Article SCOTLAND. ← Page 5 of 5 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 1 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 2 →
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in every sphere of life has been revived and cheered and led to take heart again by that illimitable and best known contribution of his to our natural minstrelsy : — Confide ye aye in Providence for Providence is kind , And bear ye a' life's changes wi' a calm and tranquil mind . Tho' pressed and hemmed on every side , hue faith and ye'll win thro ' ,
For ilka blade o' grass keps its ain drap o' dew . The toast was drank with enthusiasm . Bro . Ballantine made a suitable acknowledgment . "The Office-Bearers of St . Marnock" next came in for a share of the compliments which were being bestowed by the brethren . Bro . Frazer replied . The Grand Bard gave " Mother Kilwinning , " which was
responded to hy Bro . the Rev . Leo Ker , Kilwinning , in a few humorous ai d lie it remarks . After each visiting lodge bad been given and responded to , the brethren separated in peace and harmony .
Channel Islands.
GUERNSEY . DOYLE ' LODGE ( No . Si ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall on Wednesday evening , the 13 th inst ., when a goodly number of members and several visitors attended . Amongst the members were Bro . Guilbert , AVAL , in the chair : Bros . Churchouse , LP . M . ; Sparrow , P . M . ; Smithard , P . M . ; Willcocks , P . M .: Hutchinson , P . M . andTi-oas . ;
Dr . Collenette , P . M . and G . See . ; Martin , S . W . ; Gardner , J . W . ; Glencross , S . D . ; Millington , J . D . ; Sarcbet , Sec . ; Garland as I . G . ; Manger , Tyler , Carleton , Cohen , Carre , Stabler , Parker , Nicolle , Turton , Abbot , Muntz , J . W . P . Hutchinson , Bladder , and Cooper . The visitors wore Thomas Churchouse ( 28 S ) , Brown ( lGS ) , UCenscy ( 694 ) , De Garis , P . M . 2 13 , aud Wakley , P . M . 243 . 'fhe lodge was opened in tbe first degreeand the
, minutes of the preceding lodge read and confirmed . Mr . Joseph Le Maistre , a candidate for initiation , who had been regularlyproposed and seconded in open lodge , was balloted for and approved . Mr . Lucas was also balloted for and approved as a candidate , but in consequence of some little irregularity in tho proceedings prior to the ballot , his name will probably ' lmve to be submitted to the members of the lodge again . The lodge was
then ojicned in the second degree , and the three F . C . ' s , Bros . Carre . Carleton , and Cohen , who were candidates for elevation to tho sublime degree of M . M ., were each questioned by the AV . M . as to their progress in Masonry in the usual manner , and having answered satisfactorily were entrusted , and then left the lodge room for preparation . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , and Bros . Carre , Carleton , and Cohen " were
separately readmitted in the order in which their names are placed , and respectively raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . After they hail again retired and been re-admitted they were respectively invested with the distinguishing badge of a M . M . The working tools of the third degree were also explained to them , and the remaining part of the traditional history was proceeded with , which concluded the ceremony . The whole of the work was done by tbe W . M . in his usual correct and ell ' ective manner .
Bro . Churchouse , No . 228 , presided at the harmonium . Some discussion afterwards ensued concerning a probosition made by Bro . Collenette , P . M ., and seconded by Bro . Martin , S . W ., to the effect that for the future the mode of procedure for the election by ballot of the W . M . should be as follows , viz ., " Every member having a right to vote to be presented with a list containing the names of all the members
eligible for election to the office of W . M ., from which list each member should tear off the name of the brother for whom he wishes to vote , and deposit the same in tbe ballot box . " Tho proposition was eventually put to the meeting and carried . This finished the business of the evening , and the lodge was closed . The brethren then met in the banqueting room for refreshment , and spent a reasonable time in pleasant Masonic and social chat .
