Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 5 of 5 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article AMERICA. Page 1 of 1
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liatit career from his initiation to his appointment as D . Prov . G . M . and Prov . G . Supt . of K . A . Masonry . Ho showed the brethren how merit had won its way to high Masonic rank , pointing to this as an example Avorthy of imitation to the brethren ; and after expressing to the worthy brother the esteem iu ivhich he ivns held , placed on his breast the jewel , hoping he might live many years to ivcar it amongst them , and concluded by calling upon Bro . J . 0 . Gill to present the portrait iu the name of the subscribers , which task Bro . Gill performed in his usual happy and
pleasing manner , expressing the kindly feeling of the brethren to the worthy Doctor . Bro . Fearnley on rising to respond was received with enthusiastic cheers , and ivas deeply affected by the repeated expressions of regard . He said that he could not express the feelings of his heart at this unexpected mark of their approbation of his poor services as a P . M . and Treasurer of the Lodge ; unexpected it certainly was , for until that beautiful jewel ivas placed on his breast he hacl no idea that such a testimonial ivas intended—of course he had had to sit for the portraitand
, was aware of that mark of their esteem . He expressed his deep feeling of gratitude to them for the very high estimate they had placed on his inefficient services , and concluded with a very complimentary speech to the brethren of his Lodge . Bro . R . R . Nelson , P . M ., ( Prov . G . Sec ) , Secretary , then presented to tho S . AV . ofthe Loclge , "a Governorship in perpetuity of the Boys School , " ivhich had been subscribed for by the members , mentioning at the same time that on a previous occasion the same honour had been conferred on the W . M . by a subscription from
the Lodge funds , hoping that the brethren would continue to display as much zeal for the charities as they had done this last year . Bro . L . A . Shepherd , P . M ., in the name of the brethren , presented to the AY . M . for the use ofthe Lodge , three chairs for the Master and Wardens .
Royal Arch.
SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER , Tin : following notice of motion lias been received for tlie next quarterly convocation of Grand Chapter , ou AVednesday next , . August 3 rd . from E . Comp . Joseph Smith , P . G . Dir . of Cers . " That out of tho amount of Stock in the 3 per Cent . Consols now standing iu the name of the Trustees of the Supreme Grand Chapter ol England , the Grand Treasurer be directed to transfer the sum of £ \ . 200 *
3 per Cent . Consols in equal proportions into the names of the Trustees of the following Masonic Charities , viz .: — '• Royal Freemasons' School for Girls £ 300 ' Royal Masonic Institution for Boys -joo "Royal Benevolent Institution for granting Annuities to " Aged Freemasons 300 " Royal Benevolent Institution for granting Annuities to the " AVidows of Freemasons 300
£ 1 , 200 » This is half the amount of tho present invested property of Grand Cliapter . METROPOLITAN CHAPTERS . TI : STI . IIO : ; IAI , TO MI . LADD . A KL'JIDUH of Companions connected ivith the Domatic and United
Pilgrims Chapter of instruction , supped together at Comp . Ireland's . Falcon Tavern , Fetter-lane , on AA ' ednesday evening , on the occasion of presenting Comp . Ladd ivith an elegant gold chronometer watch , of the value of sixty guineas , subscribed for by his pupils and friends in Koyal Arch Masonry . Tho chair ivas filled by Comp . Henry Isaacs , the M . E . Z . of the Joppa Chapter , of which Comp . Ladd is J . In proposing the toast of the evening , Comp . Isaacs said , it gave him extreme pleasure to ask them to join him in drinking the health of their esteemed friend
, Dr . Ladd . To use the words of a distinguished member of the order—Comp . Havers , Dr . Ladd might be looked upon as a public benefactor . There ivere , no doubt , many at the table AVIIO could recollect the time when there was scarcely a Chapter iu London , the members of which could go through the ceremony of exaltation Avithout , extraneous aid . and when it ivas very rare to find the Principal capable of performing tlieir duties—ivhilst he could now name twenty Chapters , the inferior officers of which Avero all proficient Royal Arch Masonsand capable of
, filling any office at a moment ' s notice . To what ivere they to attribute that change ? To the zeal and ability ivith which Comp . Dr . Ladd had laboured to propagate the principles and practice of Royal Arch Masonry , in his capacity as the preceptor of the Chapter of Instruction . He had now' a most pleasing duty to discharge—to present to their excellent Companion a slight testimonial of the affection and regard of his pupils and Companions . Turning to Comp . Ladd , he
proceeded'' In presenting you , iu the name of those I noiv represent , Avith this beautiful testimonial , allow me to express a hope that your life may be long spared to wear it , and to meet your Companions in Masonry . May its beatings , like those of the human heart , serve to remind you of those friends who have presented you with this watch , and who take the deepest interest in your welfare and happiness . " Xowj Companions , we will drink to the health and prosperity of Companion Ladd . " Let his name , familiar in our mouths as household words , be
Royal Arch.
