Article REPORT OF GRAND LODGE. ← Page 3 of 6 →
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Report Of Grand Lodge.
the . same authority as theG . M . ( Hear . ) Masonry recognized the glitter of no coronet . ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . Beadon rose again , but was assailed with cries of " Spoke !" " Spoke ! " so vigorously and so continuously , that he sat down . The Grand Master said , Bro . Beadon was rising to reply . ( Loud cries of " There ' s no motion before the Grand Lodge . " ) The Rev . Bro . John Day said there was a motion before the Grand Lodge , proposed and seconded . Great confusion ensued , and Bro . Savage contended that Bro .
Beadon was in order if he spoke to the motion before the Grand Lodge . Bro . Fleming acting Dep . G . M ., said the motion itself was out of order , and could not be made or spoken to , because no notice had been given of it . Bro . H . G . Warren suggested that Bro . Burlton should go on with his motion . ( Hear , hear , and applause . ) Bro . Best asked what motion there was at that moment before Grand Lodge ? ( Hear , hear . ) _ Bro . Binckes regretted the somewhat personal turn which the discussion had taken
. Ho hoped there would he no more time wasted , and that the Grand Master would at once decide what business should be proceeded with . The Lodge had been declared open in due form : the acting Grand Master had recognised its legality , and let the business proceed . ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . Havers attempted to speak again ; but the Brethren would not hear him . He was greeted with vociferous cries of "Spoke , spoke ! " and sundry observations of an angry and uncomplimentary nature , mixed up with charges of " conspiring to speak against time , " & c , so as to defeat the objects for which the Grand ' Lodge was
adjourned . It was now nine o ' clock , the acting Grand Master having permitted the whole of the hour to be wasted in discussing the legality of the Lodge , although the acting Grand Master on the previous ' occasion had declared it legally adjourned , and he himself had declared it " open in due form . " Bro . Savage said he had known and attended Grand Lodge twenty years . It had never adjourned ; and it had been ruled that the power of adjournment did not exist . They had had " special" Grand
Lodges . Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon deprecated the waste of a whole hour in this desultory conversation , after the Lodge had been declared open in due form by the representative of the Grand Master , having been legally adjourned on the previous occasion by the Brother who was then acting for the Grand Master , although he conducted himself as a partisan rather than anything else . ( Loud and angry cries of " Order , order , " from the dais ; loud and protracted cheering from the body of the Lodge . )
The Rev . Bro . Cox , energetically : " I do entreat the Brethren , as men and as Masons , to conduct themselves as gentlemen . ( Loud cheers and laughter . ) You may laugh , Brethren ; and I regret to see Brethren of my own profession urging you on . " ( Loud cries of "Oh , oh ! " "Disgraceful ! " and "Unmasonic ! ' ^) Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon here rose . The Grand Master called him to order . The Brethren called loudly for him to proceed . The Grand Master said if lie was not supported ho should leave the chair , a statement which caused great confusion of mingled cheers , laughter , and cries of " Order , order . "
THE COLONIAL QUESTION . Bro . Col . Burlton resumed the business at the point at which it left off last Grand Lodge . He moved that the Report of the Colonial Committee ( read at last Grand Lodge , and given verbatim in the last number of the Freemason ' s Magazine ) bo received . The Rev . Bro . Portal seconded Bro , Bnrlton ' s motion , and said : " In seconding the adoption of this Report , there is only one alteration which I should wish to see made . I don ' t think the Board should be elected at the same time as the Board of General Purposes . ( Hear ,
hear . ) Instead of June , therefore , it would bo better to say—" Grand Master : " The Brother cannot second a resolution and move an amendment upon it at the same time . " ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . Portal : " Well then , I shall content myself with throwing out this as a suggestion , and if any Brother moves it as an amendment , it will not be objected to . I am sorry that some of the Brethren should have withdrawn from Grand Lodge , as if the acting Grand Master were not a proper representative of the M . W . the Grand Master , when absent , which is often the case . ( Hear , hear . ) For the Constitutions
give the Chairman express authority to decide what is " order" and what is not , and his decision is of equal force witli that of the G . M . himself . ( Hear , hear . ) There is no use in denying the fact , that the Canadian petition was for three years unattended to , ( Hear , hear , and cries of "Shame , shame ! " ) The Grand Lodge , as a whole , would suffer in case the Canadians should rebel , and that will certainly be the result unless something be done . ( Hear , hear . ) If you carry this proposition , such a case as that of our Canadian Brethren can never occur again , as you will sec what documents are sent from time to time , and will have opportunities for making motions thereon .