One or two very amusing songs were sung by Bro . Cooper , and the usual toasts given and responded to . During the evening Bro . Gallicnne , L . Prov . G . AI ., who was prevented from attending the lodge , came into the room accompanied by Bro . Jaboneau , Orator of Lodge La Cesaree ( No . 289 ) , Jersey " Tho D . Prov . G .. M . proposed the W . M . ' s health in highly " eulogistic terms ,
Channel Islands.
and spoke with much regret of the fact that his second year of office was so nearly ended . The toast was responded to iu a most hearty manner by all tbe brethren , and it was evident that they fully endorsed every word uttered by their worthy D . Prov . G . M . in praise of Bro . Guilbert . All the Alasons in the province know him to be a thoroughly good hard-working member ofthe Order , ever anxious for its prosperity and usefulness . Whilst in lodge he has , by his kind and genial manner ,
drawn towards him the affection and regard of all with whom ho has come in contact . About their usual good time the brethren separated , all agreeing that they had spent an instructive as well as a pleasant evening .
Royal Arch.
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . BRADFORD . — Chapter of Charity ( No . 302 ) . —A meeting of this chapter took place on Monday , the 18 th inst ., at which there , were present Comps . A . Hunter , Z . ; J . J . Schoeppi , H . ; A . M . Matthews , J . ; and tho rest of the officers , together with Comps . Thomas Hill , Henry Smith , II . 0 . Mawson , Jas . Lumb , C . H . Taylor , and M . liogerson , P . Z . 's . The chapter was opened at seven , and the minutes of the last chapter read and confirmed .
Bros . Hinchclill ' e Farrar , of the Lodge of Hope ( No . 302 ) , and William Hodgson , ofthe Eccleshill Lodge ( No . 1 , 034 ) , were duly exalted by the First Principal and his officers . Before the chapter was closed a renewed discussion arose as to the necessity for the three Principals wearing robes , it being thought by some that , if not imperative , they were much better dispensed with . Inquiries were to he made by the S . E . of the Prov . G . S . E
The chapter was closed in jieace and harmony at nine o'clock . The companions then retired to the banquet-room , where a substantial repast was served , at which about thirty companions were jiresent . Comp . Richardson presided at tbe piano , and several comjis enlivened the evening by their vocal talents . As usual , the stewards deserved and received great praise for their exertions .
Mark Masonry.
IRELAND . O . IIAGII . —Lodge Concord ( Xo . 332 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the . Masonic Rooms , White Hart Hotel , Omagh , on Tuesday evening , the 12 th inst . In the absence of Bro . W . O . Orr , W ' . M ., Bro . Dr . Thompson , PAL , presided , and there wore present sixteen members of the lodge and five visitinnbrethren . After the preliminary business had been disposed
of , Dr . Leary was initiated into the mysteries of tho Order , Bro . E . Cuthbert was jiassed to the second degree , aud Bro , J . R . Dickson , W . M . of No . 129 , who had come from Belleok for the purpose , had conferred upon him the degree of Alark Master . In these ceremonies Bro . Dr . Thompson was ably assisted by Bros . C . Scott , Dr . West , Captain Jenkins , and Dr . Love . The nomination of officers for the ensuing six months was then
pro ceeded with , and Bro . Dr . West was chosen as W . AI . ; Bros . Samuel Adair , S . W .: Captain Hamilton , J . W .: the Rev . It . C . Donncll , Chap . ; Major Dawson , Sec ; II . James , S . D . ; C . D . Lundie , J . I ) . ; T . C . Dickie , I . G . The many excellencies of Bro . Charles Eecles , PAL , haying peculiarly endeared him to his brethren of Xo . 332 , they resolved some time ago upon asking him to allow bis portrait to be taken at the expense of the
lodge . He complied with their request , and tbey now bad the satisfaction of hanging up in their room a large coloured photograph of Bro . Eecles , in full Masonic costume , as a Knight Templar . Upon the lengthened labours of the evening being concluded , the lodge was closed in peace and harmony , and tbe brethren adjourned for refreshment . Bro . Dr . Thompson having received a telegram calling him away on professional duty ,
Bro . Eecles was moved to the chair , and tbe usual loyal and Alasonic toasts having been given and duly honoured , Bro . Dr . West , in very liapji ;/ term-, jiroposed the health of the chairman . He congratulated Bro . Eecles upon the high place which be held iu the estimation of all the brethren , and alluded to the pleasure which those present had on that evening derived from seeiri" - the walls of their lodge room adorned b y his portrait . The toast was drunk with much enthusiasm , and Bro . Eecles rose to respond . He thanked the brethren for the warmth with
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
in every sphere of life has been revived and cheered and led to take heart again by that illimitable and best known contribution of his to our natural minstrelsy : — Confide ye aye in Providence for Providence is kind , And bear ye a' life's changes wi' a calm and tranquil mind . Tho' pressed and hemmed on every side , hue faith and ye'll win thro ' ,
For ilka blade o' grass keps its ain drap o' dew . The toast was drank with enthusiasm . Bro . Ballantine made a suitable acknowledgment . "The Office-Bearers of St . Marnock" next came in for a share of the compliments which were being bestowed by the brethren . Bro . Frazer replied . The Grand Bard gave " Mother Kilwinning , " which was
responded to hy Bro . the Rev . Leo Ker , Kilwinning , in a few humorous ai d lie it remarks . After each visiting lodge bad been given and responded to , the brethren separated in peace and harmony .
