Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
P . 3 L ; T . E . Marsh . T . Potter , E . Lawrence , J . Bonskin , J . AVeutworth , J . Tooneer , E . AA ' . Mantoll , Rev . C . Cammel , Prov . G . Chaplain , Rev . — Essolez , _ and numerous other brethren . Full authority for the AA' . BI . to preside over the Lodge was acknowledged in ancient form . The AA . M . then appointed the following officers : —Bro . John Chandler , S . AA' . ; R . Burford , J . AA ' . ; Edward AV . Mantel ] , S . D . ; J . Tooneer , J . D . ; J . AA'entwortb , I . G . ; the respected Bro . John Sheppan , P . M ., Treasurer , and Bro . F . H . MorrisSecretaryBroCaiiridbeing the
, ; . ge Honorary Organist . The late AA . 3 I . was absent from illness . The Lodge was visited mi this occasion by Bro . H . E . Astley , Prov . S . G . W ., Berks and Bucks , P . AI . No . S 39 , & e ., & c . ; Bro . E . S . Cosseus , Prov . G . S ., Berks and Bucks , P . S . W ., No . S 3 !) , AV . 31 ., No . 10 !) 7 , R . A . No . 25 , & c ., & c ., and Bro . J . AA'elch , No . 839 . The AA ' . BI . proceeded with the most gratifying portion of the day ' s proceedings—the initiation of his son—and it was an affecting scene to witness . The initiate entered on his duties with proprietancl
y , the ceremony was performed by the father with due solemnity . AVe have seldom seen the AA ' . M . conduct the business of the Lodge on the evening uf his installation move perfectly , whicli proves to the brethren the fortunate choice they have made in selecting Bro . T . Chandler as their head , whose appointments of the several officers evince much ability , and are a happy omen for the future . After the usual Alasonic toasts , the candidate made a most satisfactory address to the brethrenand the
, Rev . — Essclez addressed the Lodge ou mundane affairs , and exhorted tho brethren to practise brotherly love , relief and truth to all the world , instead of exciting the passions of men by the formation of rifle corps or other topics that contain politics , which are by this fraternal body particularly eschewed . The visiting brethren found a most cordial greeting , and the father of the Lodge and others enlivened the mystic circle by those musical strains that aro only known to Free and Accepted Masons .
AVORCESTERSHIRE . KIDDERMINSTER . —Lodge of Hope and . Charity ( No . 523 ) . —Thi . Loclge held its usual monthly meeting , and celebrated the festival o St . John the Evangelist on Blonday , Dec . 2 Gth , when Bro . Thos . Porter was instilled for the second year as AV . 31 . Mr . Edward Pew-in was duly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of our ancient Order . Two gentlemen were proposed for initiation next Loclge night ; and we are happy to say that one guinea was voted to that excellent charity - —the Royal Freemasons' Girls School .
Knights Templar.
PROVINCIAL ENCAMPMENTS . LiVEM'Oor .. —Encampment of Jacques de Malay . —fhis Encampment held a Chapter and Conclave , on Thursday , December 22 nd , to install Comps . Ci-aukshaw and Keamo . There were present the E . C . Sir Knt . J . Hayes ; P . E . C . Sir Knt . J . Ellis ; P . E . C . Sir Knt . H . S . Allpas ; and Sii-Knts . C . J . Banister , Clark , Picrpoint , Jackson , Smith , & e . Sir Knt . H . S . Allpas , P . E . C , installed the candidates in a most impressive After
manner . the remaining business ivas concluded , the Knights dined together , and separated at ten o ' clock . The next meeting was fixed for the 20 th January , I 860 . 1 ' i . moum .- —Loyal Bnmsiciek Encampment . —Tlie regular quarterly convocation of this Encampment was held in the Freemasons' Chapter room , St . Goorgo ' s-hall , Stonehouse , on Tuesday , the 20 th December , when Comp . AVE . Bewes ( Lieutenant Colonel 73 rd iment ) of
. , Reg , . Royal Arch Chapter , No . 1 , Cork ( Irish Register ) , was duly installed a Knight of the Order . The Knights thou proceeded to the election oi the Eminent Commander and Treasurer , when Sir Knights Dowse and ICvcns were reelected to their respective offices . The Eminent Commander . iffcenv . 'U'ds invested the following Knights us hia Officers for the ensuing year : —¦ S . Triscott , First Captain ; Lord Graves , Second Captain of Columns ; J . MackayPrelateRRRoddExportItRidley
, ; . . , ; . , Captain of Lines ; J . Thomas , Chancellor ; A . Narracott , Almoner ; S . F . Brizzi and J . Mewi licit ] , Standard Bearers ; J . Rogers , Equerry ! The reelection of Sir Knight Douse , who has held the honourable position of Eminent Commander ever since the resuscitation of this Encampment , two years ago , is considered not only to be beneficial to the Loyal Brunswick , but to the Order of Knights Templar generally in this neighbourhood .
