Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 4 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 4 →
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fully my own feelings and those of the lodge , that it would be a mere waste of time if I attempted to add anything to them . Bro . Farnham then rose and said : Worshipful sir and brethren , —I rise with emotions more easily imagined than described , to thank you for the manner in which youhtive acted as the medium between mo and my esteemed brethren of Lodge Star of India , in presenting mo with this handsome testimonial of their goodwill towards me . It is true that during
resimy dence in India I did something for the advancement of . Masonry , and I am proud of the rank to which those in authority were pleased to raise me . I fear , however , that what I did has been magnified by the kind feeling of my brethren . I am proud to be acknowled ged as the founder of so distinguished a lodge as Lodge Star of India , and I am deeply gratefhl to the brethren of that lodge for their kind appreciation of mv humble services . scarcel
I y know whether tbe pleasure of being the recipient of this handsome testimonial , or that of being back among " tbe old familiar faces of the brethren of myjmocher lodge be the greater ; but believe me , dear brethren , I do feel very glad to meet you all again , and I most heartily thank you , Worshipful Master , and the Past Masters Goldsbro' and Spooner , for the kind manner in which have carried out the wishes of brethren
you my in the east . The lodgo was closed at eight p . m ., when , after an excellent banquet , the usual loyal and . Masonic toasts were drunk . " The Visitors" was responded to in a very eloquent and appropriate speech , by Bro . A . C . Gumpert , P . M . of St . George ' s Lodgo ( No . 5-19 ) and D . S . G . XV . of Bombay . Bro . Robinson "The He ' r-lth of BroFarnham"in
propose . , one of those short , telling , and appropriate speeches for which he is so well known . The proceedings were enlivened by some excellent singing , notwithstanding the colds so prevalent in November , and at an early hour the brethren separated , after a very pleasant meeting .
DEVONSHIRE . PLYMOUTH .--lodge Charily ( So . 223 ) . —A regular meeting of tins lodge was held on the evening of Tuesday , " the 19 th inst ., in Union-street , Plymouth . Bro . J . B . Witheridge . the W . M ., presided , and among the fifty brethren present were Bros . Luckraft , Nickolls ( St . John ' s Lodge ) , Ferris ( St . John's Lodge ) , P . M . ' s , Lee , Thomas , Jones , & c . " tiro . Woolf , P . M ., was dulv elected to be the W . M . of the lodge for the ensuing year . This is the fourth occasion on which Bro . Woolf has been elected as . 1 W . M . Pre . Pollard was elected Treasurer .
SUFFOLK . Irswicn . — , S 7 . Lvl-e ' s Lodge ( No . 255 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 16 th inst ., at the lodge-room , Coach and Horses , Brook-street , when there were fortv brethren present , comprising Bros . Charles Daw , W . M .,- Joseph Whitehead , P . M .,-as S . W . ; Philip Whitehead , J . W .: James Clarke , P . M . Treasurer : Alexander 0 BarberPMSecretaryRC
, . , .., ; . . Brown , S . D . ; J . W . ltobb , I . G .: and B . IV . Sver . Tyler ; also the following brethren of the lodge aud visiters -. — Bros . W . T . Westgate , I . P . M ., who also officiated as Dir . of Cers . ; S . B . King , P . M . ; W . D . Skinner , Jolm Elhvootl , Charles Byford , J . M . Bloomfield , G . S . Golding , Joseph R . Clements , anil James Talbot , jun . Visitors . —Bros . R . X S . Green . W .. M . 37 G ; Jas . FranksP . M . 376 : Wm . SpaldingPM 376 WPMillsPM
, , .. ; . . , .. 376 ; A . Read , J . W . 376 ; G . W . Brock . S . D . Ill ; '' . Cornell , IU ; G . S . Findley , P . M . 195 : C . S . Pedgrift , P . M . 3 S 8 : C . Scnulen , P . M . IU : W . L . Walker , -101 : Samuel Wright , 959 ; A . J . Barber 950 ; & e . The lodge was duly opened in ancient form with solemn prayer , and the minutes of the preceding lodge were read and confirmed . Tiie ballot was then taken for Mr . A . C . Thieke and Mr . C . J . Pratt , clerks in the Continental deof the Great
partment Eastern Raiivar at Harwich . In each instance the votes of the brethren were " unanimous . The two candidates were then duly initiated into the mysteries of tbe S raft b ; ., tho W ' ' tlie eht "' " being delivered bv J . Whitehead , P . M . The next business on the summons was " the election of W . M . for the ensuing year , when the votes of the brethren were unanimously iu favour of the present W . M . retaining that ollice , and to whom tho lodge is deeply indebted for the able manner in which he has discharged his duties during the past year . The W . M ., in again accepting the chair , suitably acknowledged
the compliment paid him by the brethren for tho confidence they had reposed in him . The Treasurer ( Bro . Clarke , PAL ) and the Tyler ( Bro . B . XV . Syer ) were also unanimously reelected . There being no further business before the lodge , the same was duly closed according to ancient form . The brethren and visitors , numbering thirty , afterwards sat down to a wellarranged banquet , served by Bro . C . XV . Godball , the host , in his unequalled style . The cloth being removed and grace said
, tho usual loyal and Masonic toasts were gnen from the chair , and the evening passed away with intermingled complimentary toasts and harmony , nor was it until past high twelve that the Master gave the Tyler ' s toast . It is only just to state that tbe banquet was provided at the sole expense of the much-respected W . M . ( Bro . Davy ) , and the manner in which the lodge has been conducted during his year of office reflects upon him the highest credit .
