Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 2 →
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able to attend , his appointment and investment was deferred . The proceedings were followed by a banquet of the most recherche description , everything being served in excellent style , and altogether highly creditable to mine host of the Lamb Hotel . AVe may add that the Prov . G . M . made a present to the lodge of a very handsome Bible , and Bro . George Adams similarly presented a very beautiful dagger .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) ScAEBOEOtron . —Old Globe Lodge ( No . 200 ) . —The sixth regular monthly lodgo in the present year was held on Wednesday , the 20 th inst ., Avhen upwards of forty members were present . Bros . G . Knight , AV . M . ; AV . Bean , AV . B . Stewart , AV . Foster Rooke , P . M . ' s ; Major J . AV . AVoodall , P . M ., Treas . ; H . C . MartinP . M . Hon . Sec ; J . F . SpurrP . M . as S . AV . ; Dr .
, , , , Armitage , S . D . ; AV . Peacock , as J . D . ; J . Raper , I . G . ; Harrison , Org . ; J . Sanders and Ash , Tylers , & c . The lodge having been properly tyled was opened at seven o'clock in the evening , when the minutes were read and confirmed . Mr . R . Thompson was ballotted for , elected , and initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , Avhen Bros . R . Candler , Gray , Marvin , and Barry , passed a very
satisfactory examination as Craftsmen . They Avere each entrusted Avith a test of merit , and requested to retire . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , Avhen they Avere respectively re-admitted , raised , and inA'Csted Avith the badge of a M . M . The lodge having been reduced to the E . A . degree , four gentlemen were named as candidates for initiation to be ballotted for , and if accepted , admitted at the next lodge . The lodge was closed in harmony at ten o'clock , p . m ., after which the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . BBADFOKD . —Lodge of Harmony ( No . 600 ) . Festival of St . John the Baptist . On Thursday , the 21 st inst ., the installation of the AV . M . and officers of this lodge took place . Before leaving the chair the retiiing AV . M ., Bro . T . Peel , addressed the brethren , and reviewed tlie history of the lodge
during the past year , congratulating the lodge on its prosperous condition , he stated that the capital of the lodge was gradually augmenting year by year , and that over £ 50 Avas the increase during the past twelve months ; that the total amount of capital possessed by the lodge Avas over £ -1-50 , and that , from the fact of only applying the interest of its funds , the lodge was progressing towards that position Avhich ivould enable it to meet all the claims which might be made upon it . He alluded to the
circumstance that during the past year the by-laws of the lodge had been revised in accordance with the Provincial by-laws , and that they had been passed and sanctioned by Bro . B . Shaw , D . Prov . G . M . of West Yorkshire . He begged most sincerely to thank his officers in particular , he relied on their support and kind forbearance , and trusted that whatever might he the result of his year of office , he should be able to leave that chair unstained to his successor , as it had been handed to him . He then
invested the following brethren as his officers : —Bros . C . Brook , S . AV . ; R . Johnson , J . W . ; J . Beanland , S . D . ; S . Pollard , J . D . ; G . Engelhardt , I . G . ; T . Fallon , O . G . ; J . Denton , J . AA ' right , S . ' s ; J . Ward , P . M ., Treas . ; S . 0 . Bailey , P . M ., Sec . The lodge was then closed and the brethren adjourned to the refreshment room , where , according to ancient usage , tliey celebrated the festival of St . John . The lodge was honoured by the presence of twenty-one Past Masters , including the Masters of the neighbouring lodges , as Avell as other visitors .
Mark Masonry.
