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MASONIC QUARTERLY PAPER . rpHE MASONIC OBSERVER AND GRAND LODGE J _ CHRONICLE is published early in March , June , September , aiid December ; and contains a full Report of the pro . ceedings in the previous GKANH LODGE , as well as Articles upon the various subjects affecting the welfare of the Craft . It is intended to meet a rapidly increasing demand for fuller information upon matters of general , as distinguished from local , interest . The actual condition of Masonry at home and in the Colonies , its policy , ' the measures required for its progress and efficiency , as well as the state of its Charities , are the subjects principally noticed . The . great success that has attended the establishment of this Paper , leads the Proprietors to hope that it will be recognised as a useful medium of information , as well as of mutual communication , by the Craft at large .
MASONIC BOOKS , & c , KOW ON SALE AT BHO . R . E . PEACH'S No . 8 , BRIDGE STREET , BATH . HISTORICAL LANDMARKS OF FREEMASONRY . By the Rev . GEORGE OLIVER , D . D . Largo paper copy . Two vols . Scarce . THE ANTIQUITIES OF FREEMASONRY . By the Rev . G . OLIVER , D . D . 8 vo . CHRONOL 0 GIE DE L'HISTOIRE DE LA FRANCHE-MACONNERIE , Fraucaise et Etrangere . -Two-vols . 8 vo . Scarce . Shortly will be Published , A CATALOGUE of Valuable NEW and SECOND-HAND WORKS . Bro . PEACH , S , Bridge Street ) Bath .
GRAND LODGE CLUB . President : Bro . J . UDALL , P . M ., 10 , and P . G . D , Vice-Presidents : Bro . J . B . STEBBINGP . M . and P . P . G . S . Hants
, , , Bro . J . H . HEAEN , P . M ., and P . D . G . M ., Isle of Wight . Treasurer ; Bro . J . WHITMORE , P . M ., 329 . Secretary : Bro . F . BINCKES , P . M ., 11 . The objects of the club are— .
" 1 . To maintain the constitutional supremacy and privileges of G . L . ¦ " 2 . To amend or modify—so far as can be done with a due regard to the preservation of the ancient landmarks of the Order—such of the Masonic laws and regulations as are found to operate prejudicially to the interests of the Craft . " 3 . To secure to Provincial Brethren a more active participation iu the proceedings of G . L .
" 4 . To promote the adoption of a liberal and enlightened policy towards Colonial Lodges . " 5 . To encourage throughout the Craft a more extended interest in the Charities of the Order . " 6 . To form a Masonic Library of Reference . " Entrance Fee , 5 s . ; Annual Subscription , 5 s . ; Election of Members by Ballot . The Club dines together before each G . L . ; Dinner , 2 s . 6 d ., Wine , 3 s . The Club now numbers upwards of Sixty Members . Brethren desirous of joining are requested to communicate with the Secretary , 3 , Lawn Villas , South Lambeth , London , S .
MASONIC AND GENERAL PRlNTlNe GFF 1 GE 8 , No . 1 , ARGYLE STREET , BATH . BHOS . PEACH AND GEORGE BEG to inform the Brethren that their offices are replete with a large variety of type , from the first founders , and every requisite for printing of any description . All orders executed in the best possible style , with accuracy and punctuality . .
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTERS OF ENGLAND AND WALES , AND THE COLONIES AND POSSESSIONS OF THE BRITISH CROWS . Bro . Tho LORD LEIGH , Grand Master . Bro . The EARL OF CARNARVON , Deputy Grand Master . T ODGES desirous of Uniting under the English Constitu-•* - ' tion , and Brethren wishing to obtain New Warrants to work the Mark degree , are requested to communicate with Bro . W . L . COLLINS , the Grand Secretary , at the Office of the Grand Lodge , No . 40 , Leicester Square , London .