Channel Islands.
GUERNSEY . DOYLE ' LODGE ( No . Si ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall on Wednesday evening , the 13 th inst ., when a goodly number of members and several visitors attended . Amongst the members were Bro . Guilbert , AVAL , in the chair : Bros . Churchouse , LP . M . ; Sparrow , P . M . ; Smithard , P . M . ; Willcocks , P . M .: Hutchinson , P . M . andTi-oas . ;
Dr . Collenette , P . M . and G . See . ; Martin , S . W . ; Gardner , J . W . ; Glencross , S . D . ; Millington , J . D . ; Sarcbet , Sec . ; Garland as I . G . ; Manger , Tyler , Carleton , Cohen , Carre , Stabler , Parker , Nicolle , Turton , Abbot , Muntz , J . W . P . Hutchinson , Bladder , and Cooper . The visitors wore Thomas Churchouse ( 28 S ) , Brown ( lGS ) , UCenscy ( 694 ) , De Garis , P . M . 2 13 , aud Wakley , P . M . 243 . 'fhe lodge was opened in tbe first degreeand the
, minutes of the preceding lodge read and confirmed . Mr . Joseph Le Maistre , a candidate for initiation , who had been regularlyproposed and seconded in open lodge , was balloted for and approved . Mr . Lucas was also balloted for and approved as a candidate , but in consequence of some little irregularity in tho proceedings prior to the ballot , his name will probably ' lmve to be submitted to the members of the lodge again . The lodge was
then ojicned in the second degree , and the three F . C . ' s , Bros . Carre . Carleton , and Cohen , who were candidates for elevation to tho sublime degree of M . M ., were each questioned by the AV . M . as to their progress in Masonry in the usual manner , and having answered satisfactorily were entrusted , and then left the lodge room for preparation . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , and Bros . Carre , Carleton , and Cohen " were
separately readmitted in the order in which their names are placed , and respectively raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . After they hail again retired and been re-admitted they were respectively invested with the distinguishing badge of a M . M . The working tools of the third degree were also explained to them , and the remaining part of the traditional history was proceeded with , which concluded the ceremony . The whole of the work was done by tbe W . M . in his usual correct and ell ' ective manner .
Bro . Churchouse , No . 228 , presided at the harmonium . Some discussion afterwards ensued concerning a probosition made by Bro . Collenette , P . M ., and seconded by Bro . Martin , S . W ., to the effect that for the future the mode of procedure for the election by ballot of the W . M . should be as follows , viz ., " Every member having a right to vote to be presented with a list containing the names of all the members
eligible for election to the office of W . M ., from which list each member should tear off the name of the brother for whom he wishes to vote , and deposit the same in tbe ballot box . " Tho proposition was eventually put to the meeting and carried . This finished the business of the evening , and the lodge was closed . The brethren then met in the banqueting room for refreshment , and spent a reasonable time in pleasant Masonic and social chat .
