Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
• which they had drunk his health ; and , referring to the allusion made to his photograph by Bro . Dr . West , he said that when it was proposed to him by Bro . Scott to have that photograph taken he thought that the idea must have emanated from Bro . Scott ' s own brain ; but when a deputation from tbe lodge formally waited on him to express the wish of the brethren on the subject , he could not hesitate to comply , and now that his likeness actually hung in the lodge room of 332 he could never
, enter that room without feeling his heart warmed towards those by whom such an honour had been paid him , and towards that system which was so admirably adapted to cement a pure and profound attachment between its members . To him Freemasonry possessed no ordinary charm , and for nothing did he more earnestly wish than the prosperity of the Craft . He had felt very much pleasure in being present that evening while
Bro . Dr . Thompson , with such marked Alasonic ability discharged the duties of W . AI ., and he believed that the lodge in which the various interesting ceremonies were so well performed could not fail to progress . Any aid to their beloved system of ivhich be ( Bro . Eecles ) was capable he should ever most gladly render . He objectod , however , to have bestowed upon him so much credit in connection with the resuscitation of No . 332 , which he considered especially due to tho star of Freemasonry in Ulster—Bro . Charles Scott . "The Health of Bro . the Rev .
R . C . Donnell" was then proposed and drunk . Bro . Donnell , in returning thanks , alluded to the numerous misrepresentations and denunciations which were being poured forth against the Masonic Order . Those he received with more pleasure than otherwise , believing , as ha did , in the inspired words , " Woe unto you when all men shall speak well of you . " The denunciations hurled against Freemasonry supplied a strong proof of its vitality and excellenceand so long as it continued to be
, denounced by the enemies of truth and religious freedom , he asked no other proof of its worth and efficiency . He ( Bro . Donnell ) had been often reminded of the isolated position which , as a minister of the Gospel , he occupied while seated amongst his brethren at the social board ; but be was happy to say that such was the propriety of the brethren whom be had the honour of meeting , that no minister of religion could feel himself out of
place in their company . It was most creditable to the brethren of No . 332 that they so carefully avoided all profanity and excess ; and it was most pleasing to him that if the limits of strict propriety were at any time for a moment lost sight of , the clond thus produced was but a passing one , ivhich presently gave place to the sunshine of innocence and pure enjoyment . Some excellent songs were sung by Bros . Dr . West , Cuthhert , and others , and a collection having been taken up for poor aud distressed brethren the party separated .
Meetings Of The Learned Societies For The Week Ending December 7th, 1867.
TUESDAY , 3 rd . —Institution of Civil Engineers , at 8 . WEDNESDAY , 4 th . —Geological Society at 8 . WEDNESDAY , 4 th . —Society of Arts , at S . METROPOLITAN LODGE MEETINGS , ETC ., FOR
THE WEEK ENDING DECEMBER 7 TH , 1867 . MOXDAY , December 2 nd . —Robert Burns Lodgo , 25 . Freemasons' Hall . Lodge of Unity , 60 , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-street . RoyalJubilee Lodge , 72 , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . St . John ' s Lodge , 90 , Radley ' s Hotel , Bridge-street , Blackfriars . St . Luke ' s Lodge .
144 , Pier Hotel , Cheync-ivalk , Chelsea . Lodge of Joppa , 188 , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . Lodge of Union , 256 , Freemasons' Hall . TUESDAY , December 3 rd . —Colonial Board , at 3 . Albion Lodge , 9 , Freemasons' Hall . Old Dundee Lodge , 18 , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-street . Temple Lodge , 101 , Ship and Turtle Tavern , Lcadcnhall-street . Old Concord Lodgo , 172 , Freemasons' Hall . Euphrates Lodge , 212 , Masons' Hall Tavern , Masons ' -avemie , Basinghall-street . Lodge of Stability , 217 , George
Meetings Of The Learned Societies For The Week Ending December 7th, 1867.