TETJEO . —Fortitude Lodge ( No . 78 , E . C . ) The installation and anniversary festival of this flourishing lodge was held on Thursday , the 21 st inst ., at four o'clock p . m ., at the Masonic Rooms , Quay-street , Truro . Bro . AV . J . Hughan , G . J . O ., AV . M ., in the chair , supported by Bro . T . Chirgurn , S . W ., Master Designate , and a large number of the brethren . The lodge Avas honoured with the presence of Bro . S . Chappie , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Reg . ; P . G . Dir . of Cers . ; the Installing Master , J . R . H . Spry , AV . M . St . Aubyn , Devonport ; F . Harvey ,
AV . M . 87 ; P . B . Clemens , J . AV . 64 The first business ( preparatory to the installation ) Avas to ballot for the Rev . Henry B . Bullock , M . A ., rector of St . Mary's , Truro , as a candidate for advancement . The Rev . brother was then properly prepared , and constituted a Mark Master , according to ancient ceremony , and subsequently expressed his appreciation of the degree which , had been given him by the unanimous desire of the brethren , who very highly value the services and support of sucli a
distinguished and self-denying clergyman . Bro . Thomas Chirgurn was then balloted for as W . M ., and Bro . S . HolloAvay as Treas . for the year ensuing , and being unanimously in their favour , they Avere respectively greeted most heartily as the W . M . and Treasurer of No . 78 . The Tyler having been chosen , and the remaining business completed , the AV . M . elect was presented to the Installing Master for the benefit of installation . The brethren not elegible having retireda
, Board of Installed Masters Avas formed consisting of four P . M . ' s and the AV . M . elect , when Bro . T . Chirgurn was duly created an Installed Master , and accordingly saluted . The Board being closed the brethren were admitted , and rendered that honour Avhich is due from them to their new Worshipful Master , with much cordiality . The appointment of the remaining officers was then made a » follows :
Bros . W . J . Hughan , G . J . O I . P . M . „ AV . Tweedy S . AV . „ AV . J . Johns , J . AV . „ T . Solomon M . O . „ F . AV . Dabb S . O . „ R . Bodilly J . O . „ Rev . H . B . Bullock , M . A ., Chap . „ S . Holloway ., Treas .
„ J . Niness Registrar of Marks . „ AV . Lake Sec . „ R . S . Hitehin Assist . Sec . „ AV . M . Couch S . D . „ AV . Boase J . D . „ T . E . Lanyon Dir . of Cers . „ J . Ralph Org . „ T . Mann I . G . „ J . Hall S . „ J . D . Delbridge S . „ AV . AVyatt Tyler .
AVe must congratulate the AV . M . on-having- such a capital number of officers ; AVIIO Avill mdst efficiently assist him during his year of office . The appointments were made from the members who Avere present . Several valued members were prevented by pressing engagements , and being at a distance , from being present , and sent letters of apology to the AV . M . Among the number we Avould mention Bro . F . M . Williams , M . P ., whose kind thoughtfulnesshoweverprovided a very choice
, , addition to the varied and ample banquet provided at the Red Lion Hotel , Avhere the brethren subsequently adjourned , and spent the remainder of the evening most agreeably , and so enthusiastically did the members respond to the toast of " The Worshipful Master , " that it left no doubt on our mind but that ho will have a most successful term of office .
To show Avhat may be done by a few members in the Mark Degree , who thoroughly believe in its importance and Masonic value , it may be stated that the Fortitude Lodge of Mark Masters , Truro , Avas opened in May , 1865 , and then consisted of but four members . In twelve months the lodge has increased to more than seventy members , opened a Mark lodge at Hayle , Avhich is progressing favourably , and has sent up a petition to hold another at Falmouth . The V . AV . Bro . Reginald Rogern ,
P . M . D ., P . Prov . G . M . in the Craft for Cornwall , being the AV . Master nominated by the petitioners , who , unfortunately , and to the regret of tho brethren , Avas unavoidably prevented attending at the installation of Bro . Thomas Chirgurn . Financially , the lodge has been as successful as it has numerically . During the year the Treasurer received £ 114 18 s 6 d ., and paid £ 98 17 s . 6 d . leasing a balance in favour of the lodge of £ 16 Is . In these amounts is included a very handsome set of
silver jewels presented by the officers of the past year and other members , at a cost of £ 26 17 s . 9 d . They were manufactured by Bro . Joseph Starkey , 23 , Conduit-street , London , and are , without exception , the best we have seen . AVe would just like to see every Mark Lodge have its officers adorned with such handsome jeAvels as certainly the effect ia excelleut , " and nothing more than the position of Mark Masonry
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
able to attend , his appointment and investment was deferred . The proceedings were followed by a banquet of the most recherche description , everything being served in excellent style , and altogether highly creditable to mine host of the Lamb Hotel . AVe may add that the Prov . G . M . made a present to the lodge of a very handsome Bible , and Bro . George Adams similarly presented a very beautiful dagger .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) ScAEBOEOtron . —Old Globe Lodge ( No . 200 ) . —The sixth regular monthly lodgo in the present year was held on Wednesday , the 20 th inst ., Avhen upwards of forty members were present . Bros . G . Knight , AV . M . ; AV . Bean , AV . B . Stewart , AV . Foster Rooke , P . M . ' s ; Major J . AV . AVoodall , P . M ., Treas . ; H . C . MartinP . M . Hon . Sec ; J . F . SpurrP . M . as S . AV . ; Dr .
