Article Provincial. ← Page 4 of 12 →
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Prov . S . G . W ., officiating as Senior Warden for Sir Henry Stracey ( who did not arrive till the afternoon ); all the other Officers of the Prov . Grand Lodge being present . The minutes of the last Prov . G . Lodge , at Yarmouth , were read by Bro . W . Leedes Fox , Prov . G . Sec , and confirmed . The Prov . Grand Lodge , on the recommendation of tive Finance Board , voted a donation of 10 / . 10 s . to the Boys School , 10 / . to the Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons , and 10 / . to the Benevolent Institution for Freemasons' Widows
. The various officers of the Prov . Grand Lodge were re-appointed by the R . W . Prov . Grand Master , and Bro . Barwell was unanimously elected Prov . Grand Treasurer . The Prov . Grand Master stated that the next Prov . Grand Lodge would be held at Lynn , and in the following year ( 1 SB 1 ) at Norwich . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed in antient and solemn form . Tho brethren then adjourned for a short time , and having
re-assembled at the school-room , formed a procession in the usual order , and walked to the parish church , the members of each Lodge being ranged under their respective banners . An excellent sermon was preached by Bro . Titlow , P . G . C ., and the collection made after the Reverend Brother's earnest appeal amounted to 167 . 10 s . At four o'clock nearly one hundred brethren partook of an excellent dinner at the King's Arms , provided by Bro . Chapman . Several brethren were unable to obtain admissionand had to be
, accommodated in another room . Tho banquet was not restricted to Masons , though only a few strangers were present ; and some dissatisfaction was expressed at their admission ; but the eminent success which usually attends those festive gatherings , where at any rate ladies are present , inclines us to think the plan a very desirable one .
NORTHAMPTONSHIRE AND HUNTINGDONSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge was held af Oundle , on the 20 th July . The Board of Management of the Provincial Benevolent Fund assembled at twelve , and examined and audited the accounts of the previous year . The Provincial Grand Lodge was held at the Town Halland
, opened at one o'clock , in accordance nith the summons , under the presidency of the D . Prov . Grand Master , Bro . Thos . Evvart , who ably sustained the duties of the chair in the unavoidable absence , through illness , of the Right Worshipful Prov . Grand Master , the Marquis of Huntley . The Lodge having been opened in due form the minutes of the preceding Grand Lodge were read and duly confirmed . Bro . G . M . Fox read a statement of the present condition and
progress of the Provincial Benevolent Fund , which elicited the warmest approbation . The motion that tho accounts be passed was carried unanimously . The offices of Secretaries to the Benevolent Fund having become vacant , Bros . G . M . Fox and J . Marshall were unanimously reelected joint Secretaries for another five years . The office of Prov . Grand Treasurer having also become vacant by the lamented death of our respected Bro . Christopher Markham
it was proposed by Bro . Higgins , and seconded by Bro . the Rev . G . Robbins , that Bro . Henry Markham , assisted by Bro . Boeme , be appointed Proy . Grand Treasurer , and also Treasurer to the Benevolent Fund ; which motion was carried unanimously . The sum of ten guineas was voted to the Masonic Girls' School , to constitute the D . Prov . Grand Master a governor of that institution for fifteen years . The sumof ten guineas was also voted to the Masonic '
. Boys School , to constitute the Prov . Senior Grand Warden a life governor to that institution . The sum of ten pounds was voted to the widow of our late Bro . Beresford , of the Socrates Lodge , Huntingdon , she having been lelt in a very distressed condition . A donation of ten pounds was given to Bro . James Marshall , an old and worthy member of the Pomfret Lodge , Northampton , who had fallen into circumstances .
poor The sum of five pounds was also given the widow of the late Bro . Hapler , of the St . Peter ' s Lodge , Peterboro ' . Bro . G . M . Fox gave notice that he should , at the next provincial meeting , propose for consideration the propriety of altering the present mode of subscriptions to the Prov . Grand Lodge , substituting a certain sum per head for each member of a Lodge , in lieu of the present system of each Lodge paying two pounds .
The Grand Lodge was closed m ancient and ' solcmn form , and the brethren , being placed in ovder by Bro . Inns , Director of Ceremonies , walked in procession to the Talbot hotel , where an excellent dinner was served by Bro . Wright , and the remainder of the day was spent in a very agreeable manner .
SOMERSETSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . The annual meeting was held at Glastonbury , on Tuesday , July 26 th , that day being also appointed for the consecration of a new Lodge , " The Pilgrim , " No . 1074 , tho warrant for which had been granted some months since by the M . W . Grand Master . A neatly fitted Lodroom was prepared at the Pilgrim and George
up ge hotel , which presented a striking and beautiful appearance , being adorned with the banners of the various Lodges in the province in exceedingly good taste by Bro . Piatt , of Beaufort buildings , London , to whom the general arrangement of furnishing the Lodge was confided . The splendid banner bearing the device of the " Pilgrim , " manufactured by that brother , under the immediate direction of Bro . Dr . Pope , elicited the approbation of all present . The Pilgrim and StGeorge ' s lira was formerly the Abbey hospitiumand it was
. , here the newly constituted Lodge met to receive the Prov . Grand Lodge , which was opened by Bro . J . W . Randolph , D . Prov . G . M ., who was supported by the following brethren : —H . C . Vernon , Prov . G . M ., Worcester ; II . Shute , Prov . G . M ., Bristol ; C . J . Vigne , P . Prov . S . G . W ., Somersetshire ; R . E . Peach , Prov . S . G . W . ; White , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Welsh , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; Ashley , Prov . J . G . W . ; Oakley , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; Oliver , P . Prov . S . G . D ., ; W . Robinson , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; T . Cave , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; R . If .
Falconer , Prov . G . Treas . ; Rev . R . Thomas , Prov . G . Chaplain ; Bluett , Prov . G . Org . ; II . W . Lcvctt , P . Prov . G . Supt . of of Works ; W . A . F . Powell , D . Prov . G . M ., Bristol ; Harris , Prov . G . S . W ., Bristol ; G . Chick , P . Prov . S . W ., Bristol ; J . A . Page , Prov . G . J . W ., Bristol ; J . A . Clark , Prov . G . Reg ., Bristol ; W . Heal , Prov . G . S . B ., Bristol ; Henry Bridges , P . Prov . S . G . D . ; C . Halliday , P . M ., No . 3 S 7 ; W . Walldey , P . M ., No . 367 ; J . K . Gundry , PMStAugustine LodgeNo . 885 New ZealandC . Milsom
.., . , , ; , W . M ., No . CI ; E . Honvood , W . M ., No . 221 ; W . Salvan , W . M ., No . 357 ; Clapcott , S . W ., No . 412 ; Piatt , J . W ., No . 168 ; A . Walklev , J . D ., No . 367 ; J . B . Invertue , J . W ., No . 48 ; J . J . Clapevton , S . W ., No . 412 ; F . C . George , I . G ., No . 48 , & c , Xc . Assisted by his officers and the brethren present , Bro . Randolph
proceeded to consecrate the Pilgrim Lodge , No . 10 / 4 , and invest the officers named in the warrant and others as follows -. —Bros . Dr . Pope , P . M ., No . 367 , W . M ., T . S . Howe , S . W . ; Captain H . P . Crampton , J . W . ; T , II . Roach , S . D . ; J . Cornwall , J . D . ; T . Robinson , I . G . The ceremony of consecration by the D . Prov . G . M . who officiated in the regretted absence of the venerable Prov . G . M ., Colonel C . Kemcys Kemeys Tynte , was very impressively performed according to ancient customthe Prov . G . Chaplain reciting the several
, prayers during the ceremony . This installation of the first W . M ., Bro . Dr . Pope , succeeded the consecration , but was much curtailed in cunsequence of his having already passed the chair of No . 367 ; and in investing him with the W . M . ' s collar , the D . Prov . G . M . said , that he had it on good authority , on which he could rely , that he ( Dr . Pope ) was an excellent working Mason , and that no brother performed the ceremonies of the Graft more skilfully .
These ceremonies ended , the visitors and brethren , not being members of the Prov . Grand Lodge , retired , and the business of the province was proceeded with , viz , the reading and confirmation of the minutes of the previous Prov . Grand Lodge , and the presenting of the report of the Prov . Grand Treasurer . A grant of 20 / . was voted to the widow of a brother of No . 327 , and the following brethren were appointed and invested Prov . Grand officers by the D . Prov . G . M .: —Bros . P . H . Crampton , No . 1074 ,
Prov . S . G . W . ; Charles Milsom , No . 61 , Prov . J . G . W . ; Rev . R . J . F . Thomas , No . 412 , Prov G . Chaplain ; R . W . Falconer , No . 528 , Prov . G . Treas . ; G Eabbage , No . 157 , Prov . G . Sec . ; J . G . L . Bullerd , No . 1074 , Prov . G . Reg . ; T . H . Roach , No . 1074 , Prov . S . G . D . ; J . J . Clapcott , No . 412 , Prov . J . G . D . ; J . Lovibond , No . 157 , Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; W . Smith , No . 61 , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Frederic C . George , No . 48 , Prov . G . Asst . Dir . of Cers . ; T . Mcyler , No . 327 , Prov . G . S . B . ; R . Mitchell , No . 327 , Prov . G . Purs . Bro . Peach P . S . G . W ., wished to bring forward a resolution condemnatory of the proposed alterations in the property of the Craft in Great Queen-street , so as to give greater accommodation for the
