Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 4 of 5 →
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The health of fche R . AV . Prov . Grand Master having been drunk with enthusiasm ( proposed by Bro . Fleming ) , Sir Lucius rose to respond . He said , so often did ifc fall to his lot to reply to their kindness in di-iiikiug the toast , that he really now felt very diffident in addressing them , and what added so much to his present difficulty was the galaxy of beauty ivhich surrounded him . ( Cheers ) . The Prov . Grand Master of the Isle of AVight had told them that they hacl known him ( Sir Lucius ) longer than he had himself . He begged to say Bro . Fleming ivas under a
mistake . They had known him as their Prov . Grand Master nineteen years , bufc tivo years before that , or twenty-one years ago , he had tho pleasure of kuoAvingthe Prov . Grand Master of the Isle of AA'ight , ivhen he was but a boy . He was delighted ivith the company he had met that day , aud he ivas sure they all felt great pleasure in the company of tbe ladies , afc least one thing was effected—their presence kept them all in good humour and order . They had enjoyed a most pleasant clay , and partaken of excellent refreshments , and now , as Bro . Stebbing ( whom he
respected and loved as a brother ) would say , they were enjoying a little oratory . ( Cheering ) . He could truly say that during the time he had presided over that province there never had occurred any difference between himself ancl his brother Masons . They had all joined iu one strong and united pull , and he trusted that as long as he occupied tho same position they might be bound together ; aud ivhen lieivas removed from presiding over them , he knew ho should leave them with regret , and also thafc they would be enabled to " He ' s ivhat a hearty
say , gone , good fellow . " ( Loud cheers ) . The excellent band of the second Royal Cheshire Militia ivas iu attendance throughout the proceedings , and gave , much satisfaction by their performances . Dancing was participated in by many of the company iu the evening , and a most delightful day ' s enjoyment ivas Avound up with a display of fireworks .
SOUTHAMI ' TON—Royal Qloster Lodge ( Xo . 151 ) . —This Lodge held its usual monthly meeting at Freemasons' Hall , Bugle-street , on Thursday , the 14 th instant . The Lodge was opened iu form by the AV . M ., Bro . F . Perkins , who was supported by Bro . Pullen , D . Prov . G . M . of the Isle of AVight , and several visiting P . Ms ., in addition to the officers of the Lodge , aud a very large attendance of members . Bros . Loinor and Biddlecombe were raised to the degree of M . M . Mr . A . Weston ivas then initiated by his relative , Bro . Storr , Prov . G . ; Dir . of Sers .,
Jersey , the permission of the AY . M . having been obtained . The Secretary , Bro . Clarke , read a letter from the Grand Lodge , respecting the irregular Lodges of Smyrna . Bro . G . AA ' . Clarke proposed a motion , expressive of the pleasure the brethren experienced at the presence of so distinguished a visitor as Bro . Pullen , not only on account of his high rank in Masonry , but because of the eminent services he hacl rendered to the Order , ancl his ivell known kindness , courtesy , and philanthropy . The motion was adopted unanimousl . Bro . Pullen expressed his leasure
y p iu having this opportunity of visiting the Royal Gloster Lodge for the first time , and at the kind expression of feeling towards him , aud trusted the effort they were making to render the Prov . Grand Lodgo meeting on Tuesday , tho 19 th , worthy ol fche province , ivould be crowned with success . Other business of purely local interest having been transacted , the Lodge Avas closed at a late hour , and nearly forty brethren sat down to dinner . In returning thanks for the toast of his health , Bro . Pullen
addressed the Lodge iu a highly Masonic manner , afterwards proposing the health of the AV . M . in a speech complimentary to the Loclge and the chair . The W . M . said that he hoped the Lodge ivould go on in its career of prosperity with the same rapidity as at jiresent ; it was the only compensation ho sought in return for the time , trouble , ancl anxiety the responsibility of his office entailed upon him , and nothing gave him more pleasure than to preside at their board , surrounded as it was by so brethren whom
many , among ivere so many eminent and worthy members of the Craft . The health of Bro . Stebbing , AA' . M . of the Lodge of Twelve Brothers , was proposed aud responded to in his usual able maimer . The brethren separated earl y , after a pleasant evening .
