Article Masonic Charities. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Provincial. Page 1 of 12 →
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Masonic Charities.
A letter from Bro . H . E . Francis , of Lodge 211 , was laid before the committee , offering his gratuitous services to teach the boys in the school drawing ; and referred to the House Committee for consideration . ROYAL BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION . ' The balance in hand on the 31 st March' lastwas as follows—Male
, Fund , £ 674 17 s . 7 d . Female Fund , £ 295 10 s . lOd . THE BOYS' SCHOOL . A . Quarterly Meeting of the Governors of this School was held at the offices , Great Queen-street , on Monday , July 18 th , Bro . George Barrett , V . P ., presiding .
The Treasurer's report was presented , showing that £ 600 had been invested , making the funded property £ 14 , 100 . It was resolved , that in future the Audit Committee should meet one week prior to the General Committee , instead of only two hours previously as hitherto . It was also resolved , that all votes recorded for a candidate should be carried forward to his account , until he was either elected or became disqualified for admission to the school by age . A vote of thanks to the Chairman closed the proceedings .
EOTAL FREEMASONS' SCHOOL FOR FEMALE CHILDREN . A Quarterly General Court of this institution was held on Thursday , 14 th July , at the office , 16 A , Great Queen street , the W . Bro . J . Udall , P . G . D ., V . P ., in Hie chair . Present : Bros . Barnes , V . P . ; Eraithwaitc , V . P ., G . Barrett , Du Pre " , Hewlett , Hopwood , P . G . D ., Levinson , Patten , P . G . S . B ., Sheen , Singer , Symonds , Roberts , Taylor , & c , & c . The quarterly accounts of the general expenditure of the institution ,
including salaries , wages , & c , up to Midsummer last , amounting to £ 5 i 9 Is . 5 d ., and also an account for erecting a garden wall , were directed to be paid . The Treasurer was instructed to purchase £ 500 stock in the Three per cent . Reduced Annuities , and to add the same to the funds belonging to the institution . On the motion of Bro . Symonds , and seconded by Bro . Hopwood , it was resolved that the following alterations be made in the by-laws : — Rule 10—After the words , " the Chair is taken , " and before the words , " at
twelve o ' clock , " insert , " at four o ' clock precisely , excepting when there is an election by ballot for the admission of children , when the chair shall he taken as heretofore at twelve o ' clock . " Rule 23—Omit "twelve , " and substitute "four o ' clock . " Rule 12—Omit " one , " and substitute " after the business of the General Committee is closed . " The effect of these alterations will be that the chair will be taken at four o ' clock instead of twelve at future quarterly general Courts , excepting when
children are to be elected by ballot ; that the General Committees will meet at four o'clock instead of twelve on the last Tlmrsday of every month ; and that adjourned quarterly Courts will meet after the business of Hie General Committee is closed . The Court declared six vacancies , to be filled up by election in October , occasioned by the following children leaving the Institution at the expiration of their terms . Fanny Freeman Smith , .. Father ' s Lodge , No . 357 , Taunton .
Emma Charlotte HuiTell .. „ „ No . 264 , London . Julia Read „ „ No . 16 S , London . Sophia Reinhardt Prance .. „ „ No . 727 , Wakefield . Mary Ann Brewster-.. .. „ „ No . 109 and 49 , London . Emma Cox „ „ No . 425 , Oxford . The following candidates , ^ Yhose petitions had been examined by Hie General Committee , were recommended to the Court to be placed on the list of candidates for election in October , and were so placed accordingly : —
Ewffly 3 & mKta . ow , 4 Kttg \ te oi tt »\ ate BKJ . JolmWixon , suvgeon , of tuo St . John ' s Lodge , No . 409 , Wigton , Cumberland . Mary Ann Campbell , daughter of the late Bro . Stephen Campbell , of the Silurian Lodge , No . 693 , TJsk , Monmouthshire . Mary Ann Emma- Williams , daughter of Bro . Win . Williams , hatter , of the Angel Lodge , No . 59 , Colchester .