WHITE'S WEST END MASONIC DEPOT , 14 , Green Street , Leicester Square , London . BROTHER . GEORGE WHITE , Mater of Masonic Clothing , Jewels , and Furniture , of every degree , in thanking his friends for their appreciation of his rule and practice iu business , assures them that he willcontinue to supply none but good work and materials , and that no copper lace will on any account be used , unless as an unwilling exception when especially ordered . Brother WHITE ' S terms being invariably for ready money , he is able to charge the lowest prices consistentwith fair trading . Orders of Merchants and Shippers , or from the Colonies direct , executed immediately at wholesale rate , on receipt of a remittance or reference for payment to a London House . Bro . ' WHITE will be glad to Purchase , or take in Exchange for other Pictures , any Paintings of a Masonic Character . Masonic Depot and Picture Gallery , 14 , Green Street , Leicester Square , London .
NOTICE . NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS . —We have to request our Subscribers to forward the amounts for which application has been made , either in Stamps , or by Post Office Order , at their earliest convenience . The Masonic Observer and Grand Lodge Chronicle is published early in March , June , September , and December ; and may be
obtained from the London Publishers , and through all local booksellers . , ¦ . •' SUBSCRIBERS may be supplied direct from the Office , by sending their subscriptions ( 2 s . per Annum ) in advance to Messrs . Peach and George , 1 , Argyle Street , Bath . TILERS of Lodges will be allowed 25 per cent , on all sums remitted to Bros . Peach and George .
ADVERTISEMENTS may be sent to Bros . Peach and George , 1 , Argyle Street , Bath ; or , to Brc . G . White , 14 , Green Street , Leicester Square , London ; by the 1 st of March , June , September , and December .
BATH : Printed and Published by Bros . PEACH and GEORGE , No . 1 , Argyle Street . LOUDON : Published by SIMPKIN , MARSHALL , and CO ., Stationers ' Hall Court , E . C . ; and Sold by G . WHITE , 14 , Green Street , Leicester Square , W . C . ; H . M . ARLISS , 15 , Great Queen Street , W . C . ; STANFORD , Charing Cross , S . W . ; and all Booksellers in London and the Country .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
MASONIC QUARTERLY PAPER . rpHE MASONIC OBSERVER AND GRAND LODGE J _ CHRONICLE is published early in March , June , September , aiid December ; and contains a full Report of the pro . ceedings in the previous GKANH LODGE , as well as Articles upon the various subjects affecting the welfare of the Craft . It is intended to meet a rapidly increasing demand for fuller information upon matters of general , as distinguished from local , interest . The actual condition of Masonry at home and in the Colonies , its policy , ' the measures required for its progress and efficiency , as well as the state of its Charities , are the subjects principally noticed . The . great success that has attended the establishment of this Paper , leads the Proprietors to hope that it will be recognised as a useful medium of information , as well as of mutual communication , by the Craft at large .
MASONIC BOOKS , & c , KOW ON SALE AT BHO . R . E . PEACH'S No . 8 , BRIDGE STREET , BATH . HISTORICAL LANDMARKS OF FREEMASONRY . By the Rev . GEORGE OLIVER , D . D . Largo paper copy . Two vols . Scarce . THE ANTIQUITIES OF FREEMASONRY . By the Rev . G . OLIVER , D . D . 8 vo . CHRONOL 0 GIE DE L'HISTOIRE DE LA FRANCHE-MACONNERIE , Fraucaise et Etrangere . -Two-vols . 8 vo . Scarce . Shortly will be Published , A CATALOGUE of Valuable NEW and SECOND-HAND WORKS . Bro . PEACH , S , Bridge Street ) Bath .
GRAND LODGE CLUB . President : Bro . J . UDALL , P . M ., 10 , and P . G . D , Vice-Presidents : Bro . J . B . STEBBINGP . M . and P . P . G . S . Hants
, , , Bro . J . H . HEAEN , P . M ., and P . D . G . M ., Isle of Wight . Treasurer ; Bro . J . WHITMORE , P . M ., 329 . Secretary : Bro . F . BINCKES , P . M ., 11 . The objects of the club are— .