Hotel , Aldermanbury . Lodge La Tolerance , 538 , Freemasons' Hall . Lodge of St . James , 765 , Leather Market Tavern , New Western-street , Bermondsey . Chapter of Temperance , 169 , White Swan Tavern , Deptford . WEDNESDAY , December 4 th . —Quarterly Communication , at 7 for 8 . Lodge of Temperance , 898 , Assembly Booms , Chowby-place , Poplar .
TiruitsDAY , December 5 th . —Westminster and Key Stone Lodgo , 10 , Freemasons' Hail . Egyptian Lodge , 27 , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Strong Man Lodge , 4-5 . Falcon Tavern , Fetter-lane . Iouic Lodge , 227 , Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadonhall-street . St . Andrews ' Lodge , 231 , Freemasons' Hall . Yavborongb . Lodge , 554 , Stepney Victoria Rifles Lod 822
Green Dragon , . go , , Freemasons' Hall . " St . James ' s Chapter , 2 , Freemasons ' Hall . Moriah Chapter , 9 , Albion Tavern , Aldersgatestreet . Crystal Palace Chapter , 742 , Crystal Palace , Sydenham . FRIDAY , December 6 th .- —Florence Nightingale Lodge , 706 , Masonic Hall , William-street , Woolwich . Hornscy
Lodge , 890 , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . British Chapter , 8 , Freemasons' Hall . Prince of Wales' Chapter , 259 , Westminster Palace Hotel , Victoria-street , Westminster . High Cross Chapter , 754 , Railway Hotel , Northumberland-park , Tottenham . SATURDAY , December 7 th . —Gen . Com . Boys' School , at 4 . St . Thomas ' s Lodge , 142 , Radley ' s Hotel , Bridgestreet , Blackfriars . Leigh Lodge , 957 , . Freemasons ' Hall . Rose of Denmark Chapter , 875 , White Hart , Barnes , Surrey .
. ST . GEORGE ' HALL , Langham-placo , has boon taken by Mr . German Reed , who intends establishing in the metropolis a comic opera , derived both from native aud foreign sources . In such aide hands , a thorough efficiency in all tho branches of such an undertaking will no doubt bo attained ; and wo hopo it will disprove tho opin ion heretofore expressed of there being a distaste or apathy for English composition . Tho Hall is undergoing tho necessary alterations , in tho construction of private boxes , and
tho enlargement of the stago for tho production of opera and extravaganza . We understand that tho prices of admission -will bo within tho rango of tho poorest amateur . As an earnest of good intention , a now operatic extravaganza will bo immediately announced , from tho humorous pen of Mr . F . C . Burnand , and Mr . A . S . Sullivan , a young and rising composer , whoso sparkling aud melodious conceptions havo already placed him in a high position . Tho Gallery of Illustration will , of course , bo unaffected
by Mr . German Rood ' s connection with the St . George's Opera House . Tho present entertainment there , which is still running a prosperous career , will , wo hoar , bo replaced by novelty before the present year runs out .
To Correspondents.
*«* AH communications to be addressed to 19 . Salisbury-street , " Strand , London , W . C . J . C—Wo do not think it would bo Masonic to answer your query . Romomlior that excellent virtue—Silence . 2 . There aro several military lodges , yet this is no reason why only military should ho allowed to attend . J . J . ROIIIN-SOX ( King Williams TownCapo of Good Hopo )—
, . Your lottor received , with P . O . O . enclosed . Shall bo glad to bear from you occasionally . AV . D . LEXTHAIJ . ( Cooma , N . S . W . ) . —P . O . O . received . Thanks for your letter and suggestions , which wo shall certainly act up to . At all times wo shall lie glad to receive any reports . No portrait of D . G . M . Do Grey and Ripon published ; tho others sent per book post . As to numbers of FREEMASONS '
MAGAZINE , will place you on our books at Christmas . Tho subscription is 2 ( is . per annum : if paid in advance , post froo ; consequently , wo shall have to credit you with 18 s ., tho difference of tho amount forwarded by you . W . I-I . II . Beck ( Grafton , Clarence River , N . S . W . )—Wo aro obliged for your letter and its contents . You will find , however , that wo havo anticipated your wish in our issue of Oct . 12 th . Shall bo always glad to hoar from you ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
