Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1
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Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . ST . JAMES ' S UNION CIUI ' ( No . 211 ) . —A convocation of this chapter took place at the Freemason ' s Tavern on Tuesday , the 26 th inst . The companions present were—Woodstock , M . E . Z . ; John Gurton , II . ; Jackson , J . ; Matthew Cooke , E . ; J . B . Newali , N . ; T . W . Sedgwick , P . Soj . ; Ileaty , 1 st . Asst . ; Frances , 2 nd Asst . ; Simpson , Treas . ; W . Watson , P . Z . ; and II . Shiirman . The visitors were Comps . GarnerP . Z . Mount
, , Sinai , 10 ; Coeklmrn , Lily Chapter , 1122 ; and Joseph Taylor , J ., Mount Sinai , 19 . Bro . Sharniau was exalted to the sublime degree of a Royal Arch Mason , Companion John Gurton was installed 1 st Principal , Jackson 2 nd , and Newali 3 rd ; Comp . Simpson was re-invested E . ; Sedgwick , N . ; Beaty , P . Soj .. ; Frances , 1 st Asst . ; Robinson , 2 nd Asst . ; and Crawley , Janitor . The report of the audit committee was received and adopted ,
and after some propositions by the M . E . Z . the chapter was closed , and the companions proceeded to the banquet . The usual toasts were given and responded to . A Past Principal's jewel was presented to Companion Woodstock , and the chapter , for the second time , being presided over by Comp . John Gurton , is likely to flourish more than ever , he having its welfare strongly at heart , and being so universally esteemed , that it is believed there will be a great accession of numerical strength during his second tenure of office .
Knights Templar.
NORFOLK . STonwlcn . — Calhell Encampment ( No . 1109 ) . —A convocation of this encampment was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , May 21 st ., the Hon . Major Walpole , E . C ., on the throne , Sir Knights George E . Simpson , Prelate ; H . P . L'Kstrange , 1 st dipt . ; A . F . Morgan , 2 nd Capt . ; J . Marshall , Almoner ; D . Penrice , Expert ; Henry Underwood , Standard Bearer ; G . W . MinnsHerald ; II . J . MasonCapt . of Linesand other Sir
, , , Knights being present . The encampment was opened at six o ' clock p . m ., in ancient form . The minutes of the previous encampment being read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for companions J . II . Warnes , Rev . F . S . Hodgson , P . G . C ., and G . L . Coleman , all of Cabbell Chapter ( No . 1109 . ) The ballot proving unanimous they were introduced in due form , and duly installed Sir Knights of the exalted order of Masonic Knights Templar .
The ceremony was performed by the eminent Commander ; at the conclusion the Sir Knights expressed the pleasure it gave them at witnessing Hie masterly manner in which the ceremony was performed ; their being no other business the encampment was closed in solemn prayer . At 8 . o'clock the Sir Knights of this encampment , Principals and companions of the Cabbell Royal Arch chapter , Masters and brethren of the various lodges , upwards of seventy in number , met in the spacious and handsome ball room of the hall to supper , to which the Hon . Major Walpole had especially been invited ; the room was decorated
with the standards and banners of the different degrees of the Order . Sir Knight George E . Simpson , Prelate and W . M . of Lodge of Sincerity ( No , 1215 ) , took the chair . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the chairman called on the brethren to charge their glasses as he was now about to propose " The Health of the R . W . Prov . Grand Master of Norfolk , B . B . Cabbell , " which was drank with great enthusiasm . The chairman in proposing the next toast said the Sir Knights and
brethren were honoured this evening , at the festive board , with ¦ the presence of their Eminent Commander and W . M . of Union Lodge ( No . 60 ) , he , with great pleasure , proposed " The Health of the Hon . Major Walpole , " and many thanks to him for the great exertions he had made in assisting to establish , in Norwich , what had been lost to it for upwards of thirty years , a Knights Templar Encampment . He was also the present W . M .
of Union Lodge ( No . GO ); to him they were much indebted , not only for the excellent manner in which he discharged his duties as Eminent Commander and W . M ., but for his cheerfulness and kindly greeting to all . The toast was received with immense applause , and after a song by Bro . Baldry the chairman and brethren rose and gave the Masonic honours in hearty style . The Hon . Major Walpole , in reply , made an eloquent speech ,
which was listened to with the greatest pleasure and attention . After the health of the W . M . and brethren of the various lodges bad been given , the brethren retired highly gratified , having spent a social evening in tho true spirit of Masonry .
Mark Masonry.