NORTH DOAVN . OPEHING 01 " THE DUKGANNON MASONIC DAtL . 0 . \ 'the Will of December , the new Blasonic Hall , erected by Lodge No . 0 , atDiiligaimon , was inaugurated nuclei' the most auspicious circumstances . A great number of brethren from Belfast and neighbouring districts attended to lend their aidBroTraceyRiht AVorshiful Deputy
. . , g p Provincial Grand Blaster of Belfast aud North Down , presided ; Bro . S . G . Getty , ox-Blayor of Belfast , and past Deputy Provincial Grand Blaster of that district , was also present . The officers and brethren of the Lodge met their assistant brethren for the purpose of the inauguration . The usual procession was then
formed , and entered the hall . The Right AA ' orshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Blaster then undertook the programme of the inauguration . After solemn music the dedication prayer was offered up . The benediction followed , which was closed by the following prayer : — ¦ ' 0 Lord God , there is no God like unto Thee in heaven above , or in the earth beneath , who keepest covenant and mercy with Thy servants who walk before Thee with all their hearts . " Let all tho people of the earth know that the Lord is God , and that
there is none else . " Response— " The Lord is gracious , and his mercy endureth for ever . " The Chaplain then pronounced the following blessing : " Blessed be the Lord that hath given rest unto His people . The Lord our God be with ns , as He was with our fathers : let Him not leave us nov forsake us . That He may incline onr hearts unto Him , to walk in all His ways , and to keep His commandments , and His statutes , and His judgmentswhich He has commanded . "
, Response— " Glory be to Gocl on high , on earth peace , good will towards men . " ' Immediately after the dedication , the brethren proceeded to ordinary Lodge business , and at seven o ' clock the banquet was prepared . About lifty gentlemen were present , among whom were Bros , the Hon . Major S . Knox , M . P ., AA ' orshipful Blaster ; Basil G . Brook , Senior AA'ardcn ; Charles Stanley , Junior AVarden ; Ciqitain AA'right , Courtney Newton , AA'illiam SteelGeorge HerronHugh SimpsonMarcus GageJ . G .
, , , , AVinder , J . Browne , Robert Atkinson , Prov . S . G . AV . ; J . G . M'Gee , AA'orshipful Blaster of Lodge No . 151 ; Dr . Pirrie , J . Charley , J . BlacLurcan , J . Girdwood , J . Grattan , A . Johnston , AA'illiam Johnston , 31 . Bell , Armagh ; H . Blurney , S . Black , Durham Dunlop , F . D . AA'ard , John Oulton , Edward Lee , James Dyas , J . Bt'Neilly , and James Seawright . After dinner , the health of the Queen was drunk with all honours , followed by the Prince Consort , Albert Prince of AA ' ales , and tho rest of the Royal Familywhich were responded to with true Blasonic zeal .
, The AA ' . BI . said—I rise now , brethren , to propose a toast which will meet with a response from every English aud Irish heart . I propose to you " The health of our Navy and of our Army . " They have always done their duty . It ivould be out of place for me at this moment to recall to your recollection the glorious achievements of our united services . It was shown in the Crimea how cordially and nobly the two
services fought and bled together . I will not detain you longer , brethren , but propose to you " The Army ancl Navy , " and I have much pleasure iu coupling with this toast the name of our esteemed brother , Captain AA'right . Bro . AA'right confessed that his forte was not in making speeches , aud that for his part he would prefer defending a position . The AA' . BI . gave " The Duke of Leinster , Grand Blaster of Ireland . " This was duly responded to ; after which the healths of " The Earl of
Zetland and the Duke of Athole , Grand Blasters of England and Scotland , " were duly honoured . Tho next toast was "The Provincial Grand Lodge of Belfast and North Down , " which was enthusiastically received . i The Right AVorshipful Brother Tracey rose and said—AVorshipful Sir , it gives me intense delight to be present at such a magnificent opening of your Lodge as I have seen to-day . From my official position I must take a delight in seeing the progress of Blasonry through the province .
