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Bro. The Earl Of Carnarvon At Bath.
There are considerations which are not less important than those connected with affairs at home . ( Hear . ) Masonry is not confined to the shores of Great Britain . Following closely in the wake of Colonisation , wherever the hut of the settler has been built , or the flag of conquest waved , there Masonry iias soon an equal dominion . ( Hear , hear . ) In Canada ( hear , hear ) , the noblest possession of the British Crown , it has reflected—and I will not
stop here to enquire how much it has consolidated—the English Empire . ( Hear , hear . ) Alas , that I should say that this " has been " the ease , and is so no more ! And yet it must be said , that Canada , the brightest jewel in our tiara , the fairest flower in our wreath , is in danger of falling to the ground . ( Hear . ) I will not now revert to those topics which have become , unhappily , questions of controversy and difference ; for where I cannot conscientiously
praise , I prefer to be silent . ( Hear . ) But four years of unredressed complaint , —four years of letters of remonstrance disregarded , slighted , and unanswered—have produced their necessary and most miserable results . ( Hear . ) Some of the Lodges in that noble Colony have broken off their connexion with us ; others still cling to us , but in the last stage of exhausted patience ; and , I must say , of just dissatisfaction . ( Hear , bear . ) As yet , however , they
have not taken the final and irrevocable step . They are still content to forward fresh petitions and complaints . To them I would say , Well have you done , in bearing with neglect , and disfavor ; continue a little longer to display the patience and forbearance that you have so honorably shewn under the provocations of many years ; there are many here in England who are pleading your cause ; and if you will only be true to yourselves , the day is not far distant when all that is just and reasonable in your claims shall be conceded . ( Applause . ) And to the country Lodges of England I would say , now is the critical moment ; now great
interests hang on your energy ; and I venture to predict even now , at this eleventh hour , that if wc come forward with a full and explicit measure of justice and reconciliation , the allegiance of Canada may yet be preserved . But perhaps it will be asked , what claims ought to be conceded ? what demand should be granted ? To this I answer , that , if in our concessions it should be proposed to admit one syllable that reflected discredit on the functions of the Grand Master , or G .
L ., I would say , greatly as I value the connexion with Canada , perish that connexion I ( Cheers . ) But I believe the claims advanced to be just and reasonable . The Lodges in Canada ask for a share in the management of their own affairs , —that we , the Grand Lodge of England , should give to those with whose requirements , from the intervening distance , we cannot be familiar , a concurrent voice in the election of their own Grand Master . ( Hear . ) They
do not ask an exclusive right of election ; nothing which touches our supremacy or their allegiance ; they demand far less than we possess ourselves or should be content with , and no more than we in justice and equity should be prepared to grant . For no community can continue to cohere except upon the universal principle of human institutions—that of mutual advantage ; and this can only be secured by a system of reciprocal concession . ( Applause . )
I see , indeed , the difficulties which suvrmmd us ; but if we resolutely face them , —if we do not fold our arms and close our eyes , and allow the vessel to drift upon the rocks—I believe it is yet possible to preserve Canada . ( Hoar . ) She has applied to the Grand Lodge of England , and to us as the source of its power ; and we as constituents of Grand Lodge , are bound to give an opinion upon the subject . ( Hear . ) If we do so , we may yet put back the hand upon
the dial all those degrees that it has yet gone down . But this can be effected only by united action , by determined perseverance , energy , and zeal ; by plain speaking and the absence of all reserve . ( Hear . ) If we act otherwise , our mantle will be rent in twain , and our
kingdom taken away and given to another , and even worse than that we shall inevitably experience that feeling of remorse which results from the conviction that we have sacrificed great objects and principles , to an unworthy , and what we ourselves shall acknowledge to be , a selfish policy . " ( Great applause . ) Before resuming his seat , Lord CARNARVON said , although he felt he had already unintentionally trespassed upon the company , a toast had been put into his hand
by the XV . M ., and he should be ashamed of himself if he hesitated to give a practical exemplification of obedience to orders . With an allusion to the responsibilities , power , and influence of the office to which Bro . Bagshaw had been that day elected , his Lordship then proposed the health of the W . M . ; feeling satisfied from what he had seen and heard of him , that he would do all in his power to twine closer the strands of the golden cord of Masonry , and to
accomplish all the duties appertaining to his important office . ( Cheers . ) The XV . M ., ( who was greeted most cordially by the brethren , ) returned thanks , promising untiring efforts in promotion of peace and unity during his . period of office , and acknowledging gratefully the expressions of esteem by which his elevation had been accompanied .
