Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
the evening had far advanced , the Master asked to be excused if he were brief ; he would propose one toast more before parting , Avhich was the health of the visiting brethren ; he was glad to see so many brethren from the Sister Lodges . He hoped that it ivould never be said that in Concord thoy were not looked after . He had on his left a high and distinguished brother , Bro- Cornforth , he would again ask him to come oftener , so that truly brotherly love may pervade . May Rising Star and
Star of India vie with each other in Masonic work , St . George and St . Andrew work together , assisted by Perseverance , Truth , and Concord . The brethren should so conduct themselves in life that they be not only considered the members of tho Order , but as the Rising Stars of AA estern India , ancl that the Star of India may be some clay their good luck to be rewarded with . Above all he hoped to be pardoned , if he stated that in ali their efforts they must have concord . Bro . J . P . Cornforth
said— " Worshipful Sir and Brethren , I am at a loss to find words to thank you ; indeed , I have been remiss in my duty as a Mason , and this fact I am reminded of this evening ; I was one of those who signed the petition for this loclge , and therefore I think I should have been here oftener . I have never seen such a large Masonic gathering as I see this evening , ancl I am convinced that in Concord true brotherllove does prevail
y . I am taken by surprise at the reception the breth . ien in this lodge give the visitors ; grateful indeed we feel for the honour , and ask you to aocept our best thanks . I only hope I may be able to be ugain with you . The brethren separated , highly delighted with the evening's proceedings . LODGE STAE OE INDIA . ( No . 1062 ) . —The quarterly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemason's Hall , Baboola Tank ,
on Thursday , the 4 th January . Present : Bros . Rev . J . J . Farnham , AV . M . ; J . P . Cornforth , P . M . ; F . D . Parker , as S . W . ; II . T . Binks , J . W . ; A . Swift , as S . D . ; S . Trenn , J . D . ; J . C . Teasdale , as I . G . ; E . W . Keily , Dir . of Cers . ; R . K . Johnson , as Org . ; J . Thomas , Sec ; C . Burden , as Tyler , and a numerous attendance of the members and visiting brethren . The loclge having been properly tyled ivas opened in the first degree . The proceedings of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The loclge was then opened in the second clegreo , when Bros . DuBois and Thwaites were examined as to their proficiency , and
having- satisfactorily acquitted themselves , they were passed out for preparation . The loclge was opened in the third degree , when the above named brethren were readmitted and raised to the high and sublime degree of Master Masons . 'Die lodge was then closed in ihe third and second degrees . Bro . Avon delivered a lecture on the tracing board in tlie first degree , at the conclusion of which the W , M . proposed and Bro . Cornforth secondedthat a vote of thanks be given to Bro . Avron for the
, very able manner in which he delivered the lecture . There being no furthei business before the loclge , it was closed in peace and harmony at half-past eight p . m . COLABA . —Lodge Perseverance ( No . 351 , S . C . )—Tlie regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Colaba , on tlie 15 th Jan . Present—The Prov . G . M . of Western India ; Bros . J . Mackinlay , AA . M . ; J . Hodgart , P . M . ; R . S . King , as S . W . ; J . II .
Irvine , as J . W . ; J . Bedford , as S . D . ; R . Cutter , as J . D . ; H . Prescott , Sec ; J . Reynall , as I . G . j A . McCombie , Org . ; II . Bailey , Tyler , and a numerous attendance of members and visiting brethren . The lodge having been properly tyled , was opened in tho first degree . The minutes ofthe last regular meeting were then read and confirmed . As the first business before the lodge was the installation of the AV . M . Elect ( Bro . R . L . King ) , Bro . Mackinlay said : — " Beforp I give up the Hiram of the lodgeI
, am anxious to say a few words . I beg to tender my best thanks to the officers and the brethren of the lodge for working with me in love and harmony , and for aiding me in carrying out the duties of the loclge . As the choice of the brethren had fallen on a ivorthy brother , I have no doubt but Loclge Perseverance will still be worked as heretofore , as I have the greatest confidence in Bro . R . L . King . " The AA . M . delivered " tho Hiram of the loclge to Bro . R . B . Barton , the Prov . G . M . of Western
India , and requested that worthy and distinguished brother to instal the AV . M . elect . Bro . J . Mackinlay then presented the AA . M . elect to the Prov . G . M ., who eaid : — ' - 'Before I read the ancient charges and administer tlie obligation , I must congratulate the lodge for the selection thoy have made- I am confident that Buo . R , L . King will work the lodge well , aud that too with perfect hsrmony ; I must also not omit to say I am delighted to see that the brethren have shown that they have full confidence iu their W . M . elect ; with such a worthy brother over the loclge , Perseverance must prosper . " The charges
having been given and assented to , and the obligation taken in open lodge , the Prov . G . M . duly installed Bro . R . L . King in the chair as the W . M . of Loclge Perseverance ( No . 351 ) , Bombay , working under the Grand Lodge of Scotland , for 1 S 6 G . The brethren then thrice saluted tlie W . M . in the usual manner . The ceremony having been concluded , Bro . It . L . King , in a touching speech , thanked the brethren for tbe kindness displayed towards him ; he thanked the Prov . G . M . and the P . M .