I was highly delighted to-day to see the excellent working and true Blasonic zeal of Lodge No . 9 , and I congratulate you , my brethren , on the efficiency with whicli you open a new Loclge that promises to do credit and honour to the Craft . Brethren , there is one thing which I am anxious to impress upon you , ancl that is that we ought not to be brothers alone iu a Lodge . I have always considered that true Blasonry is evidenced outside the Loclge . In Lodge wo are all brethren together , but in the world we have a large fieldand the wider the field the greater
, the scope for our M .-isonic virtues . I : im anxious to impress upon my young brethren of Loclge No . !) , the great advantage of cultivating brotherly love . At this late hour of the evening , I will not trespass further on your attention , but ask you to fill a high bumper in honour of your AA ' orshipful Blaster , whose healtli I havo now the honour to propose . The AV . M . said—It is with pride and pleasure that I rise to respond to the toast proposed . It gives mo sincere satisfaction to find myself ,
after an eventful career , the Blaster of this Lodge . I tell you fairly , brethren , that mine has been a chequered coui'se . I havo served under a variety of officers . I may call myself a " Jack of all trades . " I served in the army . I am now a member of Parliament , but there is an honour higher still , which I appreciate fully , aud that is the position which I have the pleasure and privilege of occupying this evening . The " Visiting Brethren , " and " All Poor and Distressed Brethren , " were then given , and the brethren separated .
GRAND LODGE . AVEDNESDAY , November 30 th , being St . Andrew ' s clay , the Grand Lodge assembled for the election of office bearers , when His Grace the Duke ' of Athol was unanimously re-elected Grand Blaster , and thereafter duly invested the following as his Grand Officers '—Bros . John AVhyte Blelville , of Bennochy and Sfcrainkimiers , Deputy G . Jt . ; Lord Loughborough , Sub . G . BI . ; Major General Swinbourne , S . G . AV . ; I . T . Oswald , J . G . AV . ; Samuel Hay , G . Treas , ; AV . A . Laurie , G . Sec . ; A . J , Stewart ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
P . 3 L ; T . E . Marsh . T . Potter , E . Lawrence , J . Bonskin , J . AVeutworth , J . Tooneer , E . AA ' . Mantoll , Rev . C . Cammel , Prov . G . Chaplain , Rev . — Essolez , _ and numerous other brethren . Full authority for the AA' . BI . to preside over the Lodge was acknowledged in ancient form . The AA . M . then appointed the following officers : —Bro . John Chandler , S . AA' . ; R . Burford , J . AA ' . ; Edward AV . Mantel ] , S . D . ; J . Tooneer , J . D . ; J . AA'entwortb , I . G . ; the respected Bro . John Sheppan , P . M ., Treasurer , and Bro . F . H . MorrisSecretaryBroCaiiridbeing the
, ; . ge Honorary Organist . The late AA . 3 I . was absent from illness . The Lodge was visited mi this occasion by Bro . H . E . Astley , Prov . S . G . W ., Berks and Bucks , P . AI . No . S 39 , & e ., & c . ; Bro . E . S . Cosseus , Prov . G . S ., Berks and Bucks , P . S . W ., No . S 3 !) , AV . 31 ., No . 10 !) 7 , R . A . No . 25 , & c ., & c ., and Bro . J . AA'elch , No . 839 . The AA ' . BI . proceeded with the most gratifying portion of the day ' s proceedings—the initiation of his son—and it was an affecting scene to witness . The initiate entered on his duties with proprietancl
y , the ceremony was performed by the father with due solemnity . AVe have seldom seen the AA ' . M . conduct the business of the Lodge on the evening uf his installation move perfectly , whicli proves to the brethren the fortunate choice they have made in selecting Bro . T . Chandler as their head , whose appointments of the several officers evince much ability , and are a happy omen for the future . After the usual Alasonic toasts , the candidate made a most satisfactory address to the brethrenand the
, Rev . — Essclez addressed the Lodge ou mundane affairs , and exhorted tho brethren to practise brotherly love , relief and truth to all the world , instead of exciting the passions of men by the formation of rifle corps or other topics that contain politics , which are by this fraternal body particularly eschewed . The visiting brethren found a most cordial greeting , and the father of the Lodge and others enlivened the mystic circle by those musical strains that aro only known to Free and Accepted Masons .
