Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
* * All communications to he addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , AA . C .
LODGE OT S INCERITY ( NO . 174 ») . —The regular monthly meeting of this flourishing lodge took place on AVednesday the 20 th June , at the Cheshire Cheese Tavern , Crutched Friars , and being the last night of the season it Avas numerously attended . The lodge was opened by Bro . John NeAvton , AV . M ., assisted by his efficient officers . A ballot Avas taken for Mr . Alfred Ash as a candidate for initiation , which being in his favour , he Avas regularly introduced and admitted into the mysteries of tbe
Order . The ceremony was admirably -performed by the AV . M . who was ably assisted by his officers . Bro . Henry'Weeks of the mother Lodge Kilwinning , Scotland , Avas elected as a joining member . It Avas also arranged that the summer festival should take place on the-26 th July at the Greyhound , Duhvich . The lodge was then closed , ancl the brethren adjourned to an excellent supper provided by Bro . John AVright in his usual liberal
style , Avhich gave great satisfaction . On the removal of the cloth the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and cordially responded to . The AV . M . then announced "The Health of Brother Ash" the neAA'ly initiated member , which Avas Avell received , ancl Bro . Ash in acknowledging the compliment trusted that he should be found to be a worthy brother . Bro . BarlowI . P . M . then in highly eulogistic terms proposed "The
, , Health of the AV . M . " which Avas enthusiastically received . The AV . M . ( Bro . Newton ) , in returning thanks for the manner in which his health had been drunk , assured the brethren that nothing should he wanting on his part to render this lodge to which be Avas so much attached , every assistance in his power , he also spoke in highly commendable terms of the manner in Avhich he was supported by the officers , and not forgetting the
able assistance he had experienced from the Past Masters in the government of the lodge ; he dwelt more particularly upon the services rendered by Bro . Barlow , I . P . M ., AVIIO Avas always at his post on every occasion , he therefore had great pleasure in proposing " The Health of the Past Masters , " coupling with it the name of Bro . BarloAv , who returned thanks in . his usual quaint manner . Bro . Barlow gave " The Masonic Institution , " and in doing sostrongly advocated the cause of charitythe
, , brightest ornament of our Order . The AV . M . next proposed " The Health of the Visitors , " Avho mustered in strong numbers , -which Avas responded to by Bvo . Saqui , P . M . The harmony of the evening Avas promoted by the excellent singing of some of the brethren ; the evening ' s proceedings were concluded at a timely hour by the customary Tyler's toast . AVESTBOIJENE LODGE ( NO . 733 ) . —This prosperous lodge
assembled on Thursday at the New Inn , Edgware-road . The chair Avas occupied by the AV . M ., Bro . H . A . Stacey . Nine candidates Avere ballotted for and elected , five of Avhom Avere present , and Avere initiated . Bros . Cooper , Ascott , and Green were raised , and Bro . Durham passed to Hie second degree . A motion to alter the by-laws Avas discussed ; and the AV . M . gave notice to move the appointment of a committee ts revise and alter the b-lawsand after receiving several names for
initiay , tion , the brethren , number ! m » over fifty , sat down to an excellent cold collation , served iu Bro . Davison ' s usual excellent style . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts Avere given and cordially received and responded to , followed by the toast of the evening "The Health of the Initiates , " to Avhich the initiates individually responded . The pleasures of the evening Avere agreeably interspersed with some excellent singing and music .
CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORELAND . WOBECN & TON LODGE ( NO . 962 ) . —The members of this lodge assembled at their lodge room at the Freemasons' Hall , AVorkington , on Tuesday , the 19 th inst ., for the purpose of installing
Bro . Alfred Curwen to the office of Master of the lodge for the ensuing year . The ceremony of installation Avas performed by Bro . 'Greaves , the D . Prov . G . M . The newly elected AV . M . afterwards proceeded to elect his officers as follows i Bro . AVinfield , S . AV . ; Thompson , J . AA . ; Beattie , S . D . ; Barnes , J . D . ; Byers , I . G . ; Dumber , Sec . ; Swiribourne , Treas . ; Pearson , chap . The brethren then adjourned to the house of Bro . Barnes , where a sumptuous dinner had been provided . The chair being occupied
by the WM ., and tho vice-chair by the S . AA ., the usual loyal , patriotic , and Masonic toasts Avere proposed , drunk , and responded to in true Masonic style . The company separated shortly after eight o'clock .
