Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 2 →
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THE MASONIC MIMOB . £ * AH communications to be addressed to the EDITOR , at No . 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , AV . C .
Masonic Mems.
THE NEW POSTAL ARRANGEMENT . —On the 1 st of Octoher tlie new postal arrangement came into operation , "by which the postage of the MAGAZINE is reduced one-halfj of | which our subscribers will receive the full benefit . In future , those of our subscribers who pay one year in advance will receive the MAGAZINE post-free . The price of the MAGAZINE will thus he
reduced from 17 s . 4 d . to 13 s . per annum . Under this arrangement the following be the terms of subscription : —One year , paid in advance , 13 s . ; six months , 7 s . 9 d . ; single numbers by post , Sid . "We hope that by thus giving the advantage to our subscribers they will , in return , use their best endeavours to increase our circulation , by inducing their friends to become
subscribers . Anticipating a large increase in our circulation , arrangements are in progress for special new features in the MAGAZINE ,
The Provincial Grand Loclge of Leicestershire will be held , Tinder tbe auspices of the Yarborough Loclge , in the old Hall , Gainsborough , on Thursday , November 3 rd , at half-past one o'clock . The following is the agenda of the business : —The lodge will be called over ; the roll of Provincial Grand ¦ O fficers will be called ; the Minutes of the Annual Provincial
Grand Lodge , holden at Boston , on "Tuesday , the 27 th of July , 1869 , will be read and put for confirmation ; the Provincial Grand Treasurer will read his Finance Statement ; the Provincial Grand Secretary will read the Eoport of the Committee of thoProv . Gr . Lodge Fund of Benevolence , and an abstract of the accounts
to the present time ; the Provincial Grand Registrar will give the "Returns for tho past year from the several lodges in the province ; AV . Bro . W . H . Kadley , P . M ., 838 , Prov . J . G . W ., and Secretary to the Provincial Charity Committee , will read tho Beport for the past year ; W . Bro . Capt . E . Locoek , P . M ., 712 , ancl Prov . S . G . W ., will render an account of the various sums
subscribed by the Province , and presented by him as Steward at the Festival of the Boyal Masonic Institution for Boys , in March last ; XV . Bro . "W . Griffin , Prov . G . D . of C , will propose "That , for the future , the Annual Provincial Grand Lodge may always be holden on such day in the early part of the month of May , as the E . AV . the Prov . G . M . shall decide ; " the
Provincial Grand Secretary will propose * 'That the sum of ten guineas be given in the name of the Prov . G . L . to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , at the next festival , and that a Steward be appointed to represent the province on that occasion" ; tho Provincial Grand Loclge will proceed to elect a Prov . G . Treasurer ; the B . AV . Provincial Grand Master will invest the Provincial
Grand Officers for the ensuing year . The banquet will take place at 4 o ' clock . Application for tickets should bo made to Bro . Chas . E . Lucas , Prov . G . Secretary , Louth .
A new Lodge , styled the Asaph , No . 1 , 319 , is about to he consecrated at Freemasons' Hall . It has been originated by Bros . Jones , C . Coote , Chamberlain , and Weaver , and is intended to -suit the convenience of the Musical Profession , the members of which , generally , are unable to attend Masonic Lodges in the evening . The meetings will take place in the clay , and the labours of the lodge will close at such an hour as will enable the brethren to attend their professional duties .
Masonic Mems.
The BOYAL UNION LODGE ou INSTRUCTION ( 382 ) , now meets every Wednesday evening at 8 precisely , at Bz'o . Buddy ' s New Koorns , Winsley Street , Oxford Street ( opposite the Pantheon ) . The Prudent Brethren Chapter of Improvement ( No . 145 ) meets at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , on
Thursdays at seven o ' clock for ceremonies , lectures , explanations , and Illustrations . There will be a change of work every evening . THE BOBERT BURNS LOD & E OB I NSTRUCTION ( No . 25 ) , has commenced its winter session , and now meets every Friday evening at the Union Tavern , Air-street , Begent-street , at halfpast seven o ' clock .
