Article GRAND LODGE. ← Page 4 of 4 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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Grand Lodge.
" That Bro . George Percy Moss' illness continuing , and having assumed a permanent character , a further and final sum of fifty guineas be paid over to Mrs . Moss , bis wife , to enable her to complete her arrangements for supporting herself and family . " By Bro . Henry Bradley , W . M . 1235 : — "That an Address of Congratulation be presented to Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen , on the auspicious occasion of the marriage of Ii . R . H . the Prince of Wales . "
PRINCE FKEBEEICK WILLIAM LODGE ( NO . 1055 ) . —A meeting of the above lodge took place at Bro . Stiles's , the Knights of St . John , St . John ' s Wood , on Wednesday last . The business consisted of certain passings , raisings , and the initiation of three gentlemen into the Order by Bro . Stapylton , W . M ., who did his duty admirably . Amongst the P . M . ' s present were Bros . Caulcher , Hardy , Frazer , Robinson , T . A . Adams , W . AVatson , and Stacey , Secretary . The election for W . M . resulted in the
unanimous choice of Bro . Sims , the S . W . After the lodge had been closed , the brethren partook of a banquet both elegant and profuse , such as Bro . Stiles is known to provide . The Visitors were—Bros . George States , W . M . No . 202 ; Le Gassick , P . M . 25 ; M . Cooke , Sec . 25 ; H . Marshall , 211 ; and Mynn , P . M . of a colonial lodge . Bros . G . States and T . A . Adams returned thanks for the P . M . 's ; the health of the W . M . was neatly proposed by Bro . Robinson , the immediate P . M . ; the Initiates
were duly remembered . The Past Masters , the Officers , and one or two other toasts were heartily given and as heartily responded to . The meeting—one of good temper , good cheer , and good company—separated at a reasonable hour .
BERKS AND BUCK'S . AYLESBURT . —Buckingham Lodge , ( No 861 ) . —The anniversary meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 19 th inst ., at the White Hart Hotel , Aylesbury , when there were present , Bros . John Williams , W . M ., Prov . G . Dir ., Cers . ; Thomas Horwood , P . M ., Prov . G . Reg . ; Wiiloughby J . Beauchamp , S . W . j Rev . G . J . Grace , P . M ., J . W . ; George States , P . M . S . D . ; Dr . LovellJ . D . ; Rev . J . Crane WhartonP . M .
, , , , 1 ' rov . G . Chap . ; Charles Hooper , Sec , and others . Among the visitors were Bros . Rev . Robert J . Simpson , P . M ., ( 1073 ); P . Prov . G . S . W . Durham ; Captain Farrar , S . W . 1073 , P . G . SD . ; J . M . Shugar , P . M ., 712 , and W . M . 1250 , P . Prov . G . S . W ., Herts ; Rev . J . Cooper Farmborotigh , P . M ., S 61 , and P . Prov , < 5 . Chap . The lodge was opened in ancient and solemn form , ¦ and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed
, when , there being no other business before the lodge , Bro . George States , Prov . G . St . B ., took the chair and proceeded to install Bro . Wiiloughby Beauchamp into the chair of K . S ., a ceremony which he performed in a very able manner . The brethren below the chair were then admitted and saluted the W . M . according to ancient custom , after which the W . M . proceeded to invest his officers as follows : —Bro . T . Williams , P . M ., and
Sec ; II . A . P . Cooper , S . W . ; Dr . Lovell , J . W . ' } Rev . 0 . J . Grace , Chap . ; George States , S . D . ; Charles Beauchamp , J . D . ; G . Cartwright , I . G . ; J . Wall , Tyler . The lodge was then closed and the brethren adjourned to a most elegant banquet , prepared in Bro . Fowler ' s best style . The usual loyal and masonic toasts were given , and from the tenor of the speeches there seemed a general desire that as masonry was on the increase in this
county , and there appeared every probability of a new lodge vieitig established at Wycombe , that a movement should be made in favour of severing the two comities and making Bucks an independent province . The Tylers' toast brought this very happy evening to a close , and the brethren separated , hoping that the Buckingham Lodge would have to record many such asrejablo meetings .