Emily Ann Morris , daughter of the late Bro . George Morris , licensed victualler , of tho Enoch Lodge , No . 11 , London . Alice Freeman , daughter of the late Bro . David Freeman , postmaster and tax collector , of the East Surrey Lodge of Concord , No . GSO , Croydon . Jemima Tomasin Laws , daughter of Bro . Geo . Laws , late licensed victualler and barge master , of the Lodge of Sincerity , No . 203 , London . Lavinia Watts , daughter of the late Bro . James Watts , stationer and printer , of the Amphibious Lodge , No . 322 , Heckmondwick , Yorkshire .
Adela Annette Gray , daughter of the late Bro . Charles Henry Gray , formerly a merchant in Liverpool , London , the East Indies , and China , of the St . George , No . 6 , Corner Stone , No 5 , London . Ann Kilpin , daughter of the late Bro . John Palmer Kilpin , tailor , of the Pomfret Lodge , No . 4 C 3 , Northampton . Bro . J . Udall gave notice of the following motion , — "That the number of children to ho admitted to the school he increased from the present number , viz ., 70 , to SO . " The proceedings were brought to a close by a vote of thanks to Bro . Udall for his conduct in the chair .
Provincial .
( From the" Masonic Minor" ') CHANNEL ISLANDS . TEOVIKCIAL GRASP LODGE , The B . W . Bro . J . J . Hammond , P . G . M ., held a Lodge on the 31 st of May . In the local fund of benevolence a balance of nearly £ S 0
was announced , notwithstanding that considerable claims upon it had been promptly and efficiently met . Bro . Adams , Prov . G . Sec , brought forward two propositions , of which due notice had been given , namely , "That the committee of the fund of benevolence be empowered to grant the sum of five pounds , if the ease before them be thought worthy ; " and also , " That the R . W . Prov . Grand Master be entitled to grant three pounds on the recommendation of the said committee . " After a short discussion , both of these received the
sanction of the meeting . Bro . D'AUain proposed , in accordance with his previous notice , "That no stranger to the island should be initiated into Masonry by any Lodge in the province , unless a communication be received from the Worshipful Master of the Lodge situated in the town in which this stranger resides , in ease there be a Lodge , and that he is of respectable character and of good reputation . " Bro . Du Jardin proposed as an amendment , "That the matter be referred to the Committee of General Purposes . " Bro . Le Coutour proposed as a second amendment , a direct negative . All these were of course duly seconded , and an animated discussion ensued , in the
course of which , reference was specially made to the Book of Constitutions , by which it appeared to some that the provision made is so ample that no additional local restriction is necessary . As the result , Bro . D'AUain waived his proposition in favour of the amendment of Bro . Dn Jardin , which thus became the substantive motion . On putting Bro . Le Couteur ' s amendment to the vote , it was lost , and the former received the sanction of tho meeting . The Prov . Grand Master now proceeded to the appointment and installation of officers for the ensuing year , as follows : —Bro . Cross , D . Prov . Grand
Master ; Jas . Johnson , S . G . W . ; Grimmond , J . G . W . ; , G . Chaplain ; Durell , G . Keg . ; Adams , G . Sec ; D'AUain , S . G . D . ; P . Binet , J . G . D . ; C . Johnson , G . Sup . of Works ; Manuel , G . Dir . or Cers . ; Orange , Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; Wilcox , G . S . B . ; Bridgeman , G . Organist ; P . Marett , G . Purs . ; Bros . Stark , Voisiu , Mist , Le Neven , Perrot , Deveulle , G . Stewards ; Plymen , G . Tyler . The next business was the election of six brethren to serve on the local committee of general purposes , out of eleven , who had been previously nominated as suitable to perform the duties . This was
done by ballot , the result of which was that the following were appointed : —Bros . Hoequard ( president ) , Adams , Ainsley , Miller , to Cras , Schmitt , Marett , J . Johnson . Bro . Du Jardin was elected and invested P . G . Treasurer ; after which the P . G . L . was closed , and the Brethren adjourned to a banquet .