AVORCESTERSHIRE . KIDDERMINSTER . —Lodge of Hope and . Charity ( No . 523 ) . —Thi . Loclge held its usual monthly meeting , and celebrated the festival o St . John the Evangelist on Blonday , Dec . 2 Gth , when Bro . Thos . Porter was instilled for the second year as AV . 31 . Mr . Edward Pew-in was duly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of our ancient Order . Two gentlemen were proposed for initiation next Loclge night ; and we are happy to say that one guinea was voted to that excellent charity - —the Royal Freemasons' Girls School .
Knights Templar.
PROVINCIAL ENCAMPMENTS . LiVEM'Oor .. —Encampment of Jacques de Malay . —fhis Encampment held a Chapter and Conclave , on Thursday , December 22 nd , to install Comps . Ci-aukshaw and Keamo . There were present the E . C . Sir Knt . J . Hayes ; P . E . C . Sir Knt . J . Ellis ; P . E . C . Sir Knt . H . S . Allpas ; and Sii-Knts . C . J . Banister , Clark , Picrpoint , Jackson , Smith , & e . Sir Knt . H . S . Allpas , P . E . C , installed the candidates in a most impressive After
manner . the remaining business ivas concluded , the Knights dined together , and separated at ten o ' clock . The next meeting was fixed for the 20 th January , I 860 . 1 ' i . moum .- —Loyal Bnmsiciek Encampment . —Tlie regular quarterly convocation of this Encampment was held in the Freemasons' Chapter room , St . Goorgo ' s-hall , Stonehouse , on Tuesday , the 20 th December , when Comp . AVE . Bewes ( Lieutenant Colonel 73 rd iment ) of
. , Reg , . Royal Arch Chapter , No . 1 , Cork ( Irish Register ) , was duly installed a Knight of the Order . The Knights thou proceeded to the election oi the Eminent Commander and Treasurer , when Sir Knights Dowse and ICvcns were reelected to their respective offices . The Eminent Commander . iffcenv . 'U'ds invested the following Knights us hia Officers for the ensuing year : —¦ S . Triscott , First Captain ; Lord Graves , Second Captain of Columns ; J . MackayPrelateRRRoddExportItRidley
, ; . . , ; . , Captain of Lines ; J . Thomas , Chancellor ; A . Narracott , Almoner ; S . F . Brizzi and J . Mewi licit ] , Standard Bearers ; J . Rogers , Equerry ! The reelection of Sir Knight Douse , who has held the honourable position of Eminent Commander ever since the resuscitation of this Encampment , two years ago , is considered not only to be beneficial to the Loyal Brunswick , but to the Order of Knights Templar generally in this neighbourhood .
NORTH DOAVN . OPEHING 01 " THE DUKGANNON MASONIC DAtL . 0 . \ 'the Will of December , the new Blasonic Hall , erected by Lodge No . 0 , atDiiligaimon , was inaugurated nuclei' the most auspicious circumstances . A great number of brethren from Belfast and neighbouring districts attended to lend their aidBroTraceyRiht AVorshiful Deputy
. . , g p Provincial Grand Blaster of Belfast aud North Down , presided ; Bro . S . G . Getty , ox-Blayor of Belfast , and past Deputy Provincial Grand Blaster of that district , was also present . The officers and brethren of the Lodge met their assistant brethren for the purpose of the inauguration . The usual procession was then
formed , and entered the hall . The Right AA ' orshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Blaster then undertook the programme of the inauguration . After solemn music the dedication prayer was offered up . The benediction followed , which was closed by the following prayer : — ¦ ' 0 Lord God , there is no God like unto Thee in heaven above , or in the earth beneath , who keepest covenant and mercy with Thy servants who walk before Thee with all their hearts . " Let all tho people of the earth know that the Lord is God , and that
there is none else . " Response— " The Lord is gracious , and his mercy endureth for ever . " The Chaplain then pronounced the following blessing : " Blessed be the Lord that hath given rest unto His people . The Lord our God be with ns , as He was with our fathers : let Him not leave us nov forsake us . That He may incline onr hearts unto Him , to walk in all His ways , and to keep His commandments , and His statutes , and His judgmentswhich He has commanded . "
, Response— " Glory be to Gocl on high , on earth peace , good will towards men . " ' Immediately after the dedication , the brethren proceeded to ordinary Lodge business , and at seven o ' clock the banquet was prepared . About lifty gentlemen were present , among whom were Bros , the Hon . Major S . Knox , M . P ., AA ' orshipful Blaster ; Basil G . Brook , Senior AA'ardcn ; Charles Stanley , Junior AVarden ; Ciqitain AA'right , Courtney Newton , AA'illiam SteelGeorge HerronHugh SimpsonMarcus GageJ . G .