A Lodge of Instruction under the sanction of the warrant of the St . John of AVapping Loclge , No . 1306 , will be held at Bro . Hay-ward's , the Gem Tavern and Hotel , High Street , "Wapping , every Monday evening , when all brethren are invited to attend . Bro . Thomas S . Mortlock , P . M . 186 , has kindly consented to act as Preeeptorfar a time .
EASTERN STAR LODGE ( NO 95 ) . —The regular meeting of this loclge was held ' at the Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall Street , on Tuesday , the 18 th inst . There were present : —Bros . G . Ayres , AV . M . j E . AV . Davis / JP . M ., ancl Treas . ; S . Clay , P . M . ; Goode , P . M . ; Sharp , P . M . ; Batemau , P . M . ; Hill , S . AV . ; Ducas , J . W . ; Weeks , S . D . ; M . Ayres , J . G . ; Edinger , Sec . Amongst the visitors present were Bros . Howard King , New Orleans , FrostHedgerLaytonWaltersWestwoodNoon . Bro .
, , , , , Harry Bateman was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft , and Messrs . Home and Wallace were initiated . Bro . AVicks consented to act as Steward at the festival of the Masonic Benevolent Fund , and two other brethren intimated their intention to act as Stewards for the Girl's and Boy ' s Schools . PEUDENT BRETHREN LODGE , ( NO . 145 ) . —The members of this distinguished and flourishing lodge held their first meeting
this season at the Freemason's Hall , Great Queen Street , on Tuesday last , the 25 th inst . Bro . Moore , AV . M ., in the chair of K . S . The business of the evening consisted of two initiations , two passings , ancl two raisings ; each ceremony being most impressively rendered by the W . M ., assisted by Bros . AValter , Jones , Bull , and John Boyd . After labour , the brethren , about fiftiu numberadjourned to tho banqueta sumptuous
entery , , tainment being provided under the able superintendence of Bro . 1 'rancatelli . Bro . Ireson , from Natal , returned thanks for the visitors , John Boyd for the Past Masters and Treasurer , G . S . States for the Secretary . The brethren retired in good time , after spending a most agreeable evening .
THE LODGE OP TEMPERANCE ( No . 169 ) . —This lodge held their regular meeting at the White Swan Tavern , High Street , Deptford , on Thursday evening , the 20 th inst . The officers , as usual , were most punctual in attendance . Bro . John Thomas Moss , A \ . M .. then opened the loclge assisted by the following officers , Bros . Alfred Pulley , S . W . ; AV . P . Marshall , S . W . ; J . Eavenstock , S . D . ; T . K . Tippetfc , J . D . ; N . Wing-field , P . M . I . G . The minutes of the previous loclge were read and confirmed , and
three candidates , who were desirous to be admitted into Freemasonry , not being iu attendance , their initiation was postponed until the next meeting . The loclge was then opened in the second degree , Bro . Copping being a candidate for the third degree answered and retired , and the loclge having been opened in the third degree , Bro . Copping was raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., and the lodge then closed in due form . Present : Bros . G . Brown , P . M . ; J . AA " . Barrett , P . M . ; J . T . Tihbals , P . M .
Hillstead ; Morgan ; Jingle ; Deavin ; Hall ; Kclvey ; J . T . H . Moss ; Leggett ; aucl several others , and Bro . Lightfoot , P . M ., as visitor . The brethren then adjourned to the banquet . After tbe usual loynl ancl Masonic toasts , Bro . Lightfoot replied for the visitors , and congratulated tho AV . M . on tlie excellent working of the lodge . The AV . M . proposed the officers of the lodge , and thanked them sincerely for their assistance , to which Bro . Alfred Pulley , S . W ., responded iu one of those cheering bursts of sen-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE MASONIC MIMOB . £ * AH communications to be addressed to the EDITOR , at No . 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , AV . C .