• which they had drunk his health ; and , referring to the allusion made to his photograph by Bro . Dr . West , he said that when it was proposed to him by Bro . Scott to have that photograph taken he thought that the idea must have emanated from Bro . Scott ' s own brain ; but when a deputation from tbe lodge formally waited on him to express the wish of the brethren on the subject , he could not hesitate to comply , and now that his likeness actually hung in the lodge room of 332 he could never
, enter that room without feeling his heart warmed towards those by whom such an honour had been paid him , and towards that system which was so admirably adapted to cement a pure and profound attachment between its members . To him Freemasonry possessed no ordinary charm , and for nothing did he more earnestly wish than the prosperity of the Craft . He had felt very much pleasure in being present that evening while
Bro . Dr . Thompson , with such marked Alasonic ability discharged the duties of W . AI ., and he believed that the lodge in which the various interesting ceremonies were so well performed could not fail to progress . Any aid to their beloved system of ivhich be ( Bro . Eecles ) was capable he should ever most gladly render . He objectod , however , to have bestowed upon him so much credit in connection with the resuscitation of No . 332 , which he considered especially due to tho star of Freemasonry in Ulster—Bro . Charles Scott . "The Health of Bro . the Rev .
R . C . Donnell" was then proposed and drunk . Bro . Donnell , in returning thanks , alluded to the numerous misrepresentations and denunciations which were being poured forth against the Masonic Order . Those he received with more pleasure than otherwise , believing , as ha did , in the inspired words , " Woe unto you when all men shall speak well of you . " The denunciations hurled against Freemasonry supplied a strong proof of its vitality and excellenceand so long as it continued to be
, denounced by the enemies of truth and religious freedom , he asked no other proof of its worth and efficiency . He ( Bro . Donnell ) had been often reminded of the isolated position which , as a minister of the Gospel , he occupied while seated amongst his brethren at the social board ; but be was happy to say that such was the propriety of the brethren whom be had the honour of meeting , that no minister of religion could feel himself out of
place in their company . It was most creditable to the brethren of No . 332 that they so carefully avoided all profanity and excess ; and it was most pleasing to him that if the limits of strict propriety were at any time for a moment lost sight of , the clond thus produced was but a passing one , ivhich presently gave place to the sunshine of innocence and pure enjoyment . Some excellent songs were sung by Bros . Dr . West , Cuthhert , and others , and a collection having been taken up for poor aud distressed brethren the party separated .
Meetings Of The Learned Societies For The Week Ending December 7th, 1867.
TUESDAY , 3 rd . —Institution of Civil Engineers , at 8 . WEDNESDAY , 4 th . —Geological Society at 8 . WEDNESDAY , 4 th . —Society of Arts , at S . METROPOLITAN LODGE MEETINGS , ETC ., FOR
THE WEEK ENDING DECEMBER 7 TH , 1867 . MOXDAY , December 2 nd . —Robert Burns Lodgo , 25 . Freemasons' Hall . Lodge of Unity , 60 , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-street . RoyalJubilee Lodge , 72 , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . St . John ' s Lodge , 90 , Radley ' s Hotel , Bridge-street , Blackfriars . St . Luke ' s Lodge .
144 , Pier Hotel , Cheync-ivalk , Chelsea . Lodge of Joppa , 188 , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . Lodge of Union , 256 , Freemasons' Hall . TUESDAY , December 3 rd . —Colonial Board , at 3 . Albion Lodge , 9 , Freemasons' Hall . Old Dundee Lodge , 18 , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-street . Temple Lodge , 101 , Ship and Turtle Tavern , Lcadcnhall-street . Old Concord Lodgo , 172 , Freemasons' Hall . Euphrates Lodge , 212 , Masons' Hall Tavern , Masons ' -avemie , Basinghall-street . Lodge of Stability , 217 , George
Meetings Of The Learned Societies For The Week Ending December 7th, 1867.