LANCASHIRE . SALJOED . —Richmond Lodge ( No . 1011 ) . —On Thursday , the 21 st inst ., a meeting of the members of this lodgo Avas held in the lodge room , Spread Eagle Hotel , Salford , for the purpose of transacting the ordinary business of the lodge , ancl installing the AA . M . elect ancl his officers for the ensuing year . This lodge has been formed but two yearsancl it already comprises between
, fifty and sixty members . The choice of the brethren having fallen on Bro . AV . Robins , there was a large number of the brethren present on the occasion . Bros . Hine , Prov . G . Treas . ; Baldwin , P . M . ; aud Hart , P . M ., attended to perform the ceremony of installation . There Avere also several visiting brethren present . At the close of the business the brethren adjourned to the banquet , which Avas provided in the Town Hall , Salford .
The new W . M . presided ; supported by Bros , the Rev . J . L . Figgins , Prov . G . Treas . ; Barlow , P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Hine , Prov . G . Treas . ; Baldwin , P . M . ; Hart , P . M . ; Percy , P . M . ; Morris , AV . M . ; Crowther , Statham , Bate , Barker , Booth , Dodge , Holden , Lea , P . M ' s . ; Ashburner , Toft , S . AV . 's ; Avith . others , to the number of eighty . After the removal of the cloththe customary loyal and masonic toasts were givenand
, , the proceedings Avere characterised by the greatest harmony and good feeling . The entertainment was enlivened by admirable glee singing by members of the lodge . The repast was in every respect a most abundant one , and reflected great credit on Mr and Mrs . Goddard .
SUSSEX . EASTBOUENE . —Consecration of the Tyrian Lodge ( No . 1110 . )—A numerous attendance of distinguished brethren took place on the 20 th inst ., upon the occasion of the consecration of the Tyrian Loclge , at the Lamb Hotel , Old Town , Eastbourne , amongst those present Avere Bros . Col . G . C . [ Dalhiac , Prov . G . M . ; supported by D . Prov . G . M . ; Rev . John GriffithProv . Gr .
, Chap . ; G . E . Pojock , Prov . G . Sec . ; J . H . Scott , Prov . S . G . AV . ; AV . R . AVood , Prov . J . G . W . ; C . H . Law , Prov . S . G . D . ; J . Mann , Prov . J . G . D . ; J . P . Cole , Prov . G . Org . ; C . J . Corder , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Dr . Cunningham , Prov . G . A . Div . of Cers . ; and the following brethren : —R . Barnby , 4 »; Donald King , P . M ., 12 ; C . Pavne , P . M ., 27 ; J . Powell , P . M ., 38 ; J . BannisterP . M . 40 ; 0 . AVestand G . Light 56 GAdamson
, , , ; , , P . M . 199 , P . Prov . A . Dir . of Cers ., Kent ; Wilkinson , and Fabian , P . M . ' s 271 ; R . AVilkinson , 287 . The following officers ancl brethren of the South Saxon Lodge , 311 , Lewes . ; F . Lucas , AV . M ., Capt . and Adjt . Settle , S . AV . ; R . Butcher , P . M . ; H . Thomas , ancl AV . Standing . Loclge No . 315 Avas represented by the AV . M ., Bro . J . Robinson ; Bros . AV . Hudson , J . AV . ; Challen , P . M .: J . B . Bavstcr , 53-1 . Lodcre 732 Avas renreseuted bv HIR
following brethren : —C . Reed , AV . M . ; 'V . Freeman , J . Bacon ; ancl H . G . Potter , P . M . ' s ; AV . Strickland , 811 ; A . Elmsley , 91 . The Hartington Lodge 916 , Eastbourne , was represented by Bros . R . V . Blessley , AV . M . ; J . II . Campin Coles , J . W . ; Haswell , Sec . ; J . S . Watts , J . C . Pitcher , George Adams , G . A . AVallis , J . Mossop , AV . Kirkland , C . K . Bond , & c . The meeting was a great success and augurs well for the prosperitof
y Masonry in the province . At the ceremony of consecration the Prov . G . Chap . Bro . the Rev . J . Griffith delivered a most powerful address , not only illustrating the beauties of Freemasonry , but also showing how clearly its principles are connected Avith the Christian religion . The ceremony of consecration being concluded , Bro . Freeman , P . M ., 732 , and P , Prov . J . G . AA . took the chairand in the most able and impressive
, , manner installed Bro . Dr . Cunningham as the first W . M . of the Tyrian Lodge , Avho appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bros . C . H . Law , S . AV . ; J . Kirkland , J . W . ; Adamson , S . D . ; Rev . C . K . Bend , J . D . ; AVallis , Treas . ; Dr . Haswell , Sec . The brother selected to fill the office of I . G . not being -
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
* * All communications to he addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , AA . C .
