Article Provincial. ← Page 12 of 12 Article Correspondence. Page 1 of 2 →
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Smith ; Isaac Snary ; William John Gerrard ; James Withers , P . M . A motion was then carried , admitting Bro . Harry Grant as a joining member of the Lodge , the general feeling of the members being gratefully expressed for the long and valuable services rendered to the Lodge by that brother . The Lodge was then duly closed , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment and spent an hour or so in that unity and concord for which the Lod is so eminently
ge conspicuous . SUSSEX . HIOVIHCIAI , GR . UTD LODGE . The annual Provincial Grand Lodge was held in the Sew Music Hall , Hastings , on Friday , September 2 nd . Bro . G . C . Dalbiac EWDProvGM
, ... . .., presided . The Prov . Grand Lodge was opened at three o ' clock . On the list of the Lodges being railed over it was found that all excepting No . 87 S , Littlehampton , were represented . The minutes of the last Prov . Grand Lodge were read and confirmed . A most favourable report was read from the Finance Committee , shewing a balance of £ 85 19 s . 5 il . in hand . Bro . W . Verrall was unanimously re-elected Treasurer . The ProvGSecread statement
. . . a prepared from the returns , shewing the progress of Freemasonry in Sussex during the year ending June , 1859 . The following brethren were appointed and invested Provincial Grand Officers for the year ensuing :-Bros . Powell ' , ( No . 45 ) , Prov , S . G . W . ; Bannister , ( No . 47 ) , Prov . J . G . W . ; Tayler , ( No . 33 S ) , Prov . G . Chaplain ; Henry Verrall , reappointed Prov . G . Reg . ; Gavin Pocock , G . S . B ., reappointed Prov . G . Sec . ; ( I . Scott . fNo . 338 ) , Prov . S . G . D . ; Molesworth ( No 45 ) ProvJGDFreeman
, . , . ... ; . Nos . 894 , 1034 ) , Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; Wellerd , ( No . 74 ) , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Moppett , ( No . 394 ) , Prov . Assist . G . Div . of Cers . ; Taster , ( No . 394 ) , Prov . G . S . B . ; Kuiie , ( No . 338 ) , re-appointed Prov . G . Org . ; Smith , ( No . 45 ) , Prov . G . Purs . ; Ambrosoni , ( No . 1034 ) , Howell , ( No . 47 ) , Cottell , ( So . 45 ) , and Chittenden , ( Nos . 33 S and 390 ) , Prov . G . Stewards ; Ancock , Prov . G . Tyler . The report on provincial organization to promote the interests of the Masonic Schools having been taken as read .
Bvo . John H . Scott , Prov . S . G . D ., moved that the following resolution be sent to each Lodge in the province , as a recommendation from this Provincial Grand Lodge : - " That , in order to promote the interests of tho four Masonic charities , tho members of each lodge in this province be recommended to elect annually , on flic night of installation of the Worshipful Master , its ' member for the charities , ' who shall solicit donations and annual subscriptions from tho members of his Lodge , distribute amongst them copies of the rales and regulations , afford or obtain informationand present to his Lodge report of his
, a labours at the expiration of bis year of office ; " which , having been seconded by Bro . Wood , P . Prov . S . C . D ., and carried . Bro . Gavin Pocock proposed , and Bro . Tayler , Pro . G . Chaplain seconded , I hat two governorships for fifteen years in the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows be purchased from the hinds of this Provincial Grand Lodge , at a cost of £ 29 , and that tho privileges of one be given to the W . Master ( for the time being ) of the Clarence
Royal Lodge , No . 339 , and of the other to the W . Master ( for the time being ) of the South Saxon Lodge , No . 390 . " Carried unanimously . Tho sum of £ 10 was unanimousl y voted to the family of a deceased brother , who was initiated in 1801 , and who had recently died at the age of 88 The D . Prov . Grand Master announced that the next annual meeting of the J rov Grand Lodge would be held at Brighton . The Prov . Grand Lodge was closed m ancient and solemn form , and a banquet follows
Correspondence .
To the Editor . Rre Ann BnoTnEn ,-As a subscriber to your valuable quarterly , I take Hie liberty of suggesting for your consideration the propriety of issuing it oftener say , once a month , instead of only once a quarter , as heretofore
I believe such a course would give you a much larger circulation , and bj keeping out of your pages non-Masonic articles , would eventually cause it to be recognised as the organ of tho Craft . Ton would also have-space for articles and notices of the higher degrees , as well as for extracts and translations from the various American and foreign Masonic publications , thus you must eventually supersede the present weekly magazine which contains little else than extracts from the Atlienwum , and articles which a Freemason would look elsewhere for rather than in the pages of a Masonic periodical . Vou must be
aware of what I allude to , also what I wish to see your paper become . Should you hesitate to take such a step as more frequent issues , you might at least insert the present communication , and elicit the advice , opinions , and co-operation of your subscribers on the question , and I have no doubt whatever that you will meet with a hearty response , and that the result will be the Olisen-er will appear monthly in future , as I have no hesitation in saying there are plenty of brethren who desire to see the Craft possess an impartial organ .