SURREY . R-ElOATE—Surrey Lodge ( No . 603 ) . —The usual July meeting of this Lodge was held on Saturday , the 10 th inst ., Bro . J . LI . Evans , P . G . S . B . of England , AV . M ., supported by Bros . Sis . sou , S . AV . ; Holman . as J . AV . ; Smith , S . D . ; Lainson , J . D . ; and Lees , LG . Visitors—Bros . AVoods , Assist . G . . Dir . ol Cers . of England ; and Bro . Swan , P . Prov . G . S . B . of Surrey . The Lodge having been opened in due form in the third degree
, Bro . East ivas raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The Loclge was then resumed in the first degree , when Mr . Henry Hogerw , who hacl been balloted for at a previous meeting , ivas introduced and initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The next business Avas the installation of Bro . Sissou , AV . M . elect , Avhich ceremony was impressively performed by Bro . J . LI . Evans . The AY . M . having been proclaimed in due form , appointed as his officers—BrosBunieSAVHolnianJAVMorrison
. , .. ; , .. ; , S . D . ; Lees , J . D . ; C . J . Smith , Dir . of Cers . ; and Carruthers , I . G . On the proposition of Bro . Hart , P . M ., ifc was unanimously resolved , that in consideration of the great debt of gratitude the brethren owed to their late AV . M ., Bro . Evans , for his kind services in resuscitating this Lodge , and bringing it into its present excellent Avorking order , he be elected au honorary member of the first class of this Lodge , and that a Past Master ' s jewel be presented to him . It was also resolved , on the
proposition of Bro . Morrison , that Bro C . J . Smith , Prov . G . S . B . for Surrey , be a delegate to represent this Lodge on behalf of the Masonic charities .
The Lodge having been closed in clue form , the brethren adjourned to the banquet , presided over by Bro . Sisson , AV . M . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and the brethren separated afc an early hour in fraternal peace and harmony . AYORCESTiaiSHIRE . DuDr . EV . —Ruyal Sla . uda . rd . Lodge ( No . 730 ) . —The installation of the W . M . of this Loclge took place on Tuesday , July 3 2 th , at the Dudley
Anns Hotel . Lodge ivas opened by Bro . AY . Howells , P . M . No . 435 , and P . G . Sec , AA'orcestershire , after ivliicli , Bro . F . Huet AVas raised to the sublime degree of M . M . Bro . Francis Saunders , S . AV ., ivas then duly installed as AV . M ., and proclaimed after antient custom , after Avhich he proceeded to invest his officers as follows : —Bros . Dr . Davison , S . AV . ; C . Westley , . LAY . ; J . Bafceinan , Treas . ; AV . Masefield , See . ; M . Deimison , P . M ., S . D . ; C-. Smith , J . D . ; Thos . Steedman , Steward ; F . Huet ( raised the same evening ) I . G . and J . JeffsTyler . The report of the
, , , Masonic Ball Committee Avas read , by which it appeared that there was a balance in hand , for the charities of the town , of £ 7 odd . Lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to banquet , to which fourteen sat down , and the usual loyal aucl Masonic toasts were duly given and honoured . The brethren separated at an early hour , having enjoyed a very pleasant evening , only marred by so slight an attendance of the brethren and visitors .