for the kind mention of his name ; he ivould do his best , and he hoped the officers he was about to appoint , and above all the brethren , would work with him in love ancl harmony . He then proceeded to appoint his officers for the year 1866 . The AV . M . then asked the following brethren to advance to the pedestal , and gave them their insignia of office . Bros . J . Mackinlay , P . M . ; J . Jamieson , Depute M . ; J . Hodgart , Sub . M . ; J . Reynall , SWJGreenwoodJWCJonesTreasHPrescottSec .
... , .. ; . , . ; . , ; AA . Charman , Bible Bearer ; J . Henderson , Chap . ; J . Trubshawe , Architect ; S . Hodgart , Jeweller ; J . Bedford , S . D . ; J . Mason , J . D . ; J . II . Irvine , Dir . of Cers . ; A . McCombie , Org . ; AV . G . King , I . G . ; H . Bailey , Tyler . Bro . Mackinlay said he hoped the brethren would pardon his negligence in not before handing them the portrait of their highly esteemed and popular brother 13 ro . R . B . Barton . The portrait was then
handed to the W . M . Bro . Barton in a most feeling speech returned thanks to the brethren for voting that his portrait should be hung up in the lodge rooms ; he said it was an honour that ho was proud of , and asked the brethren so to live that they too may some day occupy au influential position in the world , as also in Masonry . In conclusion , he wished every individual brother happiness and prosperity in the year just began . Mr . N . P .
Plante , a candidate who was ballotted for at a previous meeting , being in attendance , was properly prepared and initiated into the secrets of our order in due and ancient form , the working tools having been explained to him by the W . M . Bro . Prescott then reported that he was glad to say more than 700 rupees were subscribed for a poor brother who was in Europe . It was then resolved that Bro . Mackinlay should so arrange that the brother in question should receive 60 rupees per month . Bro . Prescott also appealed to the loclge for some relief to a visiting brother , which was submitted for the consideration of
the standing committee . Two brethren were then proposed for affiliation and one gentleman for initiation . Their being no other work before the lodge , it was closed in love and harmony at 8 . 30 p . m . The brethren then adjourned to a sumptuous banquet , where , after the constitutional toasts and several excellent speeches , particularly those of Bro . R . B . Barton and the W . M ., and several social songs , the company broke up at 10 . 30 p . m .
POONA . —Lodge Orion in the West ( No . 415 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on the 10 th January , 1866 . Present—Bros . J . H . Clabby , W . M . ; W . Peters , Sub . M . ; E . Stewart , as S . W . ; A . Robotham , as J . AA . ; H . W . Brewer , Sec . and Treiu . ; E . Schnepoi , as S . D . ; II . Reid , asJ . D . ; E . Fox , I . G . ; J . P . Vincent , Tyler . A isitors—Bros . II . Prescott , E . Hart , and others . Tlie lodge having been properltledwas opened in the first degree . Tho minutes of
y y , the last regular meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Mr . Alexander Woods , and tho result was announced clear . Mr . Woods being in attendance , was properly prepared and initiated in the secrets of oar Holy Order in ancient form . The W . M . in a most impressive manner delivered the charge . The loclge was then closed in perfect love and concord at half-past eiht o ' clockwhen the brethren adjourned to
g , the banquet table . The cloth having been removed , tlie W . il proposed the following toasts , which were drunk with all Masonic honors : — "The Queen and the Craft , " "The Three Grand Masters , " "The Prov . Grand Masters of Western India , Bros . G . Taylor and It . B . Barton , and all the lodges working under them . " The " Health of the Newly Intiated" was tben proposed . Bro . Woods said—Worshiful Sir ancl BrethrenI
p , thank you for the honour you have conferred upon me , I hope that my future career will be such as will not only bring credit to my own name but that of the Society to ivhich I belong . Tho W . M . then asked tho brethren to fill bumpers for the toast of tiie evening . He was delighted to see the AA . M , and brethren of St . Andrew ' s in the East in tho lodge , —be hoped they would come oftener ; there was also an old and worthy
member present—he alluded to Bro . Prescott—it was true that Bro . Prescott was a member of St . Andrew ' s , hut as be belonged to two Presidency lodges , ivhich were now in such a flourishing condition , Concord aud Perseverance , he therefore
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
the evening had far advanced , the Master asked to be excused if he were brief ; he would propose one toast more before parting , Avhich was the health of the visiting brethren ; he was glad to see so many brethren from the Sister Lodges . He hoped that it ivould never be said that in Concord thoy were not looked after . He had on his left a high and distinguished brother , Bro- Cornforth , he would again ask him to come oftener , so that truly brotherly love may pervade . May Rising Star and
