Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 3 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 1 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 1 Article TURKEY. Page 1 of 2 →
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Blaster's word ive shall be raised to that blissful Lodge which time can never change . There light shall reign unbroken and perpetual . There , under the smiles of immutable love , and beneath the benignant ray of the All-seeing Eye , we cherish the . hope that we shall meet again—meet to part no more . "The whole concluded with the following prayer : — Almighty and Most Merciful Father ! we adore Thee as tho God of time and of eternity . As it has pleased Thee to take
from the light of our abode one dear to our hearts , ive beseech Thee to bless and sanctify to us this dispensation of Thy , providence . Inspire our hearts with wisdom from on high , that we may glorify Thee in all our ways , and when our toils on earth shall have ceased , may ive be raised to fadeless light and immortul life iu that kingdom , where faith and hope shall end , and love and joy prevail through eternal ages . And Thine , 0 'JKigliteous Father , shall be the glory for ever . Amen . Amen . So mote it be .
And now , beloved bvotlier , farewell , friend of our hearts , rest ¦ in peace . Raised by the Grand Master's AA ' ord , m-. iyest thou share the blessings of immortal life and unfading glory . YORKSHIRE ( AA'EST ) . BRADFORD . —Lodge of Hope ( No . 302 ) . —This lodge met at the Masonic Kail on the 18 th inst . and was properly opened in
, the first degree at seven p . m . The AV . M ., Bro . J . Gaunt , ivas supported by P . JI . 's Mathews , Mawson , H . 0 . Man-son , M . Rhodes , C . H . Taylor , Thomas Hill , James Lumb , A . Hunter , M . Rogerson , J . Schaeppi , H . Butterworth , and forty-two other brethren . Mr . F . Mawson having signed the declaration , was initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry by the AA ' . M . Bro . Timperley having repeated his oath and obligation , and answered
the necessary questions , the brethren approved of his examination , and voted he should be passed to the degree of F . C . The lodge was then duly opened in the second degree , and Bro . Timperley was passed to the degree of F . C . by the AA ' . M ., assisted by Bro . M . Rhodes , P . M . Bro . John Savage having satisfactorily repeated his oath and obligation , aud answered the necessary questions in the second degree , it was voted he should be raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The lodge was then
duly and properly opened in the third degree , and Bro . John Savage was raised to the sublime decree of M . M . by the W . JI ., who gave the ritualistic and historical portions in a manner that was worthy of the most experienced Masou . The lodge was then lowered to the second , and from that to the first degree , in due form . The Secretary then read a letter from the Right Hon . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , D . G . M . of all Englandand R . AA ' . Prov . G . M . of West Yorkshireexpressing
, , liis great pleasure in having been elected a honorary member fif the Lodge of Hope—a lodgo which had so distinguished itself by its zeal to our Masonic charities . After the proposition of a candidate the lodge n-as closed according to ancient custom , and in perfect harmony , at 9 . 30 p . m .
Channel Islands.
GUERNSEY . LOYALTY LODGE ( NO . 243 ) . —The regular monthly meeting held on AVednesday , March 20 th , at tiie Masonic Rooms , was attended by only eight of the members and three visitors , namely , Bros . Dr . Hopkins , P . M „ 43 and 958 , & c . ; Nigris and Sarchet . The lodge was opened at twenty minutes to eight by Bro . Le PageP . M . acting as AA ' Massisted bBroBrouard
, , .., y . , I . P . M .. Bro . AA ' akley , S . AA ' ., ancl Bro . Le Page , jun ., acting as . LAV . The Secretary was called upon to read the minutes of the previous meeting , when Bro . AA ' akley suggested that as on that occasion visitors had been requested to retire during the discussion on certain points connected with the internal arrangements of the lodge , it wns equally desirable that the same course should be adopted on this occasion while the minutes were lieing
read . Bros . Le Page and Brouard having expressed their concurrence , the visitors , at the request of the AA ' . M ., withdrew . On their re-admission , Bro . Dr . Hopkins , by permission of the W . M ., observed that in common cotirtsey he ' had complied with the wish of the lodge ou this as on the previous evening , but he thought it AV . IS an open question whether he might not have acted otherwise by resisting the proposition , as he doubted Avhether such a requirement was in accordance with JIasonie practice . Anticipating the possibilit y if such an occu < - - - - ., it
Channel Islands.