DUDLEY . '—Vernon- Lodge ( Xo . S 19 . )—The officers and brethren of this Lodge met afc the Old Town Hall , Dudley , on AVednesday , the 20 fch inst . The . Lodge ivas opened by the AV . M . Bro . Hollier , ( Mayor , ) P . M . 3 . 13 and P . Prov . G . D . C . An application was made by Lodge La Cesaree of Jersey for a donation towards their new Masonic Hall ; the question was deferred until tho next meeting , owing to the absence of the Treasurer , as the donation ivill depend upon the state of the finances ; the Jersey Brethren have the good wishes of No . Slil , this being
established on the same principles as the Howe , and its object being to separate Lodges from hotels ; a letter . was then read by the Secretary , relative to the late Dudley Masonic Ball , ivhich stated that the gross receipts amounted to £ ' 48 9 s ., and the expenditure to £ 41 2 .- , ' ., leaving a balance of £ 7 7 s . The committee recommend the following distribution of the surplus : —the Dispensary £ 2 2 s . ; Sick and Indigent £ 3 3 s . ; Lying in Charity £ 1 Is . ; blankets . t'l Is . The committee also alluded to the very small support received from the members of the Lodge in the
town , as upon examination they find that out of 130 members they had only the support of eleven , and this at a ball given by and under the patronage of the Lodges in the town , and for charitable purposes only . The communication having been read , it ivas unanimously resolved — "that this Loclge conceives that in reference to tho presence of so few of the members of the Dudley Lodges at the late ball , we are compelled to infer that there AA'as either a great indisposition among the Masons , as such , to support a ball for general charities , or that the time for
holding it was not happily chosen , rather than thafc there coulcl be any desire to place Masonry itself afc a discount : this Lodge ivould therefore suggest that a meeting of the whole of fche brethren of tho Dudley Lodge be called , previous to any future festivity , in order that the feeling of the members generally may be taken in reference to the objects proposed to be served , and some effort made to secure that Masonic unanimity which must be coveted as a means of success in any Masonic enterprise . " It ivas also resolved that a copy of the above be forwarded to the said Ball Committee , Avitli the expression of our fraternal regard . No other business offering , Lodge ivas closed iu due form and ivith solemn prayer .
YORKSHIRE ( AVEST ) . DEWSUURV . —Lodge of the Three Grand Principles ( Xo . 251 ) . —A Lodge of Emergency ivas held on the 27 th June for the purpose of celebrating the festival of St . John the Baptist , and presenting a testimonial of the esteem of his brethren , in appreciation of his services as a P . M . aud Treasurer of this Lodge , to the R . AV . Bro . George Fearnley , M . D ., D . Prov . G . M . of AA'est Yorkshire . The testimonial consists of au elegant gold enamelled Past Master ' s jewelbearing this inscription— - "Presented
, to R . AV . Bro . George Fearnley , M . D ., D . Prov . G . M . of AYesfc Yorkshire , P . M . of the Lodge of the Three Grand Principles , No . 251 , as a token of the esteem of the brethren of his Loclge . Dewsbury , June 27 th , ISii' J , "—and a full length portrait of himself as D . Prov . G . M ., painted by Bro . Samuel Hoivell , P . M ., Xo . 317 , Richmond , Surrey , and Xos . 312 and 703 , Hudclersfield : this is one of the most successful of Bro . Howell's many Masonic portraits . There was a large gathering of the brethren ; the chair ivas ied by the AV . M . of tho LodgeBro . Joseph . M .
occup , Harrison , supported by the R . AV . D . Prov . G . M . ; Bros . II . II . Nelson , P . M ., 251 , Prov . G . See . ; J . 0 . Gill P . M ., No . 251 , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; Charles Oldrovd , P . M ., No . 251 , P . Prov . G . S . B . ; James Clay , P . M ., No . 251 ; L . A . Shepherd , P . M ., No . 251 ; J . H . AVilkinson , P . M ., No . 251 ; AV . Dixon . Prov . G . Treas . ; Rev . Joseph Senior , LL . D ., Prov . G . Chap . ; II . H . Gofclihorp , P . Prov . S . G . D . ; J . Booth , P . Prov . S . G . D . ; AY . Cocking , Prov . G . Sup . of AVorks ; Joseph Seed , Prov . G . S . B ., & c , Sec ., the vice chairs ied b Hunter