" 1 . To maintain the constitutional supremacy and privileges of G . L . ¦ " 2 . To amend or modify—so far as can be done with a due regard to the preservation of the ancient landmarks of the Order—such of the Masonic laws and regulations as are found to operate prejudicially to the interests of the Craft . " 3 . To secure to Provincial Brethren a more active participation iu the proceedings of G . L .
" 4 . To promote the adoption of a liberal and enlightened policy towards Colonial Lodges . " 5 . To encourage throughout the Craft a more extended interest in the Charities of the Order . " 6 . To form a Masonic Library of Reference . " Entrance Fee , 5 s . ; Annual Subscription , 5 s . ; Election of Members by Ballot . The Club dines together before each G . L . ; Dinner , 2 s . 6 d ., Wine , 3 s . The Club now numbers upwards of Sixty Members . Brethren desirous of joining are requested to communicate with the Secretary , 3 , Lawn Villas , South Lambeth , London , S .
MASONIC AND GENERAL PRlNTlNe GFF 1 GE 8 , No . 1 , ARGYLE STREET , BATH . BHOS . PEACH AND GEORGE BEG to inform the Brethren that their offices are replete with a large variety of type , from the first founders , and every requisite for printing of any description . All orders executed in the best possible style , with accuracy and punctuality . .
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTERS OF ENGLAND AND WALES , AND THE COLONIES AND POSSESSIONS OF THE BRITISH CROWS . Bro . Tho LORD LEIGH , Grand Master . Bro . The EARL OF CARNARVON , Deputy Grand Master . T ODGES desirous of Uniting under the English Constitu-•* - ' tion , and Brethren wishing to obtain New Warrants to work the Mark degree , are requested to communicate with Bro . W . L . COLLINS , the Grand Secretary , at the Office of the Grand Lodge , No . 40 , Leicester Square , London .
WHITE'S WEST END MASONIC DEPOT , 14 , Green Street , Leicester Square , London . BROTHER . GEORGE WHITE , Mater of Masonic Clothing , Jewels , and Furniture , of every degree , in thanking his friends for their appreciation of his rule and practice iu business , assures them that he willcontinue to supply none but good work and materials , and that no copper lace will on any account be used , unless as an unwilling exception when especially ordered . Brother WHITE ' S terms being invariably for ready money , he is able to charge the lowest prices consistentwith fair trading . Orders of Merchants and Shippers , or from the Colonies direct , executed immediately at wholesale rate , on receipt of a remittance or reference for payment to a London House . Bro . ' WHITE will be glad to Purchase , or take in Exchange for other Pictures , any Paintings of a Masonic Character . Masonic Depot and Picture Gallery , 14 , Green Street , Leicester Square , London .
NOTICE . NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS . —We have to request our Subscribers to forward the amounts for which application has been made , either in Stamps , or by Post Office Order , at their earliest convenience . The Masonic Observer and Grand Lodge Chronicle is published early in March , June , September , and December ; and may be
obtained from the London Publishers , and through all local booksellers . , ¦ . •' SUBSCRIBERS may be supplied direct from the Office , by sending their subscriptions ( 2 s . per Annum ) in advance to Messrs . Peach and George , 1 , Argyle Street , Bath . TILERS of Lodges will be allowed 25 per cent , on all sums remitted to Bros . Peach and George .
ADVERTISEMENTS may be sent to Bros . Peach and George , 1 , Argyle Street , Bath ; or , to Brc . G . White , 14 , Green Street , Leicester Square , London ; by the 1 st of March , June , September , and December .
BATH : Printed and Published by Bros . PEACH and GEORGE , No . 1 , Argyle Street . LOUDON : Published by SIMPKIN , MARSHALL , and CO ., Stationers ' Hall Court , E . C . ; and Sold by G . WHITE , 14 , Green Street , Leicester Square , W . C . ; H . M . ARLISS , 15 , Great Queen Street , W . C . ; STANFORD , Charing Cross , S . W . ; and all Booksellers in London and the Country .