had been his intention to be prepared before presenting himself at the lodge , but full occupation had prevented it . Admitting the desirability of dismissing visitors during private discussions , he considered that the minutes when passed were to a certain extent public property , and that the step ivhieh had been taken was a violation of Masonic propriety and custom on the part of the lodge : in fact , he had come with the especial hope to hear those minutes , as embodying the result of the former discussion
on an important point , which affected the province generally , and from which he had been excluded . This view was combated by Bros . Le Page and Brouard , who said that the lodge could at any time form itself into committee on any private matter not affecting any others than its members . Bro . Dr . Hopkins contended that the reading of the minutes was not a private matter , that no such formal course had been taken , and that , even if it had beenMasonic custom ivould sanction it only after
, the reading of the minutes , in case a discussion should arise thereon . In consequence of the resignation of membership by the AA' . M . and S . W . of the lodge , two vacancies in the Audit Committee arose , and their places were supplied by Bro . Armstrong , P . M ., and Bro . Le Page , jun . Several circulars were read , and no other business presenting itself , the lodge was closed at a quarter to nine .
NOTE . —The correspondent of the MAGAZISE desires to put before its readers the question mooted in the above report , aud to ask for a solution of it by those who hy JIasonie rank , authority , and experience , are competent to form an opinion . Let it be distinctly understood , as admitted , that the members of a lodge have an undoubted right ( not according to the Book of Constitutions , for the question is not there referred to , but bMasonic custom and propriety ) to request visitors to retire
y during discussion on matters ivhieh affect no others thau themselves . The point is this—whether the custom extends to exclusion during the reading of the minutes , itbeiug maintained that it should have been required only during any discussion which might arise thereon .
CONS TANTINO PLE . The report of the late celebration of the St . John's Festival , at Constantinople , and the installation of Bro . G . R . AA ' anen , of tiie Oriental Lodge , which , it appears , was transmitted by the Austrian post from the Ottoman capital , never reached us , and we are therefore ignorant of what caused our correspondent ' s letter to be stopped in Austria , where , as it is well known , Masonry continues to be under the law of the authorities . AA ' e
are glad to be able to announce the continued progress of the Oriental Lodge ( No . GS 7 ) , under the zealous and enlightened presidency of Bro . G . R . Wanen , one of the most indefatigable Masons in Turkey . Since his accession to the chair , the lodge , which during the last year ivas iu rather a stationary , if not declining state , has once more assumed a healthy tone of improvement , additional members having been added to its roll ,
and , Avith the judicious efforts of Bro . Mountain , P . M . aud Treas ., the finances of the lodge have been placed in a most satisfactory position , and there is now a handsome sum well invested in Imperial Ottoman Bank Shares . Bro . AA ' anen has been very fortunate in the selection of Bros . Newbolt and Arnold as S . and J . AA ' . 's , ivhose devotedness to the Craft , and general efficiency , promises well for their future services .
Although thus properly praising the much-respected Treasurer and AA ' ardens , it is but fair to the other officers of the lodge to state that they do their best in their respective positions . At the meeting of the lodge held on the 15 th ult ., Bro . ^ Y . W . Evans , P . JI ., and one of the founders , was presented with a very handsome P . JI . ' s jewel , this not being the first time that this worthy brother has had his eminent services recognised by the Craft in Turkey . On the same occasion , the veteran Tyler ,
Bro . Cipcioti , AVUS decorated with a Tyler ' s jewel , as a mark of esteem and recognition of his services during the ten years which has elapsed since the foundation of the lodge . In the Leinster Lodge ( No . 166 ) meeting , at Buynkde ' re , on the Bosphorus , Bro . R . A . Carleton has succeeded Bro . G . JR . Wanen as AV . JI ., with Bros . Ovenden and Costello as AA ' ardens . On the 26 th ult ., the Annual Masonic Charity Ball was held at the French Theatre , Pera , under the auspices of the lodges of the capital . In consequence of the gravity of eveuts " with , ' - > te , Greek brethren did not co-operate this year in the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Blaster's word ive shall be raised to that blissful Lodge which time can never change . There light shall reign unbroken and perpetual . There , under the smiles of immutable love , and beneath the benignant ray of the All-seeing Eye , we cherish the . hope that we shall meet again—meet to part no more . "The whole concluded with the following prayer : — Almighty and Most Merciful Father ! we adore Thee as tho God of time and of eternity . As it has pleased Thee to take
from the light of our abode one dear to our hearts , ive beseech Thee to bless and sanctify to us this dispensation of Thy , providence . Inspire our hearts with wisdom from on high , that we may glorify Thee in all our ways , and when our toils on earth shall have ceased , may ive be raised to fadeless light and immortul life iu that kingdom , where faith and hope shall end , and love and joy prevail through eternal ages . And Thine , 0 'JKigliteous Father , shall be the glory for ever . Amen . Amen . So mote it be .
