Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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Masonic Mems.
THEMASONICMIBROR. * % * ill communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury . street , Strand , London , AV . C .
THISTLE MAKE LODGE ( SO . 8 ) will be held on Friday , April 5 th , at 14 , Bedford-row , Holborn , about six . p . m . SOUTUAVAEK MAEK LODGE ( NO . 22 ) will be held on Monday , April 1 st , at the Green Man Tavern , Tooley-street , Southward , at 6 . 30 p . m . punctual . SAJISOJT ASD LION MAHK LODGE ( NO . 86 ) will be held on Wednesday , April 3 rd , at 14 , Bedford-row . Holbom , at six p . m .
PXTHAGOEEAK LODGE ( No . 79 ) . —This old-established lodge ivas held at the Lecture Hall , Greenwich , on Monday , the 26 th inst . Bro . R . A . Trill , AV . M ., presided , and there were present—Bros . J . H . H . Doughney , S . AV . ; E . Bonay , J . AV . ; W . C . Penny , P . M ., Treas . ; J . C . Peekham , P . M ., Sec . ; T . Penidge , S . D . ; Burls , J . D . ; Nash , I . G . ; J . Hasler , P . M . ; H . A . Collington , P . M . ; JDorling , P . M ., and other members . Two candidates
¦ were ably initiated into ancient Freemasonry iu an efficient manner . Ten guineas were unanimously voted to the Girls ' School . Five guineas were unanimously voted to the Boys ' School , and ordered by the W . M . to be placed on the list of Bro . H . A . Collington , P . M ., who had stood Steward for that charity at the festival held on March 13 th last . The fees for initiation and joining were raisedfor the former eihtand the
, g , latter four guineas . It ivasarranged to support all the Masonic charities in future by a well-developed plan of taking certain fees from every source of revenue . The lodge was duly closed . The usual banquet folloii-ed at Bro . J . Moore's , Globe Tavern , Eoyal-hill , Greenwich . The visitors were—Bros . A . H . Tattershall , AA . M . 13 , S . AA ' . 140 ; F . Walters , P . M . 73 , 147 , Sec , Dir . of Cers . 871 ; E . J . B . BunisteadP . M . Sec 54 SJWT
, , . ; .. . Barrett , I . G . 871 , and others . Sr . GEOEGE ' LODGE ( NO . 140 ) . —This old , prosperous lodge , met , as usual , at the Lecture Hall , Greenwich , on Wednesday , " the 20 fch hist . Bro . W . Noak , W . M ., presided , assisted by Bros . A . H . Tattershall , S . AV . ; E . AA ^ . Pook , J . AV . ; H . A . Collington ,
P . M ., Sec ; Hudson , S . D . ; Johnson , J . D . ; AVebster , I . G . ; F . Walters , P . M . 73 , as P . M . at the opening of the lodge- One brother was raised to the third degree in an able and efficient manner . Ten guineas were voted to the Boys' School . The lodge was closed . The brethren adjourned to Bro . J . Moore ' s , Globe Tavern , Royal-hill , Greenivich , ivhere an excellent repast ivas prepared for them . LODGE OE 'TEMrEEAycE ( No . 169 ) . —On Thursdaythe 21 st
, inst ., at the AVhite Swan Tavern , High-street , Deptford , this old lodge met . Bro . Payne , AV . M ., presided , and there were present —Bros . J . T . Moss , S . W . ; R . Moore , P . M ., as J . AA . ; G . Brown , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Tibbals , P . M ., Sec ; A . Pulley , S . D . ; Att , J . D . ; Woodland , I . G . ; G . Bolton , P . M . ; J . Searle , P . M . ; N . Wingfield , P . M . ; J . Barrett , P . M . ; Nowlan , P . M ., and many members . One brother was raisedtwo brethren passedand
^ , , a candidate initiated ; all ceremonies being well done . Two gentlemen ivere proposed for initiation . The lodge was closed . The usual refreshment followed . Visitors—Bros . F . AValters P . M . 73 ; J . ^ Lightfoot , P . M ., Treas . 147 ; E . J . B . Bumstead ' P . M ., Sec . 578 , and several others . NEISOS LODGE ( No . 700 ) . —At the Freemasons' Hall , WilliamstreetWoolwichthis nourishing lod held The work
, , ge was . done was one raising , one passinsr , and four initiations , all of which were ably done , and reflected arrest credit on the AA ' . M ., Bro . F . J . Dawson . The lodge was closed . A'isitors—J Graydon , P . M . 13 ; F . AValters , P . M . 73 ; J . Percival , J . D . 147 , and several others .
