Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 5 →
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hy the ten o ' clock train . The visitors present were , Bros . Alfred , P . M ., 'No . 25 ; Newton , P . M ., Xo . 25 : Wade , AA ' . M ., Xo . 103 ; AY-. ilkley , P . A ! ., Xo . 367 ; AVyatt , P . M .. Xo . ] ( iii ; aud others . Rov . u . AT . RIKI ) LOIXIK ( Xo . 1082 ) . —This Loclge , which is under the inaugural Mastership of the 'V . W . Bro . Joseph Smith , G . Purs ., ivas summoned to meet at the Star and Garter hotel , KeivrBi-idge , on Friday , the 22 nd instant , in consequence of Bro . TuII , the host of the Rising Sun ,
Fulham , having stated to the W . Af . that he was desirous that the Loclge should discontinue its meetings at his house . The Koyal Alfred members having been convened to meet at Bro . Raekstraw ' s . at Ken * , on the day above mentioned , there was a full attendance of the members of this young Lodge . 'Die business consisted in raising Pro . Charles . TefTereys , the author and music publisher , and admitting Bro . Alfred Davies , of the Domatic Lodge , Xo . 200 , as a joining member . Some other gentlemen wero put down for initiationhut owing to private
, engagements , and the change of the location of tho Lodge , it AVUS thought host that they should not present themselves on this occasion . After the business the Lodge was called off from labour to refreshment , and the banquet , which gave unmixed satisfaction to all present , being iu Bro . Racks ! raws usual good style , being ended , the subject of the removal of tlie Lodgo was taken into consideration , and it ivas unanimously resolved that the Royal Alfred Lodge , Xo . 10 S 2 . shiuld henceforth hold its meetings at Bro . Rackstraws , the Star and Garter ,
Kow-. Bridge . Among the visitors ivere Bro . Todd . P .. AL , Mo . 20 , Bro . Andrews , 'P . M ., Xo . 725 , and Tiro . P . Davis , of Xo . 200 . In the course of the evening , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts ivere given , and Bro . 'f odd , in responding to the health of tho visitors , dwelt with much force upon the very superior working of the Lodge , and his happiness in being a second time a visitor of the ltoy . il Alfred , which contrasted so strongly ivith the first visit he paid , in improved accommodation and position . The lii-etliren generally expressed their satisfaction with Pro . ltackstraw ' s
provision and desire to make them comfortable , and it ivas generally felt that the Royal Alfred Loclge had found a permanent home under a roof ' roe where it must ultimately flourish . 'The Tyler ' . ? toast having brought , to nn end a pleasant and happy meeting , the brethren adjourned at a reasonable hour to meet the train .
INSTRUCTION . ROBERT Brass Loncn ( Xo . 25 ) , —At this Lodge of Instruction , on Friday . 23 rd inst ,., the ceremony of installation was very correctly rehearsed by Bro . T . . 1 ) . ' Caulcher , AY . M . elect of tho Prince William Frederick Lodge , No . 1055 . Afterwards the ivliole of the sections of the first lecture were worked by Bro . AA' . Walley , AA ' . M .. assisted by Bros . T . A . Adams ; AY . AVatson ; States : Xewton ; Great Rex ; Caulcher : lliley . : Sed The of this Lod
I . egassiek ; gwick , > vc . experiment keeping ge open during the summer months has more than realized the hopes of the promoters , the best evidence of which is the full attendance of members on each night of meeting . ROVAL AI . PHKD LODOI : ( NO . 10 S 2 ) . —At our visit on Thursday , 21 sfc inst ., ive ive re pleased to find Bro . J . Smith , (' ! . Pur ., as AY . M ., who selected as the work for the evening , the ceremony of raising and the
lectures of that degree . Several sections of the first lecture were also Avorked in a manner highly creditable for so young a Lodge . AVe are informed that- fche parent Lodge will iu future meet at the Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , instead of the Rising Sun . AYalliam Given .