being occup y Bros . James , S . AV ., and R . AYalkingtou . J . W . After dinner the usual loyal , patriotic , and Masonic toasts ivere drunk with enthusiasm , and the AA ' . M , then rose to give the toast of the evening , the R . AA ' . George Fearnley , ili . D ., D . Prov . G . M . of AVest Yorkshire , and in very affecting terms alluded to the many valuable services rendered by Bro . Fearnley to the Loclge , tracing his bril-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The health of fche R . AV . Prov . Grand Master having been drunk with enthusiasm ( proposed by Bro . Fleming ) , Sir Lucius rose to respond . He said , so often did ifc fall to his lot to reply to their kindness in di-iiikiug the toast , that he really now felt very diffident in addressing them , and what added so much to his present difficulty was the galaxy of beauty ivhich surrounded him . ( Cheers ) . The Prov . Grand Master of the Isle of AVight had told them that they hacl known him ( Sir Lucius ) longer than he had himself . He begged to say Bro . Fleming ivas under a
mistake . They had known him as their Prov . Grand Master nineteen years , bufc tivo years before that , or twenty-one years ago , he had tho pleasure of kuoAvingthe Prov . Grand Master of the Isle of AA'ight , ivhen he was but a boy . He was delighted ivith the company he had met that day , aud he ivas sure they all felt great pleasure in the company of tbe ladies , afc least one thing was effected—their presence kept them all in good humour and order . They had enjoyed a most pleasant clay , and partaken of excellent refreshments , and now , as Bro . Stebbing ( whom he
respected and loved as a brother ) would say , they were enjoying a little oratory . ( Cheering ) . He could truly say that during the time he had presided over that province there never had occurred any difference between himself ancl his brother Masons . They had all joined iu one strong and united pull , and he trusted that as long as he occupied tho same position they might be bound together ; aud ivhen lieivas removed from presiding over them , he knew ho should leave them with regret , and also thafc they would be enabled to " He ' s ivhat a hearty
say , gone , good fellow . " ( Loud cheers ) . The excellent band of the second Royal Cheshire Militia ivas iu attendance throughout the proceedings , and gave , much satisfaction by their performances . Dancing was participated in by many of the company iu the evening , and a most delightful day ' s enjoyment ivas Avound up with a display of fireworks .
SOUTHAMI ' TON—Royal Qloster Lodge ( Xo . 151 ) . —This Lodge held its usual monthly meeting at Freemasons' Hall , Bugle-street , on Thursday , the 14 th instant . The Lodge was opened iu form by the AV . M ., Bro . F . Perkins , who was supported by Bro . Pullen , D . Prov . G . M . of the Isle of AVight , and several visiting P . Ms ., in addition to the officers of the Lodge , aud a very large attendance of members . Bros . Loinor and Biddlecombe were raised to the degree of M . M . Mr . A . Weston ivas then initiated by his relative , Bro . Storr , Prov . G . ; Dir . of Sers .,
Jersey , the permission of the AY . M . having been obtained . The Secretary , Bro . Clarke , read a letter from the Grand Lodge , respecting the irregular Lodges of Smyrna . Bro . G . AA ' . Clarke proposed a motion , expressive of the pleasure the brethren experienced at the presence of so distinguished a visitor as Bro . Pullen , not only on account of his high rank in Masonry , but because of the eminent services he hacl rendered to the Order , ancl his ivell known kindness , courtesy , and philanthropy . The motion was adopted unanimousl . Bro . Pullen expressed his leasure
y p iu having this opportunity of visiting the Royal Gloster Lodge for the first time , and at the kind expression of feeling towards him , aud trusted the effort they were making to render the Prov . Grand Lodgo meeting on Tuesday , tho 19 th , worthy ol fche province , ivould be crowned with success . Other business of purely local interest having been transacted , the Lodge Avas closed at a late hour , and nearly forty brethren sat down to dinner . In returning thanks for the toast of his health , Bro . Pullen
addressed the Lodge iu a highly Masonic manner , afterwards proposing the health of the AV . M . in a speech complimentary to the Loclge and the chair . The W . M . said that he hoped the Lodge ivould go on in its career of prosperity with the same rapidity as at jiresent ; it was the only compensation ho sought in return for the time , trouble , ancl anxiety the responsibility of his office entailed upon him , and nothing gave him more pleasure than to preside at their board , surrounded as it was by so brethren whom
many , among ivere so many eminent and worthy members of the Craft . The health of Bro . Stebbing , AA' . M . of the Lodge of Twelve Brothers , was proposed aud responded to in his usual able maimer . The brethren separated earl y , after a pleasant evening .
