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Bro . Havers said that if anything had been said by him which was considered offensive either by the Grand Master or by Grand Lodge , he withdrew and apologised for it . If he had spoken with undue warmth in repelling what he believed to be an imputation on the honour of tho executive , he regretted it ; but brethren must bear in mind that it was not in human nature to be always forbearing , and that no opportunity was lost in Grand Lodge and out of Grand Lodge , in print and in writing , to impute unworthy motives or dishonourable conduct to the subordinate members of tho executive . Ho
endeavoured to guard himself from it , and regretted if he had used too strong an expression . The M . W . Grand Master said he partly took the blame to himself for any inaccuracy in these minutes , it having been his custom to read them through before publication .. Ho found them fairly and honestly written . Ho would not now shrink from the responsibility , though he had deputed the task to others . Qtii faal per a / mm fucii per se . ( Hear ) . He was extremely sorry that these thinjs should occur . , The motion was then put , and negatived unanimously . Grand Lodge was then closed in anticut lorm , and with solemn prayer , shortly alter eleven o ' clock .
Foreign And Colonial.
Foreign and Colonial .
VICTORIA . FIRST PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE AT BALLARAT . The first Grand Lodge of the Craft in Ballarat , was held on Thursday , March 17 th , in St . Paul's school-room , under the auspices of the R . W . D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . F . Thos . Gell , assisted by Bro . H . W . Lowry , Prov . S . G . W . Bro . Levick , Prov . G . Secretary , acting as Prov . J . G . W . Bro . the Rev . C . P . M . BardenProv . G . Chaplainand the WM's
, , ..., P . M . ' s ., and Wardens of the Ballarat Lodges . At twelve o ' clock on tho same day the ceremony of laying the foundation stone of the Ballarat Benevolent Asylum was appointed to take place under Masonic auspices—men of all creeds and opinions joining in this truly charitable work . The stone having been laid , the SM . Deputy Prov . Grand Master addressed the assembly , and-remarked that they were the only body who had preserved a ceremony for such an occasion as that ; and it
afforded him considerable satisfaction to have the opportunity to aid in the establishment of an institution which had for its object the relief of the poor and the distressed . A collection was made during the proceedings amounting to thirtyeight pounds . BAHAMAS . A special meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodof the Bahamas
ge under the registry of England , was convened at Masonic Hall , on Thursday evening , May the 19 th , for the installation of officers for the ensuing year . The following is a list of the present office-bearers : — P . Treco , R . V . Lodge , Prov . S . G . W . ; N . French , R . V . Lodge , Prov . J . G . W . ; C . R . Hinson , Forth Lodge , T . L , Prov . G . Reg . ; J . A . Brook , R . V . L ., re-elected Prov . G . Treas . ; C . R . Perpall , R . V . L ., re-appointed Prov . P . G . Sec ; J . H . Minns , R . V . L . Prov . S . G . D . ; J . J . Musgrove , R . V . L ., Prov . J . G . D . ; C . Mardenbrough , R . V . L ., Prov . G . Sup .
Works ; S . F . Rigby , Forth Lodge , . T . I ., Prov . G . Dir . Cer . ; J . W . Webb , R . V . L ., re-appointed Prov . G . Organist ; A . Draper , R . V . L ., Prov . G . Pursuivant . Prov . G . Stewards : —W . Sawyer , R . V . L ., re-appointed ; 11 . Brown , R . V . L ., re-appointed ; Joseph Pindor , R . V . L ., re-appointed ; T . W . Finlavson , R . V . L . ; Charles Harris , R . V . L . ; A . J . Wynns , Forth Lodge , T . I . Prov . G . Tyler : —0 . M . Carmichaol , re-appointed . The ceremony of installation was performed by S . Dillet , D . Prov . Grand Master .