NORTH WALES AND SHROPSHIRE . THE AXGLESEA LODGE ( No . 11-13 ) . —EIIEEOEKCT . The members of this lodge were convened by the W . M . to an " emergency" on tbe 26 th ult ., for the initiation of candidates aud for conferring other degrees . Upwards of twenty- brethren punctually assembled at the nour named in the summonsamong whom were Bros . J . C .
Fourdri-, nier , W . M .: XV . Bulkelcy Hughes , M . P ., S . W .: Wm . Hughes , J . W . ; Goldsbro " , PAL : ' RevT J . H . Williams , Chap . ; Hugh . Owen , Treas . ; Robert Rowland , J . D .: R . It . Roberts , I . G . ; A . XV . F . Alexander , Charles William Bnlkeley , ( Baron Hill ) , P . McKiun , ( 7 . 2 ? ., Pugh Jones , Ar . ariali Hughes . M . D ., Jolm Hughes , M . D ., William Evans , U . D ., Capt . Glynn Grylls , P . M ., R . B . Dames , J . Griffiths , E . Higgins , J . P ., H . W . A * . Hughes ,
Dyer , & c . The lodge w-as opened and the ballot taken for the candi . dates , which being unanimously in their favour they were regularly initiated into Freemasonry , after which they retired . Lodge was opened in the second degree , and three brethren were passed to that degree . We scarcely need add that the ceremonies were very beautifully , as they were correctly , performed by the W . M ., assisted by his highly efficient staff of
officers , of whom it way be said , " their hearts are indeed in t-hair work , " as there is no lodge of instruction within many miles of Llangefni , and as several of the officers aro comparatively yo ' . mc in Masonry , we can fully estimate the pains the W . M . and his Wardens have taken to make them so efficient in their respective duties . The business of the lodge being ended , it was closed iu due form , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . Gre . ee being said , the W . M . proposed tbe toast of "The Queen
and the Craft : " which , being right loyally and Masonically honoured , was followed by the National Aiifliein . one of the members of the lodge presiding at the pianoforte-Tbe usual toasts of tbe : ; Most Worshipful the Grand Master , ' ' and the " Bight Worshipful the Dejiuty Grand Master , and the Grand Officers of England , " were severally given with the customary honours . The XV . Master said : I shall now give von the toast of "The
Health of the R . W . the Provincial Grand Master of North Wales and Shropshire . " I am sure that all the brethren who had the pleasure , on Thursday and yesterday , of witnessing the exertions of our R . W . Grand Master , and all who had the pleasure of being jiresent , will agree with me that the Grand Master exhibited on those occasions the same kind feelings that have always actuated him . On e . u-b occasion be I- it the room with such heartfelt feelings of respect and a .-i ' ectiop . as one body of
men can entertain towards another , and that came home to all of us . Our Grand Master completely identified himself with the Craft duties of office , with credit to himself and satisfaction to us nil , in every point of view . He maintains the high character of Freemasonry to our admiral ! ,- .: ] , and lie enjoys the highest esteem throughout the province . Brethren . Sir Watkin was not tiii .-ittended . The Dej ;;; t : y Provincial Grand Master was present . The Grand Senior Warden of the provinceand our
, excellent and esteemed brother , the Grand Registrar , were both present . Bro . Goldsbro' we have the happiness to reckon among tbe members of c .-. r lodge—the brother -whose Masonic knowledge exceeds that of most , and who , with that solemnity of manner performed the important ceremony ofthe consecration of this lodge—a man as much c . > te ? med as a friend as he is til his profession and in private life . I give vou '' The Health of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , and the R . W .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
fully my own feelings and those of the lodge , that it would be a mere waste of time if I attempted to add anything to them . Bro . Farnham then rose and said : Worshipful sir and brethren , —I rise with emotions more easily imagined than described , to thank you for the manner in which youhtive acted as the medium between mo and my esteemed brethren of Lodge Star of India , in presenting mo with this handsome testimonial of their goodwill towards me . It is true that during
resimy dence in India I did something for the advancement of . Masonry , and I am proud of the rank to which those in authority were pleased to raise me . I fear , however , that what I did has been magnified by the kind feeling of my brethren . I am proud to be acknowled ged as the founder of so distinguished a lodge as Lodge Star of India , and I am deeply gratefhl to the brethren of that lodge for their kind appreciation of mv humble services . scarcel
