Article THORNTON JOHN HERAPATH, F.C.S. ← Page 5 of 7 →
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Thornton John Herapath, F.C.S.
14 . Analysis of a Bituminous Coal from Barbadoes . —Chem . Gaz ., Nov-1 , 18-18 . 15 . Analyses of the Waters of the river Exe , and of the Bath Water Works . —Chem . Gaz ., Nov . 1 , 18-1 S . 16 . On the Composition and Distribution of the Inorganic Constituents of the different Organs and Component parts of the Mulberry
Tree . —Quar . Jonrn . Chem . Soc „ Feb . 7 , 1848 . 17 . On Superphosphate of Lime . —Chem . Times , Dec . 23 , 18-18 . 18 . Analysis of a peculiar Fatty Matter contained in au Ovarian Cyst . —Chem . Gaz ., March 15 , 1849 . 19 . Analysis of a Native Phosphatic Earth . —Chem . Gaz ., Feb . 15 , 1849 20 . Analyses of the Ashes of some Esculent Vegetables . —Quar . Jou . m
Chem . Sac , Nov . 20 . 18-1 S . 21 . On some newly discovered Substances from the African Guano Deposits . —Quar . Journ . Chan . Soc , April , 1849 . 22 . On some Combinations of Bc-racic Acid with Oxide of Lead . —Philo . Maa . —May , 1849 .
23 . On the Employment of the llefuso of the Paper Manufacturers as Manure—Chem . Times , Slay 12 , 1849 . 24 . Analysis of a Medicinal Water from the nei ghbourhood of Bristol . — Quar . Journ . Chem . Soc , Oct . 1 . 1849 . 25 . Observations upon the Composition of a Calculus from a Moukcv's Liver . —Chem . Gaz ,, Oct . 1 , 1849 . 26 . Lcttcron Indelible Ink . —Cham . Journ ., Oct . 13 , 18 . 1-9 .
27 . Detection of Carbonate of Ammonia in Cholera Evacuations . —London Med . Gaz ., Oct , 12 , 1849 . _ 28 . An Account of certain Chemical and Microscopic . Researches on the Blood , Excretions , and Breath iu Cholera . — -London Med : Gaz ., Nov . 17 , 1849 . 29 . Chemical Examination of Coproltic Remains from different Parts of England . —Chem . Gaz . Nov . 161849 .
, , 30 . On ihe Improvement of Laud by Working . St . On the Jatropha Manure . 12 . On a Mode of Extracting Manure from Sewage Water . 13 . On an Analysis of a Chalybeate Water from the Neighbourhood of Brecon .
3-i . On lire Jt / Xistencc of Strontia m the Well-waters of Bristol . 85 . On the Waters of the Dead Sea . 86 . Paper on Soap . 87 . On an Improved Colorimeter . 38 . On the Combination of Arseniotis Acid with Albumen . —( Controversy with Dr . Muspratt . 39 . On the Marking Ink of the ancient Egyptians . —Phil . Mag ., 1858 .
-10 . On the Waters of Bristol . —Bristol Mercury , June 1853 . 41 . On tiie l . 'otatoe Disease . —Bristol jl / crc w // , Aug . 1858 . P > . On Fluorine iu the Feathers of Birds . —( Bristol Phil . Soc . ) 43 . On the Grass Disease . —Bristol Mer ., Jan . 185-4 . 44 . On the Discovery by W . Herapath of Prussic Acid in the Bodj eight months after death . — -Chemist . 15 . On the Estimation of Aconitina . —Chemist .
46 . On the Poisonous Alkaloids . —( Bristol Phil . Soc , Jlay , 1854 . 47 . On the Adulteration of Beer with Cocculus . —Bristol Mer ., 1854 . 48 . On the Detection of i . 'ierotosia , —Chemist . 49 . On a New Test for Formic Acid , Chemist .
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Thornton John Herapath, F.C.S.
14 . Analysis of a Bituminous Coal from Barbadoes . —Chem . Gaz ., Nov-1 , 18-18 . 15 . Analyses of the Waters of the river Exe , and of the Bath Water Works . —Chem . Gaz ., Nov . 1 , 18-1 S . 16 . On the Composition and Distribution of the Inorganic Constituents of the different Organs and Component parts of the Mulberry
Tree . —Quar . Jonrn . Chem . Soc „ Feb . 7 , 1848 . 17 . On Superphosphate of Lime . —Chem . Times , Dec . 23 , 18-18 . 18 . Analysis of a peculiar Fatty Matter contained in au Ovarian Cyst . —Chem . Gaz ., March 15 , 1849 . 19 . Analysis of a Native Phosphatic Earth . —Chem . Gaz ., Feb . 15 , 1849 20 . Analyses of the Ashes of some Esculent Vegetables . —Quar . Jou . m
Chem . Sac , Nov . 20 . 18-1 S . 21 . On some newly discovered Substances from the African Guano Deposits . —Quar . Journ . Chan . Soc , April , 1849 . 22 . On some Combinations of Bc-racic Acid with Oxide of Lead . —Philo . Maa . —May , 1849 .
23 . On the Employment of the llefuso of the Paper Manufacturers as Manure—Chem . Times , Slay 12 , 1849 . 24 . Analysis of a Medicinal Water from the nei ghbourhood of Bristol . — Quar . Journ . Chem . Soc , Oct . 1 . 1849 . 25 . Observations upon the Composition of a Calculus from a Moukcv's Liver . —Chem . Gaz ,, Oct . 1 , 1849 . 26 . Lcttcron Indelible Ink . —Cham . Journ ., Oct . 13 , 18 . 1-9 .
27 . Detection of Carbonate of Ammonia in Cholera Evacuations . —London Med . Gaz ., Oct , 12 , 1849 . _ 28 . An Account of certain Chemical and Microscopic . Researches on the Blood , Excretions , and Breath iu Cholera . — -London Med : Gaz ., Nov . 17 , 1849 . 29 . Chemical Examination of Coproltic Remains from different Parts of England . —Chem . Gaz . Nov . 161849 .
, , 30 . On ihe Improvement of Laud by Working . St . On the Jatropha Manure . 12 . On a Mode of Extracting Manure from Sewage Water . 13 . On an Analysis of a Chalybeate Water from the Neighbourhood of Brecon .
3-i . On lire Jt / Xistencc of Strontia m the Well-waters of Bristol . 85 . On the Waters of the Dead Sea . 86 . Paper on Soap . 87 . On an Improved Colorimeter . 38 . On the Combination of Arseniotis Acid with Albumen . —( Controversy with Dr . Muspratt . 39 . On the Marking Ink of the ancient Egyptians . —Phil . Mag ., 1858 .
-10 . On the Waters of Bristol . —Bristol Mercury , June 1853 . 41 . On tiie l . 'otatoe Disease . —Bristol jl / crc w // , Aug . 1858 . P > . On Fluorine iu the Feathers of Birds . —( Bristol Phil . Soc . ) 43 . On the Grass Disease . —Bristol Mer ., Jan . 185-4 . 44 . On the Discovery by W . Herapath of Prussic Acid in the Bodj eight months after death . — -Chemist . 15 . On the Estimation of Aconitina . —Chemist .
46 . On the Poisonous Alkaloids . —( Bristol Phil . Soc , Jlay , 1854 . 47 . On the Adulteration of Beer with Cocculus . —Bristol Mer ., 1854 . 48 . On the Detection of i . 'ierotosia , —Chemist . 49 . On a New Test for Formic Acid , Chemist .