Here we have Canadian Lodges driven into rebellion ! I maintain that the Grand Master , ' fraud Secretary , Grand Registrar , and whoever you like , are nothing more than our officers , to cany on our business , the business of Grand Lodge , and not their own business . ( Hear , hear . ) AVe have a right to know what that business is , as it interests us far more than it can interest them . We recommend that this business should pass through the hands of this committee , and then you will see whether it is managed or mismanaged . " ( Hear , hear . )
Bro . Gole attempted to speak , but was received with impatient noises and interruption , and cries of " Question , question . " He would say a few words by way of introduction . ( Cries of " We have laid introduction enough , " and laughter . ) He wished to light the calamet of peace . ( Hear , hear , and laughter . ) The Brother appeared to be desirous of reopening the question as to the legality of the Lodge , but the Grand Lodge would not permit him . The motion wns then em-rind .
THE GRAND MASTER ' S COMMUNICATION . Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon said : " Right Worshipful Sir , the motion which I have now to propose , follows , as a natural consequence , that which has preceded it , and to which G . L . has just agreed . My motion is , to refer the communication of the II . W ., the Grand Master to the board which you have just appointed . ( Hear , hear . ) If the members of that board arc men of experience and judgment , as we believe them to bethe matter cannot be placed in better hands .
, Indeed , the Brethren have only two alternatives which they can adopt . You must cither deal with this communication from the Grand Master now , in whatever way seems good to you , or refer it to that committee , but I believe , myself , that it would be far easier , far pleasanter to the Grand Lodge , to avoid the unsatisfactory task of themselves dealing with the communication , by referring it to the Colonial Board which has just been appointed . In fact , I think , it would be best to do so under any circumstances . But under any
circumstances let it be understood by the Grand Lodge that they are responsible for the issue of this letter ; for the Grand Master , in language too emphatic to be misunderstood—in language which I wish the Grand Lodge to remember once for all—has told us that he himself now submits his communication to us 'to consider and decide . ' Therefore , up to this time , the Grand Master has managed the matter for himself : for the future , with yon rests the responsibility . ( Hear , hear . ) It is cast entirely upon your shoulders ( hear , hear ) , and
I implore you for your own sakes not to arrive at any conclusion of which your judgment docs not fully approve . I don ' t like to go back into the past . ( Hear , hear . ) The references which have already been made have excited feelings which I have regretted to see disp layed ; but in the presence of a necessary duty , personal feelings , personal sensitiveness , cannot be regarded . I shall not recapitulate . the stages by which we have arrived at the present unhappy state of affairs ; I have no wish to trespass on the time of the Grand Lodge , and I shall therefore shorten the matter as far as
possible . In 1853 , we find the first evidence of any discontent in Canada . The Canadian Lodges had a conference at Hamilton , at which they stated their grievances and complaints , in a petition which was forwarded to England , they urged the want of harmony in the Canadian Lodges , the irregularity of communications between England and Canada , and last , but not ' least , the unsatisfactory position of the Prov . Grand Master . This , in fact , was the principal complaint , this is the point which mainly claims your attention this evening . They complained of the position of the Prov . Grand
Master as part and parcel of the whole system of nomineeisin , which is justly so distasteful to them . They complained that he was holding an irresponsible position , and that they had neither a concurrent voice in the management of the affairs , nor any check upon his proceedings . ( Hear . ) No notice whatever was " taken of this communication . They met again , and embodied their grievances in a set of resolutions . What became of those resolutions , I ask ? It is sufficient to say that there was no reply . ( Cries of ' Shame ! ' ) Now Brethrencan you wonder that as time flew bin a manner little
, y reckoned of by us in England , it was counted by days and weeks in Canada ? For three years , in the words of your own Board of General Purposes—three years , three long years—the Canadian communication was unattended to , and even unacknowledged ; and now , who can wonder that hope deferred produced its natural results ? Do you wonder that such neglect ripened into bitter fruit the seeds of discontent which had been sown ? ( Loud cries of' No ! ' ) To those who cry " no , " 1 say only look at the consequences . Then
it was , at last , with a precipitancy which I deplore , which I condemn , but at which I am not astonished , that finding they could not obtain relief from England , some of the Canadian Lodges seceded . Perhaps they will never be reunited , to those under our jurisdiction . But there are others who have remained true and faithful to their allegiance . ( . Cheers . ) I wish , indeed , that my voice might bo heard across the Atlantic , that I could express my unfeigned respect and sympathy for those who , despite of the disappointments which they
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Report Of Grand Lodge.
the . same authority as theG . M . ( Hear . ) Masonry recognized the glitter of no coronet . ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . Beadon rose again , but was assailed with cries of " Spoke !" " Spoke ! " so vigorously and so continuously , that he sat down . The Grand Master said , Bro . Beadon was rising to reply . ( Loud cries of " There ' s no motion before the Grand Lodge . " ) The Rev . Bro . John Day said there was a motion before the Grand Lodge , proposed and seconded . Great confusion ensued , and Bro . Savage contended that Bro .