And now , beloved bvotlier , farewell , friend of our hearts , rest ¦ in peace . Raised by the Grand Master's AA ' ord , m-. iyest thou share the blessings of immortal life and unfading glory . YORKSHIRE ( AA'EST ) . BRADFORD . —Lodge of Hope ( No . 302 ) . —This lodge met at the Masonic Kail on the 18 th inst . and was properly opened in
, the first degree at seven p . m . The AV . M ., Bro . J . Gaunt , ivas supported by P . JI . 's Mathews , Mawson , H . 0 . Man-son , M . Rhodes , C . H . Taylor , Thomas Hill , James Lumb , A . Hunter , M . Rogerson , J . Schaeppi , H . Butterworth , and forty-two other brethren . Mr . F . Mawson having signed the declaration , was initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry by the AA ' . M . Bro . Timperley having repeated his oath and obligation , and answered
the necessary questions , the brethren approved of his examination , and voted he should be passed to the degree of F . C . The lodge was then duly opened in the second degree , and Bro . Timperley was passed to the degree of F . C . by the AA ' . M ., assisted by Bro . M . Rhodes , P . M . Bro . John Savage having satisfactorily repeated his oath and obligation , aud answered the necessary questions in the second degree , it was voted he should be raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The lodge was then
duly and properly opened in the third degree , and Bro . John Savage was raised to the sublime decree of M . M . by the W . JI ., who gave the ritualistic and historical portions in a manner that was worthy of the most experienced Masou . The lodge was then lowered to the second , and from that to the first degree , in due form . The Secretary then read a letter from the Right Hon . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , D . G . M . of all Englandand R . AA ' . Prov . G . M . of West Yorkshireexpressing
, , liis great pleasure in having been elected a honorary member fif the Lodge of Hope—a lodgo which had so distinguished itself by its zeal to our Masonic charities . After the proposition of a candidate the lodge n-as closed according to ancient custom , and in perfect harmony , at 9 . 30 p . m .
Channel Islands.
GUERNSEY . LOYALTY LODGE ( NO . 243 ) . —The regular monthly meeting held on AVednesday , March 20 th , at tiie Masonic Rooms , was attended by only eight of the members and three visitors , namely , Bros . Dr . Hopkins , P . M „ 43 and 958 , & c . ; Nigris and Sarchet . The lodge was opened at twenty minutes to eight by Bro . Le PageP . M . acting as AA ' Massisted bBroBrouard
, , .., y . , I . P . M .. Bro . AA ' akley , S . AA ' ., ancl Bro . Le Page , jun ., acting as . LAV . The Secretary was called upon to read the minutes of the previous meeting , when Bro . AA ' akley suggested that as on that occasion visitors had been requested to retire during the discussion on certain points connected with the internal arrangements of the lodge , it wns equally desirable that the same course should be adopted on this occasion while the minutes were lieing
read . Bros . Le Page and Brouard having expressed their concurrence , the visitors , at the request of the AA ' . M ., withdrew . On their re-admission , Bro . Dr . Hopkins , by permission of the W . M ., observed that in common cotirtsey he ' had complied with the wish of the lodge ou this as on the previous evening , but he thought it AV . IS an open question whether he might not have acted otherwise by resisting the proposition , as he doubted Avhether such a requirement was in accordance with JIasonie practice . Anticipating the possibilit y if such an occu < - - - - ., it
Channel Islands.