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Prov . S . G . W ., officiating as Senior Warden for Sir Henry Stracey ( who did not arrive till the afternoon ); all the other Officers of the Prov . Grand Lodge being present . The minutes of the last Prov . G . Lodge , at Yarmouth , were read by Bro . W . Leedes Fox , Prov . G . Sec , and confirmed . The Prov . Grand Lodge , on the recommendation of tive Finance Board , voted a donation of 10 / . 10 s . to the Boys School , 10 / . to the Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons , and 10 / . to the Benevolent Institution for Freemasons' Widows
. The various officers of the Prov . Grand Lodge were re-appointed by the R . W . Prov . Grand Master , and Bro . Barwell was unanimously elected Prov . Grand Treasurer . The Prov . Grand Master stated that the next Prov . Grand Lodge would be held at Lynn , and in the following year ( 1 SB 1 ) at Norwich . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed in antient and solemn form . Tho brethren then adjourned for a short time , and having
re-assembled at the school-room , formed a procession in the usual order , and walked to the parish church , the members of each Lodge being ranged under their respective banners . An excellent sermon was preached by Bro . Titlow , P . G . C ., and the collection made after the Reverend Brother's earnest appeal amounted to 167 . 10 s . At four o'clock nearly one hundred brethren partook of an excellent dinner at the King's Arms , provided by Bro . Chapman . Several brethren were unable to obtain admissionand had to be
, accommodated in another room . Tho banquet was not restricted to Masons , though only a few strangers were present ; and some dissatisfaction was expressed at their admission ; but the eminent success which usually attends those festive gatherings , where at any rate ladies are present , inclines us to think the plan a very desirable one .
NORTHAMPTONSHIRE AND HUNTINGDONSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge was held af Oundle , on the 20 th July . The Board of Management of the Provincial Benevolent Fund assembled at twelve , and examined and audited the accounts of the previous year . The Provincial Grand Lodge was held at the Town Halland
, opened at one o'clock , in accordance nith the summons , under the presidency of the D . Prov . Grand Master , Bro . Thos . Evvart , who ably sustained the duties of the chair in the unavoidable absence , through illness , of the Right Worshipful Prov . Grand Master , the Marquis of Huntley . The Lodge having been opened in due form the minutes of the preceding Grand Lodge were read and duly confirmed . Bro . G . M . Fox read a statement of the present condition and
progress of the Provincial Benevolent Fund , which elicited the warmest approbation . The motion that tho accounts be passed was carried unanimously . The offices of Secretaries to the Benevolent Fund having become vacant , Bros . G . M . Fox and J . Marshall were unanimously reelected joint Secretaries for another five years . The office of Prov . Grand Treasurer having also become vacant by the lamented death of our respected Bro . Christopher Markham
it was proposed by Bro . Higgins , and seconded by Bro . the Rev . G . Robbins , that Bro . Henry Markham , assisted by Bro . Boeme , be appointed Proy . Grand Treasurer , and also Treasurer to the Benevolent Fund ; which motion was carried unanimously . The sum of ten guineas was voted to the Masonic Girls' School , to constitute the D . Prov . Grand Master a governor of that institution for fifteen years . The sumof ten guineas was also voted to the Masonic '
. Boys School , to constitute the Prov . Senior Grand Warden a life governor to that institution . The sum of ten pounds was voted to the widow of our late Bro . Beresford , of the Socrates Lodge , Huntingdon , she having been lelt in a very distressed condition . A donation of ten pounds was given to Bro . James Marshall , an old and worthy member of the Pomfret Lodge , Northampton , who had fallen into circumstances .
poor The sum of five pounds was also given the widow of the late Bro . Hapler , of the St . Peter ' s Lodge , Peterboro ' . Bro . G . M . Fox gave notice that he should , at the next provincial meeting , propose for consideration the propriety of altering the present mode of subscriptions to the Prov . Grand Lodge , substituting a certain sum per head for each member of a Lodge , in lieu of the present system of each Lodge paying two pounds .
The Grand Lodge was closed m ancient and ' solcmn form , and the brethren , being placed in ovder by Bro . Inns , Director of Ceremonies , walked in procession to the Talbot hotel , where an excellent dinner was served by Bro . Wright , and the remainder of the day was spent in a very agreeable manner .
SOMERSETSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . The annual meeting was held at Glastonbury , on Tuesday , July 26 th , that day being also appointed for the consecration of a new Lodge , " The Pilgrim , " No . 1074 , tho warrant for which had been granted some months since by the M . W . Grand Master . A neatly fitted Lodroom was prepared at the Pilgrim and George
up ge hotel , which presented a striking and beautiful appearance , being adorned with the banners of the various Lodges in the province in exceedingly good taste by Bro . Piatt , of Beaufort buildings , London , to whom the general arrangement of furnishing the Lodge was confided . The splendid banner bearing the device of the " Pilgrim , " manufactured by that brother , under the immediate direction of Bro . Dr . Pope , elicited the approbation of all present . The Pilgrim and StGeorge ' s lira was formerly the Abbey hospitiumand it was
. , here the newly constituted Lodge met to receive the Prov . Grand Lodge , which was opened by Bro . J . W . Randolph , D . Prov . G . M ., who was supported by the following brethren : —H . C . Vernon , Prov . G . M ., Worcester ; II . Shute , Prov . G . M ., Bristol ; C . J . Vigne , P . Prov . S . G . W ., Somersetshire ; R . E . Peach , Prov . S . G . W . ; White , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Welsh , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; Ashley , Prov . J . G . W . ; Oakley , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; Oliver , P . Prov . S . G . D ., ; W . Robinson , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; T . Cave , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; R . If .
Falconer , Prov . G . Treas . ; Rev . R . Thomas , Prov . G . Chaplain ; Bluett , Prov . G . Org . ; II . W . Lcvctt , P . Prov . G . Supt . of of Works ; W . A . F . Powell , D . Prov . G . M ., Bristol ; Harris , Prov . G . S . W ., Bristol ; G . Chick , P . Prov . S . W ., Bristol ; J . A . Page , Prov . G . J . W ., Bristol ; J . A . Clark , Prov . G . Reg ., Bristol ; W . Heal , Prov . G . S . B ., Bristol ; Henry Bridges , P . Prov . S . G . D . ; C . Halliday , P . M ., No . 3 S 7 ; W . Walldey , P . M ., No . 367 ; J . K . Gundry , PMStAugustine LodgeNo . 885 New ZealandC . Milsom
.., . , , ; , W . M ., No . CI ; E . Honvood , W . M ., No . 221 ; W . Salvan , W . M ., No . 357 ; Clapcott , S . W ., No . 412 ; Piatt , J . W ., No . 168 ; A . Walklev , J . D ., No . 367 ; J . B . Invertue , J . W ., No . 48 ; J . J . Clapevton , S . W ., No . 412 ; F . C . George , I . G ., No . 48 , & c , Xc . Assisted by his officers and the brethren present , Bro . Randolph
proceeded to consecrate the Pilgrim Lodge , No . 10 / 4 , and invest the officers named in the warrant and others as follows -. —Bros . Dr . Pope , P . M ., No . 367 , W . M ., T . S . Howe , S . W . ; Captain H . P . Crampton , J . W . ; T , II . Roach , S . D . ; J . Cornwall , J . D . ; T . Robinson , I . G . The ceremony of consecration by the D . Prov . G . M . who officiated in the regretted absence of the venerable Prov . G . M ., Colonel C . Kemcys Kemeys Tynte , was very impressively performed according to ancient customthe Prov . G . Chaplain reciting the several
, prayers during the ceremony . This installation of the first W . M ., Bro . Dr . Pope , succeeded the consecration , but was much curtailed in cunsequence of his having already passed the chair of No . 367 ; and in investing him with the W . M . ' s collar , the D . Prov . G . M . said , that he had it on good authority , on which he could rely , that he ( Dr . Pope ) was an excellent working Mason , and that no brother performed the ceremonies of the Graft more skilfully .
These ceremonies ended , the visitors and brethren , not being members of the Prov . Grand Lodge , retired , and the business of the province was proceeded with , viz , the reading and confirmation of the minutes of the previous Prov . Grand Lodge , and the presenting of the report of the Prov . Grand Treasurer . A grant of 20 / . was voted to the widow of a brother of No . 327 , and the following brethren were appointed and invested Prov . Grand officers by the D . Prov . G . M .: —Bros . P . H . Crampton , No . 1074 ,
Prov . S . G . W . ; Charles Milsom , No . 61 , Prov . J . G . W . ; Rev . R . J . F . Thomas , No . 412 , Prov G . Chaplain ; R . W . Falconer , No . 528 , Prov . G . Treas . ; G Eabbage , No . 157 , Prov . G . Sec . ; J . G . L . Bullerd , No . 1074 , Prov . G . Reg . ; T . H . Roach , No . 1074 , Prov . S . G . D . ; J . J . Clapcott , No . 412 , Prov . J . G . D . ; J . Lovibond , No . 157 , Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; W . Smith , No . 61 , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Frederic C . George , No . 48 , Prov . G . Asst . Dir . of Cers . ; T . Mcyler , No . 327 , Prov . G . S . B . ; R . Mitchell , No . 327 , Prov . G . Purs . Bro . Peach P . S . G . W ., wished to bring forward a resolution condemnatory of the proposed alterations in the property of the Craft in Great Queen-street , so as to give greater accommodation for the