ofthe fortress of Santo Leo surrendered at discretion .
Several officers and soldiers of the Sardinian army distinguished themselves in the attack . The flying columns commanded by Brignonc have made 500 other prisoners . The seige of Ancona hacl commenced , and the latest accounts state that the brigade of Bologna , and the battalions of the 23 rd and . 25 tli regiments of the Bersaglieri hacl taken by- assault two of the forts of Ancona , namely , forts Pelago and Pulito . The troops displayed admirable courage .
An attack on fort Gardetto was imminent . General Brignone had made four more officers ancl seventy-eight soldiers of the Papal army prisoners . It is stated the Pope had sent to inquire the intentions of the Emperor Napoleon in reference to the Roman States . The purport of the Emperor's reply was not known , but his Majesty was said to have mentioned that France had not allowed Spain to interfere in favour of the Pope . Cardinal Antonelli had
published a note claiming the protection of all the Catholic Poivers . AMERICA . —AA'e have most disastrous intelligence in the loss ofthe Lady Elgin by being run into by a schooner . The steamer had left Chicago on the 7 th , bound for Lake Superior , on a pleasure excursion , with three or four hundred persons on boarcl . The collision took place about two a . m ., and nearly all on boarcl were drowned . Only seventeen are known to have been saved . The schooner wliich struck the steamer got separated from it in about
half a minute after the collision . The Lady Elgin was built in Canada some nine years ago . Amongst these lost are Bro . Herbert Ingrain , M . P ., the proprietor of the Illustrated London lYeics , and his son , a yout of about 11 years of age . COHMEIICIAT .. —It has been decided to establish a joint-stock company , limited , of which the object is to buy ancl promote the growth of cotton in India of an improved quality , ancl to ship it to
this country . It is also proposed to make experiments in Australia , ivhere all cottons of the Brazil , Egyptian , and Sea Island qualities could be produced . At a meeting held last week , at the Manchester Town Hall , Mr . Bazley stated that last year ' s consumption of cotton was 1 , 000 , 000 lb . weight , of which 800 , 000 came from the United States , and only 80 , 000 from the British colonies . A prospectus has been issued of a company to be entitled tho Darrens East
Mining Company , ivhieh is to bo constituted for the purpose of acquiring and developing the mineral properties known as the Old Darren , Darren East , and C ' win Darren silver lead mines , situated about six miles from the port of Aberystwyth , in Cardiganshire . The Old Darren mine is one of those formerly worked so successfully by Sir Hugh Middleton , the projector ofthe New River Companywhoit is well knoivnwas enabled to out his great
, , , carry undertaking successfully from the profits derived by him from his lead mines . The leases , with the machinery and plant , are to bo made over to the company , who have agreed to purchase them for the sum of £ 5 , 000 , only £ 3 , 000 of which sum is to be paid in cash . The capital of the company ( which is constituted with a hh'hly respectable directory ) is to consist of £ ' 20 , 000 , in shares of £ 2 each , only one-fourth of which is to be called up in the first instance .
To Correspondents.
Br . o . ELISUA D . COOKE . —Several communications for Bro . Cooke , whose address we have unfortunately mislaid , are now lying for him at our office in Salisbury Street . B . B . —AA ' e never heard of the brother named , and he certainly has not been connected with the Magazine at any period during the last seven years . S . S . is thanked for the suggestion . It shall he attended to .