Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 →
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Ancient And Accepted Rite.
dined together at Bro . De Grey's , the Freemasons' Tavern , Woolwich , when three toasts were given , and the evening was spent with that pleasant interchange of information , chat , and good humour , which render the Iuvicta Chapter meetings so attractive .
Royal Arch.
SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER . Subjoined is the report of tho Committee of General Purposes , to be presented to Grand Chapter on Wednesday next : — To His Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of . Fngland . Tho Committee of General Purposes beg to report that they
have examined the accounts from the 19 th July to the 18 th October , lSG-i , both inclusive , which they find to be as follows -. Balance 19 th July £ -187 11 . 10 Subsequent receipts . - 108 S G . £ 596 0 4 Purchase of £ 200 Stock 3 per Cent . Consols and Commission £ 180 0 0 Disbursements during the quarter 102 13 6 Balance 313 G 10
£ 590 0 4 ivhich balance is in the hands of Messrs . Willis , Percival , and Co ., Bankers of the Grand Treasurer . The Coinmittee beg also to report that they have investigated a complaint preferred against the High Cross Chapter ( No . 751 ) , Tottenham , for holding the chapter meetings at tho
house of one of the members in Cnitched Friars , in the City of of London , instead of at Tottenham . A memorial was sent in by the chapter and laid before the Grand Chapter on the 4 th November , 1863 , praying for permission to remove the chapter from Tottenham to London . At the convocation of the Grand Chapter , holden on the 3 rd of
February , 186 L , it was resolved"That inasmuch as it is not only undesirable bub highly objectionable that a chapter should be separated from the Craft lodge to which it is attached , the Grand Chapter cannot sanction the removal of the High Cross Chapter from Tottenham , where the High Cross Lodge is held into London . "
The Committee having required the attendance of the Principals and the production of the minute book of the chapter , find that oven anterior to the presentation of the memorial ,
the meetings of the chapter were held at Crutched Friars , aforesaid , and that since that date and up to the 27 th day of September last , they have continued to be holden at the same place . The Committee being of opinion that such contempt of the authority of the Grand Chapter ought not to pass unnoticed , have felt it necessary to suspend the chapter from all Arch
Masonic functions . The Committee have also to report that the Alfred Chapter ( No . 306 ) , Leeds , which was suspended in October , 1863 , for neglecting to comply with the peremptory orders of the Committtee , have memorialized for a removal of the suspension , and the [ chapter having furnished the Committee with the
information required , and sent in their charter and minute book , they beg to recommend that the prayer of the memorialists be granted , their suspension be removed , and the members of the chapter restored to their Arch Masonic functions . The Committee have much pleasure in reporting that the M . E . Z ., the Earl of Zetland , has received a communication from the Grand Z . of the Grand Chapter of Scotland , expressing the satisfaction experienced by that Grand Body at the
resolution passed at the Quarterly Convocation of the Supreme Grand Chapter holden on tho 3 rd August last , with reference to a . memorial from the Grand Chapter of Scotland . This letter will be read in Grand Chapter . The Committee beg further to report that they have received the following petitions for new chapters : —
1 st . — "From Companions Henry Murray , as Z . ; William , Thomas Mercer , as H . ; John Ball , as J . ; and eight others , for a chapter to be attached to the Zetland Lodge ( No . 525 ) , Hong-Kong , China , to be called the Victoria Chapter , to meet at-Hong Kong , on the 18 th day of every month . 2 nd , — " From Companions Peter Clymo as Z . ; Richarct
Hawke as H . ; John Ouch as J . ; and seven others , for a chapterto be attached to the St . Martin's Lodge ( No . 510 ) , Liskeard , in the county of Cornwall , to be called the St . Martin ' s Chapter , to meet at the London Inn , Liskeard , ou the first Tuesday of every third month . " These petitions being in all respects regular ; the
Committeerecommend that the prayers thereof be respectively granted . The Committee have received the following notice of " motion from tho E . Companion Hugh S . S . Barney , ' Second Principal ot "
the Wellington Chapter ( No . 784 ) , Deal : — 1 st . — "That the correspondence that has taken place between the Principals of Chapter' ( No . 781 ) , and Grand Scribe E ., heproduced and read in Grand Chapter , as the Chapter ( No . 78 i > feels most aggrieved at the . Committee of General Purposes declining to lay their complaint ( regarding an un-Masonic letteraddressed to them by a P . Z . of 781 , through their Scribe E . )
tothe notice of Grand Chapter , and that the sense of Grand Chapter be taken on the matter originally complained of against the P . Z . of No . 78 i . 2 nd . — " That the said companion having totally neglected theduties of his office as Z ., never having once attended the chaptersince his installation as Z ., on the 28 th May , 1861 , and having
done much injury to the chapter in particular , and Royal Arch Masonry in general , by . so neglecting his duties and by taking no steps , on several occasions , for the due performance of them by deputy , he be debarred by vote of Grand Chapter from holding rank as P . Z . of 7 SI-, or such other Masonic punishmentas Grand Chaster may think fit . " ( Signed ) Wir . " PUVOSSSY SCOTT , President . Freemasons' TUall , London , Vdth Oct ., 1861-.