SURREY . R-ElOATE—Surrey Lodge ( No . 603 ) . —The usual July meeting of this Lodge was held on Saturday , the 10 th inst ., Bro . J . LI . Evans , P . G . S . B . of England , AV . M ., supported by Bros . Sis . sou , S . AV . ; Holman . as J . AV . ; Smith , S . D . ; Lainson , J . D . ; and Lees , LG . Visitors—Bros . AVoods , Assist . G . . Dir . ol Cers . of England ; and Bro . Swan , P . Prov . G . S . B . of Surrey . The Lodge having been opened in due form in the third degree
, Bro . East ivas raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The Loclge was then resumed in the first degree , when Mr . Henry Hogerw , who hacl been balloted for at a previous meeting , ivas introduced and initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The next business Avas the installation of Bro . Sissou , AV . M . elect , Avhich ceremony was impressively performed by Bro . J . LI . Evans . The AY . M . having been proclaimed in due form , appointed as his officers—BrosBunieSAVHolnianJAVMorrison
. , .. ; , .. ; , S . D . ; Lees , J . D . ; C . J . Smith , Dir . of Cers . ; and Carruthers , I . G . On the proposition of Bro . Hart , P . M ., ifc was unanimously resolved , that in consideration of the great debt of gratitude the brethren owed to their late AV . M ., Bro . Evans , for his kind services in resuscitating this Lodge , and bringing it into its present excellent Avorking order , he be elected au honorary member of the first class of this Lodge , and that a Past Master ' s jewel be presented to him . It was also resolved , on the
proposition of Bro . Morrison , that Bro C . J . Smith , Prov . G . S . B . for Surrey , be a delegate to represent this Lodge on behalf of the Masonic charities .
The Lodge having been closed in clue form , the brethren adjourned to the banquet , presided over by Bro . Sisson , AV . M . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and the brethren separated afc an early hour in fraternal peace and harmony . AYORCESTiaiSHIRE . DuDr . EV . —Ruyal Sla . uda . rd . Lodge ( No . 730 ) . —The installation of the W . M . of this Loclge took place on Tuesday , July 3 2 th , at the Dudley
Anns Hotel . Lodge ivas opened by Bro . AY . Howells , P . M . No . 435 , and P . G . Sec , AA'orcestershire , after ivliicli , Bro . F . Huet AVas raised to the sublime degree of M . M . Bro . Francis Saunders , S . AV ., ivas then duly installed as AV . M ., and proclaimed after antient custom , after Avhich he proceeded to invest his officers as follows : —Bros . Dr . Davison , S . AV . ; C . Westley , . LAY . ; J . Bafceinan , Treas . ; AV . Masefield , See . ; M . Deimison , P . M ., S . D . ; C-. Smith , J . D . ; Thos . Steedman , Steward ; F . Huet ( raised the same evening ) I . G . and J . JeffsTyler . The report of the
, , , Masonic Ball Committee Avas read , by which it appeared that there was a balance in hand , for the charities of the town , of £ 7 odd . Lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to banquet , to which fourteen sat down , and the usual loyal aucl Masonic toasts were duly given and honoured . The brethren separated at an early hour , having enjoyed a very pleasant evening , only marred by so slight an attendance of the brethren and visitors .