Masonic Mems.
THE NEW POSTAL ARRANGEMENT . —On the 1 st of Octoher tlie new postal arrangement came into operation , "by which the postage of the MAGAZINE is reduced one-halfj of | which our subscribers will receive the full benefit . In future , those of our subscribers who pay one year in advance will receive the MAGAZINE post-free . The price of the MAGAZINE will thus he
reduced from 17 s . 4 d . to 13 s . per annum . Under this arrangement the following be the terms of subscription : —One year , paid in advance , 13 s . ; six months , 7 s . 9 d . ; single numbers by post , Sid . "We hope that by thus giving the advantage to our subscribers they will , in return , use their best endeavours to increase our circulation , by inducing their friends to become
subscribers . Anticipating a large increase in our circulation , arrangements are in progress for special new features in the MAGAZINE ,
The Provincial Grand Loclge of Leicestershire will be held , Tinder tbe auspices of the Yarborough Loclge , in the old Hall , Gainsborough , on Thursday , November 3 rd , at half-past one o'clock . The following is the agenda of the business : —The lodge will be called over ; the roll of Provincial Grand ¦ O fficers will be called ; the Minutes of the Annual Provincial
Grand Lodge , holden at Boston , on "Tuesday , the 27 th of July , 1869 , will be read and put for confirmation ; the Provincial Grand Treasurer will read his Finance Statement ; the Provincial Grand Secretary will read the Eoport of the Committee of thoProv . Gr . Lodge Fund of Benevolence , and an abstract of the accounts
to the present time ; the Provincial Grand Registrar will give the "Returns for tho past year from the several lodges in the province ; AV . Bro . W . H . Kadley , P . M ., 838 , Prov . J . G . W ., and Secretary to the Provincial Charity Committee , will read tho Beport for the past year ; W . Bro . Capt . E . Locoek , P . M ., 712 , ancl Prov . S . G . W ., will render an account of the various sums
subscribed by the Province , and presented by him as Steward at the Festival of the Boyal Masonic Institution for Boys , in March last ; XV . Bro . "W . Griffin , Prov . G . D . of C , will propose "That , for the future , the Annual Provincial Grand Lodge may always be holden on such day in the early part of the month of May , as the E . AV . the Prov . G . M . shall decide ; " the
Provincial Grand Secretary will propose * 'That the sum of ten guineas be given in the name of the Prov . G . L . to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , at the next festival , and that a Steward be appointed to represent the province on that occasion" ; tho Provincial Grand Loclge will proceed to elect a Prov . G . Treasurer ; the B . AV . Provincial Grand Master will invest the Provincial
Grand Officers for the ensuing year . The banquet will take place at 4 o ' clock . Application for tickets should bo made to Bro . Chas . E . Lucas , Prov . G . Secretary , Louth .
A new Lodge , styled the Asaph , No . 1 , 319 , is about to he consecrated at Freemasons' Hall . It has been originated by Bros . Jones , C . Coote , Chamberlain , and Weaver , and is intended to -suit the convenience of the Musical Profession , the members of which , generally , are unable to attend Masonic Lodges in the evening . The meetings will take place in the clay , and the labours of the lodge will close at such an hour as will enable the brethren to attend their professional duties .
Masonic Mems.
The BOYAL UNION LODGE ou INSTRUCTION ( 382 ) , now meets every Wednesday evening at 8 precisely , at Bz'o . Buddy ' s New Koorns , Winsley Street , Oxford Street ( opposite the Pantheon ) . The Prudent Brethren Chapter of Improvement ( No . 145 ) meets at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , on
Thursdays at seven o ' clock for ceremonies , lectures , explanations , and Illustrations . There will be a change of work every evening . THE BOBERT BURNS LOD & E OB I NSTRUCTION ( No . 25 ) , has commenced its winter session , and now meets every Friday evening at the Union Tavern , Air-street , Begent-street , at halfpast seven o ' clock .