Star of India vie with each other in Masonic work , St . George and St . Andrew work together , assisted by Perseverance , Truth , and Concord . The brethren should so conduct themselves in life that they be not only considered the members of tho Order , but as the Rising Stars of AA estern India , ancl that the Star of India may be some clay their good luck to be rewarded with . Above all he hoped to be pardoned , if he stated that in ali their efforts they must have concord . Bro . J . P . Cornforth
said— " Worshipful Sir and Brethren , I am at a loss to find words to thank you ; indeed , I have been remiss in my duty as a Mason , and this fact I am reminded of this evening ; I was one of those who signed the petition for this loclge , and therefore I think I should have been here oftener . I have never seen such a large Masonic gathering as I see this evening , ancl I am convinced that in Concord true brotherllove does prevail
y . I am taken by surprise at the reception the breth . ien in this lodge give the visitors ; grateful indeed we feel for the honour , and ask you to aocept our best thanks . I only hope I may be able to be ugain with you . The brethren separated , highly delighted with the evening's proceedings . LODGE STAE OE INDIA . ( No . 1062 ) . —The quarterly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemason's Hall , Baboola Tank ,
on Thursday , the 4 th January . Present : Bros . Rev . J . J . Farnham , AV . M . ; J . P . Cornforth , P . M . ; F . D . Parker , as S . W . ; II . T . Binks , J . W . ; A . Swift , as S . D . ; S . Trenn , J . D . ; J . C . Teasdale , as I . G . ; E . W . Keily , Dir . of Cers . ; R . K . Johnson , as Org . ; J . Thomas , Sec ; C . Burden , as Tyler , and a numerous attendance of the members and visiting brethren . The loclge having been properly tyled ivas opened in the first degree . The proceedings of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The loclge was then opened in the second clegreo , when Bros . DuBois and Thwaites were examined as to their proficiency , and
having- satisfactorily acquitted themselves , they were passed out for preparation . The loclge was opened in the third degree , when the above named brethren were readmitted and raised to the high and sublime degree of Master Masons . 'Die lodge was then closed in ihe third and second degrees . Bro . Avon delivered a lecture on the tracing board in tlie first degree , at the conclusion of which the W , M . proposed and Bro . Cornforth secondedthat a vote of thanks be given to Bro . Avron for the
, very able manner in which he delivered the lecture . There being no furthei business before the loclge , it was closed in peace and harmony at half-past eight p . m . COLABA . —Lodge Perseverance ( No . 351 , S . C . )—Tlie regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Colaba , on tlie 15 th Jan . Present—The Prov . G . M . of Western India ; Bros . J . Mackinlay , AA . M . ; J . Hodgart , P . M . ; R . S . King , as S . W . ; J . II .
Irvine , as J . W . ; J . Bedford , as S . D . ; R . Cutter , as J . D . ; H . Prescott , Sec ; J . Reynall , as I . G . j A . McCombie , Org . ; II . Bailey , Tyler , and a numerous attendance of members and visiting brethren . The lodge having been properly tyled , was opened in tho first degree . The minutes ofthe last regular meeting were then read and confirmed . As the first business before the lodge was the installation of the AV . M . Elect ( Bro . R . L . King ) , Bro . Mackinlay said : — " Beforp I give up the Hiram of the lodgeI
, am anxious to say a few words . I beg to tender my best thanks to the officers and the brethren of the lodge for working with me in love and harmony , and for aiding me in carrying out the duties of the loclge . As the choice of the brethren had fallen on a ivorthy brother , I have no doubt but Loclge Perseverance will still be worked as heretofore , as I have the greatest confidence in Bro . R . L . King . " The AA . M . delivered " tho Hiram of the loclge to Bro . R . B . Barton , the Prov . G . M . of Western
India , and requested that worthy and distinguished brother to instal the AV . M . elect . Bro . J . Mackinlay then presented the AA . M . elect to the Prov . G . M ., who eaid : — ' - 'Before I read the ancient charges and administer tlie obligation , I must congratulate the lodge for the selection thoy have made- I am confident that Buo . R , L . King will work the lodge well , aud that too with perfect hsrmony ; I must also not omit to say I am delighted to see that the brethren have shown that they have full confidence iu their W . M . elect ; with such a worthy brother over the loclge , Perseverance must prosper . " The charges
having been given and assented to , and the obligation taken in open lodge , the Prov . G . M . duly installed Bro . R . L . King in the chair as the W . M . of Loclge Perseverance ( No . 351 ) , Bombay , working under the Grand Lodge of Scotland , for 1 S 6 G . The brethren then thrice saluted tlie W . M . in the usual manner . The ceremony having been concluded , Bro . It . L . King , in a touching speech , thanked the brethren for tbe kindness displayed towards him ; he thanked the Prov . G . M . and the P . M .