Dome LODGE OF IXSTRUCTIOX ( NO . 933 ) . —On Friday , the 22 nd mst ., a numerous gathering of the East-end brethren met at Bro . Scurrs , tho Three Cranes Tavern , Milo-ond-i-oad , for tho purpose of assisting in tho ivorking of tho fifteen sections . Bro . Scui-r having opened tho lodge , proceeded to work the sections , in ivhieh he ivas assisted by ' the folloiving brethren :
Tho first section of tho first lecture by Bro . Saqui , the second by Bro . Yotton , tho third by Bro . Austin , tho fourth by Bro . Stevens , tho fifth by Bro . Saqui , tho sixth by Bro . Gotheil , aud tho seventh by JBro . Barnes ; tho first section of tho second looturo by Bro . Stevens , tho second by Bro . BOAATOU , tho third by Bro- Saqui , tho fourth by Bro . Barnes , aud tho fifth by Bro . Boivrou : tho first section of the third lecture b'Bro . Yottontho
y . , second by Bro . Stevens , and tho third by Bro . Barnes . Tho ivay in which tho answers were given by all tho brethren proved the attention and zeal they had given to tho lectures , and evinced a dosiro to become perfect in tho beautiful languages embodied in Fioomasoury , indeed , special reference should be made to tho perfect and faultless manner in ivhieh Bro . Barnos gave the long illustrations , and also to Bros . Yotton ancl Austin , thanks
both oi ivhom are very young Masons . A cordial i-oto of , to Bro . Scurr was accorded to him for tho ablo and efficient manner in which ho performed the duties of tho chair , and the lodgo was closed at ton o'clock . Tho fifteen sections aro ivorkod in this Lodgo of Instruction ovory three months . Many brethren ivill , no doubt , bo glad to hear this , and it is to bo Jhoped that all those brethren ivho live in tho locality will avail themselves of this lodgo of instruction , and particularly thoso who seek to obtain high honours , so that ivhen they shall bo called upon they may be able to perform thoir duties in a proper manner .
DURHAM . HARTLEPOOL . —St . Helen ' s Lodge ( No . 531 ) . —On tho 21 st inst ., a Master ' s lodgo ivas holden at tho Masonic Hall , Regent ' ssquare , when tho folloiving brethren ivere present : Bros . J . Siveivright , AV . M . ; Emra Holmes Acting S . W . ; J . J . Armstrong , S . D ., Acting J . AV . ; A . Nathan , I . P . M . ; G . Carter , Sec . ; Stonier Leigh , R . Corner , J . D ., & c , & c , and visiting brother C . Jacobson , St . George's Lodgo , 431 . Tho lodgo having been
opened in ancient form and ivith solemn prayer , it ivas raised to tho second degree , and Bro . J . Marshall , a candidate for the third having been examined , and proving himself duly qualified , ho Ai-as entrusted , and tho lodge being previously raised to the third degren , ho ivas initiated into tho mysteries of the sublime degree of M . M . Tho beautiful ceremony was ably conducted by tho AA' . M ., and at its conclusion , thoro being no other business , lodgo ivas closedand tho brethren retired to refreshment . Tho usual
, loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to ivith true Masonic ardour , and tho toast of tho oi-ening , " Our Visiting Brother , " ' ivas prefaced by somo happy and very ivell chosen remarks ou tho subject of Masonic hospitality , by the ivorthy and AVorshipful brother , who so ably presided . The brethren separated at a lato hour .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . WAEEINGIOX . —Lodge of Lights ( No . 148 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday the 25 th inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Sankey-street , at 6 . 30 p . m . The AA . M .. Bro . Robert Stevenson , presided , and was supported hy Bros . AA ' . Smith , as S . AA' . ; David Finney , J . W . ; H . B- AVhite ,. P . M . & c .: John BowesP . M . & c . ; Joseph MaxfieldP . M . ; AV .