BERKS AXD BUCKS . AvEEsnunv . —Buckingham Lodge ( No . Sfil ) . —The regular meeting of this Lodge ivas held at the , AVhite Hart Hotel , on Holiday , July ISth , ivhen there was a very good attendance of the members . The principal business before the Lodge was , "to recommend a petition for a Royal Arch Chapter to be attached to the Lodge . " After some discussion this subject was ( on the motion of the J . AV ., the Rev . O . J . Grace ) , adjourned
to the next meeting . A letter from the Grand Lodge , respecting irregular Lodges at Smyrna , ivas read by the Secretary , and entered in the minutes of the Lodge . Several notices of motions were then given , the most important of which was , that an additional by-law be added to the already existing rules , by which brethren may be allowed to become life members of the Lodge . This motion is proposed by P . M . the Rev . J . C . Farmbrougli , Prov . Gr . Chaplain of Berks and Bucks ; and seconded by P . M . the Rev . J . B . Reade . The business of the Lodge being over , the
brethren adjourned to refreshment . CHAXXEL ISLANDS . JERSEY . —Lodge . La Cesaree ( Xo . 800 ) . —An emergency meeting was held on Friday , July 22 nd , rendered necessary ( as has of late often been the case ) , by the amount of work in hand . Ou this occasion the circular of summons contained the names of three candidates for initiation—iivo
for the second , and three for the third degree . The chair ivas taken by the AY . M ., Bro . Le Cras , at six o ' clock , tho AA'ardens , Bro . Randoms and Bro . Binet , occupying their respective places , and Bro . Perrot , one of the Deacons , undertaking the duties both of himself and his colleague , who ivas ab = out , As a young Mason , AAIIO has onlv receiitlv been placed in
office , his efficiency deserves especial mention . The Lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bros . Leigh and Moss were afterwards passed by the \\ . M . Bro . Ratier . the Orator , was preparing to give the explanation by aid of the tracing board , but as the labours of the evening were heavy , it was postponed to the next occasion . Bros . Gallichan . Le Fenvre . ind Smith were then subjected to the usual examination , ami aftern ' . irds duly raised by Bro . Schinit . P . M ., in a most impressive manlier . Au address on the sublime degree ivas then delivered by the
Orator with all the fervour AA'hich characterizes his orations . The candidates for initiation did not present themselves ; nevertheless the sitting occupied four hours , and the Lodge ivas not closed till after ten o ' clock , allowing hut a short time for refreshment and social intercourse . It must be mentioned that the Lodge was honoured by a visit from the R . AV . Bro . Kelly , D . Prov . G . M . for Leicestershire , ivho expressed his gratification at the prosperity of Loclge La Cesaree . and at the efficiency , correctness , and solemn character of the working , —H . H ,
CUMBERLAND . AViiiTEiiAVi-::-,- . — . - >»« , Squmv . aed C / mjuiss Lodge (" So . LIS ) . —This numerous Lodge met in their new Hall ou the 27 th ult .. to celebrate the festival of St . John . The following brethren were appointed officers for the enduing twelve months , bv tho newlv installed AV . M .. Bro . James Dees .- —Bros . James Jackson . VII . ; Jolni ' Davis , SAY . ; AVm . II . Gibson . LAY .: James AVhite , S . D . ; George Ryrie . J . D .: G . AV . Keuwortliy . I . G . ; Win . Coivic . Sec . ; Joseph Fletcher , 'Treas . The installation eeremony
ivas - previously performed by Bro . J . Fletcher , P . M . The brethren , about sixty in number , dined together afterwards . This Lodge possesses the nucleus of a library , £ 10 worth of Masonic books having been presented to it by the AY . M ., Bro . Dees , in March last .
HAMPSHIRE . 1 T . OVIXCIAI , CIIAXD LOllCiE AT SOUTIIAJtl'roX . On Tuesday , the 19 th inst ., a veiy numerous meeting of the Freemasons of the province of Hampshire , took place at the Freemasons ' Hall , in Bugle street , Southampton . This was the annual gathering of the Provincial Grand Lodge . The last annual meeting was helcl afc Basingstoke , and next year the Grand Loclge will meet at Aldershot .
The Grand Lodge was close tiled at an early hour iu the morning . There ivere many distinguished members of the Craft iu attendance , the Right AVorshipful Prov . Grand Master , Admiral Sir Lucius Curtis , Barf ,, presiding , supported hy Bros . Thomas AA'illis Fleming , Prov . G . M . of the Isle of AVight ; AYyndhani S . Portal , P . G . AA' . of England ; Hyde Pullen , D . Prov . G . M . of the Isle of AVight ; C . E . Deacon . D . Prov . G . M . of Hants : Rev . G , R , Portal , Prov . G . Chap . ; AA * . AY . B . Beach , M . P . Prov . S . G . AA * . ; AY . C . Humphrys ; Henry Ford ( mayor of
Ports-, month ); J . R . Stebbing . Prov . G . Soe , pro tent . ; also F . Perkins , R . Hulbcrt , G . AY . Clarke , A . Fletcher . II . Parker . H . Abraham , H . Clarke , T . Falvoy , G . Lungley , 0 . Sherry , J . Naish , C . Copeland , Lisle ( Prov . G . Purs . ) , & c , and many others from A'arious parts of this county and other more distant parts . The Lodge having been opened in clue form , and with solemn prayer by the Prov . Grand Chaplain , business was at once commenced by the ! Grand SecretaryBro . Stebbingreading the minutes of the last annual
, , Meeting held -. it Basingstoke , in July , 1 S 58 . Bro . Stebbing suggested that the minutes he had just read be confirmed in the usual way , with the exception of that part referring to the charities subsequently re-discussed at the meeting in the Lodge of ( Economy , ; this would prevent any clashing . Bro . Stebbing next read the minutes of the Lodge of Emergency held by the Province 1 of Winchester on the 28 th of March last , and further suggested that any ivished for discussion at this point be upon the confirmation of these minutes .
