Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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being served , the members and visitors separated about nine o ' clock , many '' availing themselves of the opportunity thus afforded them of inspecting the new premise . ' - -. MOUXT L ~ nA > ro > r LODGE ( NO . 73 ) . —This old and prosperous lodge was hy ... at the Bridge House Hotel . Wellington-street , Southwark . on Tuesday , the 19 th inst . Bro . George . Iforris , W . M .. presided , and during the evening there were present
Bros . T . -I . Sabine , S . W . ; M . A . Loowe-astark , J . D .. as J . W . ; E . Harris . P . M ., Treas . ; J . Donkin , P . M .. See . ; I ) , Bose , S . D . ; R . Stevens as J . D .: G . Free , I . G .: Dr . Dixon , F . Walters , II . Moore . P . M . ' s ; J . C . Gooddv . T . P . M . ; J . Trickctt , S . Hannan , J . Delaney , T . Knott , R . II . " Williams , Dussek , 1 ) . Waller , II . G . Chipporiield , II . Elliott , H . T . Turney , and several others . Amongst ni-iuv visitors wo noticed Br . is . Craw-lev . Sec . 176 : Seex , ISii : BromU-v . P . M . 22 S ; J . Terrv . P . M . Al " , ¦ J . W .
Avery , P . M . 619 . J . W . 117 S ; Deering , W . S . 6 U ); S . Wells , GPJ ; CoUi ' ns , ' 1 ° . -. Justin , 860 , and others . The minutes of the last lodge were road and confirmed unanimously . Ballots - . vero taken separately for five candidates for initiation , and declared to be unanimous iu favour of admission , and each one brine ; prose it was duly initiated into the ancient order . Bro . t ledge was passed to the second degree . Bros . Saunders and ivulsor , vere raised to the third degree . Bro . Dr . Dixon , P . M ., initiated one
of the candidates , a friend of his ( Mr . McNair ) , in his usual able , impressive , effective , and painstaking manner . Although now some seven years since Bro . Dr . Dixon , P . M ., had done an initiation in this lodge , yet be WAS as elective as if lie had just left the chair . Whilst an old lodge possesses such P . M . ' s as Bro . Dr . Dixon , it cannot but be prosperous . One gentleman was proposed for initiation and a brother as a joining member at the next meeting of tbe lodge . The lodge was then duly closed-A superior banquet and dessert followed , which , as usual , rollected credit on Air . Spencer , who served it . An old P . M . and P . Z . gave five guineas to the Boys' School .
JOEDAX LODGE ( NO . 201 ) . Tbe first meeting of this old-established and nourishing lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , mi Friday , the 15 th inst ., when the chair was taken by tbe W . M ., Bro . John Hammond . After the opening of the lodge and the confirmation of the minutes , two gentlemen were initiated into Freemasonry , the ceremony being performed with the accuracy
for which the Jordan Lodge has been so long famous . Tho ceremony of initiation being over , the W . M . rose and addressed the brethren as follows : —Brethren , before I close the lodge , permit me to address you on a subject which is of great interest to you all . You see that I hold in my band a frame containing a vellum , inscribed as a testimonial to our lira . Farnham , from the Lodge Star of India ( No . 1062 ) , Bombay . Our
Bro . Farnham will pardon me if I do not , in what I say , sufficiently express the feelings with which I . present it . p am called upon , at a moment's notice , to present it lo him , and therefore cannot be expected to do that justice to the subject ivhich it deserves . Bro . Farnham was initiated in this lodge nine years ago , and continued with us some time , during which lie was an excellent and much-esteemed member . After some time he was called abroad , and there , I believe , he devote' his
whole heart and soul to the advancement of Masonry . He has done nn immense deal for Masonry in India , as will be seen hythe strides which it has made during the time he was iu the Presidency of Bombay . As , however , I am not sufficientl y acquainted with what he has done , and our Bro . Goldsbro' is , Bro . Golasbro' will follow me , and tell you something of the good our Bro . Farnharm has done . After being some years away he has at length come back , and I know 1 am only
expressing the feeling of the whole lodge when I say how pleased 1 am to see him among us again . This testimonial has been sent to me to be presented to our brother by his mother lodge . For some reason not explained there should have come a communication at the same time , and a gold bar for his jewel should have accompanied it . Neither ot them , however ! lias , as yet , reached us , but I hud a verbal message bv the brother who conveyed the testimonial that the lodge in " i . oinbav wished that it
should be presented by the mother lodge . 1 will now read to you the words in which the testimonial is couched : — "Lodge Star of India ( No . 1062 ) , Bombay . To W . Bro . tho Rev . J . J . farnham , 201 , P . M . 7 o 7 , lO'iB , i \ lY /_ Chajiter 7 o 7 , W . M . Mark Lodge ( 93 ) , P . B . C . Mount Zion Encampment , P . D . s . G . W . and D . G . C . of Bombay , and P . D . Prov . G . Com . Bombay . Dear Sir and Brother , —As the founder of Lodge Star of liidia , its first
Master and Immediate Past Master , we , the officers and members of the lodge , cannot permit you to depart from these shores without p lacing on record the feelings we entertain towards you as one of the leading Masons of Bombay . The great good to the cause of Masonry in Bombay resulting from your continuous and unwearied exertions during the last live years is a wellknown and acknowledged fact among the Craft here , and it is with extreme pleasure we hear of a general movement among