Beadon was in order if he spoke to the motion before the Grand Lodge . Bro . Fleming acting Dep . G . M ., said the motion itself was out of order , and could not be made or spoken to , because no notice had been given of it . Bro . H . G . Warren suggested that Bro . Burlton should go on with his motion . ( Hear , hear , and applause . ) Bro . Best asked what motion there was at that moment before Grand Lodge ? ( Hear , hear . ) _ Bro . Binckes regretted the somewhat personal turn which the discussion had taken
. Ho hoped there would he no more time wasted , and that the Grand Master would at once decide what business should be proceeded with . The Lodge had been declared open in due form : the acting Grand Master had recognised its legality , and let the business proceed . ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . Havers attempted to speak again ; but the Brethren would not hear him . He was greeted with vociferous cries of "Spoke , spoke ! " and sundry observations of an angry and uncomplimentary nature , mixed up with charges of " conspiring to speak against time , " & c , so as to defeat the objects for which the Grand ' Lodge was
adjourned . It was now nine o ' clock , the acting Grand Master having permitted the whole of the hour to be wasted in discussing the legality of the Lodge , although the acting Grand Master on the previous ' occasion had declared it legally adjourned , and he himself had declared it " open in due form . " Bro . Savage said he had known and attended Grand Lodge twenty years . It had never adjourned ; and it had been ruled that the power of adjournment did not exist . They had had " special" Grand
Lodges . Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon deprecated the waste of a whole hour in this desultory conversation , after the Lodge had been declared open in due form by the representative of the Grand Master , having been legally adjourned on the previous occasion by the Brother who was then acting for the Grand Master , although he conducted himself as a partisan rather than anything else . ( Loud and angry cries of " Order , order , " from the dais ; loud and protracted cheering from the body of the Lodge . )
The Rev . Bro . Cox , energetically : " I do entreat the Brethren , as men and as Masons , to conduct themselves as gentlemen . ( Loud cheers and laughter . ) You may laugh , Brethren ; and I regret to see Brethren of my own profession urging you on . " ( Loud cries of "Oh , oh ! " "Disgraceful ! " and "Unmasonic ! ' ^) Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon here rose . The Grand Master called him to order . The Brethren called loudly for him to proceed . The Grand Master said if lie was not supported ho should leave the chair , a statement which caused great confusion of mingled cheers , laughter , and cries of " Order , order . "
THE COLONIAL QUESTION . Bro . Col . Burlton resumed the business at the point at which it left off last Grand Lodge . He moved that the Report of the Colonial Committee ( read at last Grand Lodge , and given verbatim in the last number of the Freemason ' s Magazine ) bo received . The Rev . Bro . Portal seconded Bro , Bnrlton ' s motion , and said : " In seconding the adoption of this Report , there is only one alteration which I should wish to see made . I don ' t think the Board should be elected at the same time as the Board of General Purposes . ( Hear ,
hear . ) Instead of June , therefore , it would bo better to say—" Grand Master : " The Brother cannot second a resolution and move an amendment upon it at the same time . " ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . Portal : " Well then , I shall content myself with throwing out this as a suggestion , and if any Brother moves it as an amendment , it will not be objected to . I am sorry that some of the Brethren should have withdrawn from Grand Lodge , as if the acting Grand Master were not a proper representative of the M . W . the Grand Master , when absent , which is often the case . ( Hear , hear . ) For the Constitutions
give the Chairman express authority to decide what is " order" and what is not , and his decision is of equal force witli that of the G . M . himself . ( Hear , hear . ) There is no use in denying the fact , that the Canadian petition was for three years unattended to , ( Hear , hear , and cries of "Shame , shame ! " ) The Grand Lodge , as a whole , would suffer in case the Canadians should rebel , and that will certainly be the result unless something be done . ( Hear , hear . ) If you carry this proposition , such a case as that of our Canadian Brethren can never occur again , as you will sec what documents are sent from time to time , and will have opportunities for making motions thereon .