CHANNEL ISLES . JERSEY :. —Lodge Ce ' sarce ( No . SCO ) . —A ' n emergency meeting was held on Thurday , May 1-tth . The lodge was opened in the first degree at 7 p . m ., by Bro . John Darrell , W . M ., assisted by bis Wardens , Bros . Philip and Clement Le Sueur . Bros . Philip Le Sueur , jun ., and Tour De La Ware , were passed to the second degree by the W . M ., the explanation of the
tracingboard being given by Bro . Schmitt , P . M . It Avas determined to change the evening previously fixed for the installation and annual banquet to Thursday May 2 Stb , to prevent the interference with the arrangements of another lodge , that being the usual day for La Cesaree to bold its ordinary monthly meeting . The lodge was closed at half-past eight , and nearly forty brethren remained to partake of refreshment .
CUMBERLAND . WOEKINGTON . —Resuscitation of the " Sun and Sector Lodge . " —Wednesday , the 20 th May , will henceforth be a red-letter day in local Masonic annals as the date of the resuscitation , under a new warrant , No . 126-1 , of the old lodge of free and accepted Masons known as the " Sun and Sector . " The history of this body is somewhat singular . Half a century ago it flourished with t vigour . The old books go as far back as A . D . 1771 ;
grea and from that time until about 1820 , we find in them the names of nearly all the old families iu Workington , amongst them being the Curwens , the Graysons , the Thompsons , the Peats , the Woods , the Browns , the Bussells , the Johnstons , the Bones , and about 120 more , who composed the brotherhood , and once a year used to meet to arrange matters connected with the lodge . It is now 41 years since the lodgo ceased to exist . We believe two
of the original members are still alive , and they never , during all that time , expected to see the lodge re-established . Since it last closed , the box has been kept at the Green Dragon Hotel , and was opened a few weeks ago , when the very beautiful regalia of plated silver , & c , was found in perfect preservation . The ceremony of re-opening the lodge took place at four o ' clock , p . m ., by the D . Prov . G . M ., Dr . Greaves , of Penrith , assisted by
Bros , 'leather of Keswick , and Fletcher and Spencer of Whitehaven . The new oflicers were then duly appointed and installed , vix ., Bro . W . Gibson , of Whitehaven , W . M ., Bro . Martin , of Workington , S . W ., and Bro . Fleming , of Workington , J . W . It is to tho untiring- efforts of the two latter gentlemen , Bros . » Martin and Fleming , that the lodge has been so fortunately restored , and the brethren owe them a deep debt of gratitude for the great exertions they made in bringing tins object to a climax . Nineteen gentlemen were proposed and seconded for
admission as members next month . 'J he business of the lodge having been transacted , the brethren retired to dinner , which was provided by Mr . Bowman , and was of that epicurean quality for which the " Green Dragon" is , and long has been , famous . About forty sat down to the sumptuous repast . The W . M ., Bro . Gibson , occupied the chair , and discharged its duties with great ability ; and the S . W ., Bro . Martin , the vice-chair . Among the toasts proposed during the evening were the following : —The
health of Bro . Dykes , Prov . G . M ., who was , to the regret of all present , absent from illness ; the health of Bro . Greaves , D . Prov . G . M . ; and of the three P . Prov . G . S . W . 's , Bros . Teather , Spencer , and Fletcher , To Bros . Cook , Cooper , Nicholson , Thompson , M . D ., Lindsay , and Talleutire , the brethren were indebted for very materially contributing to the pleasure of the evening , by the beautiful Masonic selections , in the way of song , they introduced
