Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 2 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 2 →
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Knights Templar.
Prov . G . Chancellor ; J . L . Bold , aud others , being present . Communications from Sir Knts . J . Bell , J . L . Threlfall , Thomas Higginson , C . J . Banister , Dr . Rowan , and C . Affleck were read , and Sir Knt . Bennett was reported to he absent in London . A ballot Avas severally taken for Comps . Charles Pettitt , of the Howe Chapter , Birmingham , and John Chadwick , Z . of the Alrtue Chapter , Manchester , which was unanimously in their favouranclhaving dulappeared before the outworksevinced
, , y , that zeal and satisfactorily passed those probations required , they Avere installed Knight Companions of the Religious and Military Order of the Holy Temple and Sepulchre . The first part of the ceremonies were performed by the I . P . E . C . Sir Knt . John Yarker , jun ., and the second part by the Prov . G . Chancellor Sir Knt . AV . II . Wright , in the unavoidable retirement of the E . G . A committee was appointed to enquire respecting the
missing minutes and documents of the encampment ( 1812—1847 ) , and also the seal—which are supposed to have got into the wrong box at the rooms , or to be mis-placed in the archives of some of the lodges or chapters . Great regret was expressed at the loss of these documents , as they refer to an interesting period of the encampment's history—most of the Craft Prov . Grand Officers being members of this encampment during this periodand the two Prov . G . M . ' s of East ancl AA est Lancashire .
, La Geudre Nicholas Starkie and John Crossley , being installed in the encampment in 1826 , and in consequence of a petition from this encampment , the latter was appointed Prov . G . Commander of Lancashire , by the Duke of Sussex , in 1 S 27 , in room of Sir F . D . Astley , deceased . A vote of £ 2 2 * . having been given to Sir Knt . Hine to procure votes for the annuity fund , in aid of au aged Sir Knight , ancl the business having
been terminated , the Sir Knights adjourned for refreshments , the evening being pleasantly spent in improving Masonic conversations until S' 50 p . m ., when all separated in peace and harmony .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . KEYSTONE LODGE ( No . 3 . )—A lodge Avas held on Tuesday April 26 th , at the Ship ancl Turtle , Leadenhall-street ; Bro . Dr . T . S . Barringer presided as AV . M . ; Bro . J . How as S . W ., Bro . E . J . Stillwell as J . AV ., Bro . J . Banister acted as Deacon . Bro . D . Berhai-nji , of the Neptune Lodge , was advanced ; Bro . Jerwood , S . AA ., w-as elected W . M ., and Bro . Barringer Treas .
Two brethren were proposed for advancement at the next meeting in June . All business ended , the loclge was closed , ancl the brethren adjourned to the usual pleasant banquet , at which Bro . ReA ' . J . G . AA ood presided . In course of the evening , Bro . Berhamji , in acknowledging the congratulations of the members on his admission to Mark Masonry , with considerable eloquence referred to the universal benefits bestowed on mankind by the institution of Masonry , and in his own case admitting him , one of another clime ancl another creed , into perfect union and equality . ( The Avorthy brother is a Parsee . )
AYRSHIRE . ATE . —Sei-eral seijeants of the 41 st ( Welsh ) Regiment were , on occasion of their leaving this station to join head-quarters previous to the regiment ' s departure for Ireland , entertained at dinner by the Loclge Ayr Kilwinning , No . 24 , in the Star Hotel , on the evening of Friday Aveek . Upwards of thirty brethren were present . The R . W . M . Bro . Robert Fergusonpresided
, , ; and Bros . Oliver and Spence officiated as croupiers . Supporting the chair Avere the guests of the evening , Sergeants AA alsh Instructor of Musketry ; Davies , Luiiam , Hary , and Stubbs ; Bros . John Park , Sergts . Murray , ofthe Boyal Artillery , and AVallace of the Royal Ayr and AA ' igtou Rifles , Sec . In reply to the toast " Our Gallant Guests , " appropriately given from the chair , Bro . Walshadverted to the leasing intercourse he and the other
, p Masons of the 41 st had had with , and to the kind attention that had ever been paid to them by the brethren of his mother lodge , Ayr Kilwinning , a lodge to Avhose influence could be traced the great impulse given to the profession and practice of Freemasonry among the non-commissioned officers and soldiers of tbe AVelsh Regiment—and concluded by bidding a feelingly-
expressed adieu to their Masonic friends in " auld Ayr . " Many other toasts were given : the response to that of the Grand Loclge of Scotland was made by one of the -Grand Stewards , Bro . D . Murray Lyon ; and the visiting brethren were replied for by Bro . Bigham , D . M ., of the Royal Arch . The meeting , a really pleasant one , Avas prolonged till a late hour ; ancl before breaking up , mine host of the Star ( Bro . Robert Little ) had the pleasure of learning frora the chair IIOAV highly the brethren were satisfied with the truly rich and substantial repast he had in such abundance placed before them .
