Article GRAND LODGE. ← Page 3 of 4 →
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Grand Lodge.
ent in vary as might have been expected , in a very marked degree , those of the most practicable designs approach each other so closely as to confirm the Committee in the opinion they had previously formed . The Committee had much desired to have kept the cost below the sum of £ 30 , 000 , but they have long since perceived
that , in order to construct such a building as will be sufficient in all respects for the wants of the Craft , and for the purposes of a tavern , and which shall at the same time bo creditable to the Order , an outlay of from £ 35 , 000 to £ 10 , 000 will be required ; and desiring to withhold nothing , they think it right to state tiiat , to meet the expenses of furnishing and incidental charges ,
a further sum of from £ 3000 to £ 5000 may possibly be required . Upon the most careful consideration of all . the circumstances , they are of opinion that such an outlay is not excessive , that the building cannot-be well done for less , and that it is a great economy to have the work well done ; and they are prepared to show that the funds will afford the outlay without inconvenience .
Iu order to avoid injury to the business of the Tavern , and the loss of revenue consequent upon interference with such business , the Committee have made it a condition that tlie work shall be so designed as to be capable of being carried out in sections ;
they are happy to report that this has been done , and they are satisfied that the building of the first section may be completed in one year , the second section in one year also , and the whole may be complete and fit for occupation at the end of two years . Jf it should hereafter be found that it will be a truer economy to proceed with the whole of the work at once , the buildings
may be completed and fit for occupation in eighteen months from the commencement . As regards the mode of providing funds , the [ Committee beg to observe that there is now standing to the credit of the Fund of General Purposes the sum of £ 21 , 000 , which is amply sufficient to defray the expenses of building for the next twelve
months if the work is done in sections . There will remain a sum of £ 20 , 000 to £ 25 , 000 to he borrowed . There are three modes of raising this money : first , by mortgage ; second , by debenture ; third , by borrowing of the Fund of Benevolence at four per cent . The Committee have no hesitation in recommending the latter course , because the security is ample , the
repayment certain and regular , the interest payable will be less than if borrowed elsewhere , and , in addition , the Fund of Benevolence will be benefited to the extent of £ 500 or £ 600 , or the difference between 4 per cent , and 3 i per cent ., which it
now receives . Taking into account on the one hand the loss of interest on the present funded property , and the extra expenses of servants ' wages , rates , taxes , lighting , & c , which will be incurred on taking the Masonic portion of the new buildings into our own hands , and on the other the increased rents to be received , and the amounts which will be received from lodges , chapters , and
individual brethren , the Committee , who have entered at very considerable length into this part of the question , have good reason to believe that , in the event of Grand Lodge borrowing from £ 20 , 000 to £ 2-5 , 000 of the Fund of Benevolence , they would be able to pay off the whole amount , with interest at 4 per cent ., within ten years .
The Committee have purposely taken a low estimate of the rents and returns to be expected from lodges , and they believe , when the really magnificent accommodation which will be afforded becomes generally known—when it is known that lodges and chapters will find in every respect suitable and dignified accommodation , and when it is generally understood that not only our London brethren , but those from every part of the world , will find a Masonic home , of which they may be fairly
proud , and which is provided with every requisite comfort , and is open to them at all hours , that the returns will probably far exceed the amount which they have at present ventured to calculate on . Arising out of the foregoing Report , the committee beg to give notice of the following resolutions : —
1 st Resolution . —That the Grand Lodge do proceed to consider and decide upon the adoption or otherwise of a design distinguished by its motto or symbol only , and before the name of its author is declared . 2 nd . —The Committee will announce the mottoes or symbols which distinguish the three best designs , naming them
according to their order of merit , and propose the adoption of that design to which they have awarded the first prize . The foregoiug resolutions being disposed of according to the will of Grand Lodge , the Committee will request the M . W . Grand Master to order the seals of the respective letters to be
broken , and the names of the successful competitors to be publicly declared . If it be the pleasure of Grand Lodge to decideupon the adoption of a design , the following resolutions will be submitted : — 3 rd . —That the Committee be authorised to enter into arrangements with the architects and builders , and to take all other steps necessary to proceed with the work with as much diligence
as possible ; to have full power to make such alterations as may seem to them requisite in the details of the accepted design , and to make such arrangements as regards employment and remuneration of architects as they may deem to be proper and just . 4 th . —That the Trustees be and are hereby instructed to make
such arrangements when and so often as may be required for the selling out of stock now standing to the credit of the Fund for General Purposes as may be necessary to meet the requirements of the Committee in the progress of the work . ( Signed ) JOHN HAVEES , Chairman .