Tho several letters referred to in the foregoing report are open for the perusal of any member of Grand Chapter , and eats , be seen at tho office of the Grand Scribe E . DEVONSHIRE . MOBICE TOWN , DEVON-POST . —St . Aubyn Chapter . —The first
convocation of this chapter assembled at the newly decorated premises , Moon-sfcreet , Morice Town , on the evening of the 17 th instant . This being the first meeting of the chapter , the . chairs of H . and J . were temporarily filled until the ceremonial of installation was completed , when Comp . Chappie as H ., and Comp . Kent as J ., occupied the position assigned them in the warrant . Tbe E . Comp . Metham announced tlie votes of the chapter for
officers as follows : —Comps . Spry , Scribe E . ; Bird , Scribe N . - Codd , Treas . ; Clemens , P . Soj . ; Gudridge , S . Soj . ; Hawton , J . Soj . Four brethren of Lodge 954 were exalted to this supreme degree during the evening . A committee to frame bylaws of the chapter was appointed . Tlie visitors were numerous , all expressing their gratification at the decorations that haverecently been made .
STAFFORDSHIRE . PEOVINOIAL GEAND CHAPTEE . A meeting of the Provincial Grand Chapter of . Staffordshire was held , after a lapse of ten years , at the Vernon Chapter ( No . 539 ) , Walsall , on Wednesday , October 19 th . The Provincial
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
dined together at Bro . De Grey's , the Freemasons' Tavern , Woolwich , when three toasts were given , and the evening was spent with that pleasant interchange of information , chat , and good humour , which render the Iuvicta Chapter meetings so attractive .
Royal Arch.
SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER . Subjoined is the report of tho Committee of General Purposes , to be presented to Grand Chapter on Wednesday next : — To His Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of . Fngland . Tho Committee of General Purposes beg to report that they
have examined the accounts from the 19 th July to the 18 th October , lSG-i , both inclusive , which they find to be as follows -. Balance 19 th July £ -187 11 . 10 Subsequent receipts . - 108 S G . £ 596 0 4 Purchase of £ 200 Stock 3 per Cent . Consols and Commission £ 180 0 0 Disbursements during the quarter 102 13 6 Balance 313 G 10
£ 590 0 4 ivhich balance is in the hands of Messrs . Willis , Percival , and Co ., Bankers of the Grand Treasurer . The Coinmittee beg also to report that they have investigated a complaint preferred against the High Cross Chapter ( No . 751 ) , Tottenham , for holding the chapter meetings at tho
house of one of the members in Cnitched Friars , in the City of of London , instead of at Tottenham . A memorial was sent in by the chapter and laid before the Grand Chapter on the 4 th November , 1863 , praying for permission to remove the chapter from Tottenham to London . At the convocation of the Grand Chapter , holden on the 3 rd of
February , 186 L , it was resolved"That inasmuch as it is not only undesirable bub highly objectionable that a chapter should be separated from the Craft lodge to which it is attached , the Grand Chapter cannot sanction the removal of the High Cross Chapter from Tottenham , where the High Cross Lodge is held into London . "
The Committee having required the attendance of the Principals and the production of the minute book of the chapter , find that oven anterior to the presentation of the memorial ,
the meetings of the chapter were held at Crutched Friars , aforesaid , and that since that date and up to the 27 th day of September last , they have continued to be holden at the same place . The Committee being of opinion that such contempt of the authority of the Grand Chapter ought not to pass unnoticed , have felt it necessary to suspend the chapter from all Arch
Masonic functions . The Committee have also to report that the Alfred Chapter ( No . 306 ) , Leeds , which was suspended in October , 1863 , for neglecting to comply with the peremptory orders of the Committtee , have memorialized for a removal of the suspension , and the [ chapter having furnished the Committee with the