, , , , Mossop , S . D . ; AA' . Richardson , J . D . ; Horatio Syred , Arthur AA aring , E . Talbot , Philip Smith , Henry Cunningham , John LaitliAvaite , Thomas Jones , Jos . Robinson , W . Savage , Christop Ekkert , Org . ; Thomas Domville , Robert Richardson , Jabez Plinston , John Pierpoint , AA ' . AVoods , B . P . Coxon , CF . ; Geo . Blaclfhiirsc , P . Pearse , -Jos . Robinson , I . G . ; James Johnson , Tyler . Visitor , Bro . JDr . Cooper , 758 . The lodge was opened
in due form , when the minutes of the previous meeting ivere declared to be correctly recorded . The ballot was then taken for a joining member , who was duly elected ; also for a gentleman proposed for initiation , ivho Avas rejected . Bro . John Laithwaite being a candidate for promotion , and having proved his claim , was entrusted , and retired . . The lodge was opened in the second degree . Bro . Laithwaite re-admitted , and passed
by the AA ' . M . Bros . P . Smith , Jos . Robinson , and Robert Richardson now claimed preferment , and having sustained their claim , were entrusted . The lodge was opened in the third degree , the three brethren re-admitted , and raised by the W . M ., assisted by Bros . Boives and H . B . AVhite . The lodge was closed down to the first degree . Grand Lodge certificates were delivered to , and duly signed by , Bros . Talbot and Domville . Two gentlemen were proposed for initiation . Notice of motion was given as to raising the initiation fee . There being no
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mems.
THEMASONICMIBROR. * % * ill communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury . street , Strand , London , AV . C .
THISTLE MAKE LODGE ( SO . 8 ) will be held on Friday , April 5 th , at 14 , Bedford-row , Holborn , about six . p . m . SOUTUAVAEK MAEK LODGE ( NO . 22 ) will be held on Monday , April 1 st , at the Green Man Tavern , Tooley-street , Southward , at 6 . 30 p . m . punctual . SAJISOJT ASD LION MAHK LODGE ( NO . 86 ) will be held on Wednesday , April 3 rd , at 14 , Bedford-row . Holbom , at six p . m .
PXTHAGOEEAK LODGE ( No . 79 ) . —This old-established lodge ivas held at the Lecture Hall , Greenwich , on Monday , the 26 th inst . Bro . R . A . Trill , AV . M ., presided , and there were present—Bros . J . H . H . Doughney , S . AV . ; E . Bonay , J . AV . ; W . C . Penny , P . M ., Treas . ; J . C . Peekham , P . M ., Sec . ; T . Penidge , S . D . ; Burls , J . D . ; Nash , I . G . ; J . Hasler , P . M . ; H . A . Collington , P . M . ; JDorling , P . M ., and other members . Two candidates
¦ were ably initiated into ancient Freemasonry iu an efficient manner . Ten guineas were unanimously voted to the Girls ' School . Five guineas were unanimously voted to the Boys ' School , and ordered by the W . M . to be placed on the list of Bro . H . A . Collington , P . M ., who had stood Steward for that charity at the festival held on March 13 th last . The fees for initiation and joining were raisedfor the former eihtand the
, g , latter four guineas . It ivasarranged to support all the Masonic charities in future by a well-developed plan of taking certain fees from every source of revenue . The lodge was duly closed . The usual banquet folloii-ed at Bro . J . Moore's , Globe Tavern , Eoyal-hill , Greenwich . The visitors were—Bros . A . H . Tattershall , AA . M . 13 , S . AA ' . 140 ; F . Walters , P . M . 73 , 147 , Sec , Dir . of Cers . 871 ; E . J . B . BunisteadP . M . Sec 54 SJWT
, , . ; .. . Barrett , I . G . 871 , and others . Sr . GEOEGE ' LODGE ( NO . 140 ) . —This old , prosperous lodge , met , as usual , at the Lecture Hall , Greenwich , on Wednesday , " the 20 fch hist . Bro . W . Noak , W . M ., presided , assisted by Bros . A . H . Tattershall , S . AV . ; E . AA ^ . Pook , J . AV . ; H . A . Collington ,