A Lodge of Instruction under the sanction of the warrant of the St . John of AVapping Loclge , No . 1306 , will be held at Bro . Hay-ward's , the Gem Tavern and Hotel , High Street , "Wapping , every Monday evening , when all brethren are invited to attend . Bro . Thomas S . Mortlock , P . M . 186 , has kindly consented to act as Preeeptorfar a time .
EASTERN STAR LODGE ( NO 95 ) . —The regular meeting of this loclge was held ' at the Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall Street , on Tuesday , the 18 th inst . There were present : —Bros . G . Ayres , AV . M . j E . AV . Davis / JP . M ., ancl Treas . ; S . Clay , P . M . ; Goode , P . M . ; Sharp , P . M . ; Batemau , P . M . ; Hill , S . AV . ; Ducas , J . W . ; Weeks , S . D . ; M . Ayres , J . G . ; Edinger , Sec . Amongst the visitors present were Bros . Howard King , New Orleans , FrostHedgerLaytonWaltersWestwoodNoon . Bro .
, , , , , Harry Bateman was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft , and Messrs . Home and Wallace were initiated . Bro . AVicks consented to act as Steward at the festival of the Masonic Benevolent Fund , and two other brethren intimated their intention to act as Stewards for the Girl's and Boy ' s Schools . PEUDENT BRETHREN LODGE , ( NO . 145 ) . —The members of this distinguished and flourishing lodge held their first meeting
this season at the Freemason's Hall , Great Queen Street , on Tuesday last , the 25 th inst . Bro . Moore , AV . M ., in the chair of K . S . The business of the evening consisted of two initiations , two passings , ancl two raisings ; each ceremony being most impressively rendered by the W . M ., assisted by Bros . AValter , Jones , Bull , and John Boyd . After labour , the brethren , about fiftiu numberadjourned to tho banqueta sumptuous
entery , , tainment being provided under the able superintendence of Bro . 1 'rancatelli . Bro . Ireson , from Natal , returned thanks for the visitors , John Boyd for the Past Masters and Treasurer , G . S . States for the Secretary . The brethren retired in good time , after spending a most agreeable evening .
THE LODGE OP TEMPERANCE ( No . 169 ) . —This lodge held their regular meeting at the White Swan Tavern , High Street , Deptford , on Thursday evening , the 20 th inst . The officers , as usual , were most punctual in attendance . Bro . John Thomas Moss , A \ . M .. then opened the loclge assisted by the following officers , Bros . Alfred Pulley , S . W . ; AV . P . Marshall , S . W . ; J . Eavenstock , S . D . ; T . K . Tippetfc , J . D . ; N . Wing-field , P . M . I . G . The minutes of the previous loclge were read and confirmed , and
three candidates , who were desirous to be admitted into Freemasonry , not being iu attendance , their initiation was postponed until the next meeting . The loclge was then opened in the second degree , Bro . Copping being a candidate for the third degree answered and retired , and the loclge having been opened in the third degree , Bro . Copping was raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., and the lodge then closed in due form . Present : Bros . G . Brown , P . M . ; J . AA " . Barrett , P . M . ; J . T . Tihbals , P . M .
Hillstead ; Morgan ; Jingle ; Deavin ; Hall ; Kclvey ; J . T . H . Moss ; Leggett ; aucl several others , and Bro . Lightfoot , P . M ., as visitor . The brethren then adjourned to the banquet . After tbe usual loynl ancl Masonic toasts , Bro . Lightfoot replied for the visitors , and congratulated tho AV . M . on tlie excellent working of the lodge . The AV . M . proposed the officers of the lodge , and thanked them sincerely for their assistance , to which Bro . Alfred Pulley , S . W ., responded iu one of those cheering bursts of sen-