between the toasts . At a quarter to 10 o'clock the meeting broke up , after heartily toasting success to the " Sun and Sector Lodge . " Among those present were—Bros . W . T . Greaves , D . Prov . G . M . ; W . B . Gibson , P . M . ; Capt . Jos . Fletcher , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . W ., & c ; P . Qnin , P . M . ; J . Davis . P . M . ; J . Teather , P . M ., K . T . E . ; dipt . H . Spencer , W . M ., P . Prov . J . W ., & e . ; Wm . Pearson , P . M . ; Joscnh Nicholson , P . M ., P . Prov . J . G . W ., & c ;
W . W . Wood , P . Prov . fi . DP . M . ; Dr . J . Thompson , Prov . G . T . ; W . Cowie , P . M . ; JohnHitson , S . W . ; C . Hodgkin , S . W . ; James Cowper , Prov . G . O . ; H . Fisher , S . W . ; H . Lindsay , S . W . ; T . Tallentire , S . D . ; J . W . Kenworth , S . W . ; C . Morton , S . W . ; J . Slade , J . W . ; J . Anderson , J . W . ; H . Cook , I . G . ; John Wilson , William Shilton , Lieut . Hodgetts , John Collins , H . Fleming , J . W . ; G . Rule , J . Faulder , E . Thwaites , J . Martin , S . W . ; Foster Penricc , II . Bragg , T . Cullum , T . Nicholson , W . Banks , II . Braithwaite , and A . N . Blakey .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . WAEEINGTON . —Lodge of Lights ( No . 17 S)—The regular monthly meeting of this prosperous lodge was held on Monday last , at tho Masonic Rooms , Lankey-streot . The W . M . Bro . H . B . White presided , and was ably assisted by Bros . Captain Knight , S . W . ; John Bowes , J . W . ; Dr . Spinks , S . D . ; Charles Pettitt , J . D ., and other brethren . The lodge having been opened in solemn form , according to ancient custom , and the minutes confirmed , the ballot was taken for Mr . Robert Stevenson , a candidate for the mysteries and privileges of Masonry ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Lodge.
" That Bro . George Percy Moss' illness continuing , and having assumed a permanent character , a further and final sum of fifty guineas be paid over to Mrs . Moss , bis wife , to enable her to complete her arrangements for supporting herself and family . " By Bro . Henry Bradley , W . M . 1235 : — "That an Address of Congratulation be presented to Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen , on the auspicious occasion of the marriage of Ii . R . H . the Prince of Wales . "
PRINCE FKEBEEICK WILLIAM LODGE ( NO . 1055 ) . —A meeting of the above lodge took place at Bro . Stiles's , the Knights of St . John , St . John ' s Wood , on Wednesday last . The business consisted of certain passings , raisings , and the initiation of three gentlemen into the Order by Bro . Stapylton , W . M ., who did his duty admirably . Amongst the P . M . ' s present were Bros . Caulcher , Hardy , Frazer , Robinson , T . A . Adams , W . AVatson , and Stacey , Secretary . The election for W . M . resulted in the
unanimous choice of Bro . Sims , the S . W . After the lodge had been closed , the brethren partook of a banquet both elegant and profuse , such as Bro . Stiles is known to provide . The Visitors were—Bros . George States , W . M . No . 202 ; Le Gassick , P . M . 25 ; M . Cooke , Sec . 25 ; H . Marshall , 211 ; and Mynn , P . M . of a colonial lodge . Bros . G . States and T . A . Adams returned thanks for the P . M . 's ; the health of the W . M . was neatly proposed by Bro . Robinson , the immediate P . M . ; the Initiates
were duly remembered . The Past Masters , the Officers , and one or two other toasts were heartily given and as heartily responded to . The meeting—one of good temper , good cheer , and good company—separated at a reasonable hour .