in our loving cups tin ' s day remembered . " ( Cheers . ) Comp . Garrod then read the following inscription engraved on the watch—" Presented to Com ]) . Theodore A . Ladd , M . D ., as a token of fraternal affection , and iu recognition of his valuable and unwearied exertions in the cause of Royal Arch Masonry , July 20 , 1 S 59 . " Comp . Dr . Ladd , in acknowledging the compliment , assured the Companions ho deeply appreciated the honour conferred upon him . He was grateful for the handsome and generous eulogimu so beautifully expressed by Comp . Isaacs , and
to the Companions for the enthusiasm with ivhich they had received him , and he ivas totally unable to express his feelings at receiving from them so beautiful a testimonial of their regard for him . He could assure them that he more highly appreciated tlieir elegant present because it was in a form most grateful to him , and one by which he should be continually reminded of their kindness as he had occasion to consult it in his professional avocations . He had always taken the greatest delight in Arch Masonry from his earliest admission into the order ,
and having seen bow often the beautiful ceremony was imperfectly given , had , with other Companions by whom he had been cheerfully aided , done his best to improve the working . It had been to him a labour of lovo , having looked for no other reward than the approbation of his brethren and Companions . He thanked them from the bottom of his heart for their great kindness towards him which he should ever g . ate fully remember , ancl trusted that he might long continue to enjoy their esteem and friendship . A variety of other toasts were drunk , and a very pleasant evening ivas passed .
PROVINCIAL CHAPTERS , XOUWICH . — Perseverance Chapter ( Xo . 258 ) . —Upwards of twenty Companions of this Chapter , besides visitors , amongst whom was Comp . Paul Fourdrinier , AA ' . M ., of Unity Lodge , Xo . 15 , London , met at the Rampant Horse Hotel , on Thursday , the 21 st inst . In consequence of the unavoidable abseuce of Comp , AA ' m . Cooper , M . E . Z . ; Comp . AA ' m . AVicks presidedmust ablassisted bComps . Jas . DawburnH . ;
, y y , Emanuel Hyains , J . ; Rev . Saml . Titlow , Prov . Grand Chaplain , E . ; aud Hy . Jno . Mason , P . S . The Chapter being opcr . cd in solemn prayer , some brethren of Social Lodge , Xo . 110 , were unanimously elected , and . afterwards exalted to the sublime degree of the Holy Royal Arch . The . ceremony throughout ivas very efficiently performed , the several Officers being well up in their duties . Comp . If . J . Mason delivered to the candidates , in his usual effective style , the three grand epochs of
Miisonry . In giving the mystic and symbolic signs and the explanation of the pedestal , ho certainly eclipsed himself , for every one present expressed unqualified satisfaction and thanks for the great pains he must have taken iu perfecting himself in so arduous an undertaking . Two brethren of Loclge Xo . 258 ivere proposed for exaltation , at the Chapter to be holden on the first Thursday in September next . The Chapter was then closed indue form , after ivhich the Companions spent n . v « vy agreeable evening \ mdev J tl \ o iwesideu * - ** of Comp . AA ' m . Wieks , P . Z .