P . M ., Sec ; Hudson , S . D . ; Johnson , J . D . ; AVebster , I . G . ; F . Walters , P . M . 73 , as P . M . at the opening of the lodge- One brother was raised to the third degree in an able and efficient manner . Ten guineas were voted to the Boys' School . The lodge was closed . The brethren adjourned to Bro . J . Moore ' s , Globe Tavern , Royal-hill , Greenivich , ivhere an excellent repast ivas prepared for them . LODGE OE 'TEMrEEAycE ( No . 169 ) . —On Thursdaythe 21 st
, inst ., at the AVhite Swan Tavern , High-street , Deptford , this old lodge met . Bro . Payne , AV . M ., presided , and there were present —Bros . J . T . Moss , S . W . ; R . Moore , P . M ., as J . AA . ; G . Brown , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Tibbals , P . M ., Sec ; A . Pulley , S . D . ; Att , J . D . ; Woodland , I . G . ; G . Bolton , P . M . ; J . Searle , P . M . ; N . Wingfield , P . M . ; J . Barrett , P . M . ; Nowlan , P . M ., and many members . One brother was raisedtwo brethren passedand
^ , , a candidate initiated ; all ceremonies being well done . Two gentlemen ivere proposed for initiation . The lodge was closed . The usual refreshment followed . Visitors—Bros . F . AValters P . M . 73 ; J . ^ Lightfoot , P . M ., Treas . 147 ; E . J . B . Bumstead ' P . M ., Sec . 578 , and several others . NEISOS LODGE ( No . 700 ) . —At the Freemasons' Hall , WilliamstreetWoolwichthis nourishing lod held The work
, , ge was . done was one raising , one passinsr , and four initiations , all of which were ably done , and reflected arrest credit on the AA ' . M ., Bro . F . J . Dawson . The lodge was closed . A'isitors—J Graydon , P . M . 13 ; F . AValters , P . M . 73 ; J . Percival , J . D . 147 , and several others .
Dome LODGE OF IXSTRUCTIOX ( NO . 933 ) . —On Friday , the 22 nd mst ., a numerous gathering of the East-end brethren met at Bro . Scurrs , tho Three Cranes Tavern , Milo-ond-i-oad , for tho purpose of assisting in tho ivorking of tho fifteen sections . Bro . Scui-r having opened tho lodge , proceeded to work the sections , in ivhieh he ivas assisted by ' the folloiving brethren :
Tho first section of tho first lecture by Bro . Saqui , the second by Bro . Yotton , tho third by Bro . Austin , tho fourth by Bro . Stevens , tho fifth by Bro . Saqui , tho sixth by Bro . Gotheil , aud tho seventh by JBro . Barnes ; tho first section of tho second looturo by Bro . Stevens , tho second by Bro . BOAATOU , tho third by Bro- Saqui , tho fourth by Bro . Barnes , aud tho fifth by Bro . Boivrou : tho first section of the third lecture b'Bro . Yottontho
y . , second by Bro . Stevens , and tho third by Bro . Barnes . Tho ivay in which tho answers were given by all tho brethren proved the attention and zeal they had given to tho lectures , and evinced a dosiro to become perfect in tho beautiful languages embodied in Fioomasoury , indeed , special reference should be made to tho perfect and faultless manner in ivhieh Bro . Barnos gave the long illustrations , and also to Bros . Yotton ancl Austin , thanks
both oi ivhom are very young Masons . A cordial i-oto of , to Bro . Scurr was accorded to him for tho ablo and efficient manner in which ho performed the duties of tho chair , and the lodgo was closed at ton o'clock . Tho fifteen sections aro ivorkod in this Lodgo of Instruction ovory three months . Many brethren ivill , no doubt , bo glad to hear this , and it is to bo Jhoped that all those brethren ivho live in tho locality will avail themselves of this lodgo of instruction , and particularly thoso who seek to obtain high honours , so that ivhen they shall bo called upon they may be able to perform thoir duties in a proper manner .