9 . The annual report of the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows , dated 15 th May , 1863 ,. will be laid before the Grand Lodge . 10 . An appeal of Bro . James Dunbar , of St . John's Lodge ( No . 214 ) , Quebec , against a decision of the Provincial Graud Master of Quebec and the Three Rivers .
11 . An appeal of Bro . the Rev . A . Wallace , of Newport , Isle of Wight , against the decision of the Prov . G . M . of the Isle of Wight , in the matter of a complaint laid before him on the 19 th . February , 1 S 63 . 12 . A letter from the D . G . Sec . of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , with extracts from letters Avritten by the Prov . G . Sec . of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Victoria , under the Irish Constitution , and a resolution passed by the Grand Lodge of Ireland thereon .
NOTICES or MOTIONS . By Bro . J . Rankin Stebbing , P . M . No . 152 : — ' 'That a committee of thirteen members of Grand Lodge be appointed to consider the constitution , duties , and powers of the Committee or Lodge of Benevolence , and to report if any and what improvement can be made therein , with power to call for all books , papers , and documents connected with the said
Committee or Lodge and its duties . " By Bro . John Udall , P . G . D .-. — "Thatthe-sum of fifty pounds be given from the Fund of General Purposes to supply the inmates of the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows with coals , and that the same be placed in the hands of the Secretary . " By Bro . J . Rankin Stebbing , P . M . 152 : —
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Grand Lodge.
ent in vary as might have been expected , in a very marked degree , those of the most practicable designs approach each other so closely as to confirm the Committee in the opinion they had previously formed . The Committee had much desired to have kept the cost below the sum of £ 30 , 000 , but they have long since perceived
that , in order to construct such a building as will be sufficient in all respects for the wants of the Craft , and for the purposes of a tavern , and which shall at the same time bo creditable to the Order , an outlay of from £ 35 , 000 to £ 10 , 000 will be required ; and desiring to withhold nothing , they think it right to state tiiat , to meet the expenses of furnishing and incidental charges ,
a further sum of from £ 3000 to £ 5000 may possibly be required . Upon the most careful consideration of all . the circumstances , they are of opinion that such an outlay is not excessive , that the building cannot-be well done for less , and that it is a great economy to have the work well done ; and they are prepared to show that the funds will afford the outlay without inconvenience .
Iu order to avoid injury to the business of the Tavern , and the loss of revenue consequent upon interference with such business , the Committee have made it a condition that tlie work shall be so designed as to be capable of being carried out in sections ;
they are happy to report that this has been done , and they are satisfied that the building of the first section may be completed in one year , the second section in one year also , and the whole may be complete and fit for occupation at the end of two years . Jf it should hereafter be found that it will be a truer economy to proceed with the whole of the work at once , the buildings
may be completed and fit for occupation in eighteen months from the commencement . As regards the mode of providing funds , the [ Committee beg to observe that there is now standing to the credit of the Fund of General Purposes the sum of £ 21 , 000 , which is amply sufficient to defray the expenses of building for the next twelve
months if the work is done in sections . There will remain a sum of £ 20 , 000 to £ 25 , 000 to he borrowed . There are three modes of raising this money : first , by mortgage ; second , by debenture ; third , by borrowing of the Fund of Benevolence at four per cent . The Committee have no hesitation in recommending the latter course , because the security is ample , the
repayment certain and regular , the interest payable will be less than if borrowed elsewhere , and , in addition , the Fund of Benevolence will be benefited to the extent of £ 500 or £ 600 , or the difference between 4 per cent , and 3 i per cent ., which it
now receives . Taking into account on the one hand the loss of interest on the present funded property , and the extra expenses of servants ' wages , rates , taxes , lighting , & c , which will be incurred on taking the Masonic portion of the new buildings into our own hands , and on the other the increased rents to be received , and the amounts which will be received from lodges , chapters , and
individual brethren , the Committee , who have entered at very considerable length into this part of the question , have good reason to believe that , in the event of Grand Lodge borrowing from £ 20 , 000 to £ 2-5 , 000 of the Fund of Benevolence , they would be able to pay off the whole amount , with interest at 4 per cent ., within ten years .