the Fraternity with the object of marking , in a substantial manner , their appreciation of your services . In this movement we shall most W . irtiW join - , but at tiie same time , as a lodge so intimately connected with you as we have been , we desire iu addition to express how much we esteem you in all your Masonic relations . We sincerely trust you may have a pleasant voyage and a happy return to your native laud ; and while your
memory will be ever fresh among us , we beg you will accept from this lodge a gold bar to your jewel and this address , as a special nu-mento of our regard . —( Signed ) AV . C . Penson , W . M . ; Fdward Keiiy , jun ., S . W . ' ; ' P . D . Parker , J . W . ; II . II . Grendon Tippet , Trea ' s . ; ' J . Thomas , Sec ; Alfred Swift , S . D . ; XV . S . Wethorcll , T . D . ; I . If . Light , Dir . of Cers . ; H- I . P . Thomson , I . G . ; John Dully , Tvler . "' Bombay , February 16 th , 1 S 67- "
The W . M . then presented the testimonial ( very beautifully written on vellum ) to Pro . Farnhrm . Bro . Dr . Goldsbro ' , P . M . 201 , 90 S , &( .., P . Z . and Prov . S . G . W . North Wales and Shropshire , said , brethren , I rise to respond , with a very great deal ' of pleasure , to the call of tho W . M . to ay a lew words in furtherance of that which has just fallen from his lips with regard to the handsome testimonial which has just been presented by him to Bro . Farnham on behalf of
tbe ' Lodge Star of India ( is ' o 10 G 2 ) , and 1 certainly do not feel myself to be in the difficulty spoken of by the W . M . The very facts of so handsome and complimentary a testimonial as that is , conveying , as it does , the kind and cordial expression of the fraternal ' feelings of his brother Alasons in India , with tho insignia of his rank in tbe Order he now worthily wears , require nothing to be said in his praise , either by the W . M . or by me ; hence I am relieved of that which might be a great difficulty to me also , viz ., tbe finding of words adequate to the expression of my admiration of and personal regard for that
excellent and worthy brother . I am very sure those feelings are participated by every brother who , eight or nine years ago , had the pleasure of being associated with him in the Jordan Lodge . . The facts of bis having received tho appointments of Provincial Senior Grantl Warden of Bombay and Provincial Grand Chaplain , of the presentations by his brethren of the jewels lie now wears on his breast , of this testimonial being sent to him , and a bar for his jewel to follow itwhich we must all
, regret lias not yet arrived , fully justify us in saying bow zealously and successfully Bro . Farnham must have laboured in the cause of Masonry in the far East to have , these honours . I know how heartily-you will all join with me in saying , Long may lie continue to wear and enjoy them ! They are an honour and credit to himself and an honour to Alasonry . The honours of Masonry are not to be purchased , and when they arc conferred must be merited . Bro . Farnham has well earned them . It will
be in the I'ecollec . iou of the Past Masters of this lodge that prior to his departure for India the then W . M ., Bro . James Robinson , convened a special meeting of the lodge for tho purpose of wishing him God-speed ! We expressed our hopes at that meeting that lie would return to us again in health and strength . He has returned , and we now hope that he will remain with us for good , to add , by his society , to the happiness of the Jordan Lodge . 1 feel it is perfectly unnecessary for me to say anything
more in the face of these testimonials , and in the face of one important fact which I have not yet mentioned , but which yon beard read from the framed testimonial , namely , that our Bro . Farnham was tbe founder of a lodge in India . Masonry , it is said , came from the east to the west ; but certainly it has been so much extended in India bv our Bro . Farnham , that in this instance it may be said to have travelled from the west to the east in his person . Lafc us , then , wish him health and long life ,
now that he has again come amongst us , to remain and promote the good of Masonry in bis mother lodge . ( Addressing Bro . Farnham ) : May you long live to wear those decorations on your breast , aud to look on this testimonial added to them , as a proof tnat your exertions on tbe behalf of Freemasonry have met with the approval of your brethren . } la > - tlwy nev -. Wired pleawivd to you and to yours . ( Applause . ) Bro . Spooner , PAL and See . said : The admirable remarks which have fallen from our Bro . Goldsbro' have expressed so
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
being served , the members and visitors separated about nine o ' clock , many '' availing themselves of the opportunity thus afforded them of inspecting the new premise . ' - -. MOUXT L ~ nA > ro > r LODGE ( NO . 73 ) . —This old and prosperous lodge was hy ... at the Bridge House Hotel . Wellington-street , Southwark . on Tuesday , the 19 th inst . Bro . George . Iforris , W . M .. presided , and during the evening there were present
Bros . T . -I . Sabine , S . W . ; M . A . Loowe-astark , J . D .. as J . W . ; E . Harris . P . M ., Treas . ; J . Donkin , P . M .. See . ; I ) , Bose , S . D . ; R . Stevens as J . D .: G . Free , I . G .: Dr . Dixon , F . Walters , II . Moore . P . M . ' s ; J . C . Gooddv . T . P . M . ; J . Trickctt , S . Hannan , J . Delaney , T . Knott , R . II . " Williams , Dussek , 1 ) . Waller , II . G . Chipporiield , II . Elliott , H . T . Turney , and several others . Amongst ni-iuv visitors wo noticed Br . is . Craw-lev . Sec . 176 : Seex , ISii : BromU-v . P . M . 22 S ; J . Terrv . P . M . Al " , ¦ J . W .