BERKS AND BUCK'S . AYLESBURT . —Buckingham Lodge , ( No 861 ) . —The anniversary meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 19 th inst ., at the White Hart Hotel , Aylesbury , when there were present , Bros . John Williams , W . M ., Prov . G . Dir ., Cers . ; Thomas Horwood , P . M ., Prov . G . Reg . ; Wiiloughby J . Beauchamp , S . W . j Rev . G . J . Grace , P . M ., J . W . ; George States , P . M . S . D . ; Dr . LovellJ . D . ; Rev . J . Crane WhartonP . M .
, , , , 1 ' rov . G . Chap . ; Charles Hooper , Sec , and others . Among the visitors were Bros . Rev . Robert J . Simpson , P . M ., ( 1073 ); P . Prov . G . S . W . Durham ; Captain Farrar , S . W . 1073 , P . G . SD . ; J . M . Shugar , P . M ., 712 , and W . M . 1250 , P . Prov . G . S . W ., Herts ; Rev . J . Cooper Farmborotigh , P . M ., S 61 , and P . Prov , < 5 . Chap . The lodge was opened in ancient and solemn form , ¦ and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed
, when , there being no other business before the lodge , Bro . George States , Prov . G . St . B ., took the chair and proceeded to install Bro . Wiiloughby Beauchamp into the chair of K . S ., a ceremony which he performed in a very able manner . The brethren below the chair were then admitted and saluted the W . M . according to ancient custom , after which the W . M . proceeded to invest his officers as follows : —Bro . T . Williams , P . M ., and
Sec ; II . A . P . Cooper , S . W . ; Dr . Lovell , J . W . ' } Rev . 0 . J . Grace , Chap . ; George States , S . D . ; Charles Beauchamp , J . D . ; G . Cartwright , I . G . ; J . Wall , Tyler . The lodge was then closed and the brethren adjourned to a most elegant banquet , prepared in Bro . Fowler ' s best style . The usual loyal and masonic toasts were given , and from the tenor of the speeches there seemed a general desire that as masonry was on the increase in this
county , and there appeared every probability of a new lodge vieitig established at Wycombe , that a movement should be made in favour of severing the two comities and making Bucks an independent province . The Tylers' toast brought this very happy evening to a close , and the brethren separated , hoping that the Buckingham Lodge would have to record many such asrejablo meetings .
CHANNEL ISLES . JERSEY :. —Lodge Ce ' sarce ( No . SCO ) . —A ' n emergency meeting was held on Thurday , May 1-tth . The lodge was opened in the first degree at 7 p . m ., by Bro . John Darrell , W . M ., assisted by bis Wardens , Bros . Philip and Clement Le Sueur . Bros . Philip Le Sueur , jun ., and Tour De La Ware , were passed to the second degree by the W . M ., the explanation of the
tracingboard being given by Bro . Schmitt , P . M . It Avas determined to change the evening previously fixed for the installation and annual banquet to Thursday May 2 Stb , to prevent the interference with the arrangements of another lodge , that being the usual day for La Cesaree to bold its ordinary monthly meeting . The lodge was closed at half-past eight , and nearly forty brethren remained to partake of refreshment .