DURHAM . HARTLEPOOL . —St . Helen ' s Lodge ( No . 531 ) . —On tho 21 st inst ., a Master ' s lodgo ivas holden at tho Masonic Hall , Regent ' ssquare , when tho folloiving brethren ivere present : Bros . J . Siveivright , AV . M . ; Emra Holmes Acting S . W . ; J . J . Armstrong , S . D ., Acting J . AV . ; A . Nathan , I . P . M . ; G . Carter , Sec . ; Stonier Leigh , R . Corner , J . D ., & c , & c , and visiting brother C . Jacobson , St . George's Lodgo , 431 . Tho lodgo having been
opened in ancient form and ivith solemn prayer , it ivas raised to tho second degree , and Bro . J . Marshall , a candidate for the third having been examined , and proving himself duly qualified , ho Ai-as entrusted , and tho lodge being previously raised to the third degren , ho ivas initiated into tho mysteries of the sublime degree of M . M . Tho beautiful ceremony was ably conducted by tho AA' . M ., and at its conclusion , thoro being no other business , lodgo ivas closedand tho brethren retired to refreshment . Tho usual
, loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to ivith true Masonic ardour , and tho toast of tho oi-ening , " Our Visiting Brother , " ' ivas prefaced by somo happy and very ivell chosen remarks ou tho subject of Masonic hospitality , by the ivorthy and AVorshipful brother , who so ably presided . The brethren separated at a lato hour .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . WAEEINGIOX . —Lodge of Lights ( No . 148 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday the 25 th inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Sankey-street , at 6 . 30 p . m . The AA . M .. Bro . Robert Stevenson , presided , and was supported hy Bros . AA ' . Smith , as S . AA' . ; David Finney , J . W . ; H . B- AVhite ,. P . M . & c .: John BowesP . M . & c . ; Joseph MaxfieldP . M . ; AV .
, , , , Mossop , S . D . ; AA' . Richardson , J . D . ; Horatio Syred , Arthur AA aring , E . Talbot , Philip Smith , Henry Cunningham , John LaitliAvaite , Thomas Jones , Jos . Robinson , W . Savage , Christop Ekkert , Org . ; Thomas Domville , Robert Richardson , Jabez Plinston , John Pierpoint , AA ' . AVoods , B . P . Coxon , CF . ; Geo . Blaclfhiirsc , P . Pearse , -Jos . Robinson , I . G . ; James Johnson , Tyler . Visitor , Bro . JDr . Cooper , 758 . The lodge was opened
in due form , when the minutes of the previous meeting ivere declared to be correctly recorded . The ballot was then taken for a joining member , who was duly elected ; also for a gentleman proposed for initiation , ivho Avas rejected . Bro . John Laithwaite being a candidate for promotion , and having proved his claim , was entrusted , and retired . . The lodge was opened in the second degree . Bro . Laithwaite re-admitted , and passed
by the AA ' . M . Bros . P . Smith , Jos . Robinson , and Robert Richardson now claimed preferment , and having sustained their claim , were entrusted . The lodge was opened in the third degree , the three brethren re-admitted , and raised by the W . M ., assisted by Bros . Boives and H . B . AVhite . The lodge was closed down to the first degree . Grand Lodge certificates were delivered to , and duly signed by , Bros . Talbot and Domville . Two gentlemen were proposed for initiation . Notice of motion was given as to raising the initiation fee . There being no