Avery , P . M . 619 . J . W . 117 S ; Deering , W . S . 6 U ); S . Wells , GPJ ; CoUi ' ns , ' 1 ° . -. Justin , 860 , and others . The minutes of the last lodge were road and confirmed unanimously . Ballots - . vero taken separately for five candidates for initiation , and declared to be unanimous iu favour of admission , and each one brine ; prose it was duly initiated into the ancient order . Bro . t ledge was passed to the second degree . Bros . Saunders and ivulsor , vere raised to the third degree . Bro . Dr . Dixon , P . M ., initiated one
of the candidates , a friend of his ( Mr . McNair ) , in his usual able , impressive , effective , and painstaking manner . Although now some seven years since Bro . Dr . Dixon , P . M ., had done an initiation in this lodge , yet be WAS as elective as if lie had just left the chair . Whilst an old lodge possesses such P . M . ' s as Bro . Dr . Dixon , it cannot but be prosperous . One gentleman was proposed for initiation and a brother as a joining member at the next meeting of tbe lodge . The lodge was then duly closed-A superior banquet and dessert followed , which , as usual , rollected credit on Air . Spencer , who served it . An old P . M . and P . Z . gave five guineas to the Boys' School .
JOEDAX LODGE ( NO . 201 ) . Tbe first meeting of this old-established and nourishing lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , mi Friday , the 15 th inst ., when the chair was taken by tbe W . M ., Bro . John Hammond . After the opening of the lodge and the confirmation of the minutes , two gentlemen were initiated into Freemasonry , the ceremony being performed with the accuracy
for which the Jordan Lodge has been so long famous . Tho ceremony of initiation being over , the W . M . rose and addressed the brethren as follows : —Brethren , before I close the lodge , permit me to address you on a subject which is of great interest to you all . You see that I hold in my band a frame containing a vellum , inscribed as a testimonial to our lira . Farnham , from the Lodge Star of India ( No . 1062 ) , Bombay . Our
Bro . Farnham will pardon me if I do not , in what I say , sufficiently express the feelings with which I . present it . p am called upon , at a moment's notice , to present it lo him , and therefore cannot be expected to do that justice to the subject ivhich it deserves . Bro . Farnham was initiated in this lodge nine years ago , and continued with us some time , during which lie was an excellent and much-esteemed member . After some time he was called abroad , and there , I believe , he devote' his
whole heart and soul to the advancement of Masonry . He has done nn immense deal for Masonry in India , as will be seen hythe strides which it has made during the time he was iu the Presidency of Bombay . As , however , I am not sufficientl y acquainted with what he has done , and our Bro . Goldsbro' is , Bro . Golasbro' will follow me , and tell you something of the good our Bro . Farnharm has done . After being some years away he has at length come back , and I know 1 am only
expressing the feeling of the whole lodge when I say how pleased 1 am to see him among us again . This testimonial has been sent to me to be presented to our brother by his mother lodge . For some reason not explained there should have come a communication at the same time , and a gold bar for his jewel should have accompanied it . Neither ot them , however ! lias , as yet , reached us , but I hud a verbal message bv the brother who conveyed the testimonial that the lodge in " i . oinbav wished that it
should be presented by the mother lodge . 1 will now read to you the words in which the testimonial is couched : — "Lodge Star of India ( No . 1062 ) , Bombay . To W . Bro . tho Rev . J . J . farnham , 201 , P . M . 7 o 7 , lO'iB , i \ lY /_ Chajiter 7 o 7 , W . M . Mark Lodge ( 93 ) , P . B . C . Mount Zion Encampment , P . D . s . G . W . and D . G . C . of Bombay , and P . D . Prov . G . Com . Bombay . Dear Sir and Brother , —As the founder of Lodge Star of liidia , its first
Master and Immediate Past Master , we , the officers and members of the lodge , cannot permit you to depart from these shores without p lacing on record the feelings we entertain towards you as one of the leading Masons of Bombay . The great good to the cause of Masonry in Bombay resulting from your continuous and unwearied exertions during the last live years is a wellknown and acknowledged fact among the Craft here , and it is with extreme pleasure we hear of a general movement among