A Valentine Somewhat Overdue.
O bold young Freemason ! because you deal with stone , Is that a reason why your heart should be like one ? Or is it so filled up with hosts of " Brothers , " That you have no room left in it for others ? " Tiling a Lodge " is famous sport , no doubt ; Though much we wonder what 'tis all about .
We " outsiders " are prone to think him daft , Who prates about the myst ' ries of the Craft . But bonnets are much prettier than " tiles : " He ' s not a " hricli" who scorns a woman ' s smiles . If Scripture example you must follow , man , Let Hiram alone , and look at Solomon . That wisest of men had a thousand wives I
Is he a wise man who without one lives ? He bwiit" his own house , " and was not a mere " Lodger . " Besides , " to use craft , " is to be a sly dodger : In proof of which fact , ( if you think I talk fiction ) I beg to refer you to Johnson's large diction-Ary , wherein , too , you'll find that an apron Is " part of the dress " befitting a matron !
As you have not , in fact , any secret to keep , There's no fear of your letting it out in your sleep . Then away with the trowel , the mortar , the rule , And no longer waste time in thus playing the fool ; Give ear to my rhymes , and " pair off " while you may -, While youth ' s sun still shines , 0 be sure you make hay . In return for this tohen , give me but the sign , And take me , young Mason , for your Valentine !
"The Masonic Observer" To His Shameless Little Muse.
You naughty little muse , you 1 Yes , they're quite right to abuse you , [ hearty ; Your tongue is far too flippant , and your ways too coarse and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Bro. The Earl Of Carnarvon At Bath.
There are considerations which are not less important than those connected with affairs at home . ( Hear . ) Masonry is not confined to the shores of Great Britain . Following closely in the wake of Colonisation , wherever the hut of the settler has been built , or the flag of conquest waved , there Masonry iias soon an equal dominion . ( Hear , hear . ) In Canada ( hear , hear ) , the noblest possession of the British Crown , it has reflected—and I will not
stop here to enquire how much it has consolidated—the English Empire . ( Hear , hear . ) Alas , that I should say that this " has been " the ease , and is so no more ! And yet it must be said , that Canada , the brightest jewel in our tiara , the fairest flower in our wreath , is in danger of falling to the ground . ( Hear . ) I will not now revert to those topics which have become , unhappily , questions of controversy and difference ; for where I cannot conscientiously
praise , I prefer to be silent . ( Hear . ) But four years of unredressed complaint , —four years of letters of remonstrance disregarded , slighted , and unanswered—have produced their necessary and most miserable results . ( Hear . ) Some of the Lodges in that noble Colony have broken off their connexion with us ; others still cling to us , but in the last stage of exhausted patience ; and , I must say , of just dissatisfaction . ( Hear , bear . ) As yet , however , they
have not taken the final and irrevocable step . They are still content to forward fresh petitions and complaints . To them I would say , Well have you done , in bearing with neglect , and disfavor ; continue a little longer to display the patience and forbearance that you have so honorably shewn under the provocations of many years ; there are many here in England who are pleading your cause ; and if you will only be true to yourselves , the day is not far distant when all that is just and reasonable in your claims shall be conceded . ( Applause . ) And to the country Lodges of England I would say , now is the critical moment ; now great
interests hang on your energy ; and I venture to predict even now , at this eleventh hour , that if wc come forward with a full and explicit measure of justice and reconciliation , the allegiance of Canada may yet be preserved . But perhaps it will be asked , what claims ought to be conceded ? what demand should be granted ? To this I answer , that , if in our concessions it should be proposed to admit one syllable that reflected discredit on the functions of the Grand Master , or G .