CUMBERLAND . WOEKINGTON . —Resuscitation of the " Sun and Sector Lodge . " —Wednesday , the 20 th May , will henceforth be a red-letter day in local Masonic annals as the date of the resuscitation , under a new warrant , No . 126-1 , of the old lodge of free and accepted Masons known as the " Sun and Sector . " The history of this body is somewhat singular . Half a century ago it flourished with t vigour . The old books go as far back as A . D . 1771 ;
grea and from that time until about 1820 , we find in them the names of nearly all the old families iu Workington , amongst them being the Curwens , the Graysons , the Thompsons , the Peats , the Woods , the Browns , the Bussells , the Johnstons , the Bones , and about 120 more , who composed the brotherhood , and once a year used to meet to arrange matters connected with the lodge . It is now 41 years since the lodgo ceased to exist . We believe two
of the original members are still alive , and they never , during all that time , expected to see the lodge re-established . Since it last closed , the box has been kept at the Green Dragon Hotel , and was opened a few weeks ago , when the very beautiful regalia of plated silver , & c , was found in perfect preservation . The ceremony of re-opening the lodge took place at four o ' clock , p . m ., by the D . Prov . G . M ., Dr . Greaves , of Penrith , assisted by
Bros , 'leather of Keswick , and Fletcher and Spencer of Whitehaven . The new oflicers were then duly appointed and installed , vix ., Bro . W . Gibson , of Whitehaven , W . M ., Bro . Martin , of Workington , S . W ., and Bro . Fleming , of Workington , J . W . It is to tho untiring- efforts of the two latter gentlemen , Bros . » Martin and Fleming , that the lodge has been so fortunately restored , and the brethren owe them a deep debt of gratitude for the great exertions they made in bringing tins object to a climax . Nineteen gentlemen were proposed and seconded for
admission as members next month . 'J he business of the lodge having been transacted , the brethren retired to dinner , which was provided by Mr . Bowman , and was of that epicurean quality for which the " Green Dragon" is , and long has been , famous . About forty sat down to the sumptuous repast . The W . M ., Bro . Gibson , occupied the chair , and discharged its duties with great ability ; and the S . W ., Bro . Martin , the vice-chair . Among the toasts proposed during the evening were the following : —The
health of Bro . Dykes , Prov . G . M ., who was , to the regret of all present , absent from illness ; the health of Bro . Greaves , D . Prov . G . M . ; and of the three P . Prov . G . S . W . 's , Bros . Teather , Spencer , and Fletcher , To Bros . Cook , Cooper , Nicholson , Thompson , M . D ., Lindsay , and Talleutire , the brethren were indebted for very materially contributing to the pleasure of the evening , by the beautiful Masonic selections , in the way of song , they introduced
between the toasts . At a quarter to 10 o'clock the meeting broke up , after heartily toasting success to the " Sun and Sector Lodge . " Among those present were—Bros . W . T . Greaves , D . Prov . G . M . ; W . B . Gibson , P . M . ; Capt . Jos . Fletcher , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . W ., & c ; P . Qnin , P . M . ; J . Davis . P . M . ; J . Teather , P . M ., K . T . E . ; dipt . H . Spencer , W . M ., P . Prov . J . W ., & e . ; Wm . Pearson , P . M . ; Joscnh Nicholson , P . M ., P . Prov . J . G . W ., & c ;
W . W . Wood , P . Prov . fi . DP . M . ; Dr . J . Thompson , Prov . G . T . ; W . Cowie , P . M . ; JohnHitson , S . W . ; C . Hodgkin , S . W . ; James Cowper , Prov . G . O . ; H . Fisher , S . W . ; H . Lindsay , S . W . ; T . Tallentire , S . D . ; J . W . Kenworth , S . W . ; C . Morton , S . W . ; J . Slade , J . W . ; J . Anderson , J . W . ; H . Cook , I . G . ; John Wilson , William Shilton , Lieut . Hodgetts , John Collins , H . Fleming , J . W . ; G . Rule , J . Faulder , E . Thwaites , J . Martin , S . W . ; Foster Penricc , II . Bragg , T . Cullum , T . Nicholson , W . Banks , II . Braithwaite , and A . N . Blakey .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . WAEEINGTON . —Lodge of Lights ( No . 17 S)—The regular monthly meeting of this prosperous lodge was held on Monday last , at tho Masonic Rooms , Lankey-streot . The W . M . Bro . H . B . White presided , and was ably assisted by Bros . Captain Knight , S . W . ; John Bowes , J . W . ; Dr . Spinks , S . D . ; Charles Pettitt , J . D ., and other brethren . The lodge having been opened in solemn form , according to ancient custom , and the minutes confirmed , the ballot was taken for Mr . Robert Stevenson , a candidate for the mysteries and privileges of Masonry ,