One or two very amusing songs were sung by Bro . Cooper , and the usual toasts given and responded to . During the evening Bro . Gallicnne , L . Prov . G . AI ., who was prevented from attending the lodge , came into the room accompanied by Bro . Jaboneau , Orator of Lodge La Cesaree ( No . 289 ) , Jersey " Tho D . Prov . G .. M . proposed the W . M . ' s health in highly " eulogistic terms ,
Channel Islands.
and spoke with much regret of the fact that his second year of office was so nearly ended . The toast was responded to iu a most hearty manner by all tbe brethren , and it was evident that they fully endorsed every word uttered by their worthy D . Prov . G . M . in praise of Bro . Guilbert . All the Alasons in the province know him to be a thoroughly good hard-working member ofthe Order , ever anxious for its prosperity and usefulness . Whilst in lodge he has , by his kind and genial manner ,
drawn towards him the affection and regard of all with whom ho has come in contact . About their usual good time the brethren separated , all agreeing that they had spent an instructive as well as a pleasant evening .
Royal Arch.
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . BRADFORD . — Chapter of Charity ( No . 302 ) . —A meeting of this chapter took place on Monday , the 18 th inst ., at which there , were present Comps . A . Hunter , Z . ; J . J . Schoeppi , H . ; A . M . Matthews , J . ; and tho rest of the officers , together with Comps . Thomas Hill , Henry Smith , II . 0 . Mawson , Jas . Lumb , C . H . Taylor , and M . liogerson , P . Z . 's . The chapter was opened at seven , and the minutes of the last chapter read and confirmed .
Bros . Hinchclill ' e Farrar , of the Lodge of Hope ( No . 302 ) , and William Hodgson , ofthe Eccleshill Lodge ( No . 1 , 034 ) , were duly exalted by the First Principal and his officers . Before the chapter was closed a renewed discussion arose as to the necessity for the three Principals wearing robes , it being thought by some that , if not imperative , they were much better dispensed with . Inquiries were to he made by the S . E . of the Prov . G . S . E
The chapter was closed in jieace and harmony at nine o'clock . The companions then retired to the banquet-room , where a substantial repast was served , at which about thirty companions were jiresent . Comp . Richardson presided at tbe piano , and several comjis enlivened the evening by their vocal talents . As usual , the stewards deserved and received great praise for their exertions .
Mark Masonry.
IRELAND . O . IIAGII . —Lodge Concord ( Xo . 332 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the . Masonic Rooms , White Hart Hotel , Omagh , on Tuesday evening , the 12 th inst . In the absence of Bro . W . O . Orr , W ' . M ., Bro . Dr . Thompson , PAL , presided , and there wore present sixteen members of the lodge and five visitinnbrethren . After the preliminary business had been disposed
of , Dr . Leary was initiated into the mysteries of tho Order , Bro . E . Cuthbert was jiassed to the second degree , aud Bro , J . R . Dickson , W . M . of No . 129 , who had come from Belleok for the purpose , had conferred upon him the degree of Alark Master . In these ceremonies Bro . Dr . Thompson was ably assisted by Bros . C . Scott , Dr . West , Captain Jenkins , and Dr . Love . The nomination of officers for the ensuing six months was then
pro ceeded with , and Bro . Dr . West was chosen as W . AI . ; Bros . Samuel Adair , S . W .: Captain Hamilton , J . W .: the Rev . It . C . Donncll , Chap . ; Major Dawson , Sec ; II . James , S . D . ; C . D . Lundie , J . I ) . ; T . C . Dickie , I . G . The many excellencies of Bro . Charles Eecles , PAL , haying peculiarly endeared him to his brethren of Xo . 332 , they resolved some time ago upon asking him to allow bis portrait to be taken at the expense of the
lodge . He complied with their request , and tbey now bad the satisfaction of hanging up in their room a large coloured photograph of Bro . Eecles , in full Masonic costume , as a Knight Templar . Upon the lengthened labours of the evening being concluded , the lodge was closed in peace and harmony , and tbe brethren adjourned for refreshment . Bro . Dr . Thompson having received a telegram calling him away on professional duty ,
Bro . Eecles was moved to the chair , and tbe usual loyal and Alasonic toasts having been given and duly honoured , Bro . Dr . West , in very liapji ;/ term-, jiroposed the health of the chairman . He congratulated Bro . Eecles upon the high place which be held iu the estimation of all the brethren , and alluded to the pleasure which those present had on that evening derived from seeiri" - the walls of their lodge room adorned b y his portrait . The toast was drunk with much enthusiasm , and Bro . Eecles rose to respond . He thanked the brethren for the warmth with