had been his intention to be prepared before presenting himself at the lodge , but full occupation had prevented it . Admitting the desirability of dismissing visitors during private discussions , he considered that the minutes when passed were to a certain extent public property , and that the step ivhieh had been taken was a violation of Masonic propriety and custom on the part of the lodge : in fact , he had come with the especial hope to hear those minutes , as embodying the result of the former discussion
on an important point , which affected the province generally , and from which he had been excluded . This view was combated by Bros . Le Page and Brouard , who said that the lodge could at any time form itself into committee on any private matter not affecting any others than its members . Bro . Dr . Hopkins contended that the reading of the minutes was not a private matter , that no such formal course had been taken , and that , even if it had beenMasonic custom ivould sanction it only after
, the reading of the minutes , in case a discussion should arise thereon . In consequence of the resignation of membership by the AA' . M . and S . W . of the lodge , two vacancies in the Audit Committee arose , and their places were supplied by Bro . Armstrong , P . M ., and Bro . Le Page , jun . Several circulars were read , and no other business presenting itself , the lodge was closed at a quarter to nine .
NOTE . —The correspondent of the MAGAZISE desires to put before its readers the question mooted in the above report , aud to ask for a solution of it by those who hy JIasonie rank , authority , and experience , are competent to form an opinion . Let it be distinctly understood , as admitted , that the members of a lodge have an undoubted right ( not according to the Book of Constitutions , for the question is not there referred to , but bMasonic custom and propriety ) to request visitors to retire
y during discussion on matters ivhieh affect no others thau themselves . The point is this—whether the custom extends to exclusion during the reading of the minutes , itbeiug maintained that it should have been required only during any discussion which might arise thereon .
CONS TANTINO PLE . The report of the late celebration of the St . John's Festival , at Constantinople , and the installation of Bro . G . R . AA ' anen , of tiie Oriental Lodge , which , it appears , was transmitted by the Austrian post from the Ottoman capital , never reached us , and we are therefore ignorant of what caused our correspondent ' s letter to be stopped in Austria , where , as it is well known , Masonry continues to be under the law of the authorities . AA ' e
are glad to be able to announce the continued progress of the Oriental Lodge ( No . GS 7 ) , under the zealous and enlightened presidency of Bro . G . R . Wanen , one of the most indefatigable Masons in Turkey . Since his accession to the chair , the lodge , which during the last year ivas iu rather a stationary , if not declining state , has once more assumed a healthy tone of improvement , additional members having been added to its roll ,
and , Avith the judicious efforts of Bro . Mountain , P . M . aud Treas ., the finances of the lodge have been placed in a most satisfactory position , and there is now a handsome sum well invested in Imperial Ottoman Bank Shares . Bro . AA ' anen has been very fortunate in the selection of Bros . Newbolt and Arnold as S . and J . AA ' . 's , ivhose devotedness to the Craft , and general efficiency , promises well for their future services .
Although thus properly praising the much-respected Treasurer and AA ' ardens , it is but fair to the other officers of the lodge to state that they do their best in their respective positions . At the meeting of the lodge held on the 15 th ult ., Bro . ^ Y . W . Evans , P . JI ., and one of the founders , was presented with a very handsome P . JI . ' s jewel , this not being the first time that this worthy brother has had his eminent services recognised by the Craft in Turkey . On the same occasion , the veteran Tyler ,
Bro . Cipcioti , AVUS decorated with a Tyler ' s jewel , as a mark of esteem and recognition of his services during the ten years which has elapsed since the foundation of the lodge . In the Leinster Lodge ( No . 166 ) meeting , at Buynkde ' re , on the Bosphorus , Bro . R . A . Carleton has succeeded Bro . G . JR . Wanen as AV . JI ., with Bros . Ovenden and Costello as AA ' ardens . On the 26 th ult ., the Annual Masonic Charity Ball was held at the French Theatre , Pera , under the auspices of the lodges of the capital . In consequence of the gravity of eveuts " with , ' - > te , Greek brethren did not co-operate this year in the