INDIA . DISTRICT GRAND LODGE OF BENGAL . A quarterly communication of the District Grand Lodge of Bengal , was hplden at the Freemasons' Hall , on Monday , the 21 st March , 1859 , tit which were present , the R . W . Bros . John J . L . Hoff , D . Prov . G . M ., as Prov . G . M . ; Philip W . LeGeyt , P . Prov . G . M . ; Henry
Howe , P . D . Prov . G . M . ; William Clark , Prov . S . G . W . ; John B . Roberts , Prov . J . G . W . ; Duncan Monteith , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Wm . J . Judge , P . P . J . G . W . ; and the V . W . Bros , the Rev . Dr . F . F . Mazuchelli , as Prov . G . Chaplain ; John Gray , Prov . G . Reg . ; William H . Hoff , Prov . G . Sec ; W . Fredk . Jennings , Prov . S . G . I ) . ; John G . Llewelyn ( l > . Prov . J . G . W . ) , as Prov . J . G . D . ; Thomas Jones , Prov . G . S . of W . ; Henry Frazer , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Thomas E . Carter , Prov . G D . of C ; William Handford , Assist . Prov . G . D . of C ; George 0 . Wray , Prov . GSBRobert E . RossPProvGSBand Joseph K . Hamilton
.., ; , . . .. . ; , Prov . G . P . Visitors and representatives were present from the Lodges St . David in the East , No . 371 , under the Grand Lodge of Scotland ; True Friendship , No . 265 ; Humility with Fortitude , No . 279 ; St . John's , No . 715 ; Lodge do Goedo Hoop , Capo of Good Hope ; Star iu the East , No . 80 ; Industry and Perseverance , No . 126 ; Marine , No . 282 ; Courage with * Humanity , No . Sol .-, Kilwinning in the East , No . 740 Star of BurmahRangoonNo . 897 . A visitor of hih rank
; , , g , R . W . Bro . W . II . Read , Prov . G . M . of the Eastern Archipelago ,, was escorted in due form to the door of the District Grand Lodge , when the brethren rose , while the Deputy Prov . Grand Master advanced , greeted R . W . Bro . Head , and conducted him to his seat on the left of the throne . The brethren then saluted the distinguished visitor , in the usual manner , seven times . The District Grand Lodge was opened in form , and with a prayer offered up by the Rev . Bro . Mazuchelli , and minutes of the quarterly
communication of the 27 th December , 1858 , were read and confirmed . The Prov . Grand Secretary read a correspondence from the Rev . and R . W . Bro . T . C . Smyth , regarding tho representation of the Prov . Grand Lodge of the Eastern Archipelago in the District Grand Lodge of Bengal , by the R . W . Bro . J . J . L . Hoff ; and also the report of the Finance Committee on the audit of the Prov . Grand Treasurer ' s accounts . The accounts were examined and found to be correct . It was proposed by R . W . Bro . Roberts , seconded by Bro . Spiers , and carried , that a committee be appointed , with power to expend a sum not exceeding Rs . 2 , 500 , for the purpose of decorating and furnishing the Freemasons' Hall .
TRINIDAD . On the 27 th December , . 1850 , the foundation stone of a Masonic Temple , on Mount Zion , was laid by the then governor of the island , the Right Hon . Lord Harris , assisted by Bro . Daniel Hart , W . M . of Philanthropic Lodge , No . 585 , and a numerous assemblage of brethren , and the gentry of the island . The building was built on shares between the members of the Philanthropic Lodge ; and from the good feeling that prevailedand the idity of the workmenthe brethren
, rap , were enabled on the 24 th of June , 1 S 51 , to consecrate and dedicate the same to Masonic purposes . It is a stone building of two storeys , 50 feet long , 30 feet wide , and 25 feet high , in the clear . The upper storey is used as the Lodge room , and is of the entire length and width of tho building , besides a preparation room and lobby attached ; the lower storey is set apart as a banquetting room , to which is also attached a pantry and spare room . There is a portico in front , 30 feet long by 12 feet widebuilt in the Gothic stylewith three arches
, , above , and three below , with Corinthian pillars . The building cost tho brethren £ 800 sterling , and is the sole property of tho shareholders . By a compact entered into , the building can never be used for any other than Masonic purposes . At Sanfiimando , a town twenty-eight miles from Port of Spain , there is also a Masonic building , which was in 1850 erected there by the brethren appertaining to Trinity Lodge ; it is a plain , neat , and substantial building , with a Lodge room of 30 feet long , and 18 feet
broad , with a lobby , pantry , and banquetting room attached , besides a gallery . The building cost £ 400 sterling . At Port of Spain , besides the Philanthropic Lodge , there is the Lodge United Brothers , No . 251 , under the registry of the Grand Lodge of Scotland . The building stands ' on Mount Morial , and takes precedence of any other Masonic Hall iu the West Indies , except Antigua . It was erected in 1803 . It is built of stone ; having a very commodious Lodge room of thirty feet long , and twenty feet wide , which is neatly decorated . There is also a banquetting room , lobby , pantry , and preparation room attached , with a fine open gallery to the front . It is tho exclusive property of the members who remain faithful to tho allegiance of the charter .