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Masonic Charities.
A letter from Bro . H . E . Francis , of Lodge 211 , was laid before the committee , offering his gratuitous services to teach the boys in the school drawing ; and referred to the House Committee for consideration . ROYAL BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION . ' The balance in hand on the 31 st March' lastwas as follows—Male
, Fund , £ 674 17 s . 7 d . Female Fund , £ 295 10 s . lOd . THE BOYS' SCHOOL . A . Quarterly Meeting of the Governors of this School was held at the offices , Great Queen-street , on Monday , July 18 th , Bro . George Barrett , V . P ., presiding .
The Treasurer's report was presented , showing that £ 600 had been invested , making the funded property £ 14 , 100 . It was resolved , that in future the Audit Committee should meet one week prior to the General Committee , instead of only two hours previously as hitherto . It was also resolved , that all votes recorded for a candidate should be carried forward to his account , until he was either elected or became disqualified for admission to the school by age . A vote of thanks to the Chairman closed the proceedings .
EOTAL FREEMASONS' SCHOOL FOR FEMALE CHILDREN . A Quarterly General Court of this institution was held on Thursday , 14 th July , at the office , 16 A , Great Queen street , the W . Bro . J . Udall , P . G . D ., V . P ., in Hie chair . Present : Bros . Barnes , V . P . ; Eraithwaitc , V . P ., G . Barrett , Du Pre " , Hewlett , Hopwood , P . G . D ., Levinson , Patten , P . G . S . B ., Sheen , Singer , Symonds , Roberts , Taylor , & c , & c . The quarterly accounts of the general expenditure of the institution ,
including salaries , wages , & c , up to Midsummer last , amounting to £ 5 i 9 Is . 5 d ., and also an account for erecting a garden wall , were directed to be paid . The Treasurer was instructed to purchase £ 500 stock in the Three per cent . Reduced Annuities , and to add the same to the funds belonging to the institution . On the motion of Bro . Symonds , and seconded by Bro . Hopwood , it was resolved that the following alterations be made in the by-laws : — Rule 10—After the words , " the Chair is taken , " and before the words , " at
twelve o ' clock , " insert , " at four o ' clock precisely , excepting when there is an election by ballot for the admission of children , when the chair shall he taken as heretofore at twelve o ' clock . " Rule 23—Omit "twelve , " and substitute "four o ' clock . " Rule 12—Omit " one , " and substitute " after the business of the General Committee is closed . " The effect of these alterations will be that the chair will be taken at four o ' clock instead of twelve at future quarterly general Courts , excepting when
children are to be elected by ballot ; that the General Committees will meet at four o'clock instead of twelve on the last Tlmrsday of every month ; and that adjourned quarterly Courts will meet after the business of Hie General Committee is closed . The Court declared six vacancies , to be filled up by election in October , occasioned by the following children leaving the Institution at the expiration of their terms . Fanny Freeman Smith , .. Father ' s Lodge , No . 357 , Taunton .
Emma Charlotte HuiTell .. „ „ No . 264 , London . Julia Read „ „ No . 16 S , London . Sophia Reinhardt Prance .. „ „ No . 727 , Wakefield . Mary Ann Brewster-.. .. „ „ No . 109 and 49 , London . Emma Cox „ „ No . 425 , Oxford . The following candidates , ^ Yhose petitions had been examined by Hie General Committee , were recommended to the Court to be placed on the list of candidates for election in October , and were so placed accordingly : —
Ewffly 3 & mKta . ow , 4 Kttg \ te oi tt »\ ate BKJ . JolmWixon , suvgeon , of tuo St . John ' s Lodge , No . 409 , Wigton , Cumberland . Mary Ann Campbell , daughter of the late Bro . Stephen Campbell , of the Silurian Lodge , No . 693 , TJsk , Monmouthshire . Mary Ann Emma- Williams , daughter of Bro . Win . Williams , hatter , of the Angel Lodge , No . 59 , Colchester .