L ., I would say , greatly as I value the connexion with Canada , perish that connexion I ( Cheers . ) But I believe the claims advanced to be just and reasonable . The Lodges in Canada ask for a share in the management of their own affairs , —that we , the Grand Lodge of England , should give to those with whose requirements , from the intervening distance , we cannot be familiar , a concurrent voice in the election of their own Grand Master . ( Hear . ) They
do not ask an exclusive right of election ; nothing which touches our supremacy or their allegiance ; they demand far less than we possess ourselves or should be content with , and no more than we in justice and equity should be prepared to grant . For no community can continue to cohere except upon the universal principle of human institutions—that of mutual advantage ; and this can only be secured by a system of reciprocal concession . ( Applause . )
I see , indeed , the difficulties which suvrmmd us ; but if we resolutely face them , —if we do not fold our arms and close our eyes , and allow the vessel to drift upon the rocks—I believe it is yet possible to preserve Canada . ( Hoar . ) She has applied to the Grand Lodge of England , and to us as the source of its power ; and we as constituents of Grand Lodge , are bound to give an opinion upon the subject . ( Hear . ) If we do so , we may yet put back the hand upon
the dial all those degrees that it has yet gone down . But this can be effected only by united action , by determined perseverance , energy , and zeal ; by plain speaking and the absence of all reserve . ( Hear . ) If we act otherwise , our mantle will be rent in twain , and our
kingdom taken away and given to another , and even worse than that we shall inevitably experience that feeling of remorse which results from the conviction that we have sacrificed great objects and principles , to an unworthy , and what we ourselves shall acknowledge to be , a selfish policy . " ( Great applause . ) Before resuming his seat , Lord CARNARVON said , although he felt he had already unintentionally trespassed upon the company , a toast had been put into his hand
by the XV . M ., and he should be ashamed of himself if he hesitated to give a practical exemplification of obedience to orders . With an allusion to the responsibilities , power , and influence of the office to which Bro . Bagshaw had been that day elected , his Lordship then proposed the health of the W . M . ; feeling satisfied from what he had seen and heard of him , that he would do all in his power to twine closer the strands of the golden cord of Masonry , and to
accomplish all the duties appertaining to his important office . ( Cheers . ) The XV . M ., ( who was greeted most cordially by the brethren , ) returned thanks , promising untiring efforts in promotion of peace and unity during his . period of office , and acknowledging gratefully the expressions of esteem by which his elevation had been accompanied .
A Valentine Somewhat Overdue.
O bold young Freemason ! because you deal with stone , Is that a reason why your heart should be like one ? Or is it so filled up with hosts of " Brothers , " That you have no room left in it for others ? " Tiling a Lodge " is famous sport , no doubt ; Though much we wonder what 'tis all about .
We " outsiders " are prone to think him daft , Who prates about the myst ' ries of the Craft . But bonnets are much prettier than " tiles : " He ' s not a " hricli" who scorns a woman ' s smiles . If Scripture example you must follow , man , Let Hiram alone , and look at Solomon . That wisest of men had a thousand wives I
Is he a wise man who without one lives ? He bwiit" his own house , " and was not a mere " Lodger . " Besides , " to use craft , " is to be a sly dodger : In proof of which fact , ( if you think I talk fiction ) I beg to refer you to Johnson's large diction-Ary , wherein , too , you'll find that an apron Is " part of the dress " befitting a matron !
As you have not , in fact , any secret to keep , There's no fear of your letting it out in your sleep . Then away with the trowel , the mortar , the rule , And no longer waste time in thus playing the fool ; Give ear to my rhymes , and " pair off " while you may -, While youth ' s sun still shines , 0 be sure you make hay . In return for this tohen , give me but the sign , And take me , young Mason , for your Valentine !
"The Masonic Observer" To His Shameless Little Muse.
You naughty little muse , you 1 Yes , they're quite right to abuse you , [ hearty ; Your tongue is far too flippant , and your ways too coarse and