Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Arch.
Grand Chapter was opened in duo form by M . E . Comps . Dr . Burton , P . Z . 539 , P . Prov . G . J ., as Z . ; Thos . James , P . Z . 419 , 539 , Z . 621 , as H . ; Foster Gough , P . Z . 419 , as J . A deputation of Past First Principals introduced the newlyappointed Provincial Grand Superintendent , Comp . William Kenwright Harvey , who presented to the acting M . E . Z . his patent from the Supreme Grand Chapter , and requested to be installed into the office to which he had been appointed .
M . E . Comp . Dr . Burton , P . Prov . G . J ., said , that it would afford him and the companions present the greatest gratification to carry into effect the patent which had been read , and requested to know from the M . E . Prov . G . Supt . if he was willing to undertake the important duties devolved upon him by such patent , which being answered in the affirmative by Comp . Harveya serious and solemn obligation to that effect was
admi-, nistered and taken , and Comp . Harvey was duly installed into the chair of Z . with robe and sceptre . The M . E . Prov . G . Supt . addressed the companions , expressing the diffidence he or any other companion must feel in following so distinguished a Mason , as their former Prov . G . Supt ., Col . Vernon , still , though not over confident of his own powers , he hoped with the assistance and cordial co- tion of his
breopera thren , to conduct the affairs of the province in such a manner as would gain their confidence and give satisfaction . The M . E . Prov . G . Supt . then appointed the following companions officers of the Provincial Grand Chapter : — Comp . Dr . Burton , P . Z . 539 H .
„ Poster Gough , P . Z . 419 J . „ John Hallum , P . Z . 460 E . „ Horton Yates , P . Z . 460 , H . 624 N . „ Thomas James , P . Z . 419 , 539 , Z . 624 Principal Soj . „ David Peacock , P . Z . 539 1 st . Assist . Soj . „ Charles Matthews , Z . 419 2 nd Assist . Soj . „ Frank James , P . Z . 539 Registrar . John ButterworthZ . 637 Standard Bearer .
„ , „ Fleetwood J . Cannell , P . Z . 539 Sword Bearer . „ Henry Lewis , P . Z . 419 Dir . of Cers . „ Michael Cozens , 539 " I „ Joseph Newman , 539 ( ,-,, , „ Rayner Blount Lewis , 539 >• Stewards . „ Thomas Ward Edwards , 539 ) John Hallum was elected Treasurer , and Thomas Nickols ,
S 39 , Janitor . The minutes of the last meeting of Provincial Grand Chapter , held at Walsall , August 18 th , 1854 , were read and confirmed . A code of by-laws was read , discussed , and unanimously adopted . The M . E . Prov . G . Superintendent said it was his intention to hold a meeting of the Provincial Grand Chapter annuall
y , and as the Provincial Grand Lodge was usually held in the autumn , he thought it would be more convenient that the Provincial Grand Chapter should meet in the spring ; he should therefore hold the next meeting in May either at Newcastle or Stoke .
The Provincial Grand Chapter was then closed , and the companions adjourned to the Guildhall Assembly Room , where a banquet had been provided , which was presided oyer by the M . E . Prov . G . Superintendent . The vice-chair was filled b y Comp . Thos . James , Prov . G . P . S . After the cloth was drawn , the M . E . Prov . G . SUEEMNTENDENT proposed " The Queen , " " The Prince and Princess of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Famil" the " M . E . G . Z . the Earl of
y , Zetland , " "The Second and Third Grand Principals and Officers of the Supreme Grand Chapter . " M . E . Comp . Dr . BUETON , Prov . G . H ., in proposing the health of the M . E . l ? rov . G . Superintendent , said , that although Comp . Harvey might not have the commanding presence and fluency of speech of Col . Vernon ( natural gifts which few possessed ) he could assure themthat after an acquaintance of
, , nearly twenty years , he could speak of him as a thorough Mason , a perfect gentleman , and one who would prove himself to he a worthy successor of the colonel . M . E . Comp . IIAUYEY , in reply , thanked the companions most heartily , and repeated tbe observations he had made in tlie Chapter , he would do all in his power to deserve their good opinion . They must all regret the absence of Col . Vernon on
that occasion , but , residing as he did , at so great a distance from Staffordshire , and having very important family business on hand , it was quite impossible for him to attend . Comp . the Rev . W . BI . HMWEI . _ - SMITH , of the Athol Chapter ( No . 74 ) , responded to the toast of " The Visitors , " and said the
Royal Arch.
proceedings of that day were a novelty to him , as he had never before been at a meeting of Provincial Grand Chapter . He believed it ivas the intention , as there were now a sufficient number of chapters in Warwickshire , to form a Provincial Grand Chapter in that province . In the course of the evening , the M . E . PEOV . G . SUPEEINTENDENT stated that it was his intention to visit every chapter
and lodge in his province at least once a year , —a remark which met with general approbation . It was a subject of much regret that there were so few members of the other chapters in . the province present to greet their newly appointed Prov . G . Superintendent .