, , , , Armitage , S . D . ; AV . Peacock , as J . D . ; J . Raper , I . G . ; Harrison , Org . ; J . Sanders and Ash , Tylers , & c . The lodge having been properly tyled was opened at seven o'clock in the evening , when the minutes were read and confirmed . Mr . R . Thompson was ballotted for , elected , and initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , Avhen Bros . R . Candler , Gray , Marvin , and Barry , passed a very
satisfactory examination as Craftsmen . They Avere each entrusted Avith a test of merit , and requested to retire . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , Avhen they Avere respectively re-admitted , raised , and inA'Csted Avith the badge of a M . M . The lodge having been reduced to the E . A . degree , four gentlemen were named as candidates for initiation to be ballotted for , and if accepted , admitted at the next lodge . The lodge was closed in harmony at ten o'clock , p . m ., after which the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . BBADFOKD . —Lodge of Harmony ( No . 600 ) . Festival of St . John the Baptist . On Thursday , the 21 st inst ., the installation of the AV . M . and officers of this lodge took place . Before leaving the chair the retiiing AV . M ., Bro . T . Peel , addressed the brethren , and reviewed tlie history of the lodge
during the past year , congratulating the lodge on its prosperous condition , he stated that the capital of the lodge was gradually augmenting year by year , and that over £ 50 Avas the increase during the past twelve months ; that the total amount of capital possessed by the lodge Avas over £ -1-50 , and that , from the fact of only applying the interest of its funds , the lodge was progressing towards that position Avhich ivould enable it to meet all the claims which might be made upon it . He alluded to the
circumstance that during the past year the by-laws of the lodge had been revised in accordance with the Provincial by-laws , and that they had been passed and sanctioned by Bro . B . Shaw , D . Prov . G . M . of West Yorkshire . He begged most sincerely to thank his officers in particular , he relied on their support and kind forbearance , and trusted that whatever might he the result of his year of office , he should be able to leave that chair unstained to his successor , as it had been handed to him . He then
invested the following brethren as his officers : —Bros . C . Brook , S . AV . ; R . Johnson , J . W . ; J . Beanland , S . D . ; S . Pollard , J . D . ; G . Engelhardt , I . G . ; T . Fallon , O . G . ; J . Denton , J . AA ' right , S . ' s ; J . Ward , P . M ., Treas . ; S . 0 . Bailey , P . M ., Sec . The lodge was then closed and the brethren adjourned to the refreshment room , where , according to ancient usage , tliey celebrated the festival of St . John . The lodge was honoured by the presence of twenty-one Past Masters , including the Masters of the neighbouring lodges , as Avell as other visitors .
Mark Masonry.