The Committee have purposely taken a low estimate of the rents and returns to be expected from lodges , and they believe , when the really magnificent accommodation which will be afforded becomes generally known—when it is known that lodges and chapters will find in every respect suitable and dignified accommodation , and when it is generally understood that not only our London brethren , but those from every part of the world , will find a Masonic home , of which they may be fairly
proud , and which is provided with every requisite comfort , and is open to them at all hours , that the returns will probably far exceed the amount which they have at present ventured to calculate on . Arising out of the foregoing Report , the committee beg to give notice of the following resolutions : —
1 st Resolution . —That the Grand Lodge do proceed to consider and decide upon the adoption or otherwise of a design distinguished by its motto or symbol only , and before the name of its author is declared . 2 nd . —The Committee will announce the mottoes or symbols which distinguish the three best designs , naming them
according to their order of merit , and propose the adoption of that design to which they have awarded the first prize . The foregoiug resolutions being disposed of according to the will of Grand Lodge , the Committee will request the M . W . Grand Master to order the seals of the respective letters to be
broken , and the names of the successful competitors to be publicly declared . If it be the pleasure of Grand Lodge to decideupon the adoption of a design , the following resolutions will be submitted : — 3 rd . —That the Committee be authorised to enter into arrangements with the architects and builders , and to take all other steps necessary to proceed with the work with as much diligence
as possible ; to have full power to make such alterations as may seem to them requisite in the details of the accepted design , and to make such arrangements as regards employment and remuneration of architects as they may deem to be proper and just . 4 th . —That the Trustees be and are hereby instructed to make
such arrangements when and so often as may be required for the selling out of stock now standing to the credit of the Fund for General Purposes as may be necessary to meet the requirements of the Committee in the progress of the work . ( Signed ) JOHN HAVEES , Chairman .
9 . The annual report of the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows , dated 15 th May , 1863 ,. will be laid before the Grand Lodge . 10 . An appeal of Bro . James Dunbar , of St . John's Lodge ( No . 214 ) , Quebec , against a decision of the Provincial Graud Master of Quebec and the Three Rivers .
11 . An appeal of Bro . the Rev . A . Wallace , of Newport , Isle of Wight , against the decision of the Prov . G . M . of the Isle of Wight , in the matter of a complaint laid before him on the 19 th . February , 1 S 63 . 12 . A letter from the D . G . Sec . of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , with extracts from letters Avritten by the Prov . G . Sec . of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Victoria , under the Irish Constitution , and a resolution passed by the Grand Lodge of Ireland thereon .
NOTICES or MOTIONS . By Bro . J . Rankin Stebbing , P . M . No . 152 : — ' 'That a committee of thirteen members of Grand Lodge be appointed to consider the constitution , duties , and powers of the Committee or Lodge of Benevolence , and to report if any and what improvement can be made therein , with power to call for all books , papers , and documents connected with the said
Committee or Lodge and its duties . " By Bro . John Udall , P . G . D .-. — "Thatthe-sum of fifty pounds be given from the Fund of General Purposes to supply the inmates of the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows with coals , and that the same be placed in the hands of the Secretary . " By Bro . J . Rankin Stebbing , P . M . 152 : —