I y know whether tbe pleasure of being the recipient of this handsome testimonial , or that of being back among " tbe old familiar faces of the brethren of myjmocher lodge be the greater ; but believe me , dear brethren , I do feel very glad to meet you all again , and I most heartily thank you , Worshipful Master , and the Past Masters Goldsbro' and Spooner , for the kind manner in which have carried out the wishes of brethren
you my in the east . The lodgo was closed at eight p . m ., when , after an excellent banquet , the usual loyal and . Masonic toasts were drunk . " The Visitors" was responded to in a very eloquent and appropriate speech , by Bro . A . C . Gumpert , P . M . of St . George ' s Lodgo ( No . 5-19 ) and D . S . G . XV . of Bombay . Bro . Robinson "The He ' r-lth of BroFarnham"in
propose . , one of those short , telling , and appropriate speeches for which he is so well known . The proceedings were enlivened by some excellent singing , notwithstanding the colds so prevalent in November , and at an early hour the brethren separated , after a very pleasant meeting .
DEVONSHIRE . PLYMOUTH .--lodge Charily ( So . 223 ) . —A regular meeting of tins lodge was held on the evening of Tuesday , " the 19 th inst ., in Union-street , Plymouth . Bro . J . B . Witheridge . the W . M ., presided , and among the fifty brethren present were Bros . Luckraft , Nickolls ( St . John ' s Lodge ) , Ferris ( St . John's Lodge ) , P . M . ' s , Lee , Thomas , Jones , & c . " tiro . Woolf , P . M ., was dulv elected to be the W . M . of the lodge for the ensuing year . This is the fourth occasion on which Bro . Woolf has been elected as . 1 W . M . Pre . Pollard was elected Treasurer .
SUFFOLK . Irswicn . — , S 7 . Lvl-e ' s Lodge ( No . 255 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 16 th inst ., at the lodge-room , Coach and Horses , Brook-street , when there were fortv brethren present , comprising Bros . Charles Daw , W . M .,- Joseph Whitehead , P . M .,-as S . W . ; Philip Whitehead , J . W .: James Clarke , P . M . Treasurer : Alexander 0 BarberPMSecretaryRC
, . , .., ; . . Brown , S . D . ; J . W . ltobb , I . G .: and B . IV . Sver . Tyler ; also the following brethren of the lodge aud visiters -. — Bros . W . T . Westgate , I . P . M ., who also officiated as Dir . of Cers . ; S . B . King , P . M . ; W . D . Skinner , Jolm Elhvootl , Charles Byford , J . M . Bloomfield , G . S . Golding , Joseph R . Clements , anil James Talbot , jun . Visitors . —Bros . R . X S . Green . W .. M . 37 G ; Jas . FranksP . M . 376 : Wm . SpaldingPM 376 WPMillsPM
, , .. ; . . , .. 376 ; A . Read , J . W . 376 ; G . W . Brock . S . D . Ill ; '' . Cornell , IU ; G . S . Findley , P . M . 195 : C . S . Pedgrift , P . M . 3 S 8 : C . Scnulen , P . M . IU : W . L . Walker , -101 : Samuel Wright , 959 ; A . J . Barber 950 ; & e . The lodge was duly opened in ancient form with solemn prayer , and the minutes of the preceding lodge were read and confirmed . Tiie ballot was then taken for Mr . A . C . Thieke and Mr . C . J . Pratt , clerks in the Continental deof the Great
partment Eastern Raiivar at Harwich . In each instance the votes of the brethren were " unanimous . The two candidates were then duly initiated into the mysteries of tbe S raft b ; ., tho W ' ' tlie eht "' " being delivered bv J . Whitehead , P . M . The next business on the summons was " the election of W . M . for the ensuing year , when the votes of the brethren were unanimously iu favour of the present W . M . retaining that ollice , and to whom tho lodge is deeply indebted for the able manner in which he has discharged his duties during the past year . The W . M ., in again accepting the chair , suitably acknowledged
the compliment paid him by the brethren for tho confidence they had reposed in him . The Treasurer ( Bro . Clarke , PAL ) and the Tyler ( Bro . B . XV . Syer ) were also unanimously reelected . There being no further business before the lodge , the same was duly closed according to ancient form . The brethren and visitors , numbering thirty , afterwards sat down to a wellarranged banquet , served by Bro . C . XV . Godball , the host , in his unequalled style . The cloth being removed and grace said
, tho usual loyal and Masonic toasts were gnen from the chair , and the evening passed away with intermingled complimentary toasts and harmony , nor was it until past high twelve that the Master gave the Tyler ' s toast . It is only just to state that tbe banquet was provided at the sole expense of the much-respected W . M . ( Bro . Davy ) , and the manner in which the lodge has been conducted during his year of office reflects upon him the highest credit .