THE MASONIC' CIIAIUTIES . Bro . Stebbing called the attention of the Grand Lodge to the resolutions already adopted in respect to the formation of a charities committee . Bro . the Rev . G . R . Portal said , as the matter at present- stood , there ivas no charity committee member for this province . Bro . Stebbing said there appeared a little difficulty , no doubt . Supposing they adopted Hie resolution brought forward at the Lodge of emergency , a charity ste . Avard would be scut from each Lodge and t-hoi-e
would help form the committee . There had been two resolutions moved , opposed to each other . The question had been whether the Master of a Lodge should act on the committee , or a special member of each Lodgein addition . 'The number originally proposed for tho committee was seventeen , and the resolution carried by the Lodgo of Emergency made it up to thirty-one . It was , hoivever , thought the larger number was too many for good working , but . the strongest discussion ivas directed to the pointwhether the AY . M . or a speciallappointed member shall serve .
, y Bro . H . Ford , AY . M ., Xo . 3 P-1 , and mayor of Portsmouth , said , having proposed the motion that had been carried at the Lodge of Emergency , he now begged to move thafc such part of the proceedings of the Lodge of Emergency bo confirmed . His motion had been as follows— "That approving generally of the suggestions contained in the report of Bros . t-ya . il and Symonds , it is resolved thafc so much of it as recommends the appointment of a special member from each Lodge , to be called the
charity steward , as an addition to the committee , be adopted ; and that the committee be instructed to guide themselves by the general spirit , of the recommendations of the report in question , * and that the R . A \\ Prov . Grand Master be respectfully reque-ted to act on the committee . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
hy the ten o ' clock train . The visitors present were , Bros . Alfred , P . M ., 'No . 25 ; Newton , P . M ., Xo . 25 : Wade , AA ' . M ., Xo . 103 ; AY-. ilkley , P . A ! ., Xo . 367 ; AVyatt , P . M .. Xo . ] ( iii ; aud others . Rov . u . AT . RIKI ) LOIXIK ( Xo . 1082 ) . —This Loclge , which is under the inaugural Mastership of the 'V . W . Bro . Joseph Smith , G . Purs ., ivas summoned to meet at the Star and Garter hotel , KeivrBi-idge , on Friday , the 22 nd instant , in consequence of Bro . TuII , the host of the Rising Sun ,
Fulham , having stated to the W . Af . that he was desirous that the Loclge should discontinue its meetings at his house . The Koyal Alfred members having been convened to meet at Bro . Raekstraw ' s . at Ken * , on the day above mentioned , there was a full attendance of the members of this young Lodge . 'Die business consisted in raising Pro . Charles . TefTereys , the author and music publisher , and admitting Bro . Alfred Davies , of the Domatic Lodge , Xo . 200 , as a joining member . Some other gentlemen wero put down for initiationhut owing to private
, engagements , and the change of the location of tho Lodge , it AVUS thought host that they should not present themselves on this occasion . After the business the Lodge was called off from labour to refreshment , and the banquet , which gave unmixed satisfaction to all present , being iu Bro . Racks ! raws usual good style , being ended , the subject of the removal of tlie Lodgo was taken into consideration , and it ivas unanimously resolved that the Royal Alfred Lodge , Xo . 10 S 2 . shiuld henceforth hold its meetings at Bro . Rackstraws , the Star and Garter ,
Kow-. Bridge . Among the visitors ivere Bro . Todd . P .. AL , Mo . 20 , Bro . Andrews , 'P . M ., Xo . 725 , and Tiro . P . Davis , of Xo . 200 . In the course of the evening , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts ivere given , and Bro . 'f odd , in responding to the health of tho visitors , dwelt with much force upon the very superior working of the Lodge , and his happiness in being a second time a visitor of the ltoy . il Alfred , which contrasted so strongly ivith the first visit he paid , in improved accommodation and position . The lii-etliren generally expressed their satisfaction with Pro . ltackstraw ' s
provision and desire to make them comfortable , and it ivas generally felt that the Royal Alfred Loclge had found a permanent home under a roof ' roe where it must ultimately flourish . 'The Tyler ' . ? toast having brought , to nn end a pleasant and happy meeting , the brethren adjourned at a reasonable hour to meet the train .