Here we have Canadian Lodges driven into rebellion ! I maintain that the Grand Master , ' fraud Secretary , Grand Registrar , and whoever you like , are nothing more than our officers , to cany on our business , the business of Grand Lodge , and not their own business . ( Hear , hear . ) AVe have a right to know what that business is , as it interests us far more than it can interest them . We recommend that this business should pass through the hands of this committee , and then you will see whether it is managed or mismanaged . " ( Hear , hear . )
Bro . Gole attempted to speak , but was received with impatient noises and interruption , and cries of " Question , question . " He would say a few words by way of introduction . ( Cries of " We have laid introduction enough , " and laughter . ) He wished to light the calamet of peace . ( Hear , hear , and laughter . ) The Brother appeared to be desirous of reopening the question as to the legality of the Lodge , but the Grand Lodge would not permit him . The motion wns then em-rind .
THE GRAND MASTER ' S COMMUNICATION . Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon said : " Right Worshipful Sir , the motion which I have now to propose , follows , as a natural consequence , that which has preceded it , and to which G . L . has just agreed . My motion is , to refer the communication of the II . W ., the Grand Master to the board which you have just appointed . ( Hear , hear . ) If the members of that board arc men of experience and judgment , as we believe them to bethe matter cannot be placed in better hands .
, Indeed , the Brethren have only two alternatives which they can adopt . You must cither deal with this communication from the Grand Master now , in whatever way seems good to you , or refer it to that committee , but I believe , myself , that it would be far easier , far pleasanter to the Grand Lodge , to avoid the unsatisfactory task of themselves dealing with the communication , by referring it to the Colonial Board which has just been appointed . In fact , I think , it would be best to do so under any circumstances . But under any
circumstances let it be understood by the Grand Lodge that they are responsible for the issue of this letter ; for the Grand Master , in language too emphatic to be misunderstood—in language which I wish the Grand Lodge to remember once for all—has told us that he himself now submits his communication to us 'to consider and decide . ' Therefore , up to this time , the Grand Master has managed the matter for himself : for the future , with yon rests the responsibility . ( Hear , hear . ) It is cast entirely upon your shoulders ( hear , hear ) , and
I implore you for your own sakes not to arrive at any conclusion of which your judgment docs not fully approve . I don ' t like to go back into the past . ( Hear , hear . ) The references which have already been made have excited feelings which I have regretted to see disp layed ; but in the presence of a necessary duty , personal feelings , personal sensitiveness , cannot be regarded . I shall not recapitulate . the stages by which we have arrived at the present unhappy state of affairs ; I have no wish to trespass on the time of the Grand Lodge , and I shall therefore shorten the matter as far as
possible . In 1853 , we find the first evidence of any discontent in Canada . The Canadian Lodges had a conference at Hamilton , at which they stated their grievances and complaints , in a petition which was forwarded to England , they urged the want of harmony in the Canadian Lodges , the irregularity of communications between England and Canada , and last , but not ' least , the unsatisfactory position of the Prov . Grand Master . This , in fact , was the principal complaint , this is the point which mainly claims your attention this evening . They complained of the position of the Prov . Grand
Master as part and parcel of the whole system of nomineeisin , which is justly so distasteful to them . They complained that he was holding an irresponsible position , and that they had neither a concurrent voice in the management of the affairs , nor any check upon his proceedings . ( Hear . ) No notice whatever was " taken of this communication . They met again , and embodied their grievances in a set of resolutions . What became of those resolutions , I ask ? It is sufficient to say that there was no reply . ( Cries of ' Shame ! ' ) Now Brethrencan you wonder that as time flew bin a manner little
, y reckoned of by us in England , it was counted by days and weeks in Canada ? For three years , in the words of your own Board of General Purposes—three years , three long years—the Canadian communication was unattended to , and even unacknowledged ; and now , who can wonder that hope deferred produced its natural results ? Do you wonder that such neglect ripened into bitter fruit the seeds of discontent which had been sown ? ( Loud cries of' No ! ' ) To those who cry " no , " 1 say only look at the consequences . Then
it was , at last , with a precipitancy which I deplore , which I condemn , but at which I am not astonished , that finding they could not obtain relief from England , some of the Canadian Lodges seceded . Perhaps they will never be reunited , to those under our jurisdiction . But there are others who have remained true and faithful to their allegiance . ( . Cheers . ) I wish , indeed , that my voice might bo heard across the Atlantic , that I could express my unfeigned respect and sympathy for those who , despite of the disappointments which they