Mark Masonry.
DEVONSHIRE . DEVONPOET . —St . Aubyn Lodge ( No . 64 , E . C . )—The installation meeting in connection with this lodge was held on Monday , the 24 th inst . The duties of the evening commenced by the advancement of a candidate to this ancient degree . This part of the business having been brought to a close , Bro . Kent , S . W ., was then formally presented , and received the benefit of installation at the hands of Bro . Chappie , P . M ., and thereupon
appointed as his officers Bros . Spry , S . W . ; Bird , J . W . ; Clemens , M . O . ; Gudridge , S . O . ; Hawton , J . O . ; Coad , S . D . ; Trounce , J . D . ; Paul , I . G . ; Jolliffe , Reg . ; Butcher , Dir . of Cers . ; Heath , Sec . ; Chappie , Treas . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to Bro . Hawton's Hotel to celebrate the annual festival . The brethren having done ample justice to the viands , the cloth was withdrawn , and the W . M . introduced the usual Mark Masonry toasts in his usaul stle . On the
concluy sion , harmony prevailed , aided by Bro . Hallett , the talented Organist of 954 , who officiated at the piano . PLYMOUTH — lirunswiclc Lodge ( No . 48 ) . — The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Union-street , Plymouth , on the evening of Wednesday the 19 th inst ., at which meeting there was a very fair attendance of brethrenincluding the visitors . The onlbusiness of the lod
, y ge for the evening being the installation of the W . M . elect , viz ., Bro . Richard Lose , S . W ., the minutes of the previous regular lodge were confirmed , and Bro . Lose was thereupon duly installed and proclaimed as the W . M . for the ensuing twelve months , the ceremony being ably performed by the V . W . Bro .
S . Chappie , P . M . of 48 , P . Prov . G . R . and P . Prov . D . C , assisted by the V . W . Bro , George Richards , P . M . of 48 , and P . Prov . G . T . W . The W . M . Bro . Lose then invested the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing twelve months , viz ., May . S . W . ; Jefferson , S . W . ; Chappie , P . M ., as Treasurer ; Richards , P . M ., as Secretary ; Ellis , M . O . ; Helson , S . O . ; Warren , J . O . ; Austin , S . D . ; Amery , J . D . ; Coneybeare , I . G . ; Green , Registrar ; PixeySec . ; RogersTler . The lodhaving
, , y ge been closed the brethren adjourned to Bro . Thomas ' s , Great Western Hotel , where it had been arranged that the annual festival should be held . The W . M . Bro . Lose presided at the - festive board , supported by Bros . Chappie and Richards , and in addition to them we observed Bros . May , Jefferson , Warren , Austin , Amery , Coneybeare , Green , James , Sale , Veale , Thomas , Rogers , Trevena , PophamChapmanHeathand others .
, , , After the cloth had been removed the usual toasts were proceeded with . In proposing tho health of Bro . Lose ( which he did in eulogistic terms ) , Bro . Chappie adverted to the untiring exertions of Bro . Lose in promoting the interests of Freemasonry , and expressed his belief that the new W . M . would prove an excellent one . Bro . Lose in responding expressed his thanks for the flattering manner in which his health had been proposed
and drank , and hoped , with the assistance of his officers , the business of the lodge would be conducted satisfactorily to all . Several other toasts were given and responded to , and after spending a very agreeable evening , which was enlivened by the vocal abilities of some of the brethren present , this happy meeting was brought to a close at an early hour .