DUMBARTONSHIRE . CADDEE . —Argyll Lodge ( No . 147 ) . —A most pleasing and interesting ceremonial in connection with this lodge took place on Saturday , the 2 nd April , at Chryston . Bro . Mitchell , Avho is not only a Freemason hut au operative and practical mason or builder , has been the efficient working Master of the above lod for nearla quarter of a century . The brethrenalong
ge y , with those of the sister loclge , resolved to pay him a compliment on the occasion of his erecting a mansion for himself and family . Accordingly a large muster ofthe Craft assembled , numbering about 200 , " to lay the foundation of the above . There were deputations from the following lodges : —St . John's ( No . 3 ! i ); St . Mark ( No . 102 ); Old Monkland St . James ' ( No 177 ) St . Georges ( No . 333 ) . The lodge having been
. ; opened the R . W . Master and office-bearers requested Bro . Donald Campbell , and those Avhom he might appoint , to act for them on this occasion . A \ hereupon the following discharged the duty at the . interesting ceremonial , who moved oft' in the following rotation -. —Acting Bros . Donald Campbell , ll . W . M . ; Robert Craig , D . M . ; D . H . Miller , S . AV . ; Robert Clugston , S . W . ; S . Cruchton , S . D . ; Captain David Miller , J . D . ; A .
Mitchell , Architect ; AVm . Mather , Sec ; R . Baxter , Treas . ; George Mclsaac , Chap . ; James Shaw , Marshal . The following carried the implements necessary to the ceremony : —Bros . AVilliam McDonald , Masters Rod ; L . C . Jernacque , Mallet ; John Burnett , Square ; Andrew Burnett , Level ; AVilliam Rennie , Plumb ; John Grenlie , Corn ; \ A alter Macleod , AVine ; John ShawOil . The loclge having been adjournedthe
pro-, , cession was formed , and , after a march of a couple of miles , arrived at the scene where the stone Avas to be laid . Having ascended the platform , the interesting ceremonial was efficiently performed ; after which the acting Master congratulated the members of the Craft on the auspicious occasion . Referred to the well-merited compliment paid to their Master , who had
so long , so faithfully , and so diligently served the Craft m the position he had held for twenty-three years . It was , he said , a most beautiful instance of the effects of a hard working and energetic brother , preparing for himself aud family , a strong , a sure , and a solid protection from the inclemencies ancl changes of this variable climate in his late years , after having buffetted many a storm . Bro . Andrew Mitchell replied in suitable and feeling termsdeeply affected with the warmth shown him on
, the occasion , not alone by the members of the Craft but the greater part of the surrounding neighbourhood . Three cheers were then given for the " Lord of the Manor , " Bro . Mark Sprot , who was present , and acknowledged the compliment paid him . After which Bro . Mclsaac , Chaplain , asked permission to address tho assembly , which , having been accorded , spoke as follows : — " R . AA . M ., Senior and Junior AVardens , and
Brethren all , being called upon to address you on this occasion , I must throw myself upon your kind indulgence , inasmuch as lam placed in a position which , to me , is somewhat novel . AVe have mot in this place to-day , we have been actors in and specula-, tors of the most solemn service of laying the foundation-stone of this , our R . A \ . Master ' s house , in true Masonic style . By our hereas Masons ancl as menAve have done honour
presence , , to the noble principles of our most ancient and most honourable Craft , ancl at tho same time have evinced our sympathy and good wishes for our worshipful brother , the proprietor and builder of this house , and , addressing myself to you clear brother , I would say accept of our tribute of good Avishes , Avhich , though indeed they cost us nothing , are nevertheless the choicest fruit of benevolence . Nothingbrothercan be more desirable than a
, , comfortable house ancl home—no earthly object more commendable after Avhich to pursue . The man who Avould house himself and family in a miserable hovel or squalid garret while he has the ability to acquire a most comfortable abode , does a mighty injury to himself ancl family . For it is a fact that outward circumstances and external things make an impression
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Knights Templar.