, , , , AVinder , J . Browne , Robert Atkinson , Prov . S . G . AV . ; J . G . M'Gee , AA'orshipful Blaster of Lodge No . 151 ; Dr . Pirrie , J . Charley , J . BlacLurcan , J . Girdwood , J . Grattan , A . Johnston , AA'illiam Johnston , 31 . Bell , Armagh ; H . Blurney , S . Black , Durham Dunlop , F . D . AA'ard , John Oulton , Edward Lee , James Dyas , J . Bt'Neilly , and James Seawright . After dinner , the health of the Queen was drunk with all honours , followed by the Prince Consort , Albert Prince of AA ' ales , and tho rest of the Royal Familywhich were responded to with true Blasonic zeal .
, The AA ' . BI . said—I rise now , brethren , to propose a toast which will meet with a response from every English aud Irish heart . I propose to you " The health of our Navy and of our Army . " They have always done their duty . It ivould be out of place for me at this moment to recall to your recollection the glorious achievements of our united services . It was shown in the Crimea how cordially and nobly the two
services fought and bled together . I will not detain you longer , brethren , but propose to you " The Army ancl Navy , " and I have much pleasure iu coupling with this toast the name of our esteemed brother , Captain AA'right . Bro . AA'right confessed that his forte was not in making speeches , aud that for his part he would prefer defending a position . The AA' . BI . gave " The Duke of Leinster , Grand Blaster of Ireland . " This was duly responded to ; after which the healths of " The Earl of
Zetland and the Duke of Athole , Grand Blasters of England and Scotland , " were duly honoured . Tho next toast was "The Provincial Grand Lodge of Belfast and North Down , " which was enthusiastically received . i The Right AVorshipful Brother Tracey rose and said—AVorshipful Sir , it gives me intense delight to be present at such a magnificent opening of your Lodge as I have seen to-day . From my official position I must take a delight in seeing the progress of Blasonry through the province .
I was highly delighted to-day to see the excellent working and true Blasonic zeal of Lodge No . 9 , and I congratulate you , my brethren , on the efficiency with whicli you open a new Loclge that promises to do credit and honour to the Craft . Brethren , there is one thing which I am anxious to impress upon you , ancl that is that we ought not to be brothers alone iu a Lodge . I have always considered that true Blasonry is evidenced outside the Loclge . In Lodge wo are all brethren together , but in the world we have a large fieldand the wider the field the greater
, the scope for our M .-isonic virtues . I : im anxious to impress upon my young brethren of Loclge No . !) , the great advantage of cultivating brotherly love . At this late hour of the evening , I will not trespass further on your attention , but ask you to fill a high bumper in honour of your AA ' orshipful Blaster , whose healtli I havo now the honour to propose . The AV . M . said—It is with pride and pleasure that I rise to respond to the toast proposed . It gives mo sincere satisfaction to find myself ,
after an eventful career , the Blaster of this Lodge . I tell you fairly , brethren , that mine has been a chequered coui'se . I havo served under a variety of officers . I may call myself a " Jack of all trades . " I served in the army . I am now a member of Parliament , but there is an honour higher still , which I appreciate fully , aud that is the position which I have the pleasure and privilege of occupying this evening . The " Visiting Brethren , " and " All Poor and Distressed Brethren , " were then given , and the brethren separated .
GRAND LODGE . AVEDNESDAY , November 30 th , being St . Andrew ' s clay , the Grand Lodge assembled for the election of office bearers , when His Grace the Duke ' of Athol was unanimously re-elected Grand Blaster , and thereafter duly invested the following as his Grand Officers '—Bros . John AVhyte Blelville , of Bennochy and Sfcrainkimiers , Deputy G . Jt . ; Lord Loughborough , Sub . G . BI . ; Major General Swinbourne , S . G . AV . ; I . T . Oswald , J . G . AV . ; Samuel Hay , G . Treas , ; AV . A . Laurie , G . Sec . ; A . J , Stewart ,