the Fraternity with the object of marking , in a substantial manner , their appreciation of your services . In this movement we shall most W . irtiW join - , but at tiie same time , as a lodge so intimately connected with you as we have been , we desire iu addition to express how much we esteem you in all your Masonic relations . We sincerely trust you may have a pleasant voyage and a happy return to your native laud ; and while your
memory will be ever fresh among us , we beg you will accept from this lodge a gold bar to your jewel and this address , as a special nu-mento of our regard . —( Signed ) AV . C . Penson , W . M . ; Fdward Keiiy , jun ., S . W . ' ; ' P . D . Parker , J . W . ; II . II . Grendon Tippet , Trea ' s . ; ' J . Thomas , Sec ; Alfred Swift , S . D . ; XV . S . Wethorcll , T . D . ; I . If . Light , Dir . of Cers . ; H- I . P . Thomson , I . G . ; John Dully , Tvler . "' Bombay , February 16 th , 1 S 67- "
The W . M . then presented the testimonial ( very beautifully written on vellum ) to Pro . Farnhrm . Bro . Dr . Goldsbro ' , P . M . 201 , 90 S , &( .., P . Z . and Prov . S . G . W . North Wales and Shropshire , said , brethren , I rise to respond , with a very great deal ' of pleasure , to the call of tho W . M . to ay a lew words in furtherance of that which has just fallen from his lips with regard to the handsome testimonial which has just been presented by him to Bro . Farnham on behalf of
tbe ' Lodge Star of India ( is ' o 10 G 2 ) , and 1 certainly do not feel myself to be in the difficulty spoken of by the W . M . The very facts of so handsome and complimentary a testimonial as that is , conveying , as it does , the kind and cordial expression of the fraternal ' feelings of his brother Alasons in India , with tho insignia of his rank in tbe Order he now worthily wears , require nothing to be said in his praise , either by the W . M . or by me ; hence I am relieved of that which might be a great difficulty to me also , viz ., tbe finding of words adequate to the expression of my admiration of and personal regard for that
excellent and worthy brother . I am very sure those feelings are participated by every brother who , eight or nine years ago , had the pleasure of being associated with him in the Jordan Lodge . . The facts of bis having received tho appointments of Provincial Senior Grantl Warden of Bombay and Provincial Grand Chaplain , of the presentations by his brethren of the jewels lie now wears on his breast , of this testimonial being sent to him , and a bar for his jewel to follow itwhich we must all
, regret lias not yet arrived , fully justify us in saying bow zealously and successfully Bro . Farnham must have laboured in the cause of Masonry in the far East to have , these honours . I know how heartily-you will all join with me in saying , Long may lie continue to wear and enjoy them ! They are an honour and credit to himself and an honour to Alasonry . The honours of Masonry are not to be purchased , and when they arc conferred must be merited . Bro . Farnham has well earned them . It will
be in the I'ecollec . iou of the Past Masters of this lodge that prior to his departure for India the then W . M ., Bro . James Robinson , convened a special meeting of the lodge for tho purpose of wishing him God-speed ! We expressed our hopes at that meeting that lie would return to us again in health and strength . He has returned , and we now hope that he will remain with us for good , to add , by his society , to the happiness of the Jordan Lodge . 1 feel it is perfectly unnecessary for me to say anything
more in the face of these testimonials , and in the face of one important fact which I have not yet mentioned , but which yon beard read from the framed testimonial , namely , that our Bro . Farnham was tbe founder of a lodge in India . Masonry , it is said , came from the east to the west ; but certainly it has been so much extended in India bv our Bro . Farnham , that in this instance it may be said to have travelled from the west to the east in his person . Lafc us , then , wish him health and long life ,
now that he has again come amongst us , to remain and promote the good of Masonry in bis mother lodge . ( Addressing Bro . Farnham ) : May you long live to wear those decorations on your breast , aud to look on this testimonial added to them , as a proof tnat your exertions on tbe behalf of Freemasonry have met with the approval of your brethren . } la > - tlwy nev -. Wired pleawivd to you and to yours . ( Applause . ) Bro . Spooner , PAL and See . said : The admirable remarks which have fallen from our Bro . Goldsbro' have expressed so