NORTH WALES AND SHROPSHIRE . THE AXGLESEA LODGE ( No . 11-13 ) . —EIIEEOEKCT . The members of this lodge were convened by the W . M . to an " emergency" on tbe 26 th ult ., for the initiation of candidates aud for conferring other degrees . Upwards of twenty- brethren punctually assembled at the nour named in the summonsamong whom were Bros . J . C .
Fourdri-, nier , W . M .: XV . Bulkelcy Hughes , M . P ., S . W .: Wm . Hughes , J . W . ; Goldsbro " , PAL : ' RevT J . H . Williams , Chap . ; Hugh . Owen , Treas . ; Robert Rowland , J . D .: R . It . Roberts , I . G . ; A . XV . F . Alexander , Charles William Bnlkeley , ( Baron Hill ) , P . McKiun , ( 7 . 2 ? ., Pugh Jones , Ar . ariali Hughes . M . D ., Jolm Hughes , M . D ., William Evans , U . D ., Capt . Glynn Grylls , P . M ., R . B . Dames , J . Griffiths , E . Higgins , J . P ., H . W . A * . Hughes ,
Dyer , & c . The lodge w-as opened and the ballot taken for the candi . dates , which being unanimously in their favour they were regularly initiated into Freemasonry , after which they retired . Lodge was opened in the second degree , and three brethren were passed to that degree . We scarcely need add that the ceremonies were very beautifully , as they were correctly , performed by the W . M ., assisted by his highly efficient staff of
officers , of whom it way be said , " their hearts are indeed in t-hair work , " as there is no lodge of instruction within many miles of Llangefni , and as several of the officers aro comparatively yo ' . mc in Masonry , we can fully estimate the pains the W . M . and his Wardens have taken to make them so efficient in their respective duties . The business of the lodge being ended , it was closed iu due form , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . Gre . ee being said , the W . M . proposed tbe toast of "The Queen
and the Craft : " which , being right loyally and Masonically honoured , was followed by the National Aiifliein . one of the members of the lodge presiding at the pianoforte-Tbe usual toasts of tbe : ; Most Worshipful the Grand Master , ' ' and the " Bight Worshipful the Dejiuty Grand Master , and the Grand Officers of England , " were severally given with the customary honours . The XV . Master said : I shall now give von the toast of "The
Health of the R . W . the Provincial Grand Master of North Wales and Shropshire . " I am sure that all the brethren who had the pleasure , on Thursday and yesterday , of witnessing the exertions of our R . W . Grand Master , and all who had the pleasure of being jiresent , will agree with me that the Grand Master exhibited on those occasions the same kind feelings that have always actuated him . On e . u-b occasion be I- it the room with such heartfelt feelings of respect and a .-i ' ectiop . as one body of
men can entertain towards another , and that came home to all of us . Our Grand Master completely identified himself with the Craft duties of office , with credit to himself and satisfaction to us nil , in every point of view . He maintains the high character of Freemasonry to our admiral ! ,- .: ] , and lie enjoys the highest esteem throughout the province . Brethren . Sir Watkin was not tiii .-ittended . The Dej ;;; t : y Provincial Grand Master was present . The Grand Senior Warden of the provinceand our
, excellent and esteemed brother , the Grand Registrar , were both present . Bro . Goldsbro' we have the happiness to reckon among tbe members of c .-. r lodge—the brother -whose Masonic knowledge exceeds that of most , and who , with that solemnity of manner performed the important ceremony ofthe consecration of this lodge—a man as much c . > te ? med as a friend as he is til his profession and in private life . I give vou '' The Health of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , and the R . W .