soldi / devoted , to Freemasonry , and appearing at short intervals , which it is manifest it does not at present possess . I enclose my card , and am , Sir and brother , Yours fraternally , 2 rth August , 1 S 59 . 4 jjf s . W . [ When our circulation lias sufficiently increased to justify a more frequent publication , we shall be happy to do as our correspondent suggests . —EB . 7
To the Editor . SIP . AND BROTHER , —In the report of the Somerset Pr . G . L ., held in July last , it is stated that I proposed , or wished to propose , a certain resolution in reference to the circular issued by the board of General Purposes . This is so , bui brother Ashley , the Pr . J . G . W ., in consequence of my illness , kindly undertook the task , but was not allowed by Hie D . Pr . G . M . to bring it forward . I am , Sir and Brother , Yours fraternally , R . E . PEACH , P . Pr . G . S . W ., Somerset . September 15 th , 1859 .
To Hie Editor . "THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE . " DEAR SIR ASD BROTHER , —The Havers-Roxburgh party -who have lately taken the Magazine under their patronage , have issued a fresh appeal , urging the Craft to support their new organ . What are the grounds upon which we are asked to do so ? They "trust
that their brethren will recognise the desirability of securing the continuance of a well-conducted and impartial journal , and one which has given an independent support to the Grand Master . " I at once admit the extreme desirability of having a well-conducted and impartial journal , which shall , from week to week , give us an account of every thing that occurs in the Craft worthy of record . Does the Magazine fulfil this requirement ? Unquestionably it does not : for though its intelligence is good , and well arranged , it is not "impartial , " but is supported by those who have lately taken it up , solely iu
order that it may advance their views , and write down every one who dis agrees with them . No one can have read the loading articles upon Grand Lodge affairs , which have appeared during the last year , without seeing that Hie Magazine is nothing but the organ of a party . If then its patrons are sincere in desiring the establishment of an "impartial journal" ( and no other has any claim upon the general report of the Craft ) , let all leading articles , i . e ., party criticisms , be omitted , and let us have nothing but truthful Masonic intelligence .
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Smith ; Isaac Snary ; William John Gerrard ; James Withers , P . M . A motion was then carried , admitting Bro . Harry Grant as a joining member of the Lodge , the general feeling of the members being gratefully expressed for the long and valuable services rendered to the Lodge by that brother . The Lodge was then duly closed , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment and spent an hour or so in that unity and concord for which the Lod is so eminently
ge conspicuous . SUSSEX . HIOVIHCIAI , GR . UTD LODGE . The annual Provincial Grand Lodge was held in the Sew Music Hall , Hastings , on Friday , September 2 nd . Bro . G . C . Dalbiac EWDProvGM
, ... . .., presided . The Prov . Grand Lodge was opened at three o ' clock . On the list of the Lodges being railed over it was found that all excepting No . 87 S , Littlehampton , were represented . The minutes of the last Prov . Grand Lodge were read and confirmed . A most favourable report was read from the Finance Committee , shewing a balance of £ 85 19 s . 5 il . in hand . Bro . W . Verrall was unanimously re-elected Treasurer . The ProvGSecread statement
. . . a prepared from the returns , shewing the progress of Freemasonry in Sussex during the year ending June , 1859 . The following brethren were appointed and invested Provincial Grand Officers for the year ensuing :-Bros . Powell ' , ( No . 45 ) , Prov , S . G . W . ; Bannister , ( No . 47 ) , Prov . J . G . W . ; Tayler , ( No . 33 S ) , Prov . G . Chaplain ; Henry Verrall , reappointed Prov . G . Reg . ; Gavin Pocock , G . S . B ., reappointed Prov . G . Sec . ; ( I . Scott . fNo . 338 ) , Prov . S . G . D . ; Molesworth ( No 45 ) ProvJGDFreeman
, . , . ... ; . Nos . 894 , 1034 ) , Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; Wellerd , ( No . 74 ) , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Moppett , ( No . 394 ) , Prov . Assist . G . Div . of Cers . ; Taster , ( No . 394 ) , Prov . G . S . B . ; Kuiie , ( No . 338 ) , re-appointed Prov . G . Org . ; Smith , ( No . 45 ) , Prov . G . Purs . ; Ambrosoni , ( No . 1034 ) , Howell , ( No . 47 ) , Cottell , ( So . 45 ) , and Chittenden , ( Nos . 33 S and 390 ) , Prov . G . Stewards ; Ancock , Prov . G . Tyler . The report on provincial organization to promote the interests of the Masonic Schools having been taken as read .