LODGE OT S INCERITY ( NO . 174 ») . —The regular monthly meeting of this flourishing lodge took place on AVednesday the 20 th June , at the Cheshire Cheese Tavern , Crutched Friars , and being the last night of the season it Avas numerously attended . The lodge was opened by Bro . John NeAvton , AV . M ., assisted by his efficient officers . A ballot Avas taken for Mr . Alfred Ash as a candidate for initiation , which being in his favour , he Avas regularly introduced and admitted into the mysteries of tbe
Order . The ceremony was admirably -performed by the AV . M . who was ably assisted by his officers . Bro . Henry'Weeks of the mother Lodge Kilwinning , Scotland , Avas elected as a joining member . It Avas also arranged that the summer festival should take place on the-26 th July at the Greyhound , Duhvich . The lodge was then closed , ancl the brethren adjourned to an excellent supper provided by Bro . John AVright in his usual liberal
style , Avhich gave great satisfaction . On the removal of the cloth the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and cordially responded to . The AV . M . then announced "The Health of Brother Ash" the neAA'ly initiated member , which Avas Avell received , ancl Bro . Ash in acknowledging the compliment trusted that he should be found to be a worthy brother . Bro . BarlowI . P . M . then in highly eulogistic terms proposed "The
, , Health of the AV . M . " which Avas enthusiastically received . The AV . M . ( Bro . Newton ) , in returning thanks for the manner in which his health had been drunk , assured the brethren that nothing should he wanting on his part to render this lodge to which be Avas so much attached , every assistance in his power , he also spoke in highly commendable terms of the manner in Avhich he was supported by the officers , and not forgetting the
able assistance he had experienced from the Past Masters in the government of the lodge ; he dwelt more particularly upon the services rendered by Bro . Barlow , I . P . M ., AVIIO Avas always at his post on every occasion , he therefore had great pleasure in proposing " The Health of the Past Masters , " coupling with it the name of Bro . BarloAv , who returned thanks in . his usual quaint manner . Bro . Barlow gave " The Masonic Institution , " and in doing sostrongly advocated the cause of charitythe
, , brightest ornament of our Order . The AV . M . next proposed " The Health of the Visitors , " Avho mustered in strong numbers , -which Avas responded to by Bvo . Saqui , P . M . The harmony of the evening Avas promoted by the excellent singing of some of the brethren ; the evening ' s proceedings were concluded at a timely hour by the customary Tyler's toast . AVESTBOIJENE LODGE ( NO . 733 ) . —This prosperous lodge
assembled on Thursday at the New Inn , Edgware-road . The chair Avas occupied by the AV . M ., Bro . H . A . Stacey . Nine candidates Avere ballotted for and elected , five of Avhom Avere present , and Avere initiated . Bros . Cooper , Ascott , and Green were raised , and Bro . Durham passed to Hie second degree . A motion to alter the by-laws Avas discussed ; and the AV . M . gave notice to move the appointment of a committee ts revise and alter the b-lawsand after receiving several names for
initiay , tion , the brethren , number ! m » over fifty , sat down to an excellent cold collation , served iu Bro . Davison ' s usual excellent style . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts Avere given and cordially received and responded to , followed by the toast of the evening "The Health of the Initiates , " to Avhich the initiates individually responded . The pleasures of the evening Avere agreeably interspersed with some excellent singing and music .
CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORELAND . WOBECN & TON LODGE ( NO . 962 ) . —The members of this lodge assembled at their lodge room at the Freemasons' Hall , AVorkington , on Tuesday , the 19 th inst ., for the purpose of installing
Bro . Alfred Curwen to the office of Master of the lodge for the ensuing year . The ceremony of installation Avas performed by Bro . 'Greaves , the D . Prov . G . M . The newly elected AV . M . afterwards proceeded to elect his officers as follows i Bro . AVinfield , S . AV . ; Thompson , J . AA . ; Beattie , S . D . ; Barnes , J . D . ; Byers , I . G . ; Dumber , Sec . ; Swiribourne , Treas . ; Pearson , chap . The brethren then adjourned to the house of Bro . Barnes , where a sumptuous dinner had been provided . The chair being occupied
by the WM ., and tho vice-chair by the S . AA ., the usual loyal , patriotic , and Masonic toasts Avere proposed , drunk , and responded to in true Masonic style . The company separated shortly after eight o'clock .