SOUTH SHIELDS . —St . Hilda ' s Chapter ( Xo . 292 ) . —The annual convocation ofthe Companions of this Chapter was held at Comp . Carmen ' s , Golden Lion , on AVednesday , July 20 th , afc three , p . m ., the following E . Companions presiding : —R . B . Ridley , Z . ; If . Hotham ( Xcweastle ) , H . ; mid A . Davis , J . ; supported by E . D . Davis , J . Toshach , I . G . Tulloch , and the other ollicers . The . minutes of the last regular Chapter having been confirmed , the installation of the Principals for the ensuing year was proceeded ivith by Comp . E . D . Davis , who officiated in his
usual efficient maimer . The following are the principals and officers : — It . B . Ridley , M . E . Z . ; A . Davis , 11 . ; II . Hemisen , J . ; J . D . Leister , Treas . ; , ) . H hide , X . ; J . X . Buckland , P . S . ; T . Stockdale and \ V , Barlow , Asst . Sees . ; T . G . Buchanan , Janitor , and J . Roddam , B . pro tern , for J . J . Oliver . The auditors' accounts having been presented for the past year and received , the Cliapter was closed in antient form . The Companions afterwards adjourned to dinner , at which the M . E . Z . presided , supported by Comps . A . Davis , 11 . I loiiiison , J . Toshach , E . D . Davis , and . 1 . X . Buckland . The usual Masonic toasts were duly given and honoured , and at intervals , songs duets , and glees enlivened the evening .
AMERICAN ITEMS . Til ! -: work of altering the Wmtlirop House , Boston , to adapt it in part to Masonic purposes , has been commenced . A . LoDiiK has been organized at Camp Floyd , L ' tah Territory , under the name of " Rocky Mountain Lodge . " John O . Robinson , M . ; AV . L . Halsey , Sec . It was organized by authority of the Grand Lodge of Missouri . There are about thirty Masons afc thafc place , most of them
ollicers in the army . TIIK Grand'Lodge of Xew York have recommended that each affiliated Mason in its jurisdiction contribute twenty-five cents to the Mount Vernon Fund . Tire General Grand Royal Arch Chapter ancl the Grand Encampment ofthe United States , meet this year ( 1859 ) at Chicago , Illinois , on the second Tuesday in September , which is fche eighth day of saicl month ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
liatit career from his initiation to his appointment as D . Prov . G . M . and Prov . G . Supt . of K . A . Masonry . Ho showed the brethren how merit had won its way to high Masonic rank , pointing to this as an example Avorthy of imitation to the brethren ; and after expressing to the worthy brother the esteem iu ivhich he ivns held , placed on his breast the jewel , hoping he might live many years to ivcar it amongst them , and concluded by calling upon Bro . J . 0 . Gill to present the portrait iu the name of the subscribers , which task Bro . Gill performed in his usual happy and
pleasing manner , expressing the kindly feeling of the brethren to the worthy Doctor . Bro . Fearnley on rising to respond was received with enthusiastic cheers , and ivas deeply affected by the repeated expressions of regard . He said that he could not express the feelings of his heart at this unexpected mark of their approbation of his poor services as a P . M . and Treasurer of the Lodge ; unexpected it certainly was , for until that beautiful jewel ivas placed on his breast he hacl no idea that such a testimonial ivas intended—of course he had had to sit for the portraitand
, was aware of that mark of their esteem . He expressed his deep feeling of gratitude to them for the very high estimate they had placed on his inefficient services , and concluded with a very complimentary speech to the brethren of his Lodge . Bro . R . R . Nelson , P . M ., ( Prov . G . Sec ) , Secretary , then presented to tho S . AV . ofthe Loclge , "a Governorship in perpetuity of the Boys School , " ivhich had been subscribed for by the members , mentioning at the same time that on a previous occasion the same honour had been conferred on the W . M . by a subscription from
the Lodge funds , hoping that the brethren would continue to display as much zeal for the charities as they had done this last year . Bro . L . A . Shepherd , P . M ., in the name of the brethren , presented to the AY . M . for the use ofthe Lodge , three chairs for the Master and Wardens .
Royal Arch.
SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER , Tin : following notice of motion lias been received for tlie next quarterly convocation of Grand Chapter , ou AVednesday next , . August 3 rd . from E . Comp . Joseph Smith , P . G . Dir . of Cers . " That out of tho amount of Stock in the 3 per Cent . Consols now standing iu the name of the Trustees of the Supreme Grand Chapter ol England , the Grand Treasurer be directed to transfer the sum of £ \ . 200 *
3 per Cent . Consols in equal proportions into the names of the Trustees of the following Masonic Charities , viz .: — '• Royal Freemasons' School for Girls £ 300 ' Royal Masonic Institution for Boys -joo "Royal Benevolent Institution for granting Annuities to " Aged Freemasons 300 " Royal Benevolent Institution for granting Annuities to the " AVidows of Freemasons 300
£ 1 , 200 » This is half the amount of tho present invested property of Grand Cliapter . METROPOLITAN CHAPTERS . TI : STI . IIO : ; IAI , TO MI . LADD . A KL'JIDUH of Companions connected ivith the Domatic and United
Pilgrims Chapter of instruction , supped together at Comp . Ireland's . Falcon Tavern , Fetter-lane , on AA ' ednesday evening , on the occasion of presenting Comp . Ladd ivith an elegant gold chronometer watch , of the value of sixty guineas , subscribed for by his pupils and friends in Koyal Arch Masonry . Tho chair ivas filled by Comp . Henry Isaacs , the M . E . Z . of the Joppa Chapter , of which Comp . Ladd is J . In proposing the toast of the evening , Comp . Isaacs said , it gave him extreme pleasure to ask them to join him in drinking the health of their esteemed friend
, Dr . Ladd . To use the words of a distinguished member of the order—Comp . Havers , Dr . Ladd might be looked upon as a public benefactor . There ivere , no doubt , many at the table AVIIO could recollect the time when there was scarcely a Chapter iu London , the members of which could go through the ceremony of exaltation Avithout , extraneous aid . and when it ivas very rare to find the Principal capable of performing tlieir duties—ivhilst he could now name twenty Chapters , the inferior officers of which Avero all proficient Royal Arch Masonsand capable of
, filling any office at a moment ' s notice . To what ivere they to attribute that change ? To the zeal and ability ivith which Comp . Dr . Ladd had laboured to propagate the principles and practice of Royal Arch Masonry , in his capacity as the preceptor of the Chapter of Instruction . He had now' a most pleasing duty to discharge—to present to their excellent Companion a slight testimonial of the affection and regard of his pupils and Companions . Turning to Comp . Ladd , he
proceeded'' In presenting you , iu the name of those I noiv represent , Avith this beautiful testimonial , allow me to express a hope that your life may be long spared to wear it , and to meet your Companions in Masonry . May its beatings , like those of the human heart , serve to remind you of those friends who have presented you with this watch , and who take the deepest interest in your welfare and happiness . " Xowj Companions , we will drink to the health and prosperity of Companion Ladd . " Let his name , familiar in our mouths as household words , be
Royal Arch.
in our loving cups tin ' s day remembered . " ( Cheers . ) Comp . Garrod then read the following inscription engraved on the watch—" Presented to Com ]) . Theodore A . Ladd , M . D ., as a token of fraternal affection , and iu recognition of his valuable and unwearied exertions in the cause of Royal Arch Masonry , July 20 , 1 S 59 . " Comp . Dr . Ladd , in acknowledging the compliment , assured the Companions ho deeply appreciated the honour conferred upon him . He was grateful for the handsome and generous eulogimu so beautifully expressed by Comp . Isaacs , and
to the Companions for the enthusiasm with ivhich they had received him , and he ivas totally unable to express his feelings at receiving from them so beautiful a testimonial of their regard for him . He could assure them that he more highly appreciated tlieir elegant present because it was in a form most grateful to him , and one by which he should be continually reminded of their kindness as he had occasion to consult it in his professional avocations . He had always taken the greatest delight in Arch Masonry from his earliest admission into the order ,
and having seen bow often the beautiful ceremony was imperfectly given , had , with other Companions by whom he had been cheerfully aided , done his best to improve the working . It had been to him a labour of lovo , having looked for no other reward than the approbation of his brethren and Companions . He thanked them from the bottom of his heart for their great kindness towards him which he should ever g . ate fully remember , ancl trusted that he might long continue to enjoy their esteem and friendship . A variety of other toasts were drunk , and a very pleasant evening ivas passed .