Prov . G . Chancellor ; J . L . Bold , aud others , being present . Communications from Sir Knts . J . Bell , J . L . Threlfall , Thomas Higginson , C . J . Banister , Dr . Rowan , and C . Affleck were read , and Sir Knt . Bennett was reported to he absent in London . A ballot Avas severally taken for Comps . Charles Pettitt , of the Howe Chapter , Birmingham , and John Chadwick , Z . of the Alrtue Chapter , Manchester , which was unanimously in their favouranclhaving dulappeared before the outworksevinced
, , y , that zeal and satisfactorily passed those probations required , they Avere installed Knight Companions of the Religious and Military Order of the Holy Temple and Sepulchre . The first part of the ceremonies were performed by the I . P . E . C . Sir Knt . John Yarker , jun ., and the second part by the Prov . G . Chancellor Sir Knt . AV . II . Wright , in the unavoidable retirement of the E . G . A committee was appointed to enquire respecting the
missing minutes and documents of the encampment ( 1812—1847 ) , and also the seal—which are supposed to have got into the wrong box at the rooms , or to be mis-placed in the archives of some of the lodges or chapters . Great regret was expressed at the loss of these documents , as they refer to an interesting period of the encampment's history—most of the Craft Prov . Grand Officers being members of this encampment during this periodand the two Prov . G . M . ' s of East ancl AA est Lancashire .
, La Geudre Nicholas Starkie and John Crossley , being installed in the encampment in 1826 , and in consequence of a petition from this encampment , the latter was appointed Prov . G . Commander of Lancashire , by the Duke of Sussex , in 1 S 27 , in room of Sir F . D . Astley , deceased . A vote of £ 2 2 * . having been given to Sir Knt . Hine to procure votes for the annuity fund , in aid of au aged Sir Knight , ancl the business having
been terminated , the Sir Knights adjourned for refreshments , the evening being pleasantly spent in improving Masonic conversations until S' 50 p . m ., when all separated in peace and harmony .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . KEYSTONE LODGE ( No . 3 . )—A lodge Avas held on Tuesday April 26 th , at the Ship ancl Turtle , Leadenhall-street ; Bro . Dr . T . S . Barringer presided as AV . M . ; Bro . J . How as S . W ., Bro . E . J . Stillwell as J . AV ., Bro . J . Banister acted as Deacon . Bro . D . Berhai-nji , of the Neptune Lodge , was advanced ; Bro . Jerwood , S . AA ., w-as elected W . M ., and Bro . Barringer Treas .
Two brethren were proposed for advancement at the next meeting in June . All business ended , the loclge was closed , ancl the brethren adjourned to the usual pleasant banquet , at which Bro . ReA ' . J . G . AA ood presided . In course of the evening , Bro . Berhamji , in acknowledging the congratulations of the members on his admission to Mark Masonry , with considerable eloquence referred to the universal benefits bestowed on mankind by the institution of Masonry , and in his own case admitting him , one of another clime ancl another creed , into perfect union and equality . ( The Avorthy brother is a Parsee . )
AYRSHIRE . ATE . —Sei-eral seijeants of the 41 st ( Welsh ) Regiment were , on occasion of their leaving this station to join head-quarters previous to the regiment ' s departure for Ireland , entertained at dinner by the Loclge Ayr Kilwinning , No . 24 , in the Star Hotel , on the evening of Friday Aveek . Upwards of thirty brethren were present . The R . W . M . Bro . Robert Fergusonpresided
, , ; and Bros . Oliver and Spence officiated as croupiers . Supporting the chair Avere the guests of the evening , Sergeants AA alsh Instructor of Musketry ; Davies , Luiiam , Hary , and Stubbs ; Bros . John Park , Sergts . Murray , ofthe Boyal Artillery , and AVallace of the Royal Ayr and AA ' igtou Rifles , Sec . In reply to the toast " Our Gallant Guests , " appropriately given from the chair , Bro . Walshadverted to the leasing intercourse he and the other
, p Masons of the 41 st had had with , and to the kind attention that had ever been paid to them by the brethren of his mother lodge , Ayr Kilwinning , a lodge to Avhose influence could be traced the great impulse given to the profession and practice of Freemasonry among the non-commissioned officers and soldiers of tbe AVelsh Regiment—and concluded by bidding a feelingly-
expressed adieu to their Masonic friends in " auld Ayr . " Many other toasts were given : the response to that of the Grand Loclge of Scotland was made by one of the -Grand Stewards , Bro . D . Murray Lyon ; and the visiting brethren were replied for by Bro . Bigham , D . M ., of the Royal Arch . The meeting , a really pleasant one , Avas prolonged till a late hour ; ancl before breaking up , mine host of the Star ( Bro . Robert Little ) had the pleasure of learning frora the chair IIOAV highly the brethren were satisfied with the truly rich and substantial repast he had in such abundance placed before them .