INSTRUCTION . ROBERT Brass Loncn ( Xo . 25 ) , —At this Lodge of Instruction , on Friday . 23 rd inst ,., the ceremony of installation was very correctly rehearsed by Bro . T . . 1 ) . ' Caulcher , AY . M . elect of tho Prince William Frederick Lodge , No . 1055 . Afterwards the ivliole of the sections of the first lecture were worked by Bro . AA' . Walley , AA ' . M .. assisted by Bros . T . A . Adams ; AY . AVatson ; States : Xewton ; Great Rex ; Caulcher : lliley . : Sed The of this Lod
I . egassiek ; gwick , > vc . experiment keeping ge open during the summer months has more than realized the hopes of the promoters , the best evidence of which is the full attendance of members on each night of meeting . ROVAL AI . PHKD LODOI : ( NO . 10 S 2 ) . —At our visit on Thursday , 21 sfc inst ., ive ive re pleased to find Bro . J . Smith , (' ! . Pur ., as AY . M ., who selected as the work for the evening , the ceremony of raising and the
lectures of that degree . Several sections of the first lecture were also Avorked in a manner highly creditable for so young a Lodge . AVe are informed that- fche parent Lodge will iu future meet at the Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , instead of the Rising Sun . AYalliam Given .
BERKS AXD BUCKS . AvEEsnunv . —Buckingham Lodge ( No . Sfil ) . —The regular meeting of this Lodge ivas held at the , AVhite Hart Hotel , on Holiday , July ISth , ivhen there was a very good attendance of the members . The principal business before the Lodge was , "to recommend a petition for a Royal Arch Chapter to be attached to the Lodge . " After some discussion this subject was ( on the motion of the J . AV ., the Rev . O . J . Grace ) , adjourned
to the next meeting . A letter from the Grand Lodge , respecting irregular Lodges at Smyrna , ivas read by the Secretary , and entered in the minutes of the Lodge . Several notices of motions were then given , the most important of which was , that an additional by-law be added to the already existing rules , by which brethren may be allowed to become life members of the Lodge . This motion is proposed by P . M . the Rev . J . C . Farmbrougli , Prov . Gr . Chaplain of Berks and Bucks ; and seconded by P . M . the Rev . J . B . Reade . The business of the Lodge being over , the
brethren adjourned to refreshment . CHAXXEL ISLANDS . JERSEY . —Lodge . La Cesaree ( Xo . 800 ) . —An emergency meeting was held on Friday , July 22 nd , rendered necessary ( as has of late often been the case ) , by the amount of work in hand . Ou this occasion the circular of summons contained the names of three candidates for initiation—iivo
for the second , and three for the third degree . The chair ivas taken by the AY . M ., Bro . Le Cras , at six o ' clock , tho AA'ardens , Bro . Randoms and Bro . Binet , occupying their respective places , and Bro . Perrot , one of the Deacons , undertaking the duties both of himself and his colleague , who ivas ab = out , As a young Mason , AAIIO has onlv receiitlv been placed in
office , his efficiency deserves especial mention . The Lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bros . Leigh and Moss were afterwards passed by the \\ . M . Bro . Ratier . the Orator , was preparing to give the explanation by aid of the tracing board , but as the labours of the evening were heavy , it was postponed to the next occasion . Bros . Gallichan . Le Fenvre . ind Smith were then subjected to the usual examination , ami aftern ' . irds duly raised by Bro . Schinit . P . M ., in a most impressive manlier . Au address on the sublime degree ivas then delivered by the
Orator with all the fervour AA'hich characterizes his orations . The candidates for initiation did not present themselves ; nevertheless the sitting occupied four hours , and the Lodge ivas not closed till after ten o ' clock , allowing hut a short time for refreshment and social intercourse . It must be mentioned that the Lodge was honoured by a visit from the R . AV . Bro . Kelly , D . Prov . G . M . for Leicestershire , ivho expressed his gratification at the prosperity of Loclge La Cesaree . and at the efficiency , correctness , and solemn character of the working , —H . H ,
CUMBERLAND . AViiiTEiiAVi-::-,- . — . - >»« , Squmv . aed C / mjuiss Lodge (" So . LIS ) . —This numerous Lodge met in their new Hall ou the 27 th ult .. to celebrate the festival of St . John . The following brethren were appointed officers for the enduing twelve months , bv tho newlv installed AV . M .. Bro . James Dees .- —Bros . James Jackson . VII . ; Jolni ' Davis , SAY . ; AVm . II . Gibson . LAY .: James AVhite , S . D . ; George Ryrie . J . D .: G . AV . Keuwortliy . I . G . ; Win . Coivic . Sec . ; Joseph Fletcher , 'Treas . The installation eeremony
ivas - previously performed by Bro . J . Fletcher , P . M . The brethren , about sixty in number , dined together afterwards . This Lodge possesses the nucleus of a library , £ 10 worth of Masonic books having been presented to it by the AY . M ., Bro . Dees , in March last .