KENT . CHATHAK . — United Service Lodge ( No . 69 , E . C . )—This lodge held a meeting at the Two Sawyers Hotel , Brompton , on Saturday , October 35 th . Present—Bros . F . G . Irwin , P . G . M . O ., W . M . ; C . Swan , P . G . S . B ., S . W . ; A . Fraser , J . W . ; W . Molony , Sec . ; W . Fraser , Treas . pro tern . ; F . Hamilton , Reg . of Marks ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
Grand Chapter was opened in duo form by M . E . Comps . Dr . Burton , P . Z . 539 , P . Prov . G . J ., as Z . ; Thos . James , P . Z . 419 , 539 , Z . 621 , as H . ; Foster Gough , P . Z . 419 , as J . A deputation of Past First Principals introduced the newlyappointed Provincial Grand Superintendent , Comp . William Kenwright Harvey , who presented to the acting M . E . Z . his patent from the Supreme Grand Chapter , and requested to be installed into the office to which he had been appointed .
M . E . Comp . Dr . Burton , P . Prov . G . J ., said , that it would afford him and the companions present the greatest gratification to carry into effect the patent which had been read , and requested to know from the M . E . Prov . G . Supt . if he was willing to undertake the important duties devolved upon him by such patent , which being answered in the affirmative by Comp . Harveya serious and solemn obligation to that effect was
admi-, nistered and taken , and Comp . Harvey was duly installed into the chair of Z . with robe and sceptre . The M . E . Prov . G . Supt . addressed the companions , expressing the diffidence he or any other companion must feel in following so distinguished a Mason , as their former Prov . G . Supt ., Col . Vernon , still , though not over confident of his own powers , he hoped with the assistance and cordial co- tion of his
breopera thren , to conduct the affairs of the province in such a manner as would gain their confidence and give satisfaction . The M . E . Prov . G . Supt . then appointed the following companions officers of the Provincial Grand Chapter : — Comp . Dr . Burton , P . Z . 539 H .
„ Poster Gough , P . Z . 419 J . „ John Hallum , P . Z . 460 E . „ Horton Yates , P . Z . 460 , H . 624 N . „ Thomas James , P . Z . 419 , 539 , Z . 624 Principal Soj . „ David Peacock , P . Z . 539 1 st . Assist . Soj . „ Charles Matthews , Z . 419 2 nd Assist . Soj . „ Frank James , P . Z . 539 Registrar . John ButterworthZ . 637 Standard Bearer .
„ , „ Fleetwood J . Cannell , P . Z . 539 Sword Bearer . „ Henry Lewis , P . Z . 419 Dir . of Cers . „ Michael Cozens , 539 " I „ Joseph Newman , 539 ( ,-,, , „ Rayner Blount Lewis , 539 >• Stewards . „ Thomas Ward Edwards , 539 ) John Hallum was elected Treasurer , and Thomas Nickols ,
S 39 , Janitor . The minutes of the last meeting of Provincial Grand Chapter , held at Walsall , August 18 th , 1854 , were read and confirmed . A code of by-laws was read , discussed , and unanimously adopted . The M . E . Prov . G . Superintendent said it was his intention to hold a meeting of the Provincial Grand Chapter annuall
y , and as the Provincial Grand Lodge was usually held in the autumn , he thought it would be more convenient that the Provincial Grand Chapter should meet in the spring ; he should therefore hold the next meeting in May either at Newcastle or Stoke .
The Provincial Grand Chapter was then closed , and the companions adjourned to the Guildhall Assembly Room , where a banquet had been provided , which was presided oyer by the M . E . Prov . G . Superintendent . The vice-chair was filled b y Comp . Thos . James , Prov . G . P . S . After the cloth was drawn , the M . E . Prov . G . SUEEMNTENDENT proposed " The Queen , " " The Prince and Princess of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Famil" the " M . E . G . Z . the Earl of
y , Zetland , " "The Second and Third Grand Principals and Officers of the Supreme Grand Chapter . " M . E . Comp . Dr . BUETON , Prov . G . H ., in proposing the health of the M . E . l ? rov . G . Superintendent , said , that although Comp . Harvey might not have the commanding presence and fluency of speech of Col . Vernon ( natural gifts which few possessed ) he could assure themthat after an acquaintance of
, , nearly twenty years , he could speak of him as a thorough Mason , a perfect gentleman , and one who would prove himself to he a worthy successor of the colonel . M . E . Comp . IIAUYEY , in reply , thanked the companions most heartily , and repeated tbe observations he had made in tlie Chapter , he would do all in his power to deserve their good opinion . They must all regret the absence of Col . Vernon on
that occasion , but , residing as he did , at so great a distance from Staffordshire , and having very important family business on hand , it was quite impossible for him to attend . Comp . the Rev . W . BI . HMWEI . _ - SMITH , of the Athol Chapter ( No . 74 ) , responded to the toast of " The Visitors , " and said the
Royal Arch.
proceedings of that day were a novelty to him , as he had never before been at a meeting of Provincial Grand Chapter . He believed it ivas the intention , as there were now a sufficient number of chapters in Warwickshire , to form a Provincial Grand Chapter in that province . In the course of the evening , the M . E . PEOV . G . SUPEEINTENDENT stated that it was his intention to visit every chapter
and lodge in his province at least once a year , —a remark which met with general approbation . It was a subject of much regret that there were so few members of the other chapters in . the province present to greet their newly appointed Prov . G . Superintendent .