GLOUCESTERSHIRE . TEWICESBFET—CoNSECBAMON 01 ' THE AlJBEy LODGE ( No . 59 , ) AND INSTALLATION oi- W . M . It has long been contemplated by Bro . E . S .. Cossens , Past G . Steward , Prov . G . Reg . of Berks and Bucks , P . M . 27 , & c , to erect another Masonic Pillar in the antient borough of Tewkesbury , in the province of Gloucester , encouraged by the success
which attended his efforts as the founder of St . George ' s Lodge ( No . 1202 ) . After due consideration , Friday , the 22 nd inst ., was fixed for the auspicious event , to take jilace at the Swan Hotel . The W . Bro . Frederick Binckes , Grand Secretary , who had been specially appoiuted , attended to perform the several ceremonies , supported by Bros , the Rev . George Roberts , Prov . G . C . Monmouth ; W . S . WallaceJ . G . D . W . M . 10 & c ; Alexander
, , , Sbirer , P . M . 10 ; T . W . Swinburne , 10 ; Edward Hale , 10 ; W . Piatt , J . W . 8 ; J . Martin , 10 ; A . Jack , 10 ; and Bro . R , Wiggins , 10 , as Janitor , with several other visitors . The name of the lodge has been aptly selected aud fitly chosen from the associations of the Abbey of Tewkesbury in the locality . The proceedings commenced , as advertised , at 2 o'clock , Bro . Binckes kindly presiding in all the ceremonies of the day , during which , with the assistance of Bros . T . W . Swinburne , as S . W . ; Alex .
Sbirer , as J . W . ; Jack , M . O . ; Wallace , S . O . ; Piatt , J . O . ; Cossens , S . D ., Reg . and I . G ., he advanced to this honourable and time honoured degree the following brethren , Bros . C . C . Whitney Griffiths , P . M . 31-9 , K . T . 18 ° ; Alfred Powell , P . M . 349 , K . T . 18 ° ; Jabez Joues , P . M . 772 ; John Smith , 319 ; Rev . Charles Allen , 1202 ; ltev . J . C . Hereford ; E . G . Stone , P . Prov . G . S . W . Hereford , 1202 ; R . J . Brookes , 1202 ; H . L . Grove , 1202 ; S . H . Hay ward 1202 P . S . W . 712 ; W . GodsallD . C .
, , , 1202 , 110-1 ; W . Trotmau , S . 1202 , and John Livessey , 1202 , leaving ten other candidates for the next meeting of the lodge . The duties of the several officers were amply performed , the ceremony of the degree creating intense delight in the willing candidates .
The arrangements for the consecration were upon an extensive scale . The lodge room prepared in the most approved manner , the fnrni ture being chiefly made by Bro . Piatt , of London , who has been appointed as the costumier of the lodge . The consecration plate was lent by a V . W . and much respected brother of the adjoining province , the wine and oil having been procurred from Italy , and the incense , used from His Holiness's Chapel at Rome .
Bro . the Rev . George Roberts , perfumed tlie lodge in the accustomed manner The musical arrangements were conducted by Bro . . Jabez Jones . The emblems of consecration were borne , aud the lodge sprinkled by Bros . W . S . Wallace , Alexander Sbirer and E . S . Cossens ; the chaunting service was general and full . The new tracing board , presented bBro . the Rev . Charles AllenProv . G . C . HerefordR . A . 141
y , , , K . T . & c , was exhibited , the lodge room presenting a scene of unanticipated lustre . The crowning scene was the installation of Bro . E . S . Cossens as the W . Master , which ceremony was most efficiently performed by the W . Bro . F . Binckes , assisted by Bros . W . S . Wallace , and Alexander Sbirer . The charges were delightfully
rendered by the Installing Master , the salutations and greetings were given and received in the accustomed manner and the W . Master was prepared to make the following appointments : Bro . T . W . Swinbourne , S . W . ; Alexander Sbirer , J . W . ; Bro . Rev . Charles Allen , Chaplain ; Bro . C . C . W . Griffiths , M . O . ; A . Powell , S . W . ; Bro . J . D . Pegg , J . O . ; Bros . Jabez Jones and S . H . Hayward , Organists ; - Bro . Godsall , D . C ; Bro . J . Smith , Janitor ; leaving other offices for future appointments . The
brethren retired at the appointed time to a very excellent banquet , prepared by Bro . Trotman , the time being so arranged that the brethren from Cheltenham , Gloucester , and Worcester could return home that evening . Loyalty , affection , and grateful recollections of those under whom Mark Masters serve were fully observed and responded to . The addresses , particularly those of the W . Bro . Binckesthe Rev . J . W . Robertsand the