HAMPSHIRE . 1 T . OVIXCIAI , CIIAXD LOllCiE AT SOUTIIAJtl'roX . On Tuesday , the 19 th inst ., a veiy numerous meeting of the Freemasons of the province of Hampshire , took place at the Freemasons ' Hall , in Bugle street , Southampton . This was the annual gathering of the Provincial Grand Lodge . The last annual meeting was helcl afc Basingstoke , and next year the Grand Loclge will meet at Aldershot .
The Grand Lodge was close tiled at an early hour iu the morning . There ivere many distinguished members of the Craft iu attendance , the Right AVorshipful Prov . Grand Master , Admiral Sir Lucius Curtis , Barf ,, presiding , supported hy Bros . Thomas AA'illis Fleming , Prov . G . M . of the Isle of AVight ; AYyndhani S . Portal , P . G . AA' . of England ; Hyde Pullen , D . Prov . G . M . of the Isle of AVight ; C . E . Deacon . D . Prov . G . M . of Hants : Rev . G , R , Portal , Prov . G . Chap . ; AA * . AY . B . Beach , M . P . Prov . S . G . AA * . ; AY . C . Humphrys ; Henry Ford ( mayor of
Ports-, month ); J . R . Stebbing . Prov . G . Soe , pro tent . ; also F . Perkins , R . Hulbcrt , G . AY . Clarke , A . Fletcher . II . Parker . H . Abraham , H . Clarke , T . Falvoy , G . Lungley , 0 . Sherry , J . Naish , C . Copeland , Lisle ( Prov . G . Purs . ) , & c , and many others from A'arious parts of this county and other more distant parts . The Lodge having been opened in clue form , and with solemn prayer by the Prov . Grand Chaplain , business was at once commenced by the ! Grand SecretaryBro . Stebbingreading the minutes of the last annual
, , Meeting held -. it Basingstoke , in July , 1 S 58 . Bro . Stebbing suggested that the minutes he had just read be confirmed in the usual way , with the exception of that part referring to the charities subsequently re-discussed at the meeting in the Lodge of ( Economy , ; this would prevent any clashing . Bro . Stebbing next read the minutes of the Lodge of Emergency held by the Province 1 of Winchester on the 28 th of March last , and further suggested that any ivished for discussion at this point be upon the confirmation of these minutes .
THE MASONIC' CIIAIUTIES . Bro . Stebbing called the attention of the Grand Lodge to the resolutions already adopted in respect to the formation of a charities committee . Bro . the Rev . G . R . Portal said , as the matter at present- stood , there ivas no charity committee member for this province . Bro . Stebbing said there appeared a little difficulty , no doubt . Supposing they adopted Hie resolution brought forward at the Lodge of emergency , a charity ste . Avard would be scut from each Lodge and t-hoi-e
would help form the committee . There had been two resolutions moved , opposed to each other . The question had been whether the Master of a Lodge should act on the committee , or a special member of each Lodgein addition . 'The number originally proposed for tho committee was seventeen , and the resolution carried by the Lodgo of Emergency made it up to thirty-one . It was , hoivever , thought the larger number was too many for good working , but . the strongest discussion ivas directed to the pointwhether the AY . M . or a speciallappointed member shall serve .
, y Bro . H . Ford , AY . M ., Xo . 3 P-1 , and mayor of Portsmouth , said , having proposed the motion that had been carried at the Lodge of Emergency , he now begged to move thafc such part of the proceedings of the Lodge of Emergency bo confirmed . His motion had been as follows— "That approving generally of the suggestions contained in the report of Bros . t-ya . il and Symonds , it is resolved thafc so much of it as recommends the appointment of a special member from each Lodge , to be called the
charity steward , as an addition to the committee , be adopted ; and that the committee be instructed to guide themselves by the general spirit , of the recommendations of the report in question , * and that the R . A \\ Prov . Grand Master be respectfully reque-ted to act on the committee . "