Mark Masonry.
DEVONSHIRE . DEVONPOET . —St . Aubyn Lodge ( No . 64 , E . C . )—The installation meeting in connection with this lodge was held on Monday , the 24 th inst . The duties of the evening commenced by the advancement of a candidate to this ancient degree . This part of the business having been brought to a close , Bro . Kent , S . W ., was then formally presented , and received the benefit of installation at the hands of Bro . Chappie , P . M ., and thereupon
appointed as his officers Bros . Spry , S . W . ; Bird , J . W . ; Clemens , M . O . ; Gudridge , S . O . ; Hawton , J . O . ; Coad , S . D . ; Trounce , J . D . ; Paul , I . G . ; Jolliffe , Reg . ; Butcher , Dir . of Cers . ; Heath , Sec . ; Chappie , Treas . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to Bro . Hawton's Hotel to celebrate the annual festival . The brethren having done ample justice to the viands , the cloth was withdrawn , and the W . M . introduced the usual Mark Masonry toasts in his usaul stle . On the
concluy sion , harmony prevailed , aided by Bro . Hallett , the talented Organist of 954 , who officiated at the piano . PLYMOUTH — lirunswiclc Lodge ( No . 48 ) . — The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Union-street , Plymouth , on the evening of Wednesday the 19 th inst ., at which meeting there was a very fair attendance of brethrenincluding the visitors . The onlbusiness of the lod
, y ge for the evening being the installation of the W . M . elect , viz ., Bro . Richard Lose , S . W ., the minutes of the previous regular lodge were confirmed , and Bro . Lose was thereupon duly installed and proclaimed as the W . M . for the ensuing twelve months , the ceremony being ably performed by the V . W . Bro .
S . Chappie , P . M . of 48 , P . Prov . G . R . and P . Prov . D . C , assisted by the V . W . Bro , George Richards , P . M . of 48 , and P . Prov . G . T . W . The W . M . Bro . Lose then invested the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing twelve months , viz ., May . S . W . ; Jefferson , S . W . ; Chappie , P . M ., as Treasurer ; Richards , P . M ., as Secretary ; Ellis , M . O . ; Helson , S . O . ; Warren , J . O . ; Austin , S . D . ; Amery , J . D . ; Coneybeare , I . G . ; Green , Registrar ; PixeySec . ; RogersTler . The lodhaving
, , y ge been closed the brethren adjourned to Bro . Thomas ' s , Great Western Hotel , where it had been arranged that the annual festival should be held . The W . M . Bro . Lose presided at the - festive board , supported by Bros . Chappie and Richards , and in addition to them we observed Bros . May , Jefferson , Warren , Austin , Amery , Coneybeare , Green , James , Sale , Veale , Thomas , Rogers , Trevena , PophamChapmanHeathand others .
, , , After the cloth had been removed the usual toasts were proceeded with . In proposing tho health of Bro . Lose ( which he did in eulogistic terms ) , Bro . Chappie adverted to the untiring exertions of Bro . Lose in promoting the interests of Freemasonry , and expressed his belief that the new W . M . would prove an excellent one . Bro . Lose in responding expressed his thanks for the flattering manner in which his health had been proposed
and drank , and hoped , with the assistance of his officers , the business of the lodge would be conducted satisfactorily to all . Several other toasts were given and responded to , and after spending a very agreeable evening , which was enlivened by the vocal abilities of some of the brethren present , this happy meeting was brought to a close at an early hour .
KENT . CHATHAK . — United Service Lodge ( No . 69 , E . C . )—This lodge held a meeting at the Two Sawyers Hotel , Brompton , on Saturday , October 35 th . Present—Bros . F . G . Irwin , P . G . M . O ., W . M . ; C . Swan , P . G . S . B ., S . W . ; A . Fraser , J . W . ; W . Molony , Sec . ; W . Fraser , Treas . pro tern . ; F . Hamilton , Reg . of Marks ,