, , W . M . Avere A'ery gratifying to the brethren that crowded the festive board , until the time for departure brought the ceremonies to a consummation . Bro . F . Binckes is so highly esteemed in this , the province of his birth , that the W . M . No . 10 , invited him to a dinner , given in his honour , on the following evening , in the banquettingroom of the Masonic Hall at Cheltenham .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . ST . JAMES ' S UNION CIUI ' ( No . 211 ) . —A convocation of this chapter took place at the Freemason ' s Tavern on Tuesday , the 26 th inst . The companions present were—Woodstock , M . E . Z . ; John Gurton , II . ; Jackson , J . ; Matthew Cooke , E . ; J . B . Newali , N . ; T . W . Sedgwick , P . Soj . ; Ileaty , 1 st . Asst . ; Frances , 2 nd Asst . ; Simpson , Treas . ; W . Watson , P . Z . ; and II . Shiirman . The visitors were Comps . GarnerP . Z . Mount
, , Sinai , 10 ; Coeklmrn , Lily Chapter , 1122 ; and Joseph Taylor , J ., Mount Sinai , 19 . Bro . Sharniau was exalted to the sublime degree of a Royal Arch Mason , Companion John Gurton was installed 1 st Principal , Jackson 2 nd , and Newali 3 rd ; Comp . Simpson was re-invested E . ; Sedgwick , N . ; Beaty , P . Soj .. ; Frances , 1 st Asst . ; Robinson , 2 nd Asst . ; and Crawley , Janitor . The report of the audit committee was received and adopted ,
and after some propositions by the M . E . Z . the chapter was closed , and the companions proceeded to the banquet . The usual toasts were given and responded to . A Past Principal's jewel was presented to Companion Woodstock , and the chapter , for the second time , being presided over by Comp . John Gurton , is likely to flourish more than ever , he having its welfare strongly at heart , and being so universally esteemed , that it is believed there will be a great accession of numerical strength during his second tenure of office .
Knights Templar.
NORFOLK . STonwlcn . — Calhell Encampment ( No . 1109 ) . —A convocation of this encampment was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , May 21 st ., the Hon . Major Walpole , E . C ., on the throne , Sir Knights George E . Simpson , Prelate ; H . P . L'Kstrange , 1 st dipt . ; A . F . Morgan , 2 nd Capt . ; J . Marshall , Almoner ; D . Penrice , Expert ; Henry Underwood , Standard Bearer ; G . W . MinnsHerald ; II . J . MasonCapt . of Linesand other Sir
, , , Knights being present . The encampment was opened at six o ' clock p . m ., in ancient form . The minutes of the previous encampment being read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for companions J . II . Warnes , Rev . F . S . Hodgson , P . G . C ., and G . L . Coleman , all of Cabbell Chapter ( No . 1109 . ) The ballot proving unanimous they were introduced in due form , and duly installed Sir Knights of the exalted order of Masonic Knights Templar .
The ceremony was performed by the eminent Commander ; at the conclusion the Sir Knights expressed the pleasure it gave them at witnessing Hie masterly manner in which the ceremony was performed ; their being no other business the encampment was closed in solemn prayer . At 8 . o'clock the Sir Knights of this encampment , Principals and companions of the Cabbell Royal Arch chapter , Masters and brethren of the various lodges , upwards of seventy in number , met in the spacious and handsome ball room of the hall to supper , to which the Hon . Major Walpole had especially been invited ; the room was decorated
with the standards and banners of the different degrees of the Order . Sir Knight George E . Simpson , Prelate and W . M . of Lodge of Sincerity ( No , 1215 ) , took the chair . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the chairman called on the brethren to charge their glasses as he was now about to propose " The Health of the R . W . Prov . Grand Master of Norfolk , B . B . Cabbell , " which was drank with great enthusiasm . The chairman in proposing the next toast said the Sir Knights and
brethren were honoured this evening , at the festive board , with ¦ the presence of their Eminent Commander and W . M . of Union Lodge ( No . 60 ) , he , with great pleasure , proposed " The Health of the Hon . Major Walpole , " and many thanks to him for the great exertions he had made in assisting to establish , in Norwich , what had been lost to it for upwards of thirty years , a Knights Templar Encampment . He was also the present W . M .
of Union Lodge ( No . GO ); to him they were much indebted , not only for the excellent manner in which he discharged his duties as Eminent Commander and W . M ., but for his cheerfulness and kindly greeting to all . The toast was received with immense applause , and after a song by Bro . Baldry the chairman and brethren rose and gave the Masonic honours in hearty style . The Hon . Major Walpole , in reply , made an eloquent speech ,
which was listened to with the greatest pleasure and attention . After the health of the W . M . and brethren of the various lodges bad been given , the brethren retired highly gratified , having spent a social evening in tho true spirit of Masonry .
Mark Masonry.