TETJEO . —Fortitude Lodge ( No . 78 , E . C . ) The installation and anniversary festival of this flourishing lodge was held on Thursday , the 21 st inst ., at four o'clock p . m ., at the Masonic Rooms , Quay-street , Truro . Bro . AV . J . Hughan , G . J . O ., AV . M ., in the chair , supported by Bro . T . Chirgurn , S . W ., Master Designate , and a large number of the brethren . The lodge Avas honoured with the presence of Bro . S . Chappie , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Reg . ; P . G . Dir . of Cers . ; the Installing Master , J . R . H . Spry , AV . M . St . Aubyn , Devonport ; F . Harvey ,
AV . M . 87 ; P . B . Clemens , J . AV . 64 The first business ( preparatory to the installation ) Avas to ballot for the Rev . Henry B . Bullock , M . A ., rector of St . Mary's , Truro , as a candidate for advancement . The Rev . brother was then properly prepared , and constituted a Mark Master , according to ancient ceremony , and subsequently expressed his appreciation of the degree which , had been given him by the unanimous desire of the brethren , who very highly value the services and support of sucli a
distinguished and self-denying clergyman . Bro . Thomas Chirgurn was then balloted for as W . M ., and Bro . S . HolloAvay as Treas . for the year ensuing , and being unanimously in their favour , they Avere respectively greeted most heartily as the W . M . and Treasurer of No . 78 . The Tyler having been chosen , and the remaining business completed , the AV . M . elect was presented to the Installing Master for the benefit of installation . The brethren not elegible having retireda
, Board of Installed Masters Avas formed consisting of four P . M . ' s and the AV . M . elect , when Bro . T . Chirgurn was duly created an Installed Master , and accordingly saluted . The Board being closed the brethren were admitted , and rendered that honour Avhich is due from them to their new Worshipful Master , with much cordiality . The appointment of the remaining officers was then made a » follows :
Bros . W . J . Hughan , G . J . O I . P . M . „ AV . Tweedy S . AV . „ AV . J . Johns , J . AV . „ T . Solomon M . O . „ F . AV . Dabb S . O . „ R . Bodilly J . O . „ Rev . H . B . Bullock , M . A ., Chap . „ S . Holloway ., Treas .
„ J . Niness Registrar of Marks . „ AV . Lake Sec . „ R . S . Hitehin Assist . Sec . „ AV . M . Couch S . D . „ AV . Boase J . D . „ T . E . Lanyon Dir . of Cers . „ J . Ralph Org . „ T . Mann I . G . „ J . Hall S . „ J . D . Delbridge S . „ AV . AVyatt Tyler .
AVe must congratulate the AV . M . on-having- such a capital number of officers ; AVIIO Avill mdst efficiently assist him during his year of office . The appointments were made from the members who Avere present . Several valued members were prevented by pressing engagements , and being at a distance , from being present , and sent letters of apology to the AV . M . Among the number we Avould mention Bro . F . M . Williams , M . P ., whose kind thoughtfulnesshoweverprovided a very choice
, , addition to the varied and ample banquet provided at the Red Lion Hotel , Avhere the brethren subsequently adjourned , and spent the remainder of the evening most agreeably , and so enthusiastically did the members respond to the toast of " The Worshipful Master , " that it left no doubt on our mind but that ho will have a most successful term of office .
To show Avhat may be done by a few members in the Mark Degree , who thoroughly believe in its importance and Masonic value , it may be stated that the Fortitude Lodge of Mark Masters , Truro , Avas opened in May , 1865 , and then consisted of but four members . In twelve months the lodge has increased to more than seventy members , opened a Mark lodge at Hayle , Avhich is progressing favourably , and has sent up a petition to hold another at Falmouth . The V . AV . Bro . Reginald Rogern ,
P . M . D ., P . Prov . G . M . in the Craft for Cornwall , being the AV . Master nominated by the petitioners , who , unfortunately , and to the regret of tho brethren , Avas unavoidably prevented attending at the installation of Bro . Thomas Chirgurn . Financially , the lodge has been as successful as it has numerically . During the year the Treasurer received £ 114 18 s 6 d ., and paid £ 98 17 s . 6 d . leasing a balance in favour of the lodge of £ 16 Is . In these amounts is included a very handsome set of
silver jewels presented by the officers of the past year and other members , at a cost of £ 26 17 s . 9 d . They were manufactured by Bro . Joseph Starkey , 23 , Conduit-street , London , and are , without exception , the best we have seen . AVe would just like to see every Mark Lodge have its officers adorned with such handsome jeAvels as certainly the effect ia excelleut , " and nothing more than the position of Mark Masonry