Hotel , Aldermanbury . Lodge La Tolerance , 538 , Freemasons' Hall . Lodge of St . James , 765 , Leather Market Tavern , New Western-street , Bermondsey . Chapter of Temperance , 169 , White Swan Tavern , Deptford . WEDNESDAY , December 4 th . —Quarterly Communication , at 7 for 8 . Lodge of Temperance , 898 , Assembly Booms , Chowby-place , Poplar .
TiruitsDAY , December 5 th . —Westminster and Key Stone Lodgo , 10 , Freemasons' Hail . Egyptian Lodge , 27 , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Strong Man Lodge , 4-5 . Falcon Tavern , Fetter-lane . Iouic Lodge , 227 , Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadonhall-street . St . Andrews ' Lodge , 231 , Freemasons' Hall . Yavborongb . Lodge , 554 , Stepney Victoria Rifles Lod 822
Green Dragon , . go , , Freemasons' Hall . " St . James ' s Chapter , 2 , Freemasons ' Hall . Moriah Chapter , 9 , Albion Tavern , Aldersgatestreet . Crystal Palace Chapter , 742 , Crystal Palace , Sydenham . FRIDAY , December 6 th .- —Florence Nightingale Lodge , 706 , Masonic Hall , William-street , Woolwich . Hornscy
Lodge , 890 , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . British Chapter , 8 , Freemasons' Hall . Prince of Wales' Chapter , 259 , Westminster Palace Hotel , Victoria-street , Westminster . High Cross Chapter , 754 , Railway Hotel , Northumberland-park , Tottenham . SATURDAY , December 7 th . —Gen . Com . Boys' School , at 4 . St . Thomas ' s Lodge , 142 , Radley ' s Hotel , Bridgestreet , Blackfriars . Leigh Lodge , 957 , . Freemasons ' Hall . Rose of Denmark Chapter , 875 , White Hart , Barnes , Surrey .
. ST . GEORGE ' HALL , Langham-placo , has boon taken by Mr . German Reed , who intends establishing in the metropolis a comic opera , derived both from native aud foreign sources . In such aide hands , a thorough efficiency in all tho branches of such an undertaking will no doubt bo attained ; and wo hopo it will disprove tho opin ion heretofore expressed of there being a distaste or apathy for English composition . Tho Hall is undergoing tho necessary alterations , in tho construction of private boxes , and
tho enlargement of the stago for tho production of opera and extravaganza . We understand that tho prices of admission -will bo within tho rango of tho poorest amateur . As an earnest of good intention , a now operatic extravaganza will bo immediately announced , from tho humorous pen of Mr . F . C . Burnand , and Mr . A . S . Sullivan , a young and rising composer , whoso sparkling aud melodious conceptions havo already placed him in a high position . Tho Gallery of Illustration will , of course , bo unaffected
by Mr . German Rood ' s connection with the St . George's Opera House . Tho present entertainment there , which is still running a prosperous career , will , wo hoar , bo replaced by novelty before the present year runs out .
To Correspondents.
*«* AH communications to be addressed to 19 . Salisbury-street , " Strand , London , W . C . J . C—Wo do not think it would bo Masonic to answer your query . Romomlior that excellent virtue—Silence . 2 . There aro several military lodges , yet this is no reason why only military should ho allowed to attend . J . J . ROIIIN-SOX ( King Williams TownCapo of Good Hopo )—
, . Your lottor received , with P . O . O . enclosed . Shall bo glad to bear from you occasionally . AV . D . LEXTHAIJ . ( Cooma , N . S . W . ) . —P . O . O . received . Thanks for your letter and suggestions , which wo shall certainly act up to . At all times wo shall lie glad to receive any reports . No portrait of D . G . M . Do Grey and Ripon published ; tho others sent per book post . As to numbers of FREEMASONS '
MAGAZINE , will place you on our books at Christmas . Tho subscription is 2 ( is . per annum : if paid in advance , post froo ; consequently , wo shall have to credit you with 18 s ., tho difference of tho amount forwarded by you . W . I-I . II . Beck ( Grafton , Clarence River , N . S . W . )—Wo aro obliged for your letter and its contents . You will find , however , that wo havo anticipated your wish in our issue of Oct . 12 th . Shall bo always glad to hoar from you ,