GLOUCESTERSHIRE . TEWICESBFET—CoNSECBAMON 01 ' THE AlJBEy LODGE ( No . 59 , ) AND INSTALLATION oi- W . M . It has long been contemplated by Bro . E . S .. Cossens , Past G . Steward , Prov . G . Reg . of Berks and Bucks , P . M . 27 , & c , to erect another Masonic Pillar in the antient borough of Tewkesbury , in the province of Gloucester , encouraged by the success
which attended his efforts as the founder of St . George ' s Lodge ( No . 1202 ) . After due consideration , Friday , the 22 nd inst ., was fixed for the auspicious event , to take jilace at the Swan Hotel . The W . Bro . Frederick Binckes , Grand Secretary , who had been specially appoiuted , attended to perform the several ceremonies , supported by Bros , the Rev . George Roberts , Prov . G . C . Monmouth ; W . S . WallaceJ . G . D . W . M . 10 & c ; Alexander
, , , Sbirer , P . M . 10 ; T . W . Swinburne , 10 ; Edward Hale , 10 ; W . Piatt , J . W . 8 ; J . Martin , 10 ; A . Jack , 10 ; and Bro . R , Wiggins , 10 , as Janitor , with several other visitors . The name of the lodge has been aptly selected aud fitly chosen from the associations of the Abbey of Tewkesbury in the locality . The proceedings commenced , as advertised , at 2 o'clock , Bro . Binckes kindly presiding in all the ceremonies of the day , during which , with the assistance of Bros . T . W . Swinburne , as S . W . ; Alex .
Sbirer , as J . W . ; Jack , M . O . ; Wallace , S . O . ; Piatt , J . O . ; Cossens , S . D ., Reg . and I . G ., he advanced to this honourable and time honoured degree the following brethren , Bros . C . C . Whitney Griffiths , P . M . 31-9 , K . T . 18 ° ; Alfred Powell , P . M . 349 , K . T . 18 ° ; Jabez Joues , P . M . 772 ; John Smith , 319 ; Rev . Charles Allen , 1202 ; ltev . J . C . Hereford ; E . G . Stone , P . Prov . G . S . W . Hereford , 1202 ; R . J . Brookes , 1202 ; H . L . Grove , 1202 ; S . H . Hay ward 1202 P . S . W . 712 ; W . GodsallD . C .
, , , 1202 , 110-1 ; W . Trotmau , S . 1202 , and John Livessey , 1202 , leaving ten other candidates for the next meeting of the lodge . The duties of the several officers were amply performed , the ceremony of the degree creating intense delight in the willing candidates .
The arrangements for the consecration were upon an extensive scale . The lodge room prepared in the most approved manner , the fnrni ture being chiefly made by Bro . Piatt , of London , who has been appointed as the costumier of the lodge . The consecration plate was lent by a V . W . and much respected brother of the adjoining province , the wine and oil having been procurred from Italy , and the incense , used from His Holiness's Chapel at Rome .
Bro . the Rev . George Roberts , perfumed tlie lodge in the accustomed manner The musical arrangements were conducted by Bro . . Jabez Jones . The emblems of consecration were borne , aud the lodge sprinkled by Bros . W . S . Wallace , Alexander Sbirer and E . S . Cossens ; the chaunting service was general and full . The new tracing board , presented bBro . the Rev . Charles AllenProv . G . C . HerefordR . A . 141
y , , , K . T . & c , was exhibited , the lodge room presenting a scene of unanticipated lustre . The crowning scene was the installation of Bro . E . S . Cossens as the W . Master , which ceremony was most efficiently performed by the W . Bro . F . Binckes , assisted by Bros . W . S . Wallace , and Alexander Sbirer . The charges were delightfully
rendered by the Installing Master , the salutations and greetings were given and received in the accustomed manner and the W . Master was prepared to make the following appointments : Bro . T . W . Swinbourne , S . W . ; Alexander Sbirer , J . W . ; Bro . Rev . Charles Allen , Chaplain ; Bro . C . C . W . Griffiths , M . O . ; A . Powell , S . W . ; Bro . J . D . Pegg , J . O . ; Bros . Jabez Jones and S . H . Hayward , Organists ; - Bro . Godsall , D . C ; Bro . J . Smith , Janitor ; leaving other offices for future appointments . The
brethren retired at the appointed time to a very excellent banquet , prepared by Bro . Trotman , the time being so arranged that the brethren from Cheltenham , Gloucester , and Worcester could return home that evening . Loyalty , affection , and grateful recollections of those under whom Mark Masters serve were fully observed and responded to . The addresses , particularly those of the W . Bro . Binckesthe Rev . J . W . Robertsand the
, , W . M . Avere A'ery gratifying to the brethren that crowded the festive board , until the time for departure brought the ceremonies to a consummation . Bro . F . Binckes is so highly esteemed in this , the province of his birth , that the W . M . No . 10 , invited him to a dinner , given in his honour , on the following evening , in the banquettingroom of the Masonic Hall at Cheltenham .