Emily Ann Morris , daughter of the late Bro . George Morris , licensed victualler , of tho Enoch Lodge , No . 11 , London . Alice Freeman , daughter of the late Bro . David Freeman , postmaster and tax collector , of the East Surrey Lodge of Concord , No . GSO , Croydon . Jemima Tomasin Laws , daughter of Bro . Geo . Laws , late licensed victualler and barge master , of the Lodge of Sincerity , No . 203 , London . Lavinia Watts , daughter of the late Bro . James Watts , stationer and printer , of the Amphibious Lodge , No . 322 , Heckmondwick , Yorkshire .
Adela Annette Gray , daughter of the late Bro . Charles Henry Gray , formerly a merchant in Liverpool , London , the East Indies , and China , of the St . George , No . 6 , Corner Stone , No 5 , London . Ann Kilpin , daughter of the late Bro . John Palmer Kilpin , tailor , of the Pomfret Lodge , No . 4 C 3 , Northampton . Bro . J . Udall gave notice of the following motion , — "That the number of children to ho admitted to the school he increased from the present number , viz ., 70 , to SO . " The proceedings were brought to a close by a vote of thanks to Bro . Udall for his conduct in the chair .
Provincial .
( From the" Masonic Minor" ') CHANNEL ISLANDS . TEOVIKCIAL GRASP LODGE , The B . W . Bro . J . J . Hammond , P . G . M ., held a Lodge on the 31 st of May . In the local fund of benevolence a balance of nearly £ S 0
was announced , notwithstanding that considerable claims upon it had been promptly and efficiently met . Bro . Adams , Prov . G . Sec , brought forward two propositions , of which due notice had been given , namely , "That the committee of the fund of benevolence be empowered to grant the sum of five pounds , if the ease before them be thought worthy ; " and also , " That the R . W . Prov . Grand Master be entitled to grant three pounds on the recommendation of the said committee . " After a short discussion , both of these received the
sanction of the meeting . Bro . D'AUain proposed , in accordance with his previous notice , "That no stranger to the island should be initiated into Masonry by any Lodge in the province , unless a communication be received from the Worshipful Master of the Lodge situated in the town in which this stranger resides , in ease there be a Lodge , and that he is of respectable character and of good reputation . " Bro . Du Jardin proposed as an amendment , "That the matter be referred to the Committee of General Purposes . " Bro . Le Coutour proposed as a second amendment , a direct negative . All these were of course duly seconded , and an animated discussion ensued , in the
course of which , reference was specially made to the Book of Constitutions , by which it appeared to some that the provision made is so ample that no additional local restriction is necessary . As the result , Bro . D'AUain waived his proposition in favour of the amendment of Bro . Dn Jardin , which thus became the substantive motion . On putting Bro . Le Couteur ' s amendment to the vote , it was lost , and the former received the sanction of tho meeting . The Prov . Grand Master now proceeded to the appointment and installation of officers for the ensuing year , as follows : —Bro . Cross , D . Prov . Grand
Master ; Jas . Johnson , S . G . W . ; Grimmond , J . G . W . ; , G . Chaplain ; Durell , G . Keg . ; Adams , G . Sec ; D'AUain , S . G . D . ; P . Binet , J . G . D . ; C . Johnson , G . Sup . of Works ; Manuel , G . Dir . or Cers . ; Orange , Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; Wilcox , G . S . B . ; Bridgeman , G . Organist ; P . Marett , G . Purs . ; Bros . Stark , Voisiu , Mist , Le Neven , Perrot , Deveulle , G . Stewards ; Plymen , G . Tyler . The next business was the election of six brethren to serve on the local committee of general purposes , out of eleven , who had been previously nominated as suitable to perform the duties . This was
done by ballot , the result of which was that the following were appointed : —Bros . Hoequard ( president ) , Adams , Ainsley , Miller , to Cras , Schmitt , Marett , J . Johnson . Bro . Du Jardin was elected and invested P . G . Treasurer ; after which the P . G . L . was closed , and the Brethren adjourned to a banquet .