information required , and sent in their charter and minute book , they beg to recommend that the prayer of the memorialists be granted , their suspension be removed , and the members of the chapter restored to their Arch Masonic functions . The Committee have much pleasure in reporting that the M . E . Z ., the Earl of Zetland , has received a communication from the Grand Z . of the Grand Chapter of Scotland , expressing the satisfaction experienced by that Grand Body at the
resolution passed at the Quarterly Convocation of the Supreme Grand Chapter holden on tho 3 rd August last , with reference to a . memorial from the Grand Chapter of Scotland . This letter will be read in Grand Chapter . The Committee beg further to report that they have received the following petitions for new chapters : —
1 st . — "From Companions Henry Murray , as Z . ; William , Thomas Mercer , as H . ; John Ball , as J . ; and eight others , for a chapter to be attached to the Zetland Lodge ( No . 525 ) , Hong-Kong , China , to be called the Victoria Chapter , to meet at-Hong Kong , on the 18 th day of every month . 2 nd , — " From Companions Peter Clymo as Z . ; Richarct
Hawke as H . ; John Ouch as J . ; and seven others , for a chapterto be attached to the St . Martin's Lodge ( No . 510 ) , Liskeard , in the county of Cornwall , to be called the St . Martin ' s Chapter , to meet at the London Inn , Liskeard , ou the first Tuesday of every third month . " These petitions being in all respects regular ; the
Committeerecommend that the prayers thereof be respectively granted . The Committee have received the following notice of " motion from tho E . Companion Hugh S . S . Barney , ' Second Principal ot "
the Wellington Chapter ( No . 784 ) , Deal : — 1 st . — "That the correspondence that has taken place between the Principals of Chapter' ( No . 781 ) , and Grand Scribe E ., heproduced and read in Grand Chapter , as the Chapter ( No . 78 i > feels most aggrieved at the . Committee of General Purposes declining to lay their complaint ( regarding an un-Masonic letteraddressed to them by a P . Z . of 781 , through their Scribe E . )
tothe notice of Grand Chapter , and that the sense of Grand Chapter be taken on the matter originally complained of against the P . Z . of No . 78 i . 2 nd . — " That the said companion having totally neglected theduties of his office as Z ., never having once attended the chaptersince his installation as Z ., on the 28 th May , 1861 , and having
done much injury to the chapter in particular , and Royal Arch Masonry in general , by . so neglecting his duties and by taking no steps , on several occasions , for the due performance of them by deputy , he be debarred by vote of Grand Chapter from holding rank as P . Z . of 7 SI-, or such other Masonic punishmentas Grand Chaster may think fit . " ( Signed ) Wir . " PUVOSSSY SCOTT , President . Freemasons' TUall , London , Vdth Oct ., 1861-.
Tho several letters referred to in the foregoing report are open for the perusal of any member of Grand Chapter , and eats , be seen at tho office of the Grand Scribe E . DEVONSHIRE . MOBICE TOWN , DEVON-POST . —St . Aubyn Chapter . —The first
convocation of this chapter assembled at the newly decorated premises , Moon-sfcreet , Morice Town , on the evening of the 17 th instant . This being the first meeting of the chapter , the . chairs of H . and J . were temporarily filled until the ceremonial of installation was completed , when Comp . Chappie as H ., and Comp . Kent as J ., occupied the position assigned them in the warrant . Tbe E . Comp . Metham announced tlie votes of the chapter for
officers as follows : —Comps . Spry , Scribe E . ; Bird , Scribe N . - Codd , Treas . ; Clemens , P . Soj . ; Gudridge , S . Soj . ; Hawton , J . Soj . Four brethren of Lodge 954 were exalted to this supreme degree during the evening . A committee to frame bylaws of the chapter was appointed . Tlie visitors were numerous , all expressing their gratification at the decorations that haverecently been made .
STAFFORDSHIRE . PEOVINOIAL GEAND CHAPTEE . A meeting of the Provincial Grand Chapter of . Staffordshire was held , after a lapse of ten years , at the Vernon Chapter ( No . 539 ) , Walsall , on Wednesday , October 19 th . The Provincial