DUMBARTONSHIRE . CADDEE . —Argyll Lodge ( No . 147 ) . —A most pleasing and interesting ceremonial in connection with this lodge took place on Saturday , the 2 nd April , at Chryston . Bro . Mitchell , Avho is not only a Freemason hut au operative and practical mason or builder , has been the efficient working Master of the above lod for nearla quarter of a century . The brethrenalong
ge y , with those of the sister loclge , resolved to pay him a compliment on the occasion of his erecting a mansion for himself and family . Accordingly a large muster ofthe Craft assembled , numbering about 200 , " to lay the foundation of the above . There were deputations from the following lodges : —St . John's ( No . 3 ! i ); St . Mark ( No . 102 ); Old Monkland St . James ' ( No 177 ) St . Georges ( No . 333 ) . The lodge having been
. ; opened the R . W . Master and office-bearers requested Bro . Donald Campbell , and those Avhom he might appoint , to act for them on this occasion . A \ hereupon the following discharged the duty at the . interesting ceremonial , who moved oft' in the following rotation -. —Acting Bros . Donald Campbell , ll . W . M . ; Robert Craig , D . M . ; D . H . Miller , S . AV . ; Robert Clugston , S . W . ; S . Cruchton , S . D . ; Captain David Miller , J . D . ; A .
Mitchell , Architect ; AVm . Mather , Sec ; R . Baxter , Treas . ; George Mclsaac , Chap . ; James Shaw , Marshal . The following carried the implements necessary to the ceremony : —Bros . AVilliam McDonald , Masters Rod ; L . C . Jernacque , Mallet ; John Burnett , Square ; Andrew Burnett , Level ; AVilliam Rennie , Plumb ; John Grenlie , Corn ; \ A alter Macleod , AVine ; John ShawOil . The loclge having been adjournedthe
pro-, , cession was formed , and , after a march of a couple of miles , arrived at the scene where the stone Avas to be laid . Having ascended the platform , the interesting ceremonial was efficiently performed ; after which the acting Master congratulated the members of the Craft on the auspicious occasion . Referred to the well-merited compliment paid to their Master , who had
so long , so faithfully , and so diligently served the Craft m the position he had held for twenty-three years . It was , he said , a most beautiful instance of the effects of a hard working and energetic brother , preparing for himself aud family , a strong , a sure , and a solid protection from the inclemencies ancl changes of this variable climate in his late years , after having buffetted many a storm . Bro . Andrew Mitchell replied in suitable and feeling termsdeeply affected with the warmth shown him on
, the occasion , not alone by the members of the Craft but the greater part of the surrounding neighbourhood . Three cheers were then given for the " Lord of the Manor , " Bro . Mark Sprot , who was present , and acknowledged the compliment paid him . After which Bro . Mclsaac , Chaplain , asked permission to address tho assembly , which , having been accorded , spoke as follows : — " R . AA . M ., Senior and Junior AVardens , and
Brethren all , being called upon to address you on this occasion , I must throw myself upon your kind indulgence , inasmuch as lam placed in a position which , to me , is somewhat novel . AVe have mot in this place to-day , we have been actors in and specula-, tors of the most solemn service of laying the foundation-stone of this , our R . A \ . Master ' s house , in true Masonic style . By our hereas Masons ancl as menAve have done honour
presence , , to the noble principles of our most ancient and most honourable Craft , ancl at tho same time have evinced our sympathy and good wishes for our worshipful brother , the proprietor and builder of this house , and , addressing myself to you clear brother , I would say accept of our tribute of good Avishes , Avhich , though indeed they cost us nothing , are nevertheless the choicest fruit of benevolence . Nothingbrothercan be more desirable than a
, , comfortable house ancl home—no earthly object more commendable after Avhich to pursue . The man who Avould house himself and family in a miserable hovel or squalid garret while he has the ability to acquire a most comfortable abode , does a mighty injury to himself ancl family . For it is a fact that outward circumstances and external things make an impression