for the kind mention of his name ; he ivould do his best , and he hoped the officers he was about to appoint , and above all the brethren , would work with him in love ancl harmony . He then proceeded to appoint his officers for the year 1866 . The AV . M . then asked the following brethren to advance to the pedestal , and gave them their insignia of office . Bros . J . Mackinlay , P . M . ; J . Jamieson , Depute M . ; J . Hodgart , Sub . M . ; J . Reynall , SWJGreenwoodJWCJonesTreasHPrescottSec .
... , .. ; . , . ; . , ; AA . Charman , Bible Bearer ; J . Henderson , Chap . ; J . Trubshawe , Architect ; S . Hodgart , Jeweller ; J . Bedford , S . D . ; J . Mason , J . D . ; J . II . Irvine , Dir . of Cers . ; A . McCombie , Org . ; AV . G . King , I . G . ; H . Bailey , Tyler . Bro . Mackinlay said he hoped the brethren would pardon his negligence in not before handing them the portrait of their highly esteemed and popular brother 13 ro . R . B . Barton . The portrait was then
handed to the W . M . Bro . Barton in a most feeling speech returned thanks to the brethren for voting that his portrait should be hung up in the lodge rooms ; he said it was an honour that ho was proud of , and asked the brethren so to live that they too may some day occupy au influential position in the world , as also in Masonry . In conclusion , he wished every individual brother happiness and prosperity in the year just began . Mr . N . P .
Plante , a candidate who was ballotted for at a previous meeting , being in attendance , was properly prepared and initiated into the secrets of our order in due and ancient form , the working tools having been explained to him by the W . M . Bro . Prescott then reported that he was glad to say more than 700 rupees were subscribed for a poor brother who was in Europe . It was then resolved that Bro . Mackinlay should so arrange that the brother in question should receive 60 rupees per month . Bro . Prescott also appealed to the loclge for some relief to a visiting brother , which was submitted for the consideration of
the standing committee . Two brethren were then proposed for affiliation and one gentleman for initiation . Their being no other work before the lodge , it was closed in love and harmony at 8 . 30 p . m . The brethren then adjourned to a sumptuous banquet , where , after the constitutional toasts and several excellent speeches , particularly those of Bro . R . B . Barton and the W . M ., and several social songs , the company broke up at 10 . 30 p . m .
POONA . —Lodge Orion in the West ( No . 415 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on the 10 th January , 1866 . Present—Bros . J . H . Clabby , W . M . ; W . Peters , Sub . M . ; E . Stewart , as S . W . ; A . Robotham , as J . AA . ; H . W . Brewer , Sec . and Treiu . ; E . Schnepoi , as S . D . ; II . Reid , asJ . D . ; E . Fox , I . G . ; J . P . Vincent , Tyler . A isitors—Bros . II . Prescott , E . Hart , and others . Tlie lodge having been properltledwas opened in the first degree . Tho minutes of
y y , the last regular meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Mr . Alexander Woods , and tho result was announced clear . Mr . Woods being in attendance , was properly prepared and initiated in the secrets of oar Holy Order in ancient form . The W . M . in a most impressive manner delivered the charge . The loclge was then closed in perfect love and concord at half-past eiht o ' clockwhen the brethren adjourned to
g , the banquet table . The cloth having been removed , tlie W . il proposed the following toasts , which were drunk with all Masonic honors : — "The Queen and the Craft , " "The Three Grand Masters , " "The Prov . Grand Masters of Western India , Bros . G . Taylor and It . B . Barton , and all the lodges working under them . " The " Health of the Newly Intiated" was tben proposed . Bro . Woods said—Worshiful Sir ancl BrethrenI
p , thank you for the honour you have conferred upon me , I hope that my future career will be such as will not only bring credit to my own name but that of the Society to ivhich I belong . Tho W . M . then asked tho brethren to fill bumpers for the toast of tiie evening . He was delighted to see the AA . M , and brethren of St . Andrew ' s in the East in tho lodge , —be hoped they would come oftener ; there was also an old and worthy
member present—he alluded to Bro . Prescott—it was true that Bro . Prescott was a member of St . Andrew ' s , hut as be belonged to two Presidency lodges , ivhich were now in such a flourishing condition , Concord aud Perseverance , he therefore