Bvo . John H . Scott , Prov . S . G . D ., moved that the following resolution be sent to each Lodge in the province , as a recommendation from this Provincial Grand Lodge : - " That , in order to promote the interests of tho four Masonic charities , tho members of each lodge in this province be recommended to elect annually , on flic night of installation of the Worshipful Master , its ' member for the charities , ' who shall solicit donations and annual subscriptions from tho members of his Lodge , distribute amongst them copies of the rales and regulations , afford or obtain informationand present to his Lodge report of his
, a labours at the expiration of bis year of office ; " which , having been seconded by Bro . Wood , P . Prov . S . C . D ., and carried . Bro . Gavin Pocock proposed , and Bro . Tayler , Pro . G . Chaplain seconded , I hat two governorships for fifteen years in the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows be purchased from the hinds of this Provincial Grand Lodge , at a cost of £ 29 , and that tho privileges of one be given to the W . Master ( for the time being ) of the Clarence
Royal Lodge , No . 339 , and of the other to the W . Master ( for the time being ) of the South Saxon Lodge , No . 390 . " Carried unanimously . Tho sum of £ 10 was unanimousl y voted to the family of a deceased brother , who was initiated in 1801 , and who had recently died at the age of 88 The D . Prov . Grand Master announced that the next annual meeting of the J rov Grand Lodge would be held at Brighton . The Prov . Grand Lodge was closed m ancient and solemn form , and a banquet follows
Correspondence .
To the Editor . Rre Ann BnoTnEn ,-As a subscriber to your valuable quarterly , I take Hie liberty of suggesting for your consideration the propriety of issuing it oftener say , once a month , instead of only once a quarter , as heretofore
I believe such a course would give you a much larger circulation , and bj keeping out of your pages non-Masonic articles , would eventually cause it to be recognised as the organ of tho Craft . Ton would also have-space for articles and notices of the higher degrees , as well as for extracts and translations from the various American and foreign Masonic publications , thus you must eventually supersede the present weekly magazine which contains little else than extracts from the Atlienwum , and articles which a Freemason would look elsewhere for rather than in the pages of a Masonic periodical . Vou must be
aware of what I allude to , also what I wish to see your paper become . Should you hesitate to take such a step as more frequent issues , you might at least insert the present communication , and elicit the advice , opinions , and co-operation of your subscribers on the question , and I have no doubt whatever that you will meet with a hearty response , and that the result will be the Olisen-er will appear monthly in future , as I have no hesitation in saying there are plenty of brethren who desire to see the Craft possess an impartial organ .
soldi / devoted , to Freemasonry , and appearing at short intervals , which it is manifest it does not at present possess . I enclose my card , and am , Sir and brother , Yours fraternally , 2 rth August , 1 S 59 . 4 jjf s . W . [ When our circulation lias sufficiently increased to justify a more frequent publication , we shall be happy to do as our correspondent suggests . —EB . 7
To the Editor . SIP . AND BROTHER , —In the report of the Somerset Pr . G . L ., held in July last , it is stated that I proposed , or wished to propose , a certain resolution in reference to the circular issued by the board of General Purposes . This is so , bui brother Ashley , the Pr . J . G . W ., in consequence of my illness , kindly undertook the task , but was not allowed by Hie D . Pr . G . M . to bring it forward . I am , Sir and Brother , Yours fraternally , R . E . PEACH , P . Pr . G . S . W ., Somerset . September 15 th , 1859 .
To Hie Editor . "THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE . " DEAR SIR ASD BROTHER , —The Havers-Roxburgh party -who have lately taken the Magazine under their patronage , have issued a fresh appeal , urging the Craft to support their new organ . What are the grounds upon which we are asked to do so ? They "trust
that their brethren will recognise the desirability of securing the continuance of a well-conducted and impartial journal , and one which has given an independent support to the Grand Master . " I at once admit the extreme desirability of having a well-conducted and impartial journal , which shall , from week to week , give us an account of every thing that occurs in the Craft worthy of record . Does the Magazine fulfil this requirement ? Unquestionably it does not : for though its intelligence is good , and well arranged , it is not "impartial , " but is supported by those who have lately taken it up , solely iu
order that it may advance their views , and write down every one who dis agrees with them . No one can have read the loading articles upon Grand Lodge affairs , which have appeared during the last year , without seeing that Hie Magazine is nothing but the organ of a party . If then its patrons are sincere in desiring the establishment of an "impartial journal" ( and no other has any claim upon the general report of the Craft ) , let all leading articles , i . e ., party criticisms , be omitted , and let us have nothing but truthful Masonic intelligence .