LANCASHIRE . SALJOED . —Richmond Lodge ( No . 1011 ) . —On Thursday , the 21 st inst ., a meeting of the members of this lodgo Avas held in the lodge room , Spread Eagle Hotel , Salford , for the purpose of transacting the ordinary business of the lodge , ancl installing the AA . M . elect ancl his officers for the ensuing year . This lodge has been formed but two yearsancl it already comprises between
, fifty and sixty members . The choice of the brethren having fallen on Bro . AV . Robins , there was a large number of the brethren present on the occasion . Bros . Hine , Prov . G . Treas . ; Baldwin , P . M . ; aud Hart , P . M ., attended to perform the ceremony of installation . There Avere also several visiting brethren present . At the close of the business the brethren adjourned to the banquet , which Avas provided in the Town Hall , Salford .
The new W . M . presided ; supported by Bros , the Rev . J . L . Figgins , Prov . G . Treas . ; Barlow , P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Hine , Prov . G . Treas . ; Baldwin , P . M . ; Hart , P . M . ; Percy , P . M . ; Morris , AV . M . ; Crowther , Statham , Bate , Barker , Booth , Dodge , Holden , Lea , P . M ' s . ; Ashburner , Toft , S . AV . 's ; Avith . others , to the number of eighty . After the removal of the cloththe customary loyal and masonic toasts were givenand
, , the proceedings Avere characterised by the greatest harmony and good feeling . The entertainment was enlivened by admirable glee singing by members of the lodge . The repast was in every respect a most abundant one , and reflected great credit on Mr and Mrs . Goddard .
SUSSEX . EASTBOUENE . —Consecration of the Tyrian Lodge ( No . 1110 . )—A numerous attendance of distinguished brethren took place on the 20 th inst ., upon the occasion of the consecration of the Tyrian Loclge , at the Lamb Hotel , Old Town , Eastbourne , amongst those present Avere Bros . Col . G . C . [ Dalhiac , Prov . G . M . ; supported by D . Prov . G . M . ; Rev . John GriffithProv . Gr .
, Chap . ; G . E . Pojock , Prov . G . Sec . ; J . H . Scott , Prov . S . G . AV . ; AV . R . AVood , Prov . J . G . W . ; C . H . Law , Prov . S . G . D . ; J . Mann , Prov . J . G . D . ; J . P . Cole , Prov . G . Org . ; C . J . Corder , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Dr . Cunningham , Prov . G . A . Div . of Cers . ; and the following brethren : —R . Barnby , 4 »; Donald King , P . M ., 12 ; C . Pavne , P . M ., 27 ; J . Powell , P . M ., 38 ; J . BannisterP . M . 40 ; 0 . AVestand G . Light 56 GAdamson
, , , ; , , P . M . 199 , P . Prov . A . Dir . of Cers ., Kent ; Wilkinson , and Fabian , P . M . ' s 271 ; R . AVilkinson , 287 . The following officers ancl brethren of the South Saxon Lodge , 311 , Lewes . ; F . Lucas , AV . M ., Capt . and Adjt . Settle , S . AV . ; R . Butcher , P . M . ; H . Thomas , ancl AV . Standing . Loclge No . 315 Avas represented by the AV . M ., Bro . J . Robinson ; Bros . AV . Hudson , J . AV . ; Challen , P . M .: J . B . Bavstcr , 53-1 . Lodcre 732 Avas renreseuted bv HIR
following brethren : —C . Reed , AV . M . ; 'V . Freeman , J . Bacon ; ancl H . G . Potter , P . M . ' s ; AV . Strickland , 811 ; A . Elmsley , 91 . The Hartington Lodge 916 , Eastbourne , was represented by Bros . R . V . Blessley , AV . M . ; J . II . Campin Coles , J . W . ; Haswell , Sec . ; J . S . Watts , J . C . Pitcher , George Adams , G . A . AVallis , J . Mossop , AV . Kirkland , C . K . Bond , & c . The meeting was a great success and augurs well for the prosperitof
y Masonry in the province . At the ceremony of consecration the Prov . G . Chap . Bro . the Rev . J . Griffith delivered a most powerful address , not only illustrating the beauties of Freemasonry , but also showing how clearly its principles are connected Avith the Christian religion . The ceremony of consecration being concluded , Bro . Freeman , P . M ., 732 , and P , Prov . J . G . AA . took the chairand in the most able and impressive
, , manner installed Bro . Dr . Cunningham as the first W . M . of the Tyrian Lodge , Avho appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bros . C . H . Law , S . AV . ; J . Kirkland , J . W . ; Adamson , S . D . ; Rev . C . K . Bend , J . D . ; AVallis , Treas . ; Dr . Haswell , Sec . The brother selected to fill the office of I . G . not being -