NEW BRUNSWICK . At a quarterly communication of the Prov . Grand Lodge of New Brunswick , held on Wednesday , the 1 st of March , Bro . Douglass B . Stevens , P . M . of Lodge No . 780 , gave notice that at the next quarterly communication of this Prov . Grand Lodge , he would make tho
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Bro . Havers said that if anything had been said by him which was considered offensive either by the Grand Master or by Grand Lodge , he withdrew and apologised for it . If he had spoken with undue warmth in repelling what he believed to be an imputation on the honour of tho executive , he regretted it ; but brethren must bear in mind that it was not in human nature to be always forbearing , and that no opportunity was lost in Grand Lodge and out of Grand Lodge , in print and in writing , to impute unworthy motives or dishonourable conduct to the subordinate members of tho executive . Ho
endeavoured to guard himself from it , and regretted if he had used too strong an expression . The M . W . Grand Master said he partly took the blame to himself for any inaccuracy in these minutes , it having been his custom to read them through before publication .. Ho found them fairly and honestly written . Ho would not now shrink from the responsibility , though he had deputed the task to others . Qtii faal per a / mm fucii per se . ( Hear ) . He was extremely sorry that these thinjs should occur . , The motion was then put , and negatived unanimously . Grand Lodge was then closed in anticut lorm , and with solemn prayer , shortly alter eleven o ' clock .
Foreign And Colonial.
Foreign and Colonial .
VICTORIA . FIRST PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE AT BALLARAT . The first Grand Lodge of the Craft in Ballarat , was held on Thursday , March 17 th , in St . Paul's school-room , under the auspices of the R . W . D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . F . Thos . Gell , assisted by Bro . H . W . Lowry , Prov . S . G . W . Bro . Levick , Prov . G . Secretary , acting as Prov . J . G . W . Bro . the Rev . C . P . M . BardenProv . G . Chaplainand the WM's
, , ..., P . M . ' s ., and Wardens of the Ballarat Lodges . At twelve o ' clock on tho same day the ceremony of laying the foundation stone of the Ballarat Benevolent Asylum was appointed to take place under Masonic auspices—men of all creeds and opinions joining in this truly charitable work . The stone having been laid , the SM . Deputy Prov . Grand Master addressed the assembly , and-remarked that they were the only body who had preserved a ceremony for such an occasion as that ; and it
afforded him considerable satisfaction to have the opportunity to aid in the establishment of an institution which had for its object the relief of the poor and the distressed . A collection was made during the proceedings amounting to thirtyeight pounds . BAHAMAS . A special meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodof the Bahamas
ge under the registry of England , was convened at Masonic Hall , on Thursday evening , May the 19 th , for the installation of officers for the ensuing year . The following is a list of the present office-bearers : — P . Treco , R . V . Lodge , Prov . S . G . W . ; N . French , R . V . Lodge , Prov . J . G . W . ; C . R . Hinson , Forth Lodge , T . L , Prov . G . Reg . ; J . A . Brook , R . V . L ., re-elected Prov . G . Treas . ; C . R . Perpall , R . V . L ., re-appointed Prov . P . G . Sec ; J . H . Minns , R . V . L . Prov . S . G . D . ; J . J . Musgrove , R . V . L ., Prov . J . G . D . ; C . Mardenbrough , R . V . L ., Prov . G . Sup .
Works ; S . F . Rigby , Forth Lodge , . T . I ., Prov . G . Dir . Cer . ; J . W . Webb , R . V . L ., re-appointed Prov . G . Organist ; A . Draper , R . V . L ., Prov . G . Pursuivant . Prov . G . Stewards : —W . Sawyer , R . V . L ., re-appointed ; 11 . Brown , R . V . L ., re-appointed ; Joseph Pindor , R . V . L ., re-appointed ; T . W . Finlavson , R . V . L . ; Charles Harris , R . V . L . ; A . J . Wynns , Forth Lodge , T . I . Prov . G . Tyler : —0 . M . Carmichaol , re-appointed . The ceremony of installation was performed by S . Dillet , D . Prov . Grand Master .