PROVINCIAL CHAPTERS , XOUWICH . — Perseverance Chapter ( Xo . 258 ) . —Upwards of twenty Companions of this Chapter , besides visitors , amongst whom was Comp . Paul Fourdrinier , AA ' . M ., of Unity Lodge , Xo . 15 , London , met at the Rampant Horse Hotel , on Thursday , the 21 st inst . In consequence of the unavoidable abseuce of Comp , AA ' m . Cooper , M . E . Z . ; Comp . AA ' m . AVicks presidedmust ablassisted bComps . Jas . DawburnH . ;
, y y , Emanuel Hyains , J . ; Rev . Saml . Titlow , Prov . Grand Chaplain , E . ; aud Hy . Jno . Mason , P . S . The Chapter being opcr . cd in solemn prayer , some brethren of Social Lodge , Xo . 110 , were unanimously elected , and . afterwards exalted to the sublime degree of the Holy Royal Arch . The . ceremony throughout ivas very efficiently performed , the several Officers being well up in their duties . Comp . If . J . Mason delivered to the candidates , in his usual effective style , the three grand epochs of
Miisonry . In giving the mystic and symbolic signs and the explanation of the pedestal , ho certainly eclipsed himself , for every one present expressed unqualified satisfaction and thanks for the great pains he must have taken iu perfecting himself in so arduous an undertaking . Two brethren of Loclge Xo . 258 ivere proposed for exaltation , at the Chapter to be holden on the first Thursday in September next . The Chapter was then closed indue form , after ivhich the Companions spent n . v « vy agreeable evening \ mdev J tl \ o iwesideu * - ** of Comp . AA ' m . Wieks , P . Z .
SOUTH SHIELDS . —St . Hilda ' s Chapter ( Xo . 292 ) . —The annual convocation ofthe Companions of this Chapter was held at Comp . Carmen ' s , Golden Lion , on AVednesday , July 20 th , afc three , p . m ., the following E . Companions presiding : —R . B . Ridley , Z . ; If . Hotham ( Xcweastle ) , H . ; mid A . Davis , J . ; supported by E . D . Davis , J . Toshach , I . G . Tulloch , and the other ollicers . The . minutes of the last regular Chapter having been confirmed , the installation of the Principals for the ensuing year was proceeded ivith by Comp . E . D . Davis , who officiated in his
usual efficient maimer . The following are the principals and officers : — It . B . Ridley , M . E . Z . ; A . Davis , 11 . ; II . Hemisen , J . ; J . D . Leister , Treas . ; , ) . H hide , X . ; J . X . Buckland , P . S . ; T . Stockdale and \ V , Barlow , Asst . Sees . ; T . G . Buchanan , Janitor , and J . Roddam , B . pro tern , for J . J . Oliver . The auditors' accounts having been presented for the past year and received , the Cliapter was closed in antient form . The Companions afterwards adjourned to dinner , at which the M . E . Z . presided , supported by Comps . A . Davis , 11 . I loiiiison , J . Toshach , E . D . Davis , and . 1 . X . Buckland . The usual Masonic toasts were duly given and honoured , and at intervals , songs duets , and glees enlivened the evening .
AMERICAN ITEMS . Til ! -: work of altering the Wmtlirop House , Boston , to adapt it in part to Masonic purposes , has been commenced . A . LoDiiK has been organized at Camp Floyd , L ' tah Territory , under the name of " Rocky Mountain Lodge . " John O . Robinson , M . ; AV . L . Halsey , Sec . It was organized by authority of the Grand Lodge of Missouri . There are about thirty Masons afc thafc place , most of them
ollicers in the army . TIIK Grand'Lodge of Xew York have recommended that each affiliated Mason in its jurisdiction contribute twenty-five cents to the Mount Vernon Fund . Tire General Grand Royal Arch Chapter ancl the Grand Encampment ofthe United States , meet this year ( 1859 ) at Chicago , Illinois , on the second Tuesday in September , which is fche eighth day of saicl month ,