DUDLEY . '—Vernon- Lodge ( Xo . S 19 . )—The officers and brethren of this Lodge met afc the Old Town Hall , Dudley , on AVednesday , the 20 fch inst . The . Lodge ivas opened by the AV . M . Bro . Hollier , ( Mayor , ) P . M . 3 . 13 and P . Prov . G . D . C . An application was made by Lodge La Cesaree of Jersey for a donation towards their new Masonic Hall ; the question was deferred until tho next meeting , owing to the absence of the Treasurer , as the donation ivill depend upon the state of the finances ; the Jersey Brethren have the good wishes of No . Slil , this being
established on the same principles as the Howe , and its object being to separate Lodges from hotels ; a letter . was then read by the Secretary , relative to the late Dudley Masonic Ball , ivhich stated that the gross receipts amounted to £ ' 48 9 s ., and the expenditure to £ 41 2 .- , ' ., leaving a balance of £ 7 7 s . The committee recommend the following distribution of the surplus : —the Dispensary £ 2 2 s . ; Sick and Indigent £ 3 3 s . ; Lying in Charity £ 1 Is . ; blankets . t'l Is . The committee also alluded to the very small support received from the members of the Lodge in the
town , as upon examination they find that out of 130 members they had only the support of eleven , and this at a ball given by and under the patronage of the Lodges in the town , and for charitable purposes only . The communication having been read , it ivas unanimously resolved — "that this Loclge conceives that in reference to tho presence of so few of the members of the Dudley Lodges at the late ball , we are compelled to infer that there AA'as either a great indisposition among the Masons , as such , to support a ball for general charities , or that the time for
holding it was not happily chosen , rather than thafc there coulcl be any desire to place Masonry itself afc a discount : this Lodge ivould therefore suggest that a meeting of the whole of fche brethren of tho Dudley Lodge be called , previous to any future festivity , in order that the feeling of the members generally may be taken in reference to the objects proposed to be served , and some effort made to secure that Masonic unanimity which must be coveted as a means of success in any Masonic enterprise . " It ivas also resolved that a copy of the above be forwarded to the said Ball Committee , Avitli the expression of our fraternal regard . No other business offering , Lodge ivas closed iu due form and ivith solemn prayer .
YORKSHIRE ( AVEST ) . DEWSUURV . —Lodge of the Three Grand Principles ( Xo . 251 ) . —A Lodge of Emergency ivas held on the 27 th June for the purpose of celebrating the festival of St . John the Baptist , and presenting a testimonial of the esteem of his brethren , in appreciation of his services as a P . M . aud Treasurer of this Lodge , to the R . AV . Bro . George Fearnley , M . D ., D . Prov . G . M . of AA'est Yorkshire . The testimonial consists of au elegant gold enamelled Past Master ' s jewelbearing this inscription— - "Presented
, to R . AV . Bro . George Fearnley , M . D ., D . Prov . G . M . of AYesfc Yorkshire , P . M . of the Lodge of the Three Grand Principles , No . 251 , as a token of the esteem of the brethren of his Loclge . Dewsbury , June 27 th , ISii' J , "—and a full length portrait of himself as D . Prov . G . M ., painted by Bro . Samuel Hoivell , P . M ., Xo . 317 , Richmond , Surrey , and Xos . 312 and 703 , Hudclersfield : this is one of the most successful of Bro . Howell's many Masonic portraits . There was a large gathering of the brethren ; the chair ivas ied by the AV . M . of tho LodgeBro . Joseph . M .
occup , Harrison , supported by the R . AV . D . Prov . G . M . ; Bros . II . II . Nelson , P . M ., 251 , Prov . G . See . ; J . 0 . Gill P . M ., No . 251 , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; Charles Oldrovd , P . M ., No . 251 , P . Prov . G . S . B . ; James Clay , P . M ., No . 251 ; L . A . Shepherd , P . M ., No . 251 ; J . H . AVilkinson , P . M ., No . 251 ; AV . Dixon . Prov . G . Treas . ; Rev . Joseph Senior , LL . D ., Prov . G . Chap . ; II . H . Gofclihorp , P . Prov . S . G . D . ; J . Booth , P . Prov . S . G . D . ; AY . Cocking , Prov . G . Sup . of AVorks ; Joseph Seed , Prov . G . S . B ., & c , Sec ., the vice chairs ied b Hunter
being occup y Bros . James , S . AV ., and R . AYalkingtou . J . W . After dinner the usual loyal , patriotic , and Masonic toasts ivere drunk with enthusiasm , and the AA ' . M , then rose to give the toast of the evening , the R . AA ' . George Fearnley , ili . D ., D . Prov . G . M . of AVest Yorkshire , and in very affecting terms alluded to the many valuable services rendered by Bro . Fearnley to the Loclge , tracing his bril-