INDIA . DISTRICT GRAND LODGE OF BENGAL . A quarterly communication of the District Grand Lodge of Bengal , was hplden at the Freemasons' Hall , on Monday , the 21 st March , 1859 , tit which were present , the R . W . Bros . John J . L . Hoff , D . Prov . G . M ., as Prov . G . M . ; Philip W . LeGeyt , P . Prov . G . M . ; Henry
Howe , P . D . Prov . G . M . ; William Clark , Prov . S . G . W . ; John B . Roberts , Prov . J . G . W . ; Duncan Monteith , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Wm . J . Judge , P . P . J . G . W . ; and the V . W . Bros , the Rev . Dr . F . F . Mazuchelli , as Prov . G . Chaplain ; John Gray , Prov . G . Reg . ; William H . Hoff , Prov . G . Sec ; W . Fredk . Jennings , Prov . S . G . I ) . ; John G . Llewelyn ( l > . Prov . J . G . W . ) , as Prov . J . G . D . ; Thomas Jones , Prov . G . S . of W . ; Henry Frazer , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Thomas E . Carter , Prov . G D . of C ; William Handford , Assist . Prov . G . D . of C ; George 0 . Wray , Prov . GSBRobert E . RossPProvGSBand Joseph K . Hamilton
.., ; , . . .. . ; , Prov . G . P . Visitors and representatives were present from the Lodges St . David in the East , No . 371 , under the Grand Lodge of Scotland ; True Friendship , No . 265 ; Humility with Fortitude , No . 279 ; St . John's , No . 715 ; Lodge do Goedo Hoop , Capo of Good Hope ; Star iu the East , No . 80 ; Industry and Perseverance , No . 126 ; Marine , No . 282 ; Courage with * Humanity , No . Sol .-, Kilwinning in the East , No . 740 Star of BurmahRangoonNo . 897 . A visitor of hih rank
; , , g , R . W . Bro . W . II . Read , Prov . G . M . of the Eastern Archipelago ,, was escorted in due form to the door of the District Grand Lodge , when the brethren rose , while the Deputy Prov . Grand Master advanced , greeted R . W . Bro . Head , and conducted him to his seat on the left of the throne . The brethren then saluted the distinguished visitor , in the usual manner , seven times . The District Grand Lodge was opened in form , and with a prayer offered up by the Rev . Bro . Mazuchelli , and minutes of the quarterly
communication of the 27 th December , 1858 , were read and confirmed . The Prov . Grand Secretary read a correspondence from the Rev . and R . W . Bro . T . C . Smyth , regarding tho representation of the Prov . Grand Lodge of the Eastern Archipelago in the District Grand Lodge of Bengal , by the R . W . Bro . J . J . L . Hoff ; and also the report of the Finance Committee on the audit of the Prov . Grand Treasurer ' s accounts . The accounts were examined and found to be correct . It was proposed by R . W . Bro . Roberts , seconded by Bro . Spiers , and carried , that a committee be appointed , with power to expend a sum not exceeding Rs . 2 , 500 , for the purpose of decorating and furnishing the Freemasons' Hall .
TRINIDAD . On the 27 th December , . 1850 , the foundation stone of a Masonic Temple , on Mount Zion , was laid by the then governor of the island , the Right Hon . Lord Harris , assisted by Bro . Daniel Hart , W . M . of Philanthropic Lodge , No . 585 , and a numerous assemblage of brethren , and the gentry of the island . The building was built on shares between the members of the Philanthropic Lodge ; and from the good feeling that prevailedand the idity of the workmenthe brethren
, rap , were enabled on the 24 th of June , 1 S 51 , to consecrate and dedicate the same to Masonic purposes . It is a stone building of two storeys , 50 feet long , 30 feet wide , and 25 feet high , in the clear . The upper storey is used as the Lodge room , and is of the entire length and width of tho building , besides a preparation room and lobby attached ; the lower storey is set apart as a banquetting room , to which is also attached a pantry and spare room . There is a portico in front , 30 feet long by 12 feet widebuilt in the Gothic stylewith three arches
, , above , and three below , with Corinthian pillars . The building cost tho brethren £ 800 sterling , and is the sole property of tho shareholders . By a compact entered into , the building can never be used for any other than Masonic purposes . At Sanfiimando , a town twenty-eight miles from Port of Spain , there is also a Masonic building , which was in 1850 erected there by the brethren appertaining to Trinity Lodge ; it is a plain , neat , and substantial building , with a Lodge room of 30 feet long , and 18 feet
broad , with a lobby , pantry , and banquetting room attached , besides a gallery . The building cost £ 400 sterling . At Port of Spain , besides the Philanthropic Lodge , there is the Lodge United Brothers , No . 251 , under the registry of the Grand Lodge of Scotland . The building stands ' on Mount Morial , and takes precedence of any other Masonic Hall iu the West Indies , except Antigua . It was erected in 1803 . It is built of stone ; having a very commodious Lodge room of thirty feet long , and twenty feet wide , which is neatly decorated . There is also a banquetting room , lobby , pantry , and preparation room attached , with a fine open gallery to the front . It is tho exclusive property of the members who remain faithful to tho allegiance of the charter .
NEW BRUNSWICK . At a quarterly communication of the Prov . Grand Lodge of New Brunswick , held on Wednesday , the 1 st of March , Bro . Douglass B . Stevens , P . M . of Lodge No . 780 , gave notice that at the next quarterly communication of this Prov . Grand Lodge , he would make tho